Feb. 17, 2025

Blue Buffalo Dog Food Reviews

Top 5 Ingredients*
  1. Beef

  2. Beef broth

  3. Beef liver

  4. Carrots

  5. Peas

Artificial Ingredients No
Contains By-products No
Price Range $$$
*Blue Buffalo Canned Beef Dinner with Garden Vegetables & Sweet Potatoes was selected as the recipe for this ingredient list
What's good about this pet food
  • excellent animal proteins
  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • quality grains
What's not so good about this pet food
  • none

Our Analysis

Blue Buffalo Dog Food makes a quality dog food using natural ingredients in their food plus “Life Source Bits” – these are kibble bits that contain active nutrients and antioxidants that are “cold formed” to keep their nutritional value. Because of this, Blue Buffalo received the highest rating from us. Blue Buffalo manufactures many different varieties of food in order to meet the different needs of each dog – including grain free foods.

The first ingredient in most of the foods is a meat protein such as turkey, chicken or fish and then it is followed by common sources of carbohydrates including oatmeal, barley, whole ground brown rice and rye. Some of the formulas have controversial ingredients such as canola oil and carrageenen, but they are usually not high up on the ingredient list and are probably not harmful to your dog.

The Word on the Street...

Customer reviews of Blue Buffalo dog food formulas are mostly positive but some people are concerned with a past voluntary recall that the company had. For some customers this made Blue Buffalo an even better company in their opinion, since it proved that Blue Buffalo puts the health of their dogs before profit.

Many dog owners like that Blue Buffalo contains high quality ingredients, and no corn, wheat or soy. People also seem to appreciate the vast array of dog foods that Blue Buffalo manufactures, so that they can find a food that meets their dog’s specific needs.

Most dogs seem to be able to make a gradual switch to Blue Buffalo dog food formulas without any significant digestive problems. However, some dogs with sensitive digestive systems seem to experience diarrhea when switched to Blue Buffalo dog food.

  • Rick

    For 2 years I fed my dog BB Life Protection chicken and rice. No problem. Since April 2015 my dog has been in a vicious cycle of lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sleeping, eating grass (new occurrence) and expensive visits to a vet. All x-rays and lab work all normal. My dog would eat 1 day and be sick for 2. He now will sniff the BB and walk away and not eat. At times he would reluctantly eat if I fed him by hand. The company clearly has changed the product. Just switched him to Merrick and he is a happy boy.

  • amie

    Blue Buffalo killed my dog yesterday morning. Bought a bag of food on Sunday, fed it to both of my dogs Sunday night. Both dogs became very sick, vomiting everything up. My GSD recovered but my Chihuahua died 5 days later! Happy healthy 3 year old boy, no food allergies, never any issues with anything and this food killed him! Be prepared because I am coming after your company!!

    Blue Buffalo was exposed for lying to its customers about what they put into their food! They are garbage and use by-product just like all the other low grade commercial foods out there. DO NOT FEED YOUR PET BLUE!

  • James McGrew

    I feed my Irish Wolfhound BB and have for the last 4 years. This month I bought my regular 24 pound bag of the Wilderness High Protein-Grain Free Chicken. Iwe had this very strong odor in our home. At first we thought an animal may have been in the eve and died because the smell was just awful. I add warm water to our dog’s food but this time she would wIt almost a hold dY before eating it. We discovered that it was the dog food that was smelling like a dead animal or feces. I through the pal of dog food in the garbage and notice that the flies were swarming on it like as if it was rotten flesh. My dog did not appear to be sick. I returned the remainder of the product to Petsmart and was given a new bag. They said it may have been a bad batch. I will be calling BB.

  • Amber Reinholz

    I switched my two cats to Blue a year ago and within months my one cat went into kidney failure and three months after that has had two UTI’s. I have since gone back to my old food. Don’t waste your money!

  • Will

    I’ve been mixing Blue Buffalo wilderness with a couple different brands (Wellness-Avoderm) for over 6 years..never a problem and was happy enough to highly recommend Blue Buffalo to anyone with a dog. Boy do I feel stupid now. I picked up a bag of Blue Buffalo Freedom and mixed a little in with what was in his air tight food storage container and after one serving he got what appeared to be small boils down his back.I thought maybe he got into something running around outside. I ended up filling his food storage container with what was left of his older food mix and everything was fine till I got to the bottom of his container with the small mixture of Blue Buffalo Freedom ..shortly after eating that his face,muzzle,and eyes started swelling to the point where he could barely see. When I touched his lips or face which felt like an over inflated basketball he whined in pain. I was over 1000mi from home and ended calling a veterinarian at 3am to administrator emergency treatment. After steroid and cortizone shots the swelling slowly started to go down. Bottom line Blue Buffalo dog food could easily killed my dog.It’s absolute garbage and I’ll never buy or recommend it again…don’t take my word for it. Do an internet search about the poisonings,deaths and class action lawsuits. I really wish I had.

  • Brooken10

    About a year ago my I started feeding my dog Blue Buffalo dog food due to its supposedly being the best out there. Nearly four months ago my dog started gaining weight and became very sluggish, I switched him to the weight watcher version. Over the last four months he went from 70 pounds to 94 pounds, drinking EXCESSIVE amounts of water and panting VERY heavily. About a month ago his right side of his body went paralyzed, he can’t blink his eye, his entire face is limp, and he stumbles on his right side when walking. I brought him to the vet, he recommended I IMMEDIATLEY switch his diet to ANY other dog food then blue, and informed me his kidneys were shutting down. It’s been about 3 weeks since he switched his food, he has lost weight, stopped drinking so much water, stopped panting, and MOST importantly we found out his kidneys are doing much better today after extensive and expensive testing. His face remains paralyzed, I have to put eye drops in daily, but at least he is no longer being poisoned by this terrible misrepresentation of dog food. Do your self a favor, money, and your dogs life and never feed this garbage to your loved pet!

    • Melissa

      Why would keep your dog on the same food if they went from 70 to 94 pounds? duh!

    • Felix Giordano

      It might not have been the food. It sounds more like the canine version of Bell’s Palsy which can be triggered by Lyme Disease. For what it’s worth I feed my dogs Wellness.

  • dawn goll

    Blue Buffalo killed 2 of my dogs. The truth is they import meat bi products from China. Do not buy into the marketing and commercials that promote this dog food as healthy.

    • Risa B

      I have been using BB for almost 7 years with the same dog and she’s never had issues. My vet, whom I trust explicitly, recommends BB over Science Diet (aka Sudden Death), IAMS, and Purina.

    • amie

      Please email me with all your findings. Blue Buffalo just killed my 3 year old Chihuahua. My family is devastated. amie.lynn.sershen@gmail.com

  • Jhough

    My Labradoodle is just over four years old and had been eating BB Life Protection (blue bag) since he was four months old. At 80 lb. but not overweight, I switched him to the large breed formula. He has always loved his food and ate it very quickly. The first bag of BBLB was fine however when I started a new bag a few weeks ago, he smelled it then looked at me then sniffed again and ate it but very slowly, not finishing it. That meal was at 6:00pm and in the middle of the night I heard retching and he vomited up the undigested food. I thought perhaps, that it was just that bag so I threw it out and fed him boiled beef and rice for a few days and he was fine. I opened another bag an got the same sniffing reaction. He ate it and within 15 min. was vomiting. He is back on a rice diet and I am going to start him on Verus. And…I’m out $100.00 for two 30 lb. bags of BB. And, not happy!! After reading all the stories on line, I believe a recall and some explanation from BB would be in order.

  • Dave

    I have been using BB grain free for some time now. As with any opinion on dog food there are those that blame the food for everything. Use your head and watch your pet and you will find the right food for them. BB is by far a great food especially in the Grain Free line. The ingredients speak for them self. It is great for sensitive dogs with skin or digestive problems and gives their coat an nice shine and feel. Quality at its best.

  • Audrey W

    Let me just start off by saying, I work at a pet store, so I deal with a lot of dog food. I also love to spend my free time researching food brands, and food quality. Being that I work at a pet store, I hear a lot of peoples opinions and experiences with different foods as well that help weigh in on my own personal opinions. I’m not claiming to be more knowledgeable then anyone with access to Google, but from reading the reviews on all of the brands suggested on this site and many others, I’ve come to decide that there is no PERFECT food. (Dried pet food in general is actually still pretty new, it came about after world war II.) I think that these sites can be helpful, but harmful too. It’s like going on web MD when you have a cold, everything is going to tell you, you have cancer. I think that if you chose to feed a dried food made from a company, and not from your kitchen, then all you can do, is do your research into the company, into peoples experiences, and take everything with a grain of salt. Don’t put so much blind faith into brands, instead know your pet, if you see signs of sickness, know what to do. It’s that simple, because as far as I can tell, every brand has problems, and at some point they may effect you. All that you can do is be a good pet parent and know the signs of when your loved ones are sick. Pay close attention! I like to give my dog a look over every day for signs of illness. (It really isn’t very time consuming once you get the hang of it, and I even look at it as a great way to bond with your dog/cat.) Another thing you can do, if you’re like me and started biting your nails after reading all of the bad things that can happen to you lovelies, is get pet insurance, its not expensive, and can be well worth it if you run into any problems. You will also be more likely to take your pet to the vet at the first signs of sickness instead of waiting and wondering if it’ll get better and finding out its too late. (I did this. I am guilty. I didn’t want to spend a bunch of money at the vet if it was just a fluke or going to pass, so I waited, and it cost me my beloved cats life. So I’m not judging, I’m simply pointing out that we should learn from our experiences and educate our selves so things like that never happen again.) All of that being said, I CAN NOT BELIEVE how some people are reacting to peoples positive comments about food, or even the negative comments at that! This is a place for people to share experiences so that others can learn from them, good or bad! Not to be judged for them or Screamed at because they don’t match your views. It’s true that there will always be more bad reviews on these sites then good, simply because most people don’t do reviews unless they’re emotional about the product, which means more often or not, you aren’t going to post unless you ABSOLUTELY love it, or hate it. You won’t ever read an amazon review ,”I dunno, it worked.” It’s ether “I’m so happy this worked!” or “DON’T buy! didn’t work!” So to all of you people out there just trying to research into food like I am, and are finding every food to be a dead end, just remember to take everything with a grain of salt. Yes, some peoples pets got sick, not everyone’s, SOME, other wise there would legally have to be a recall. And if there is a recall, that’s not the end of the world ether! Like I said, factory made dog food is still fairly new, mistakes will be made, accidents will happen, but in the end you take that risk by buying any product you didn’t make your self, for that matter GROW your self! So if you’re a blind faith kind of person, or you find you just can’t stand these big food companies, then just make your own food, talk to your vet about nutrition, educate your self, it is in all honesty the very best thing you can do for your pet.

