Oct. 22, 2024

Nutro Dog Food Reviews

Top 5 Ingredients*
  1. Chicken meal

  2. Ground whole wheat

  3. Wheat flour

  4. Ground rice

  5. Rice bran

Artificial Ingredients No
Contains By-products No
Price Range $$
*Nutro MAX® Adult Natural Chicken Meal & Rice Recipe was selected as the recipe for this ingredient list
What's good about this pet food
  • Animal protein
  • Grain free formulas
What's not so good about this pet food
  • Corn gluten meal
  • Wheat

Our Analysis

Nutro Dog Food gets just an average rating from us. The Nutro Company makes three different lines of dog food: Nutro Natural Choice, Nutro Max, and Nutro Ultra. All of their formulas contain animal protein as the main ingredient, and some of the formulas contain flaxseed and sunflower oils, which are very good sources of Omega fatty acids for healthy skin and coats.

The Nutro Natural Choice formulas are corn and wheat-free, making them safe for dogs that suffer from food allergies. The Nutro Ultra line uses rice as grain, which is easily digested and contains fibre. However, the inclusion of three different forms of rice may make these formulas a bit heavy on the carbohydrates.

We are not fond of the fact that the Nutro Max line uses corn gluten meal and wheat ingredients, which are nutritionally worthless for dogs, and could cause allergies. We recommend the Natural Choice line over the Ultra and Max lines, as it seems to contain higher quality ingredients.

The Word on the Street...

Customer reviews of Nutro Dog Food are mixed. Some say that their dogs eat this food up happily, and that they are healthy, energetic, and fit as a result. Many dog owners like the fact that there is plenty of protein in these formulas, and that the protein comes from real animal tissue as opposed to plant-based proteins. The Nutro Natural Choice formulas are quite popular as they are made with natural ingredients, and dogs seem to like the taste.

However, quite a few people reported that their dogs got very sick after eating Nutro Dog Food. Many dog owners reported vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy in their dogs after consuming this food. Some dogs seem to develop food allergies from the Nutro Max formulas, which contain corn gluten meal and wheat ingredients. Based on customer reviews, it seems that dog owners with allergy prone dogs should either stick to the Nutro Natural Choice formulas, or find another brand that does not contain corn, wheat, or soy products.

  • JoeUSA

    Our toy poodle who is a picky eater loves the Nutro lamb and rice canned food, she devours it! she also likes MAX beef & rice dinner.

  • JJ

    I’ve been feeding my dog (Yorkie) this dry food “Chicken, Oatmeal, Rice” small breed adult (Calif.) for 5 years with no issues. I’m concerned about this “new formula” Is it a bad lot & only in certain states? I’ve never had any problems & she loves it

  • Tom

    I bought a bag of Nutro max for our four dogs. At first they ate it except for our American cockerspaniel who refused it. Within a week our 1 1/2 yr old Doberman got diarrhea and began vomiting as did our Pug. Lastly our four year old Doberman began getting diarrhea. Switched all off Nutro and on to Canidae which they loved and all seem Ok now! Can’t recommend this food!

  • Linda

    Just bought my chihuahua and mixed chihuahua a bag of Nutro crunchy peanut butter treats. My dogs aren’t fussy but after chewing for a few minutes they both spit out the treat. Shortly thereafter my mix started vomiting and this continued off and on for 15 minutes. My chi vomited once. Has anyone had this experience with these treats?

  • Andy

    Has anyone tried the Nutro natural choice. I am getting a Golden Retriever puppy in 2 weeks and was recommended this by the dog trainer at PetCo, now I am a little scared by reading all the reviews. anyone have any insight?

  • Tina

    We have 4 dogs from 2 to 10 yrs old. 1 shitzu, and 3 jack russell terriers. We had been feeding the youngest the Nutro natural choice puppy. the rest were on Nutro NC adult. about 3 weeks ago we decided to switch the 2 younger ones to Nutro NC adult. There must be a bad batch of this food. They kept having soft stools, and sometimes would vomit a yellow bile. The 2 older dogs were given Nutro NC senior. They did not like it at all. they would turn away from their plates. I was away for a week and when I came back each and everyone of them had lost between 1 to 1 1/2 pounds. I immediately disposed the Nutro product and replaced it with another brand.
    Hope this helps

  • O.S.