    FYI: I rotate food, I buy all grain free and try to stick with fish, but I rotate brands as there is no perfect brand in my opinion.



    Comments made about the other brands on this site having same/like reviews is my speculation of said reviews, if you want to see, go look, make up your own opinions, this is, in the end, simply just all my opinion after all.

  • Sophie and Scout’s mom

    I started my two golden retriever pups on BB when I got them before Christmas. One of my girls immediately had to go potty as soon as she ate it, the other- not so much, but both had very loose stools. I thought it was just normal for a puppy since there’s not much room in their stomach for food to stick around and be digested properly. At 14 weeks it was still going on so at their recent check up, my vet recommended Science Diet, Eukanuba or Iams. They gave me samples of Science Diet puppy formula (dry) and the diarrhea immediately stopped (mixed half BB with half Science Diet). Today I ran out of the SD sample and fed them straight BB and for the first time in a week, one of the pups immediately had diarrhea again. I know there’s a lot of negative comments about Science Diet on these pages, but I’m going to try it for a month on its own and see if it makes a difference in their urgency and stool consistency.

    • Kristy

      It’s a better food and you don’t need to feed them as much. Try cutting back on the amount. You should always gradually switch food over 2 weeks also

  • Teri Brackett

    My dog got sick on Blue Buffalo Basic two weeks ago. She spent a week at the vets recovering…it wasn’t until she got home and I was getting her re-used to her food that she started to vomit again..that was when I did my research and found all these other people’s dogs with the same symptoms. Something bad has changed with the Blue Buffalo recently. Ruby has been eating this since we got her as a puppy. I switched to Orijen Dog Food, and she has improved almost overnight.

    • kim wilson

      It’s something about when they changed the packaging. Salmonella was what I saw most people say their dog for sick from. I wanted to try this food on my dog but after reading about all these dogs that got sick and some died, I stuck with Call of the Wild. It’s scary to not know which food is safe.

  • linda555555

    One word POISON. Your animal WILL get sick sooner or later.

  • MamaD

    I have fed my dog Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice for several years now with no problems. She has food allergies, and this is one food I have found that doesn’t cause severe itching and red skin. We have not had issues with diarrhea or vomiting. I think much like with humans, some dogs probably have sensitivities and reactions, or allergies, to things in foods.

  • kmd

    It is made in Akron Michigan and they put paper in their dog food, I had someone tell me they don’t mind that there is paper in it???? I grew up in Akron and live 20 miles from there now.

  • DivaTCU

    I never had any problems with BB. My baby boy loved it. We tried all the varieties of the grain free. He stopped eating it because he is a picky eater and he is super spoiled. We switched to Castor and Pollux. He loves this too! He’s been eating C&P for about two months and we’ve had no problems! We will likely switch back to BB next fall

  • BlueButterfly

    By the way, on Consumer Reports you will find Purina having problems also. You might want to check for any other brands. Canidae? is one of them. We are going to make our own. You can find books on making your making own dog food on Amazon (read the reviews). The Dog Whisperer 2nd Edition by Paul Owens with Norma Eckroate has some diets in it. Baking for Your Dog has great treats. Find a very good pet food store, NOT a box store but a place where someone knows dog nutrition and supplements. Even the Hills Vet Food does not live up to standards.
    One needs to read the labels and sometimes that just doesn’t matter

  • BlueButterfly

    Don’t return the food! Keep it! My dog became sick Nov. 3 and I didn’t know why. Did all sorts of tests. Followed up with rick & hamburger. She got better. Put her back on BB Life Formula. Again she became sick. Worse than the first time. Thanksgiving day was spent in the ER vet. After seeing ours. Then to another for an ultrasound. Back again
    the next two days for emergency visits. Bloody vomit, lethargy, we thought she was going to die. $2332.00 in vet bills. After the first time being sick I called BB and asked about their food and they reassured me there was nothing wrong with the food and it was healthy to eat. After the ER visit and throwing up blood I came home and got on the computer and that is when I found out all the dirt that was going on. No warnings, no recalls, the distributors knew, just none of us buyers did. So when you took the food up to the counter to pay for it, the person checking you out more than likely knew what was going on but was not going to tell you. And if they didn’t, the owner, manager of the store DID! Unforgivable in my opinion. Personally I think everyone should have their food tested for what caused all the bleeding. AND THE DEATHS. As the cover ups were
    stacking up, so were the dead dogs and puppies, cats and kittens,
    and lies. BUT THE MONEY KEPT COMING IN………………..
    Think about it, one of the doctors told me I couldn’t possibly know it
    was the food that did it, “you don’t know that”. “You don’t know that”.
    Well finally I figured out he was liking all those sick dogs. Healthy dogs don’t bring money in! Same thing with the food distributors. I had one guy who owned the store where I bought it tell me “you can’t believe everything you read on the internet”. Stupid is as stupid does…………..There is a place is a place for these kind of people. I hope they go there soon.

    • amie

      I saved some of the food that just killed my dog. I am trying to find a way to have it tested to find out what was in it. Dogs were fine on BB for about a year and a half and suddenly they both became very sick and one of them died not even 24 hours ago. This company is trash!

  • veggienut

    Does anyone use the Sensitive Formula~? Anyone having issues with their dog eating grass frequently after they eat their meal~?

    • Lisa Stokely

      Eating grass means they want to throw up the food they just ate! Stop feeding your dog that food!

    • Eliza

      I feed my puppy Wellness Core. There hasn’t been any negativity on the food, and he has been doing really well on it.

  • subby

    Can someone please share what dog food you switched to from blue?

    • kim wilson

      I feed my dog Call of the Wild (Bison) and he does great. Kinda expensive but better than spending thousands at the vet.

    • Lisa

      I feed my puppy Wellness Core. I was going to do Blue Buffalo but after all the complaints I’ve read I changed my mind. He’s done really well on the food, and gobbles his food down quickly. Another good brand is Taste of the Wild.

    • jeannie700

      We have moved away from Blue and are using Merrick – immediate improvement in the dog.

    • amie

      We just switched to Wellness. So far so good. Only one dog gets to benefit from it though because the other one died from BB.

  • Debby

    I agree. Every dog food review column has the same complaints–diarrhea, vomiting, itching, huge vet bills. EVERY brand. Impossible.

    • Jenn

      Keep in mind, people are more likely to post problems they have than when everything goes well. You are right that every brand has complaints on it, but that is why sites like this are helpful. The reviewers that work for the site try to be objective. I find reading those reviews are the most helpful. What you see with individuals reviews are trends.. i.e. I have posted several places on this review page how BB does best with athletic dogs with plenty of access to water. Of course, many people think of their dogs as athletic so defining that isn’t always easy. But every brand will have trends in the reviews. hth

  • Ashley D.

    We fed our small yorkie poos bb small breed in the pink bag for over a year and they did fine. I bought a bag of food on halloween night and my dogs became very very sick we racked up vet bills quickly. They stopped eating and drinking and were throwing up constantly and had loose stools. I contacted blue and they said they had changed formula and the lady just advised me to return the food but I honestly would have probably lost my babies if i had took them to the vet and was persistant like i am. Like someone else said the vet thought it was something toxic but they hadn’t gotten into anything and are constantly watched lol theres no doubt this food is what did it. Im in the same boat for people that are looking for something to switch to our vet did recommend something but i refuse to say bc I’m not sure I’m gonna trust any dog food not made by me. I did however ask about homemade dog food (chicken,rice,ground egg shells, boiled eggs and carrots peas etc.) The vet didn’t seem to mind the idea but requested i give them a multi vitamin with it.

  • Risa B

    I’ve been feeding my Rottweiler Blue Buffalo since she was about 8 months old. She’s 6 1/2 now and healthy, healthy, healthy according to our vet (aside from the love handles that we’re working on!). Because of the love handles, we switched formulas about a month ago and couldn’t be happier – she’s lost weight and she’s still healthy. Just thought I’d add a positive review here in light of all the complaints.

  • chris riley

    I feed my dogs BB, but I am just wondering which food everyone is changing their dogs to? Everyone on this thread is saying they stopped feeding their dogs BB because of issues their dogs have with the food, but nobody ever says to what food they’ve changed their dogs to. How do you do the research and decide? More importantly, almost every reviewed dog food on this site has a thread very similar to this one complaining about horrible reactions their dogs are having to those other foods. It seems like it happens with every food, so how do you decide and what have people changed to?

    • Cameron

      I am in the same boat. I have been reading all of these bad reviews on a brand which I thought was “high quality” What the hell is everyone moving over to instead?

    • Joe

      I’m switching to Wellness, on my vet’s advice

    • Jenn

      There are three dogfood brands I recommend. Blue Buffalo, Taste of the Wild (both best rated on here) and also Wild Callings. For my dogs I use BB for puppy food and Wild Callings for adult dog food. Both have a very high calories per cup ratio but my dogs are very active. For dogs not as active, I recommend Taste of the Wild. Still excellent quality, but less active dogs seems to take to it a little better. hth

    • vanessa

      Wellness Core is really good.

  • Angela Prince

    My dog loves her BB and has never had any problems. I know it’s more common for people to write the bad instead of going out of there way to write something good. But after reading all these negative comments I thought I’d share. My dog doesn’t breath when she is eating. I have never had bloody stools. I have never had any problems with the brand. It’s got a lot of great ingredients. It was a couple unnecessary ingredients but I have learned that it is impossible to find dog food without. The top 20 ingredients are full and pure. Plus there is no corn. Winner in my pup for almost a year

  • Gina

    I have Great Danes(3) & German Shepherd(2.5), and new 4 month Great Dane. The older dogs have been on Blue Buffalo since they were pups and did not have a problem. We got the pup at 8 weeks old and have been back and forth to the vet with all 3 of them having diarrhea and mild vomiting. First I thought the pup was getting into something in our yard but I watch her like a hawk. Then when the other 2 starting getting it, something didn’t seem right. We put them on a chicken and rice diet and some antibiotics from vet and goes back to normal. All test have been checked out no parasites so I think it may be the food. It has been going on about 1.5 to 2 months and I am reading these other posts and it seems to all have happened the same time. I use the large breed adult chicken and Brown Rice. I did not put it together until now I thought they were passing some virus back and forth to each other. Never thought it could be. I always thought I was paying more for this food to take be pups. Very Disappointed!