    My dog has been eating this food for about 3 months no problem. I recently bought a new bunch of cans of the Senior Natural Lamb and Rice Chunks Wet Food; within 8 hours my dog was violently ill vomiting bright yellow bile every 1-2 hours. As a 13 year old dog, this was life threatening and she quickly dehydrated. I resorted to giving her 1 tablespoon of water through a baby syringe every hour which is very dangerous because she could aspirate it into her lungs, but it was probably what saved her life! I had to be careful to squirt it sideways on her tongue instead of straight back into her mouth, and she slowly lapped a little bit up at a time. It was a Sunday and my vet was on holiday, so I couldn’t get anyone to see her until Monday. At the vet she immediately got SC fluids, antibiotic shot, cerenia shot, and antiobiotic pills to start her on the next day if she could stomach them. They also did a blood test and her liver/kidneys came back fine. It’s now Friday and she’s recovering, but she went from her healthy 9.4 lb to 7lb even after they restored her fluids.

    If your dog gets sick please keep the bag/can. I contacted Nutro today and they reached out to me within hours of my email. They took my vet’s information and the information off the can of food so they can open an investigation. Please contact them so they know more people are having problems; don’t just post on other websites!

  • Guyi2406

    I have a 3 year old Chihuahua mix and I have switched him from Pedigree to Iams to Nutro Ultra. He loves it and is a healthy and energetic as usual. After going thru all the reviews for all the brand I decided that it’s just a matter of luck and what suits your dog or pet the best. Seems that all brands suck. So I’m sticking to Nutro Ultra for my pet.

  • Janet Peloski

    Nutro Dog Food needs to be taken off the shelfs! All of it in the whole United States of America! The FDA warned people about the Dog Treats the other day. Why don’t they warn people about Nutro Dog Food? My dog became so ill that she almost died from Nutro Senior Chicken And Rice Dog Food. I changed her food and slowly she became better. She had pancreatis 3 times and couldn’t even walk. She had the diarrhea so bad and was hardly moving at all at the end. I took her off the food and no more pancreatis. Her liver is bad though due to this food and it won’t get better. She is now 12 years old and this happened when she was 11 years old. I read every week about people’s dogs getting sick and dying. Consumer Reviews. It makes me so sick. Please people don’t feed your Dogs this food ever.

    • melanie

      Contact FDA. They are very interested in the Natural Choice Dog food by Nutro. Too many animals are experiencing this same type of reaction. Most are happening with the NEW Formula. My dog had the same issues. Once taken off the New Formula – after 4 days he returned to normal.

    • Susan McDevitt

      I am writing this with sadness today. I bought a bag of Nutro Natural Choice for Senior Chicken, Whole Brown Rice & Oatmeal Formula to feed my 13 1/2 yrs. old dog. I thought with a 5 star rating it would be a great food for her. I fed her one feeding and in the next 24 hours she had died. She was not sick prior to this. I keep second guessing myself about not doing enough research about this brand and could not forgive myself if anyone else would loose their pet to this. She was more than a pet to us and our hearts are broken. Not for sure where to report this or have the bag of food checked.

      • John

        Both my dogs died after getting tumors all over their stomaches.

  • Stephanie

    My English Mastiff had been on Nutro Large breed for 5 years. I got her a new bagbof food and within 1 week she died! We originally thought it was old age for a giant breed but after recalling events, like her vomiting 2 days prior and not eating, which we thought was from the 95° weather we had for a week. We got up one morning and she wouldn’t get up. Within 2 hours she was dead. We had given her food to a relative and as we speak they are at the emergency vet. This is not a random incident!! Beware of Nutro dog food!!!

    • Melanie

      Contact the FDA. They are very interested in this brand of dog food and are investing it for a recall. The New Formula has made many dogs ill and many have died.

  • wba

    My vet switched my spaniel to this to end his allergies (Lamb & Salmon versions). It worked and we have stuck with the brand. He lived 16 yrs, my Samoyed lived 17 yrs. Seems to be a good product so my current dogs are on it as well. Think we may have gotten a bad bag, though, as three seem to be having upset stomachs this week…(Lamb & Rice small dog)

  • well informed

    Those who are not specific about the illness of their dogs illness and brand of food are negative writers and possibly paid by companies to impose negativity on certain products. With that being said, some are paid to praise companies. Be wise. If your gets diarrhea, take the food back and get a newer bag, wait 12 to 24 hoursand if ithas not resolved or improved, see a vet. ALL BRANDS of dog and cat food will have recalls, just as human food does. Human error is the cause of most recalls. Therefore trust your instinct, you know whats best for YOUR PET. Don’t trust any post unless you know them personally!!

    • melanie

      Could you be paid by a certain Pet Food Company? Hundreds of dogs have been stricken with severe illness after being fed the NEW and Improved Formula from Nutra/Natural Choice. My dog was on the same Natural Choice food for years. Once he ate the new and improved formula, within 4 days he had blood in his urine, blood in stool. Took him off food and within four days he was well.

      • chacharocks

        Yes some companies have paid employees who get involved in discussions to credit their food. Nutro is one of them.

    • John

      Well informed?
      You are a paid shill.
      Jogg on!

  • Mary Jo

    May 12, 2013..fed my Norwegian elkhound nothing but nutro food since a pup…lost her last July to kidney failure….wonder if food was an issue…

  • bo

    Both of my dogs died of cancer after 1 yr on this food. 7 y/o std. poodle with lymphoma. 12 y/o rat terrier with skin cancer. Doth healthy and happy. Food smelled like burnt electrical fire.

    • Jason

      Why would you keep feeding them something that smelt like burnt electrical?

      • John

        It doesnt take long at all for Nutro dog food to do damage. I should have sued them years ago but i never thought it could be the food. My 2 dogs had huge tumors. Nutro is a Devil company.

  • Tucker

    Our 4 yr old yellow lab has been on this food for years, the Nutro brand for lrg breeds, a few weeks ago he began having diarrhea, we took all his food away and did the hamburger and rice thing for a few days and he got better. We were due for a new bag of food and got the Nutro brand for sensitive stomach, he started to vomit yellow foamy liquid, so we did the hamburger/rice again. Today we gave him a cup of the Nutro food and after eating he needed to vomit and was lethargic after. We looked up the food just out of curiosity and came across these comments and others on consumerreviews, We will no longer be feeding him this food and I will be contacting our vet, the pet store and the fda tomorrow. I feel horrible for my dog and i hope the Nutro company has enough sense to pull the product and investigate!

    • Cindy

      Our 9 1/2 year old lab Libby, has been eating Nutro since birth, as recommended by her breeder. For the last 4 weeks, she’s been throwing up frequently after eating Nutro, which we initially attributed to the pieces of apples we give her in the morning. Now that we’ve read the horror stories of dogs not only becoming violently ill, but dying, we are convinced the new fomula of Nutro is the cause of her scary reaction. I’m so sad for all the families who have lost their beloved dogs due to this poisnous “new formula”… how would we have known that the tried and true Nutro dog food would end up killing them?
      I’m going to coneect with someone at the Nutro Company to let them know our dog is sick, and they need to re-test their dog food before another precious dog dies.

      • Jason

        4 weeks and you kept feeding her the same stuff?

  • Molly

    My dog has eaten Nutro his whole life (he’s 5 1/2). He got very sick from the new “reformulated” food. His tests came back normal at the vet, and he got better after I switched his food. I will never feed him Nutro again. Beware!!!!!!

    • Karen

      My two small dogs have eaten Nutro Lamb & Rice small bits their whole life. I noticed to color of the bag changed. Is that because it was a new formula? My Bijon has been vomiting and having bowel problems off and on. Wonder if it was a change in the dry food?

  • lisa

    Nutro’s “new improved” formulas are poisoning dogs! Check out the reviews at this website:

    My two dogs got very very sick on the new formulas!

    • Barb

      How do I know if I have a bag of the new formula, since I can’t remember when I purchased my current bag? I’ve been feeding my 8-year old mini poodle, Nutro’s Natural Choice Lite with lamb & rice mixed with Purina’s Pro-Plan Sensitive stomach & skin (salmon-based), for several years. His main medical issue is the development of lots of warts all over his body and face.

  • Jody

    (Wisconsin) I had received a brand new bag of Nutro MAX dog food from a friend after his dog had just passed away. Only 2 weeks after transitioning my dogs to this food, both developed terrible diarrhea, my female had a sever yeast infection flare up in her ear, and my perfectly healthy male had a SEIZURE. I immediately switched them back to their normal food and they have both been fine since. There have been over 1000 complaints about Nutro pet food on consumeraffairs.com. I will NEVER give my dogs this food again.

    • anneamrie

      It’s been nearly 2 weeks sice both of my Shih Tzu’s got sick from would I believe is the Nutro Natural Choice small breed Chicken, Rice and Oatmeal food “new formula”. I bought the bag on 1/31/13 but didn’t open it for about 4 days. It was the same food that they ate for yrs. Just a “new formula” I was told. I friend sent me this link today, http://www.consumeraffairs.com/pets/nutro.html that’s how I determined what is wrong with my dogs. I STOPED feeding it to them!!!!!!

  • fefesquared

    Bad Experience with Nutro Ultra? In New Jersey?

  • Lynn Grooms

    Last month, we noticed that the Nutro packaging (and I assume formulation) for senior dogs had changed. Has anyone’s dog been experiencing more and softer stools since the change?