    • linda555555

      My GSD puppy was on BB & Drinking so much water & would have accidents also loose/stools/diarrhea, Same results as many I read about. She is on rachel ray (diarrhea, excess drinking water stopped) until I can find something to replace bb with, I hate having to upset her stomach changing food again, so looking for suggestions on what to feed her w/no grains & reasonable On a fixed income. Thanks.

  • Diane

    I recently switched my dogs to Blue Wilderness Small Breed Healthy Holistic, the pink bag, with a mix of Freedom wet dog food in different flavors. The switch was from Ceasars and Pedigree wet food with a dry mix. Both dogs loved the food but had looser stools so I thought I should spend more and get them a better brand.
    Both dogs(mini Aussie and Sheltie) snubbed the Blue and just picked at it with the Sheltie refusing to eat. They were both only picking at the food for a couple of days, then the Aussie adjusted but my Sheltie stopped eating for a few days.
    Well I thought when he gets hungry he will eat and this will be far better for him then the cheaper brands I was buying in the past. He would eat a few days then strike again which was unusual for this dog, he would pretty much eat anything.
    This went on for about 2 weeks and I finally said fine you can have your old dog food but he would not eat this either and had lost some weight so I took him to the vet.
    I was shocked to find out that he was in acute renal failure and had to be admitted for treatment. He was there 2 days and passed away.
    The vet’s first thought was it was something he got that was toxic, I explained I changed dog food but the other dog was fine. She did not think it was the Blue Wilderness cause she did not see any recalls.
    I had an autopsy done and they tested for lyme disease and leptospirosis which both came back negative and only could tell me it was acute kidney failure that could be caused by something infectious or he got into something toxic. It is very distressing not knowing the cause of his death but I did not even consider the dog food since my other dog never got sick and his blood test all came back normal.
    I have since gotten a new puppy who was on Nutrisource and did a search for comparisons with the Blue Wilderness when I saw numerous sites saying how people lost their dogs due to illness after feeding Blue.
    The only thing that I changed was the dog food and this is when the problems started. I waited to long to take my dog to the vet thinking he was just being finicky. I can’t say the Blue Wilderness caused his death, but would just like to warn others about my experience.
    If you try changing to Blue and your dog stops eating, starts vomiting and losing weight, take them to the vet right away and stop feeding Blue.
    I am so worried now after reading these post about my Aussie since I have been feeding Blue up till today. I think I will try the Nutrisource since the puppy seems to be doing well on that brand.
    Hope no one else has to go through this with their dogs.
    North Dakota

    • linda555555

      Thanks for sharing & possibly saving lives! So sorry for your loss wish was a way to sue these people just so they will change.

  • Paul

    My 10 year old King Charles mix refused to eat the food until she was too hungry. Half a bag later she is puking up blood and has been to the vet twice. We narrowed down the cause of the internal bleeding to the food by reintroducing it after two weeks of home cooked chicken and rice, immediately after eating the food she’s back to puking blood. This company needs to be shut down.

  • Katie O’Brian Robles

    Strike three and we’re out.
    Having a small rescued pup and a special needs 9 y/o. Doberman w.DCM I wanted them to be fed the best we could manage. We live in Mexico. The closest pet food store is many many miles and hours away, We tried the Blue Buffalo Wildness Salmon first..Both my girls got sick from it.Off to the vets..a day of fasting and five days of medication. Thought there was a chance it got
    too warm on the way home., so dumped it all.. went back to the States for more. A week later same thing . Horrid diarrhea ,this time worse.. Back to the vet..
    more meds.. and blood work.. blood work came back fine. Okay let’s try this one more time. maybe it;’s the omega 3 and 6.. talked to an ‘expert’ at the pet food store he said: “yep with the chicken and rice you’ve been adding.. they’re getting too much protein.. go for the Blue Basic.” So that’s what we did..
    Rinse and repeat.. more meds. more running them out the door 4 and 5 times a night. We’re not even going to talk about the dehydration and worry it caused.. Our vet diagnosed colitis caused by the kibble..There wouldn’t that have been easier to say in the first place.. Bye Bye Blue!!

  • nicole

    I bought a bag of Blue dog food. My dog wouldn’t touch it and I had to throw it out. I was a little upset because it was not cheap, but since then I found out that Blue uses ingredients from China.so needless to say I was relieved that he didn’t eat it.

    • veggienut

      How do you know the ingredients come from China~?

  • k

    Blue Buffalo is shit dont put your dog on it if you do be aware of everything that goes on with your dog diarrhea real bad gas extremely bad hair loss extremely bad will never do blue Blue Buffalo again my dogs were on it for over 3 months and we will never ever go back to Blue Buffalo ever

    • veggienut

      My dog doesn’t have any hair loss from this nor does he have gas, as you mentioned.

  • Candy4958

    I was told by my vet to stay away from blue as she has had numerous dog in that were on this food and they had bloody diarrhea, and were very ill, She tried to call blue to find out what was in their product and no one return her calls or her letters, Just shows me the company really don’t care about the animals only the money they make.

  • Pam C

    I too had just opened a new bag of Blue puppy food and am dealing with diarrhea. I’m taking it back to Petsmart tomorrow and buying another brand. The expiration date is also 2015. I noticed a few pieces were a lighter color but didn’t become alarmed because it is supposed to be such superior quality dog food. I do NOT want to spend another day shampooing carpets so will probably be up all night. I am major league pissed. Blue Buffalo food causing diarrhea in dogs and cats is all over the internet with postings in the last few weeks.

  • Kate

    My pups started out eating Blue’s Chicken and Rice formula. I had previously tried different dog foods and found they did better on Blue. My pups had food sensitivities and skin allergies. After much research I switched them to Blue Freedom Grain Free. My pups loved the food. Within a week, normal stool and allergies became manageable. In the past few months Blue Freedom Grain Free went on sale at Pet Supplies Plus, PetsMart, and Petco. Since this food is very expensive I purchased several bags. Two weeks ago I opened one of the recently purchased bags, thought the kibble looked somewhat different, but thought nothing more of it. In the course of 2 weeks my dogs gradually began scratching more, biting their toes, having bad gas, and looser stools. At the same time a few of my friends, whom I had convinced to switch to Blue, contacted me and reported similar problems, especially the bad gas and loose stool. I did some investigating. I have one bag I purchased a few months ago with an expiration date Dec 2014. The bags I just purchased expire in 2015. I had been feeding my dogs from one of the bags that I had just purchased, that expire in 2015. I opened the Dec 2014 bag, it looked normal, like I remember, kibble was flat, very dark life source bits, not greasy, and no strong smell. The recently purchased bags looked like Blue’s Chicken and Rice formula, it was greasy in my hand, not flat, life source bits are light brown, and it smells like grease. I am returning all of this food. Unless this can be addressed to my satisfaction I am switching to another brand. I have been a Blue Buffalo fan for many years and convinced most of my friends to switch to this brand. I am now telling them to look elsewhere. I am keeping these samples and have asked for them to be analyzed. I am very disappointed in Blue. I do not like Purina. My experience is real. As an aside, I ran across this article. On March 12, 2014 Reuters posted, “Blue Buffalo, the premium pet food company, has hired banks for an initial public offering that could come later this year.” Hmmm…. I will be posting this experience elsewhere because people need to know. And in all fairness I will be contacting Blue.

  • kate

    My pups started out eating Blue’s Chicken and Rice formula. I
    had previously tried different dog foods and found they did better on Blue. My
    pups had food sensitivities and skin allergies. After much research I switched
    them to Blue Freedom Grain Free. My pups loved the food. Within a week, normal
    stool and allergies became manageable. In
    the past few months Blue Freedom Grain Free went on sale at Pet Supplies Plus, PetsMart,
    and Petco. Since this food is very expensive I purchased several bags. Two
    weeks ago I opened one of the recently purchased bags, thought the kibble
    looked somewhat different, but thought nothing more of it. In the course of 2
    weeks my dogs gradually began scratching more, biting their toes, having bad
    gas, and looser stools. At the same time a few of my friends, whom I had
    convinced to switch to Blue, contacted me and reported similar problems,
    especially the bad gas and loose stool. I did some investigating. I have one bag I purchased a few months ago
    with an expiration date Dec 2014. The bags I just purchased expire in 2015. I
    had been feeding my dogs from one of the bags that I had just purchased, that
    expire in 2015. I opened the Dec 2014
    bag, it looked normal, like I remember, kibble was flat, very dark life source
    bits, not greasy, and no strong smell. The recently purchased bags looked like
    Blue’s Chicken and Rice formula, it was greasy in my hand, not flat, life
    source bits are light brown, and it smells like grease. I am returning all of this food. Unless this
    can be addressed to my satisfaction I am switching to another brand. I have been a Blue Buffalo fan for many years
    and convinced most of my friends to switch to this brand. I am now telling them
    to look elsewhere. I am keeping these samples and have asked for them to be
    analyzed. I am very disappointed in Blue. I do not like Purina. My experience
    is real. As an aside, I ran across this article. On March 12, 2014 Reuters
    posted, “Blue Buffalo, the premium pet food company, has hired banks for
    an initial public offering that could come later this year.” Hmmm…. I will be posting this experience elsewhere because people need to know. And in all fairness I will be contacting Blue.

  • Chelsea

    I know this is for dog food post but, Blue Horizon cat food caused diarrhea to my Sphynx :( its been going on in the past weeks, I talked to one of the breeders and she said there has been a lot of complaints about diarrhea and death!!!