    • Patti

      Yes, my 10 1/2 yr old former “iron stomach” Lab has had very soft stools since for the last couple of months… she is on the senior large dog Nutro formula and I’m beginning to worry.

  • Marcie

    I feed my dog Nutro all 8 years of his life. After they changed their recipe he was dead in 3 weeks. Liver, kidney, hair loss and dehydrated within 3 weeks. He is a house dog and didn’t “get into ANYTHING”. If you love your dog…don’t buy this product. I beg you. We are devastated!

    • Rose

      Marcy, I am so sorry for your loss. I just bought a bag of Nutro for my own dog because she is refusing to eat her usual food…. Now I’m having major second thoughts about feeding it to her. Would you mind saying which Nutro product it was that caused this tragedy? Thank you.

    • ioanna

      it happens the same thing to our beautiful golden retreiver.stay away

      • fefesquared

        What state did this occur?

  • cassie krietlow

    The last bag of nutro was “new and improved” my dog has had horrible diarrhea since. I bought new food and 12hrs later fine.

    • Rose

      Could someone who’s dog was made sick by Nutro’s new formula please say which product? There are a LOT of different Nutro foods out there. I have already bought a bag and was about to start feeding it when I read this. PLEASE HELP! Thank you.

  • kim

    Ive had my dog on nutro ultra for the past yr. up until this past week he was fine. one day after he ate acted different . vomit in pain didnt want to be held around stomach area. thirsty blood in stool. he wouldnt eat later that day or the next. finally got him on boiled rice & chicken for the remainder of the week. he was himself again. he is 2 yrs. playful wanting to eat. norma activity. i started to mix nutro back into his diet mixed with rice & chicken & he started getting sick agaain. i read several stories on dogs that were very sick & even died from this food. i was outraged! nothing is being done about it. a former emplyee spoke of many complaints but nothing was done. he is back on chicken & rice. happy & playful. beware & watch for any signs from your pets !

    • fefesquared

      What state did this occur in?

  • margaret

    to Joanne Peshek..all I have to say to your post is “HUH?”.

    • Mary Jane

      Today is the 5th day my 2 goldens have been sick with diarrhea and vomiting. Vet visits cost $300. I fed one dog more regular food as my vet suggested (NutroMax Senior)since she ate nothing in 4 days, and we woke up to a horrible surprise at 1:30 a.m. which was awful to clean. My other dog has only eaten 3 dog biscuits in 5 days. I have to feed her tonight which will be boiled chicken and not NutroMax Adult. They’re on antibiotics and had to be hydrated at the vet’s. I’M SWITCHING FOODS JUST TO BE SAFE.

More Information

Nutro Dog Food

The Nutro dog food brand is fairly well-known among dog owners. Nutro’s company has a long history, which spans nearly 90 years! Nutro markets their dog food formulas as being “made with natural ingredients plus added vitamins and minerals”. Some of the brands have high-quality ingredients than others. Make sure to choose the brand that is best for your dog!

Who is Makes Nutro?

The company who makes Nutro dog food is called Nutro Products, Inc. Though Nutro Products was founded in 1926, it is now owned by Mars, Inc. Nutro Porudcts was actually founded by a man named John Saleen, who first used the Nutro brand name. There are currently three Nutro brands produced by Nutro Products – Nutro MAX, Nutro ULTRA and Nutro Natural Choice.

Nutro Dog Food Recall

As of right now, Nutro dog food is listed on the FDA’s pet food recall website. Most of their recalled products were involved in the 2007 pet food recall that was related to contamination with melamine. Since other recalls may occur, it’s essential that you check before feeding your dog Nutro dog food. In order to make sure that your dog’s food is safe, it’s always highly recommended that you check the FDA’s pet food recall website. This will help you to stay updated on the latest pet food recall information.

Nutro Dog Food Ingredients

The main source of carbohydrates in most Nutro formulas comes from rice, with ingredients such as ground rice, whole brown rice and rice bran often being at the top of the ingredients list. Certain formulas, such as some puppy formulas and certain Nutro MAX formulas, do contain corn gluten meal among their first five ingredients. There are no chemical preservatives in any Nutro brand dog food formula.

Nutro Allergies

Since some Nutro formulas do contain corn gluten meal, this may mean that dogs with a corn allergy may experience symptoms when fed certain Nutro formulas. Due to the high amount of carbohydrates in Nutro dog food, some dogs with sensitive digestive systems may experience issues. When feeding your dog Nutro dog food, it’s always best if you thoroughly read the ingredients list, especially if your dog has special dietary requirements.