  • Jenn

    Just got a new puppy and so I got more BB again. This food is great, especially for athletic dogs. It is well balanced for dense nutrition and we have always been happy with it. I have read several here complaining about kidneys or infections. Both of those indicate a poorly exercised dog eating premium food. It would be like a couch potato eating an Olympians diet. Same thing. You would need more water and more exercise because your body needs to digest lots of good nutrition. Cheetos and Mountain Dew don’t need that. But on a healthy diet, if you don’t drink more water or exercise more, your body will have to work harder to digest all those extra nutrients you are not using. But that doesn’t make the diet bad. BB is well made for healthy active dogs. hth, Jenn

    • jte

      Do you really think all these people are lying? Do you really think anyone on here doesn’t realize your continued posting promoting a product which has cause so many problems for pet owners across America is not a clear bias due to your relationship with said company? Lol… almost as laughable as to your companies ethical procedures or LACK OF….

      • Jenn

        I don’t work for them. But I have raised and trained dogs for more than 20 years. There are a few comments here that are good questions about how it is put together. But the complaints about thirst and kidneys are people that don’t understand dogs. Unlike you, I am trying to help. You should find something better to do than just creep others.

      • Richard

        Let me start with saying that Purina has had several court cases with creating fake social media reviews on competitors products such as BB.

        The funny part of you people who post your stories about issues with BB is that you are constantly switching foods. Try eating nothing but fruit for the next few days and tell me how you feel. New foods take time to acclimate and need to be done gradually.

        The couch potato people who buy high exercise requirement pups and then are confused why they run into so many problems should probably re-evaluate their approach to being an owner.

        • Jenn

          Exactly Richard. I feel bad for these people have problems with their dogs. I feel even worse for the dogs being switched over and over. A dogs digestive system is pretty consistent. There are several good brands out there. Although the Purina court case is sad for the dogs since Purina is not one of them.

      • chris riley

        Everyone here is saying they’ve had problems with BB and they’ve switched to another dog food, but why doesn’t anyone say to which brand/food they’ve changed? every dog food reviewed on this site has a similar thread about how dogs are having horrible reactions to those foods. So I guess it just depends on the dogs. I’m sure there are people who are changing from another brand to BB and are claiming to have no problems anymore with their dogs.

      • linda555555

        Oh I see many got on Jenn, so I can stop lol I just read her comment & was FURIOUS , but this was 7 months ago. I think she is a sociopath only ppl who don’t care!

        • Jenn

          Get some help Linda.

      • Jenn

        No I think they are sharing what they have observed. But that doesn’t mean that is normal or that others who have seem something different are somehow the biased ones. There is a reason BB is rated on this site and others as one of the best. When I help people with their dog I have 3 dog food recommendations and BB is one of them. I have no relationship with BB and I am sure this site doesn’t either. The two other dog foods I recommend are Taste of the Wild (also rated best on this site) and Wild Callings. Perhaps you will have better success with one of those.

    • April

      My dogs are very well exercised and the too have been experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. It has only been in the past couple months. I have switched back and forth between a bland diet and BB only for the illness to return. After purchasing a different brand the symptoms went away. I jog 3-4 miles 5 times per week with the dogs not to mention all of the other activities they do, so I don’t think lack of exercise is the problem. I think a recall is in order! There is some bad dog food out there!!

      • linda555555

        EXACTLY! Like we don’t exercise take care of our dogs?? smh Maybe she’s with bb or something. I feel so bad making my dog sick & those who lost their animal to this CRAP!

    • linda555555

      Wow you seem to missing a LOT of info these people are talking about & vets reporting problems & DEATH. These dogs were HEALTHY W/ EXERCISE ETC. (same as my GSD) I trusted this food & paid extra to make my dog sick? I have been reading MANY sites on this & find same symptoms. I would never recommend anything that could harm a dog after reading so many reviews!

  • Devin

    how professional of you to go online and slam a company over one worker who has nothing to do with production of food, maybe you are just jaded because you can’t get a job at a dog food company
    kids in junior high ignore calls when they do not wish to speak to someone maybe next time have some respect for them and yourself because your sure aren’t helping yourself with that attitude buddy

  • jte

    This company workers are pathetic and unprofessional, i submitted a resume for a job open in my area on a SUNDAY, that SAME day received a call (THEY SEEM PRETTY DESPERATE) a lady tells me she is sending out and email that I must respond to to confirm a phone interview the following day, and if i did not respond and confirm the email she told me i would not receive a call. When i asked her what email address it was sent to she could not even tell me. SO after seeing how they call me back within 20 minutes of submitting a resume online on a sunday and how the lady could not even inform me of what email it was sent to, I decided not to confirm the phone interview for the next day. WELL when the next day comes, sure enough i received AN UNWANTED UN-COnfirmed call which i was told i would only receive once i responded to the conformation email. SO i decided not to answer the call hoping that this would be the end of the story, WRONG, the following day, DAY 3, i received yet ANOTHER CALL although i did not confirm ANYTHING. SO i decided to PRESS THE IGNORE BUTTON on this one, LITERALLY 3 mins later i received and email from the same person claim that and i quote

    “Dear JON,
    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider you for employment. We have reviewed your background and qualifications and find that we do not have an appropriate position for you at this time. We appreciate your interest in Blue Buffalo Co. Sales & Demo and wish you success in your job search.


    The Blue Buffalo Recruiting Team”


    • john

      I think you should of answer the phone call and told them that you weren’t interested. I think that whole situation could of been avoided.

      • jte

        I answered the phone and the lady Told me that I would not get a call at said time UNLESS I confirmed the appointment with the REPLY of the email she had sent me, therfore clearly meaning that if I did not reply to confirm the appointment I would not receive the call. I did NOT reply for this reason in order to NOT receive it. I still received 3 calls in a 2 day period after ignore each one I received the email, I don’t know what kind of companies you people are use to working with or for but the only time I have experienced this type of desperation to give me an interview was in connection to pyramid schemes and commission sales scams. No company I would want to work for conducts themselves in this manner, what would be the next ethically questionable action this company will take is what you need to ask yourself

        • John

          Maybe you shouldn’t submit any job applications if you don’t like being called. You are pathetic, useless and unemployed. Go cry somewhere else if you want attention. Tell us about the product or shut up.

    • Jenn

      This has nothing to do with the quality of their food…. That said, in my industry I interview at least a 100 people a year for a large company. What you describe is not desperate. It is quick and efficient. Most places let things sit for weeks. As for their response, that was professional. They could have written and told you that they see you as too much of a slacker to pursue work and therefore would not be a fit. Instead, they sent back a canned letter saying best of success. The above scenario raises my respect for them. It should yours as well. Best of success in your job search.

      • jte

        Jenn or Jenny which ever you decide to go by for this next post, please do not make assumptions based on bias reasoning due to your relationship with the above named company which is clear due to the fact you claim you know what kind of letter they sent me in response, the fact of the matter is you cannot deny that I TURNED DOWN the company offer of a over the phone interview by not RESPONDING to the email required to confirm the appointment after researching this companies history. You can things like they could have called me a slacker or whatever other ignorant statements you may feel entitled to say in defense of this PYRAMID SCHEME styled highering process. Although I refused to confirm the appointment date I still received a call, and after IGNORING the call I received another then an email… WHY would a company so desperately pressure and pursue someone who is clearly ONE not interested, and two has made clear that they want nothing to do with said compnay?? Sales sales sales is the answer, someone trying to sale me on this LOW wage overly aggressive sales position that is so clearly ridiculed ALL over the internet. It is laughable to think this behavior is professional, and I am no employees by those of the largest corporations in America, is this pathetic excuse for a corporation even publicly traded? And how is the purina lawsuit going? Is that one reason they act is this desperate nature to try to recruit more salesmen to try to up revenue as a result of multiple ongoing lawsuits? I do not know but I do know this, AT&T, GE, and other legitimate corporations do not conduct ANY part of there highering process in this manner, which bares shocking resemblances to pyramid schemes and social networking scams across america. The fact you feel the need to respond to this meaningless comment in the manner you did goes to show the desperation of said company….

        the company which now empolyess myself has been in business for over 30 years, will yours stand the test of time? Lol

        • Doug V

          Surely your not that ignorant of how Human Resources departments work. She was saying what they sent you was a typical canned response and in a polite way… ALL decent companies do that. The fact it is foreign to you makes it easy to see why they sent it to you. But it does say they were polite to you and you should be thankful. They didn’t need to be.

      • jte

        100 comments and 0 followers…. lmao…. no one is listening….

      • Doug V

        Well said, Jenn. It is obvious this person doesn’t understand either a job search or dog food.

  • Heidi

    My dogs have been on BB for over 6 years now. I have never had any problems! I think these bad reviews are fake and put up by competitors to devalue BB. It’s pathetic what these big time companies would do to make money. Come on people. There is absolutely no scientific link to kidney stones and BB use.

    • guest 1

      Not at all, there are lawsuit currently awaiting litigation

    • Doug V

      Many of the complaints are at the least people who don’t understand their dogs or nutrition. As long as I have raised animals, whether dogs, horses, or anything else, I have seen people with similar statements about animal food. It is a shame since it is the animals that suffer and it could be avoided with a little education.

      • linda555555

        Sure it’s just us “ignorant people” who do everything RIGHT & our dog’s get sick then better with change of food. We are the ones trying to PROTECT others. Your right a SHAME SO MANY HAVE SUFFERED at the hands of this food!

    • linda555555

      It’s so sad ppl like you say this when WE with the sick, before healthy dogs KNOW BETTER. It’s too many getting sick…PERIOD not rocket science.

  • Debbie

    Have been giving our Aussie shepherd blue buffalo dog food. And found out today that’s more than 90 per cent of the reason she keeps getting urinary infections and crystals. So disgusted with the $500.00 bills finally a vet told us about buffalo food, very grateful. Get off of it instantly.

    • Jenn

      If you are having those problems, it is more likely the dog is not well exercised than anything wrong with the food they eat. It potentially could also be poor water supply but dogs typically will drink terrible water before giving up on it. The infections say the dog is lacking in one or both of those things. An Aussie Shepherd needs LOTS of both. With sufficient exercise and clean water, their bodies clean themselves, regardless of diet. Remember, they are made to pursue food in the wild and that could be anything that moves.

      • jte

        Blame owners for the negative effects this product has on the pet.. laughable but not surprising conduct of someone linked to a company this desperate to compete… you blame your consumers for offering a poor product. .. lmao that will be this companies down fall…

      • linda555555

        You must be a SOCIOPATH dogs/cats have DIED from this & been autopsied, it’s the FOOD people! Sooner or later your animal WILL LIKELY suffer WHY RISK IT. The reports saying they like it are still puppies or been on a small time. Not worth the risk w/my dog tried it twice & my dog IS EXERCISE & TAKEN GOOD CARE OF!

        • Jenn

          Breath Linda. Sorry to hear of your troubles. But you will notice that all brands have good and bad reviews… including BB which has a 5 star rating here as well as many great reviews. Perhaps Taste of the Wild (also a 5 star on this site) would work better for your dog. Best of success.

  • Laura

    My dog has excessive thirst, urination and diarrhea. I am stopping this food immediately. It occurred after giving her 24 lb. Blue Wilderness Adult Small Bite Natural Evolutionary Diet Chicken Recipe. She’s been on the dog food for about 3 to 4 weeks.

  • nora

    want to know why moths suddenly appear in my home after i open the bag of your dog food? and it is only after i buy and open the food, little white moths, have even seen them come out of the bag.

  • sharon focht

    just got a whetin terrier 3 yrs old who was on a taste of the wild and no problems. they did not sell her food where i live and recommended bufflo blue grain free to be comparable. so i purchased and started mixing with the others. had no problems except excessive thirst. she was on this for 4 days and now for 2 days will not eat or drink except grass. she went from a healthy energentic dog to one that just lays around with lowd stomach gurgling noises and bloody stools. taking her to the vet today. after reading the symptoms of other pet owners that had their dog on blue buffalo, i took back to the store. when i can get her eating again, i will put her on FROMM a family owned company out of wisconsin that have never had a recall on their food.

  • Judy

    Beware of canned Blue Buffalo Freedom Small Breed. Large, sharp bone fragments made our dog extremely ill. If we hadn’t figured it out, he might not have survived.

    About 1 teaspoon was strained out of 1/4 can of this food. Now in the possession of our vet for analysis, as some of it clearly does not even look like bone. You can check the food by placing some in a wire mesh strainer and running hot water over it. What is left are the fragments. I have an entire case and every can I have opened has the same content.

  • Jason

    My senior border collie mix dog had recurring diarrhea until I switched him the Blue Buffalo Wilderness Senior blend. After I started feeding him Blue Buffalo, his diarrhea went away. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but over a year has passed without any diarrhea, so it certainly seems like switching him to BB did the trick.

    We got a new border collie puppy a few months ago and we started him on BB Wilderness Puppy blend. He seems to be doing great on it. He loves the food, has great stools, and the vet said he seems to be growing at just the right pace. So, no complaints from me.

  • Marie

    Overpriced!! My dogs hated it.There appetite decreased. lost weight and my german shepard had diarrhea on it. wouldnt recomend it to anyone. weaned my dogs slowly and kept them on it for 3 months because it was so highly recommended. What a joke.

  • Sharon

    We have fed our dogs Blue Buffalo Lamb and rice, since my oldest was around 2 (he is now almost 8). Never had any problems with their food till this past weekend. My youngest pup ( puggle) got very ill with diarrhea which contained mucous and blood (not just a drop). I thought it was something she ate. That was until my 4 year old pug got ill with the same thing. A few hours later, my oldest pug got the same thing. We ended up bringing our puggle to the the vet, as she was in the worst shape. They couldn’t figure it out, that was until later, when I had all 3 dogs with the same issue. I stopped giving them the food and 3 days later they are back to normal. They are now on a boiled beef and rice diet for the next week. I am hoping to find a new food to switch them to because I don’t want to risk this again. Be careful of this company! Something is changing and it’s not for the better!

    • Paige

      Wow! I brought home a new Sheltie last week. I forgot to ask the breeder what she was feeding him( I think Instinct). I bought a small bag of Blue Buffalo and he is not that thrilled with it. Within a few days I noticed bloody mucous and diarrhea. I did not want to waste , so I mixed it with Earthborn Holistic.Now he is ALMOST back to normal. Still traces of blood. He goes to the vet. today. He is a year old , not a puppy. I should have purchased the Acana which is what I normally feed.I have 7 dogs. But this Sheltie has a cleft palate so I wanted the best for him and they sell it locally. This food is NOT the best. My other dogs were not fed this stuff.

    • Stacy

      Have you found a good food brand? we are having the same issue now and are looking for a new brand.

  • reeb

    Wow, so many fake reviews left by trolls and competitors. Blue Buffalo is one of the best, yet there are comments talking about the most unreqlistic, horrid scenarios. If you’re going to lie at least make it believable.

    • linda555555

      Seriously?? Are you one? Because my dog & others I know have same problems…disgusted. Sooner or later they WILL get sick. Don’t risk it dog lovers, we need some suggestions for replacements,

  • Anne

    I just want to make a comment about possible causes of cancer in pets. Consider the water that you feed your pets in addition to processed food sources. Our tap water has hormones and other drugs and impurities in it that cause cancer in humans as well as pets. I feed my dog natural spring water in an attempt to bypass those impurities. This may well be the cause of other ailments in your dog, so that is just something to consider for the health of your dogs and cats over and above the food.

  • Jenny

    Blue Buffalo Wilderness puppy food should be banned. It gave my poor pup explosive diarrhea. As soon as we switched his food it cleared up in one day. That stuff is horrible!!

    • Alex Joaquin

      We adopted 7wks.old female maltese.The breeder had them on Blue buffalo Freedom.Upon doing my personal researched,I switched my maltese puppy slowly to (4-5days of transition,like 2-3 table spoon) My puppy pickup her appetite without incident of gastrointestinal problem. I highly recommend Blue buffalo Wilderness dry puppy food to anyone. In fact most of my hospital-coworker loves it & recommended it to me. 5-star!!!

      • linda555555

        That’s sad down the road you probably feel different like me:(

  • Lynne

    Who Makes Blue Buffalo?

    “The company who makes Blue Buffalo dog food is called The Blue Buffalo Company. Blue Buffalo is currently headquartered in Wilton, Connecticut. The present CEO of Blue Buffalo is Bill Bishop.”

    I believe this to be a false statement. I dont know what is wrong with these dog food companies claiming they have the best natural, organic, holistic whatever the word might be and charge outrageous prices for bags of this type of food which is being manufactured at companies that many, many types of dog food from Ol Roy(Walmart) to grocery store chains brand. These companies Diamond, Tuffy etfc… continue to have recalls and its pretty deceiving when YOU lead your customers on letting them believe it is made at your facility.

  • Debbie

    Our lab has been on BB Wilderness Salmon due to grain allergies since mid 2012. However, we routinely have to put him on prescription ID due to explosive diarrhea. He has a great coat and is otherwise healthy but last year he started peeing his bed. He is on meds for incontinence but none of his siblings have this problem. As we are slowly reintroducing BB again, we notice he is emptying the water bowl rapidly and of course really needs to pee more often too. I am thinking it’s he food…

  • Briana

    My 14mo old border collie/ pit bull mix has been eating BB for about a year with no issues. Recently, however, she was vomiting alarming amount of yellow bile. About 6-8 times a day!
    I gave it 3 days but ended up taking her to the vet, worrying about bloat or pancreatic issues. The vet found nothing after blood work and xrays except slightly high white blood cells and irritated intestines (Over $400 by the way, for almost no info!!!).
    Now I’ve but her on a bland diet of boiled hamburger and rice/oatmeal, sweet potato and chicken broth. Whatever combination she will eat! I just got her to eat tonight for the first time in 5 days. It’s been so stressful and heart breaking to see her like this. She hasn’t vomited in 2 days but now has pretty bad diarrhea since she stopped vomiting.
    I was trying so hard to figure out what could have caused it all! And after reading some of these other similar stories, I think my hunch is right. It must be a bad batch of the food. We had just bought a new bag the day before she started being so sick!
    I’m going to attempt to return the bag to Petco tomorrow, which I’ve read they are very good about not having issues. I’m also going to be looking into making my own dog food; I’m tired of reading about dog food recalls and dog cancer from food products. BB was good while it lasted for us, but we’ll be making a change. I never want this to happen again. My dog is so sweet and I never want to see her like this, ever.

    • Wendy

      We have been feeding our boxer Blue for a few years with no problems. Due to allergies a vet (not our regular vet) suggested we switch him to salmon and potato this was November 2013. Our 93 lb boxer is currently down to 78 lbs. Soon after the switch he started losing weight, began to have very loose stool and began to drink excessively. He also began losing patches of hair. He was getting up every night several times just to drink water and urinate. He’s been to the vet three times but they could not find anything wrong with him! Kidneys tested fine, no diabetes, no cushings disease. We were told it was probably some type of cancer and his days were numbered. It’s been over a month since he has not had the Blue food. We are cautiously optimistic at this point because he is eating a little better and not drinking as much. We can only narrow it down to the food. Please do not buy this food.

  • kim

    I have heard that blue buffalo has propylene glycol in it. It does not have to be listed as this was added before rendering. I know of at least two german shepherds that became ill after eating this product.My vet advised againt this product also.I now feed raw diet to my bulldog and wont go back to using any kibble ever again,after losing my beloved german shepherd to cancer, which I think was caused by the kibble.(not blue buffalo)
    Who in their right mind would knowingly feed their pet antifreeze(propylene glycol).Their are excellent products out there, yes even kibble but educate your self before you unknowingly poison your pet.Check out origin acana kibble and pets4life, primal and tolden farms raw if you are not comfortable doing your own. Just remember that raw needs to also include bone for calcium.

    • linda555555

      EXACTLY WHY RISK? The longer they are on it or bad bags who knows, but my shep got sick too & these IGNORANT PPL WHO DEFEND IT must work for them or their animal just hasn’t got sick “yet”

  • Joan N.