Nutro Recipes:

  • Nutro Natural Choice Puppy
  • Nutro Natural Choice Adult
  • Nutro Natural Choice Senior
  • Nutro Natural Choice Small Dogs
  • Nutro Natural Choice Medium Dogs
  • Nutro Natural Choice Large Dogs
  • Nutro Natural Choice Skin & Coat
  • Nutro Natural Choice Bone & Joints
  • Nutro Natural Choice Stomach Sensitivity
  • Nutro Natural Choice Food Intolerance
  • Nutro Natural Choice Weight Management
  • Nutro Natural Choice Immune System
  • Nutro Natural Choice High Energy
  • Nutro Natural Choice Oral Health
  • Nutro MAX Puppy
  • Nutro MAX Adult Dog
  • Nutro MAX Senior Dog
  • Nutro MAX Small Dogs
  • Nutro MAX Medium Dogs
  • Nutro MAX Large Dogs
  • Nutro MAX Skin & Coat
  • Nutro MAX Stomach Sensitivity
  • Nutro MAX Weight Management
  • Nutro MAX Immune System
  • Nutro ULTRA Puppy
  • Nutro ULTRA Adult Dog
  • Nutro ULTRA Senior Dog
  • Nutro ULTRA Small Dogs
  • Nutro ULTRA Medium Dogs
  • Nutro ULTRA Large Dogs
  • Nutro ULTRA Skin & Coat
  • Nutro ULTRA Bone & Joints
  • Nutro ULTRA Weight Management
  • Nutro ULTRA Immune System

Nutro Consumer Info

Where can I buy Nutro?

You may be wondering, “Where can I buy Nutro Dog Food?”. To assist you, we have included links on the specific Nutro formula pages to purchase Nutro dog food.

How much Nutro should I feed my dog?

A common question that many pet owners have, is “How much Nutro dog food should I feed my dog?”. Since the answer is dependent on several factors (such as your dog’s age, weight, activity level, etc) always follow the specific instructions on your formula’s packaging.

Nutro Dog Food Coupons

Sometimes, pet food manufacturing companies will offer us coupons to share on our site. Are you searching for Nutro dog food printable coupons and online coupon codes? We will let you know when they are available, so please check back regularly for Nutro dog food coupons!

Ingredient List*

Nutro Dog Food Ingredient List

*for Nutro MAX® Adult Natural Chicken Meal & Rice Recipe

Nutro Coupons

Nutro Coupons

More Nutro Coupons…

45 Responses to Nutro

  1. JoeUSA July 6, 2015 at 9:33 am #

    Our toy poodle who is a picky eater loves the Nutro lamb and rice canned food, she devours it! she also likes MAX beef & rice dinner.

  2. JJ May 26, 2015 at 2:28 am #

    I’ve been feeding my dog (Yorkie) this dry food “Chicken, Oatmeal, Rice” small breed adult (Calif.) for 5 years with no issues. I’m concerned about this “new formula” Is it a bad lot & only in certain states? I’ve never had any problems & she loves it

  3. Tom May 10, 2015 at 9:35 pm #

    I bought a bag of Nutro max for our four dogs. At first they ate it except for our American cockerspaniel who refused it. Within a week our 1 1/2 yr old Doberman got diarrhea and began vomiting as did our Pug. Lastly our four year old Doberman began getting diarrhea. Switched all off Nutro and on to Canidae which they loved and all seem Ok now! Can’t recommend this food!

  4. Linda March 30, 2015 at 12:36 pm #

    Just bought my chihuahua and mixed chihuahua a bag of Nutro crunchy peanut butter treats. My dogs aren’t fussy but after chewing for a few minutes they both spit out the treat. Shortly thereafter my mix started vomiting and this continued off and on for 15 minutes. My chi vomited once. Has anyone had this experience with these treats?

  5. Andy March 23, 2015 at 4:40 pm #

    Has anyone tried the Nutro natural choice. I am getting a Golden Retriever puppy in 2 weeks and was recommended this by the dog trainer at PetCo, now I am a little scared by reading all the reviews. anyone have any insight?

  6. Tina March 13, 2015 at 12:45 pm #

    We have 4 dogs from 2 to 10 yrs old. 1 shitzu, and 3 jack russell terriers. We had been feeding the youngest the Nutro natural choice puppy. the rest were on Nutro NC adult. about 3 weeks ago we decided to switch the 2 younger ones to Nutro NC adult. There must be a bad batch of this food. They kept having soft stools, and sometimes would vomit a yellow bile. The 2 older dogs were given Nutro NC senior. They did not like it at all. they would turn away from their plates. I was away for a week and when I came back each and everyone of them had lost between 1 to 1 1/2 pounds. I immediately disposed the Nutro product and replaced it with another brand.
    Hope this helps

  7. O.S. October 17, 2014 at 5:15 pm #

    My dog has been eating this food for about 3 months no problem. I recently bought a new bunch of cans of the Senior Natural Lamb and Rice Chunks Wet Food; within 8 hours my dog was violently ill vomiting bright yellow bile every 1-2 hours. As a 13 year old dog, this was life threatening and she quickly dehydrated. I resorted to giving her 1 tablespoon of water through a baby syringe every hour which is very dangerous because she could aspirate it into her lungs, but it was probably what saved her life! I had to be careful to squirt it sideways on her tongue instead of straight back into her mouth, and she slowly lapped a little bit up at a time. It was a Sunday and my vet was on holiday, so I couldn’t get anyone to see her until Monday. At the vet she immediately got SC fluids, antibiotic shot, cerenia shot, and antiobiotic pills to start her on the next day if she could stomach them. They also did a blood test and her liver/kidneys came back fine. It’s now Friday and she’s recovering, but she went from her healthy 9.4 lb to 7lb even after they restored her fluids.

    If your dog gets sick please keep the bag/can. I contacted Nutro today and they reached out to me within hours of my email. They took my vet’s information and the information off the can of food so they can open an investigation. Please contact them so they know more people are having problems; don’t just post on other websites!

  8. Guyi2406 August 1, 2014 at 9:36 am #

    I have a 3 year old Chihuahua mix and I have switched him from Pedigree to Iams to Nutro Ultra. He loves it and is a healthy and energetic as usual. After going thru all the reviews for all the brand I decided that it’s just a matter of luck and what suits your dog or pet the best. Seems that all brands suck. So I’m sticking to Nutro Ultra for my pet.

  9. Janet Peloski October 26, 2013 at 11:34 am #

    Nutro Dog Food needs to be taken off the shelfs! All of it in the whole United States of America! The FDA warned people about the Dog Treats the other day. Why don’t they warn people about Nutro Dog Food? My dog became so ill that she almost died from Nutro Senior Chicken And Rice Dog Food. I changed her food and slowly she became better. She had pancreatis 3 times and couldn’t even walk. She had the diarrhea so bad and was hardly moving at all at the end. I took her off the food and no more pancreatis. Her liver is bad though due to this food and it won’t get better. She is now 12 years old and this happened when she was 11 years old. I read every week about people’s dogs getting sick and dying. Consumer Reviews. It makes me so sick. Please people don’t feed your Dogs this food ever.

    • melanie October 28, 2013 at 11:11 am #

      Contact FDA. They are very interested in the Natural Choice Dog food by Nutro. Too many animals are experiencing this same type of reaction. Most are happening with the NEW Formula. My dog had the same issues. Once taken off the New Formula – after 4 days he returned to normal.

    • Susan McDevitt December 5, 2013 at 11:30 am #

      I am writing this with sadness today. I bought a bag of Nutro Natural Choice for Senior Chicken, Whole Brown Rice & Oatmeal Formula to feed my 13 1/2 yrs. old dog. I thought with a 5 star rating it would be a great food for her. I fed her one feeding and in the next 24 hours she had died. She was not sick prior to this. I keep second guessing myself about not doing enough research about this brand and could not forgive myself if anyone else would loose their pet to this. She was more than a pet to us and our hearts are broken. Not for sure where to report this or have the bag of food checked.

      • John November 29, 2014 at 9:25 pm #

        Both my dogs died after getting tumors all over their stomaches.

  10. Stephanie September 12, 2013 at 11:23 pm #

    My English Mastiff had been on Nutro Large breed for 5 years. I got her a new bagbof food and within 1 week she died! We originally thought it was old age for a giant breed but after recalling events, like her vomiting 2 days prior and not eating, which we thought was from the 95° weather we had for a week. We got up one morning and she wouldn’t get up. Within 2 hours she was dead. We had given her food to a relative and as we speak they are at the emergency vet. This is not a random incident!! Beware of Nutro dog food!!!

    • Melanie October 28, 2013 at 11:12 am #

      Contact the FDA. They are very interested in this brand of dog food and are investing it for a recall. The New Formula has made many dogs ill and many have died.