    I have feed my dogs and cats Blue for many years with great results. I have also recommended Blue to all my clients. Last summer my 12-year-old Shih Tzu refused food, vomited and had horrific diarrhea for a week. The vet could find nothing wrong and he started eating after 8 days. In Dec. he stopped eating again and he wouldn’t use his rear leg. X-rays and blood work showed a slight elevation in white blood cells. Despite treatment he refused to eat for 4 weeks and his knee grew to the size of a softball we had to put him down.
    Two weeks ago my 4-year-old Boston Terrier had to have a mass removed from his gum. Biopsy showed cancer. The only treatment is to remove 1/4 of his face. We will not do that to him and we plan on enjoying him as long as we have him. On Monday I had to take one of my cats to the vet. She is being treated for crystals in her bladder. The vet asked me what I was feeding my pets. When I told him Blue his response was this “Blue is now made in China it was sold to China last year and I would not use Blue for any animal”. Blue had been on recall for having toxic levels of vitamin D. Excess D can cause mineralization I wonder now about Baileys leg and his refusal to eat and also the crystals in the cats urine.
    Years ago my dogs lived for 20 years, now all my pets die from cancer at a young age. I no longer feel I can trust the dog food industry so I now make my own dog food. After doing this for only 2 weeks I see a tremendous improvement in the appearance of my pets.

    • Dave

      Blue is made in the United States. They get their meat from United States, with exception of lamb. It is from New Zealand, which by the way have stricter standards than US. Your vet is grossly misinformed.

  • Joan N.

    I have feed my dogs and cats Blue for many years with great results. I have also recommended Blue to all my clients. Last summer my 12-year-old Shih Tzu refused food, vomited and had horrific diarrhea for a week. The vet could find nothing wrong and he started eating after 8 days. In Dec. he stopped eating again and he wouldn’t use his rear leg. X-rays and blood work showed a slight elevation in white blood cells. Despite treatment he refused to eat for 4 weeks and his knee grew to the size of a softball we had to put him down.
    Two weeks ago my 4-year-old Boston Terrier had to have a mass removed from his gum. Biopsy showed cancer. The only treatment is to remove 1/4 of his face. We will not do that to him and we plan on enjoying him as long as we have him. On Monday I had to take one of my cats to the vet. She is being treated for crystals in her bladder. The vet asked me what I was feeding my pets. When I told him Blue his response was this “Blue is now made in China it was sold to China last year and I would not use Blue for any animal”. Blue had been on recall for having toxic levels of vitamin D. Excess D can cause mineralization I wonder now about Baileys leg and his refusal to eat and also the crystals in the cats urine.
    Years ago my dogs lived for 20 years, now all my pets die from cancer at a young age. I no longer feel I can trust the dog food industry so I now make my own dog food.

    • Mark M

      Fake review

  • Myrna

    I have been feeding my dogs Buffalo Blue Small Breed which was purchased at Petco. They were on Purina Beyond for small breeds which they loved and when I ran out, my daughter bought the BB because a Petco Sales lady raved about it so much and was in her face until she bought it.

    My dogs got sick on it! First it was my little Yorkie and she had diahrea and was sick everywhere. Then my DaxiChihuahu got the runs, then my mini pincher got it too. I gave them some steamed rice to help stabilize them and they were okay for a little bit, so I thought it was just the sudden change in diet from Purina to BB.

    The following week it started all over again. They are all still having soft runny stools, and I’m really worried. The BB bag is all gone now (it was a small bag) and they’ve been eating it for weeks. After reading the bad reviews, I know there is something wrong with their dog food…it’s almost as if my dogs are going through some kind of food poisoning…vomiting and diahrea.

    I’m not buying BB anymore and will go back to feeding my dogs healthy fresh food and make it myself. I think BB is lying about what is in their dog food!

    • Rob Bones

      For all dog foods, switching to the new food gradually is recommended. It appears you went 100% with the new stuff immediately, which will cause this. I’ve seen mostly good reviews, with some poor ones similar to yours. Makes it hard to decipher the ratings and find a good dog food.

  • Valerie M

    I am really glad I read this site! My 2 dogs both age 10, poodle and doxipoo, have been on blue buffalo homestyle recipe for 2 years without any problems. Starting in December their stools started getting less consistant. I tried just one flavor each for a week at a time and still getting worse. Finally, I took them off completely and just gave them cooked organic chicken thighs processed with the broth until they were better and went back to the dog food. Same thing happened. They were also vomiting a little, mainly in the morning. I switched to Wellness Simple Limited ingredients formulated for sensitivities and feeding the regular amount only splitting it into 3 feedings a day instead of a little in the morning and the rest at night. They are getting much better. No more mucus in the stools and no more vomiting. Something happened to the Blue Buffalo brand. They changed the recipe or added or removed something. I will not go back to any of their products, dry or canned.

    • Kate

      My 8 month old HavaShi was doing wonderfully with BB lamb and oatmeal until about 2 weeks ago when I opened a new bag exp 12/2015. He has had looser stools, urinary frequency, and now crystals in his urine. The vet had recommended Science Diet but he had explosive diarrhea with mucous and blood. So I will probably try Wellness again. I don’t know what has happened to the BB.

  • Lisa

    Our 4 month old shi tzu has been on blue puppy food for about a month and was doing great. Recently we started a new bag and she started having diarhea. Same food just a new bag. I didn’t think it was the dog food since she had been doing fine for a month or so. I put her on chicken and rice and she started having normal poops. Three times I’ve tried to gradually get her back on the Blue by sprinkling in a little with her chicken and rice. Every time she gets diarhea again. I think there is something wrong with the new bag of food. I will be looking for a new brand of dog food.

  • Justmejv

    We have been feeding our dogs BB for several months and the moment we say “Time for PAPAH” they get so excited that one of our dogs drops her favorite toy and starts waggling her tail. All the dogs get so excited {we have 4 dogs}they seem healthier and their coats look healthy as well. We are very happy with choosing this brand. I would recommend BB for sure!!!

  • Roy Donn

    Toy Aussie, I have been fighting loose stool, bloody stool, mucous stool for months. All I have heard is how great Blue is. Well, let me tell you, I switched to Science diet 3 days ago and her stool has gradually looked better each day, today her stool was perfect, 4 days ago it was diarrhea and blood. She used to through up frequently also. Stop selling this poison.

  • Nancy

    Have used Blue Buffalo for years. I am not sure if I got a bad bag, or if something has changed but the last bag made all of my dogs very ill. Not sure of the cause, I had switched them over to a bland diet. The younger 2 to recovered on their own. The older two required a trip to the vet. The younger two got put back onto their kibble and within 4 days it started again.
    Not to be too graphic, it has caused explosive diarrhea that is like water. The older ones actually started passing large amounts of blood. This initially started 5 days after starting a new bag, the second time it started 4 days after being put back on kibble.
    This was the Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice small bites in the teal bag. I am curious if anyone else has had the same issues.

    • linda555555

      Yep sooner or later they get sick, the ones defending this are EVIL or haven’t been on it long enough for their dog to get sick I hope they believe us the ppl! Why would we waste time on here lying we are here BECAUSE our animals GOT SICK & were looking for help & replacement foods.

  • Eric W

    I was feeding my 8 year old boxer Purina Beneful…she like it, but the Blue Buffalo intrigued me so I gave it a try… HOLY COW…. in her 8 years she hasn’t never gotten more excited at feeding time…she absolutely loves this stuff… her hair is also noticeably softer…. she also goes #2 about half as she used to…. so the Blue Buffalo claim about fillers is TRUE…. will never go back to any other dog food….will be switching my cat over shortly

  • Sam

    We have 2 dogs. A yellow lab mix (2 1/2 yrs) & boxer mix (14 mths). We found out when the yellow lab was a puppy that he had a sensitive stomach so put him on BB Sensitive Stomach Turkey & Potato. Never had a problem. When we got the boxer mix put her on regular puppy food then transitioned her into the BB our lab was eating. Didn’t have ANY problems until about a month ago. We purchased a new bag of dog food & within 4 days noticed that our puppies didn’t have the same energy level as normal, were drinking lots of water, peeing often (the boxer actually peed & pooped in the house & she’s potty trained), licking their paws a lot (looked at paws & they were all cracked & dried out–never a problem before)& vomiting yellowish bile off & on. Since nothing else had changed as far as diet or environment (and trust me I racked my brain going over things!) the only conclusion I could come up with was the new bag of food so I looked on the internet & discovered that it wasn’t just us having these problems/issues. Called PetSmart (where we got the food) & they were great about taking back the unused food & exchanging it for another product. I still would like to know what happened. Did BB change their formula? Were there ingredients (or too many of them) that shouldn’t have been added? I’ve been looking on the internet but haven’t seen any info about a recall. All I can say is that I’m very upset & disappointed because I was happy giving my dogs this food, they liked it, were doing well on it and now this. Unfortunately, I have to be honest & say that I will never buy this food again since I can no longer trust the company.

    • carol

      Hi, our boxer is now four and a half years old, has always been on BB. She has developed a bright pink splotch pattern all over her stomack and butt. this was after her whole body was covered with hives. we took her to the vet twice so far and the hives went down with the steroid shot they gave her. She is on Benedryl every six hours now untill the red dots go down. the dots are coming together into just red. I’m not sure what to do at this point but other dogs have shown some problems as well and i thought I’d bettr write about this.Something has changed about this dog food!
      We lost our former boxer to a case of mega-esophagus from another dog food and i’m really really scared about this one! How is your boxer now?

  • MadridJB

    I have had my minpin on BB since a puppy and not a single problem! He is now 3 years old. My new minpin puppy had flatulence when I fed her the Chicken and Oatmeal recipe so i switched her to grainfree since then and not an issue, she is now 11 months. I love BB it has been better than other brands. My dogs only get diarrreah if they get into something they shouldnt. But BB has kept them very healthy and their coats are so shiny!

  • Jess

    I have a two yr old German Shepard who has eaten BB his whole life. We found out he does have grain allergies. So does my 9 yr old lab. Both have been doing great of BB till our last two bags. Both have ear infections both have been itching themselves crazy ! I switched to another brand and cut out chicken. BB makes nothing without chicken or chicken by products. My dogs are getting better without Blue Buffalo! Took my cats off it too. Something not right with the dog food. I no longer will buy it or recommend it like I once did.

    • Sandra Harknet, Certified Dog Trainer

      I am a dog trainer and have a Doggie Daycare. I am not a Blue Buffalo fan for reasons pointed out in numerous comments posted byothers, but clients still insist on buying it. Most of the dogs on it have diarrhea and other problems. A Bernese Mountain Dog puppy has constant diarrhea but they will not switch. I sell and recommend FROMM, NUTRISOURCE, Merrick and Victor. I give out samples and do have many smart customers who switched from an inferior product. Also dog food experts recommend switching the food every 2 to 3 months to prevent nutrients toxicity and imbalance. BUT take 7-10 days to make the switch. You will have a healthier dog.