  11. wba August 15, 2013 at 7:57 pm #

    My vet switched my spaniel to this to end his allergies (Lamb & Salmon versions). It worked and we have stuck with the brand. He lived 16 yrs, my Samoyed lived 17 yrs. Seems to be a good product so my current dogs are on it as well. Think we may have gotten a bad bag, though, as three seem to be having upset stomachs this week…(Lamb & Rice small dog)

  12. well informed August 4, 2013 at 2:26 pm #

    Those who are not specific about the illness of their dogs illness and brand of food are negative writers and possibly paid by companies to impose negativity on certain products. With that being said, some are paid to praise companies. Be wise. If your gets diarrhea, take the food back and get a newer bag, wait 12 to 24 hoursand if ithas not resolved or improved, see a vet. ALL BRANDS of dog and cat food will have recalls, just as human food does. Human error is the cause of most recalls. Therefore trust your instinct, you know whats best for YOUR PET. Don’t trust any post unless you know them personally!!

    • melanie October 28, 2013 at 11:14 am #

      Could you be paid by a certain Pet Food Company? Hundreds of dogs have been stricken with severe illness after being fed the NEW and Improved Formula from Nutra/Natural Choice. My dog was on the same Natural Choice food for years. Once he ate the new and improved formula, within 4 days he had blood in his urine, blood in stool. Took him off food and within four days he was well.

      • chacharocks March 23, 2015 at 11:44 am #

        Yes some companies have paid employees who get involved in discussions to credit their food. Nutro is one of them.

    • John November 29, 2014 at 9:28 pm #

      Well informed?
      You are a paid shill.
      Jogg on!

  13. Mary Jo May 12, 2013 at 6:21 pm #

    May 12, 2013..fed my Norwegian elkhound nothing but nutro food since a pup…lost her last July to kidney failure….wonder if food was an issue…

  14. bo May 12, 2013 at 3:01 pm #

    Both of my dogs died of cancer after 1 yr on this food. 7 y/o std. poodle with lymphoma. 12 y/o rat terrier with skin cancer. Doth healthy and happy. Food smelled like burnt electrical fire.

    • Jason July 25, 2013 at 8:46 pm #

      Why would you keep feeding them something that smelt like burnt electrical?

      • John November 29, 2014 at 9:32 pm #

        It doesnt take long at all for Nutro dog food to do damage. I should have sued them years ago but i never thought it could be the food. My 2 dogs had huge tumors. Nutro is a Devil company.

  15. Tucker March 24, 2013 at 9:29 pm #

    Our 4 yr old yellow lab has been on this food for years, the Nutro brand for lrg breeds, a few weeks ago he began having diarrhea, we took all his food away and did the hamburger and rice thing for a few days and he got better. We were due for a new bag of food and got the Nutro brand for sensitive stomach, he started to vomit yellow foamy liquid, so we did the hamburger/rice again. Today we gave him a cup of the Nutro food and after eating he needed to vomit and was lethargic after. We looked up the food just out of curiosity and came across these comments and others on consumerreviews, We will no longer be feeding him this food and I will be contacting our vet, the pet store and the fda tomorrow. I feel horrible for my dog and i hope the Nutro company has enough sense to pull the product and investigate!

    • Cindy April 16, 2013 at 6:00 pm #

      Our 9 1/2 year old lab Libby, has been eating Nutro since birth, as recommended by her breeder. For the last 4 weeks, she’s been throwing up frequently after eating Nutro, which we initially attributed to the pieces of apples we give her in the morning. Now that we’ve read the horror stories of dogs not only becoming violently ill, but dying, we are convinced the new fomula of Nutro is the cause of her scary reaction. I’m so sad for all the families who have lost their beloved dogs due to this poisnous “new formula”… how would we have known that the tried and true Nutro dog food would end up killing them?
      I’m going to coneect with someone at the Nutro Company to let them know our dog is sick, and they need to re-test their dog food before another precious dog dies.

      • Jason July 25, 2013 at 8:47 pm #

        4 weeks and you kept feeding her the same stuff?

  16. Molly February 24, 2013 at 10:56 pm #

    My dog has eaten Nutro his whole life (he’s 5 1/2). He got very sick from the new “reformulated” food. His tests came back normal at the vet, and he got better after I switched his food. I will never feed him Nutro again. Beware!!!!!!

    • Karen March 14, 2013 at 6:46 pm #

      My two small dogs have eaten Nutro Lamb & Rice small bits their whole life. I noticed to color of the bag changed. Is that because it was a new formula? My Bijon has been vomiting and having bowel problems off and on. Wonder if it was a change in the dry food?

  17. lisa February 17, 2013 at 8:28 pm #

    Nutro’s “new improved” formulas are poisoning dogs! Check out the reviews at this website:

    My two dogs got very very sick on the new formulas!

    • Barb March 7, 2013 at 4:46 pm #

      How do I know if I have a bag of the new formula, since I can’t remember when I purchased my current bag? I’ve been feeding my 8-year old mini poodle, Nutro’s Natural Choice Lite with lamb & rice mixed with Purina’s Pro-Plan Sensitive stomach & skin (salmon-based), for several years. His main medical issue is the development of lots of warts all over his body and face.