  • Robert

    First time here and thanks for having me. Purchased (dry pellets) Blue Buffalo several months ago and noticed that my Sheltie was getting sick once or twice a week in the morning then not eating till early afternoon. She’d drool first then vomit stomach fluids and sometimes the actual Blue Buffalo. This went on for months. Thought of all reasons why she was getting sick from low sugar levels to alergies. Tried feeding her treats at night to keep her belly full but that failed. The BB never crossed our minds as being the culprit because of its reputation. Just recently, my dog was getting sick every morning for a week straight…we finally took action. After feeding her the dry pellets from Blue Buffalo for months, we changed to a canned wet food. Miraculously she stopped getting sick. It has been 72 hours now. Wife googled Blue Buffalo and a whole page of articles populated about BB making dogs sick. She informed me and then I called the store that sold us this product then the BB headquarters. They did not pick up their phone in any department. The store that I spoke with claimed they knew nothing about the articles….you’d think they’d be aware because of the multiple articles posted were from last March 2013. Were they protecting BB? All I know is, if I was selling food that was potentially getting pets sick, the product would be pulled immediately and never sold again. We use a store swipe card everytime we buy product so maybe (you’d think) the seller would have looked up what we / everyone were buying and notified us about possible tainted food from BB? Waiting on BB to email us back so will check back later. Recently bought chicken and duck canned from Blue to replace the BB dry pellets and that made her sick too…but she loves the salmon and chicken. Is the duck and chicken tainted? Is there anyone out there having problems with the duck chicken canned by Blue? Love my dog and it killed me seeing her vomiting every morning. Take her to a vet you say? Who can afford a vet these days? Or am I being obtuse. Happy Holidays!

  • Rita

    I have a 1 year old Golden Retriever mix. I started feeding him BB because reviews were great. He started drinking huge amounts of water and having to go out to pee all the time. It was ridiculous. I had blood work and the vet said he was in early renal failure. He was put on Hills Science Diet Renal and his levels went back to normal. At the vets they say they have these complaints often. This has been a very expensive and time consuming thing for us. And my poor baby has had to suffer. So not happy with this. Do not put your dog on this.

  • Lonnie Williams

    How much does it cost?

  • Jacki

    A few months ago, Joey who is now 1 ½ yrs old, had crystals in his urine. Assuming that it was because of him being a puppy, his hygiene wasn’t the best. Was put on antibiotics and Hills food for 10 days. The crystals cleared up. Then on Oct 17th of this years, he developed severe diarrhea and was vomiting. I gave him an Imodium and withheld food that night. The Next morning I fed him a small amount of food and within 15 mins. he threw that up too. We were out of town at the time, so I had to take him to a vet I knew nothing about. Luckily Brewer Vets in Springfield, IL were great. I immediately had them do an xray because this is a dog that was known to swallow rocks and it was the exact same symptoms. Xray showed he had several pockets of gas in his stomach and intestines. All his blood work and vitals were normal. The vet thought that maybe the stress from traveling caused it. Although we were only 2 ½ hrs. from home and Joey had slept the entire way there. Joey stayed at the vets for the day to make sure he did not become more dehydrated, then started him on Flygal and Hills food for 5 days. After a few days of this I put him back on BB. The diarrhea did not clear up and he was vomiting yellow phlegm in the morning about every 1 or 2 days.

    At the same time that all this started with Joey, Frankie, who is 10 yrs., started drinking water excessively and peeing a lot. Took another stool sample of Joey’s and a urine sample of Frankie’s to my vets about 4 days later. Joey’s stool sample was negative and Frankie’s urine showed a very high PH count. Joey had also started drinking large amounts of water. More lab work done on Joey and also on Frankie. Both came back normal. We thought that maybe Joey had become allergic to chicken, so I bought a bag of BB fish & potato. Another 10 day round of Flygal and Hills food for 3 or 4 days for Joey and antibiotics for Frankie. After 2 weeks, Frankie had crystals in his urine and Joey still had Diarrhea. My vet put Frankie on a different antibiotic and Hills food for 2 weeks. Frankie has always gone to the bathroom 4 to 6 times a day and at least 1 time would be a soft stool. After 2 or 3 days on the Hills food, Frankie stopped drinking as much and going to the bathroom as often, and not one was diarrhea. Kind of made the light bulb go off. Frankie’s urine sample yesterday still shows his PH is high but the crystals are gone. Started reading all the reviews about Blue Buffalo and was amazed at how many dogs had the same symptoms as Joey and Frankie. Switched all 4 of my dogs to Wellness dog food….no chicken in it either. Within 2 days Joey’s stools were almost normal again. 3 dogs I switched over cold turkey and Joey in 1 ½ days. Not 1 of them even had soft stools from switching so fast.

    Both Joey and Ranger, 1 of my other dogs kept licking and chewing their butt every time they went to the bathroom. This stopped after switching food too.

    At the time all this started, both Joey and Ranger were only getting ¾ cup of BB. In the morning they got raw chicken backs and freeze dried raw food. At night they got BB and ¾ cup freeze dried raw. I don’t even want to think what might have happened to Joey if he had eaten only BB. Frankie and Leeah were getting straight BB. Lucky for me Leeah never got sick since she is 12 yrs old and wouldn’t have bounced back as fast as Joey.

    It’s too bad that Blue Buffalo doesn’t spend some of their money on trying to figure out what’s wrong with their food instead of so much on advertising trying to convince people how good their dog food is. Even better, maybe they could pay my vet bills which, at this point, amount to hundreds of dollars. I had been using BB for almost 2 yrs. and you can bet I’ll NEVER use it again. There are several sites on the web with bad reviews for BB and I’m going to try to post this to as many as I can find.

    • Jane

      Jackie, I am so sorry to hear about all the health problems your dogs have gone through. I am relieved for you however that they survived this horrific ordeal. I purchased BB for my two dogs recently; but after reading many negative reviews decided to feed a different food. BB is not a transparent company in my opinion. They had a recall in 2010 for a vitamin D issue that caused the death of some dogs. At present, a possible auction is in the works for potential buyers such as Colgate,Proctor & Gamble and DelMonte to name just a few. Once a small company as BB sells to a huge corporation it’s anyone’s guess at what changes in the original dog food will be. The manufacturing plant is of concern to me as this is where the contamination originates. I for one encourage you to post your comments everywhere you can; including on Facebook if you use it. This negligence in the pet food industry needs to STOP! As for me, I will be giving my beloved dogs a dog food that has not had recalls and is made by a company that uses their own plant. I know of several to choose from and I will sleep better at night too. Thanks for your honest comments re; BB .

  • Ross

    Been having problems with our two cats (1 1/2 year tortoise shell and a 1 year tuxedo) after 8 months of feeding blue buffalo so I started to research them online. All review sites that aren’t associated with major pet companies said the same thing that my cats are going through. Vomiting, loose stinky stools, urinating all the time, major hair loss and lethargy. All review sites associated with Petsmart, amazon, blue buffalo, etc… did nothing but praise the stuff. I decided who I thought was telling the truth and I immediately switched them back to their old food and within 2 weeks, they were back to normal. I don’t know what they put in that stuff but it’s going to end up killing pets. I’ll never use anything by that company again.

  • Daniel

    I am starting to slowly change over my dogs food to BB. The key to switching over is to gradually change over. YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER FEED YOUR DOG NEW FOOD COLD TURKEY. So right now even though it is day 2 I have been using 80% old 20% new BB. They seem to be responding pretty well so far. I plan on doing this for a few weeks then gradually adding more of the new dog food BB. I seems like most people are just feeding their dog cold turkey which is VERY BAD for the dogs.

  • chrystal darrow

    2 years of Blue Buffalo Wilderness I swore by it. The 3rd year has been a nightmare,mainly because it was the last stone turned over. My dog vomiting at least once a week,started eating grass,eating her poo,nipping at hips and back BUT her constant licking her paws and I mean constant!, coupled with on again off again runny stools. Not to mention HUGE VET BILLS!! That led Vet to say,change her dog food,let’s see if it helps. Its been 5wks since beginning Orijen adult formula,normal stools,paw licking reduced 90%,back and hip biting,stopped. Her coat is going back to its full and shiney self!!! No vomiting,although I mixed organic pumpkin with new dry kibble to get her to try it. She now loves it! I live in Reno Nv and have at least 30 friends with dogs a couple with cats,10 fed BBW,9 have stopped for same reasons. All cats have been taken off BBC, way sick! The one dog has never had any health problems. We all chose differnt high end brands with great results.

  • Ann

    We have a 3 year old Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier and anyone who’s ever had one knows how easily they can get upset stomachs. After boarding Brendan last year(where he got sick for months afterwards from their feeding schedule)we switched to Lamb w/Brown Rice. Brendan does sooo well on it just eating 2 full cups a day,still trying to figure out how much poop he has from that small amt of food,LOL!! We think it is pricey and Blue Buffalo isn’t generous on their $$ off coupons, but it’s worth it.

  • Grace

    All these bad reviews seem to be fake, there’s been speculation that competitors are posting fake experiences about pets dying from blue buffalo. Check other websites of reviews, it only seems to be this website and another website,consumer reviews, that have it. Do your research before you base it off all these fake names.

  • Candace

    Attention Pet Parents…Please Read! I’m a pet parent to 4 dogs and 2 cats. All my pets have been on Blue Buffalo products for the past 4 years. Recently my dogs began throwing up, having loose stools, foul gas, refusing to eat their dog food at times and when they did eat I noticed they were eating grass in the yard afterwards and drinking lots of water. 1 of my dogs appeared bloated and was panting heavily, my other dog started to urinate in her doggie bed while sleeping (she’s a younger dog and had never done that before.)I went online to research if there was something going on with BB and came across so many other comments similar to mine. I’m shocked because I always thought BB was a great food! It is an expensive pet food but I wanted to give my pets the best so the cost was worth it to me to ensure their health. I immediately stopped feeding BB to all my pets once I saw the postings from others who were experiencing problems. I bought Halo for my pets and am seeing a big difference now! I’m convinced that the BB food was causing issues for my pets. I’m sharing my story in the hope that I might help someone else whose pet is experiencing issues like mine.