  18. Jody February 9, 2013 at 11:56 pm #

    (Wisconsin) I had received a brand new bag of Nutro MAX dog food from a friend after his dog had just passed away. Only 2 weeks after transitioning my dogs to this food, both developed terrible diarrhea, my female had a sever yeast infection flare up in her ear, and my perfectly healthy male had a SEIZURE. I immediately switched them back to their normal food and they have both been fine since. There have been over 1000 complaints about Nutro pet food on consumeraffairs.com. I will NEVER give my dogs this food again.

    • anneamrie February 22, 2013 at 11:51 pm #

      It’s been nearly 2 weeks sice both of my Shih Tzu’s got sick from would I believe is the Nutro Natural Choice small breed Chicken, Rice and Oatmeal food “new formula”. I bought the bag on 1/31/13 but didn’t open it for about 4 days. It was the same food that they ate for yrs. Just a “new formula” I was told. I friend sent me this link today, http://www.consumeraffairs.com/pets/nutro.html that’s how I determined what is wrong with my dogs. I STOPED feeding it to them!!!!!!

  19. fefesquared January 30, 2013 at 6:56 pm #

    Bad Experience with Nutro Ultra? In New Jersey?

  20. Lynn Grooms January 24, 2013 at 6:43 pm #

    Last month, we noticed that the Nutro packaging (and I assume formulation) for senior dogs had changed. Has anyone’s dog been experiencing more and softer stools since the change?

    • Patti June 10, 2013 at 4:38 pm #

      Yes, my 10 1/2 yr old former “iron stomach” Lab has had very soft stools since for the last couple of months… she is on the senior large dog Nutro formula and I’m beginning to worry.

  21. Marcie December 10, 2012 at 10:44 pm #

    I feed my dog Nutro all 8 years of his life. After they changed their recipe he was dead in 3 weeks. Liver, kidney, hair loss and dehydrated within 3 weeks. He is a house dog and didn’t “get into ANYTHING”. If you love your dog…don’t buy this product. I beg you. We are devastated!

    • Rose January 10, 2013 at 4:53 pm #

      Marcy, I am so sorry for your loss. I just bought a bag of Nutro for my own dog because she is refusing to eat her usual food…. Now I’m having major second thoughts about feeding it to her. Would you mind saying which Nutro product it was that caused this tragedy? Thank you.

    • ioanna January 24, 2013 at 4:30 am #

      it happens the same thing to our beautiful golden retreiver.stay away

      • fefesquared January 30, 2013 at 6:57 pm #

        What state did this occur?

  22. cassie krietlow December 2, 2012 at 2:38 am #

    The last bag of nutro was “new and improved” my dog has had horrible diarrhea since. I bought new food and 12hrs later fine.

    • Rose January 10, 2013 at 4:43 pm #

      Could someone who’s dog was made sick by Nutro’s new formula please say which product? There are a LOT of different Nutro foods out there. I have already bought a bag and was about to start feeding it when I read this. PLEASE HELP! Thank you.

  23. kim January 19, 2012 at 11:20 pm #

    Ive had my dog on nutro ultra for the past yr. up until this past week he was fine. one day after he ate acted different . vomit in pain didnt want to be held around stomach area. thirsty blood in stool. he wouldnt eat later that day or the next. finally got him on boiled rice & chicken for the remainder of the week. he was himself again. he is 2 yrs. playful wanting to eat. norma activity. i started to mix nutro back into his diet mixed with rice & chicken & he started getting sick agaain. i read several stories on dogs that were very sick & even died from this food. i was outraged! nothing is being done about it. a former emplyee spoke of many complaints but nothing was done. he is back on chicken & rice. happy & playful. beware & watch for any signs from your pets !

    • fefesquared January 30, 2013 at 6:56 pm #

      What state did this occur in?

  24. margaret September 9, 2011 at 5:05 pm #

    to Joanne Peshek..all I have to say to your post is “HUH?”.

    • Mary Jane January 30, 2013 at 11:06 pm #

      Today is the 5th day my 2 goldens have been sick with diarrhea and vomiting. Vet visits cost $300. I fed one dog more regular food as my vet suggested (NutroMax Senior)since she ate nothing in 4 days, and we woke up to a horrible surprise at 1:30 a.m. which was awful to clean. My other dog has only eaten 3 dog biscuits in 5 days. I have to feed her tonight which will be boiled chicken and not NutroMax Adult. They’re on antibiotics and had to be hydrated at the vet’s. I’M SWITCHING FOODS JUST TO BE SAFE.