    • Martha N

      My puppy has had diaharea for a week now since starting blue buffalo. Also stinky farts! i am going to try something else!! I’m glad I found this webpage! Thanks for your help!

    • Mike


      My two huskies are going through the same thing. Nausea and eating grass in the back yard to make themselves sick. The stools have been solid though.

      This has been going on since we bought a new back of BB in their blue bag. All other variables such as treats, human food, ext…have been eliminated.

      We are returning the rest of the bag tomorrow and switching brands.

    • Mike

      I forgot to mention. Our dogs have been eating BB for a few years.

    • Mindie

      I’m so glad I read this because my 6 month old puppy is constantly having diarrhea and stinky gas. He’s been on Blue Buffalo since we got him 2 weeks ago. I thought switching his food would result in this for a couple of days but never thought it would continue 5-6 times a day. Guess this means we need to try something else. Thank you!

    • Barb

      Which BB formula were you using?

  • Nancy

    My 7 year old maltese eats Blue Buffalo and seems to like it, but he will not eat the bits. The nutrients are in the bits, so I am concerned he is not getting the benefit of this product. He consistently picks them out. I will say that his poop is much better on this food, so he must be digesting it better. I had him on a number of high quality foods in the past, and they either caused loose or hard stools, including Evo. Will probably try another similar kibble.

    • Nina

      My dogs do the same thing!

  • ranchrider

    I have been feeding Blue Basics Turkey and Potato for the past 10 years and no problems until now. I read that Blue got bought out by another company which may be their downfall. Anyway, both of my Cocker Spaniels have digestive tract problems from this last bag. Now one of the dogs has a blood in her stool and her urine. Both dogs are throwing up like they have acid reflux. My vet said to switch so I am now on Science Diet dog food. They are not healed yet but it has only been one week. I am tired of the vet bills to get my dogs healthy again but I feel I am on the right track now.

  • Bev Barket

    Our 14lb Poodle/Bishon mix was eating Blue Buffalo Grain Free Dry and canned alternately with Blue Buffalo Fish Formula Dry and Canned. She received a 1/4 cup total one or the other in the a.m. and a 1/4 cup total in the p.m.

    She began to act like she was going lame and her back legs would shake. She would take a couple of steps and sit down. She wasn’t herself and we feared she was losing her ability to walk.

    I stopped Blue Buffalo dog food only two days ago and she has improved dramatically. I believe Blue Buffalo Dog Food is saturated with supplements to an excessive degree and is not suitable for small dogs.

    The dog food industry as a whole is a train wreck. I have spent hours researching dog foods and after this experience will feed her homemade Chicken and Bison and a small array of vegetables and Blueberries. I am done with commercial dog food. If I hadn’t intuitively stopped her food I don’t know how desparately this story would end.

  • sandy

    Why doesn’t blue buffalo have the AAFCO label on their dog food. I would feel more trusting if they had that. I wrote to them asking and no return mail. I have trouble trusting a company that is not endorsed with this label. Lots of companies have this on their dog food bags.

  • Ashley

    I had my two mini American Eskimos on the Blue duck recipe which was fine then they got picky so we tried the salmon recipe which is horrible after a week they’re both shaking, panting, diarrhea, also the worst diarrhea i have ever seen including blood! I liked the brand but I can not continue using food that is making my pets this ill.

  • Pat

    My Irish Setters were on Blue Buffalo. My male is in intensive care (for 3 weeks) on oxygen and IV’s for complications with bladder stones. My female has urinary tract infections quite often. My vet asked me last year not to feed Blue but I was stubborn and continued. Today for my know better than my vet ways, I will be happy if my male comes out of the hospital under $10,000. My female thank the Lord only had an infetion that could be helped with oral antibiotics.

    They will not be eating Blue Buffalo ever again.

  • Emily

    We have fed our 2 cockapoos Blue Buffalo from the start (one is almost 2 and the other is almost 1 year old). Both did better on this than the previous food they had been on (shiny coats, good stool). The younger one, however, had horrible gas when switching to this food initially. He still gets bad gas when he eats some different things. After doing more research on BB lately and reading about the many issues other people have had with it, it made me reevaluate. We have noticed that both of our dog’s stools have been getting softer and stronger smelling for the last few months. Also, our older dog’s coat had lost some of its softness and sheen, and she herself seemed to have less energy. She also didn’t seem very enthused about eating it anymore. All things considered, we switched to Nutrisource Adult food. Both dogs have healthy, firm stool again and little to no smell. Our older dog’s coat is soft and shiny again, and she has more energy than she has in a while. Also of note, while switching to Nutrisource, our younger dog has had absolutely no gas! He could clear the room on BB, but has had no issues with Nutrisource. We are very happy with the switch because of the positive changes in our dogs. Also, BB is very expensive (we paid $2.20/lb for BB and now pay $1.15/lb for Nutrisource). Overall, Nutrisource seems to be a much better food for our dogs.

  • tara

    I found sharp bone fragments in the duck/chicken dog food!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously?????

  • Savina and Rocky

    We ran out of Orijen 6fish dog food we have on autodelivery and needed to substitute with another quality fish kibble for our Frenchies with sensitive skin and tummies. Our local petstore did not have the Orijen brand, but had plenty other good and not so good options. We ended up with Blue Wildnerness Salmon. This was the closest to their Orijen Fish favorite. And I am happy to say there are no skin breakouts (blisters, rashes, hives) and no vomiting, loose stools or diarrhea.They also seem to like it (bowls empty). These 2 brands cost about the same and glad we now have a good substitute for bags running out or with traveling.

  • Lola

    My 9 yr old maltese very ill diabetes. Switched to Blue Buffalo Wilderness canned..immediate improvement within 3 days.

    • Dale

      My second bag of blue dog food .The first bag everything going good .Almost done with bag two and oh my what stink comes from the back side of my dog .It is foul really foul .I will be dumping out the remainder of the food left .Thank all who have left reply’s .It has confirmed what I was thinking . Wanted to give my dog the best or what I thought was anyway . Price does not reflect the best .

    • Virginia

      I have a 9 months old Havanese puppy. Since we got her we’ve been using Wellness. We recently started using BB, gradually mixing the new puppy BB food with the other one. As we made the switch, puppy started having diarrhea – first a little, then more and more. She also drank huge amounts of water (an entire bowl in an hour, when she usually does not empty it in an entire day!) I got very worried and started suspecting it may be the food. When i checked for any recalls I see other people with dogs going through the same symptoms. I stopped BB and puppy is back to normal! Not sure what is in the food but it really made my dog sick – DO NOT BUY this food!!!

  • Kim

    The last recent two bags of dog food that I have purchased from blue, has caused one of my dogs to get an ear infection, another one is panting and throwing up every time after being fed, and overly gassy, and even after feeding all three of my dogs each day, they each are still starving. Done with blue, going to petco today and checking out Science Diet.

    Also my 6 cats are on the blue cat food and they’ve all been throwing up from it as well.

    • Pat Kokke

      My Irish Setter had bladder stones, the vets (regular vet, surgeon and internist) blamed it on the blue buffalo. Due to complications my dog asperated and has spent 3 weeks in intensive care. I am hoping to bring him home this weekend, he will not be eating Blue Baffalo.

  • Tony

    I was researching Blue Buffalo, did the pet food comparison on their web site. Funny how my pets current pet food has nothing in it, I mean all dashes at least compared to Blue. Seems to me all they did was change the order of ingredients putting meat first (protein that is). Truth is dogs are carnivores and are suppose to eat meat, they are not omnivores and do not eat any sort of vegetables. Blue Buffalo is blowing smoke telling comsumers that what dogs need. Truth is they are just trying to sell a product. Which isn’t all that great.

    • Jackie

      Tony, you are sadly misinformed that dogs are carnivores. Cats are carnivores. Dogs are omnivores like us. If you feed an all meat diet it will get too much protein and could develop kidney disease. Dogs also need nutrients in their diets provided by plants. Have you never seen a dog eat grass trying to get more plant nutrients in it’s diet? If your dog is doing well on what you are feeding it,healthy coat,normal energy, and normal stool, then you don’t need to switch.

  • melissa cavazos

    on the first of the month I bought a bag of blue freedom from petco.since then my shih Tzu died and my other shih Tzu is very weak and is on fluids . I have had to take her 2 times to vet to have fluids put in her . I don’t have any money to do the lab tests but my dogs where fine until I got this dog food . does anyone know for sure if something is wrong with this food . I don’t have bag as I throw them away and put food in a pet container . please help you can text me any time at nine five six nine zero seven five eight two six or email me at missyjo 06 at g mail dot com

  • KD

    Has anyone’s dogs been getting diarrhea from Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice? Our dogs have both had it for about 3 weeks. Our vet recommended stopping the Blue and giving them the bland diet of Chicken and Rice which seemed to have stopped it but as soon as we tried to add Blue back into the Chicken and Rice they would get it again. My Male seemed to get better for a couple days but the female wasn’t getting better so we brought her to the vet and they gave her meds, she is still on the Chicken and Rice only and hasn’t had any diarrhea. Since seemed like the male was getting better we started to mix Blue into the diet and he is now having diarrhea again. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that every time we try mixing it in with the chicken and rice they get diarrhea or if it may be something else. Please let me know if this is happening to anyone else.

    • D RAHR

      We switched from Beneful to Blue Buffalo dry food for our dogs. Almost immediately they has intestinal issues…vomiting and lots of diarrhea. The vet said that it was too rich for them and we had to change back to Beneful and the problems stopped.

    • melissa

      my shih Tzu died went into shock and my other shih Tzu is very sick took her to the vet and the vet said that the blue dog food could be bad

      • Karen

        My bichon frise has been on Blue for about a year without any problems. All of a sudden within the past two weeks, I bought a new bag and he has been having vomiting. I changed to the bland diet of cooked chicken and rice for four days, went back to the Blue, and it’s even worse. I believe that Blue has changed their formula and should recall. My dog is very sick right now and also these bags of food are very expensive. I am switching back to the cooked chicken and rice and changing back to Eukanuba sensitive stomach. I also called and left a message with Blue. I think they should do a recall!

      • Eileen

        This food seemed perfect & our picky Westie loved it! After about ten days on Salmon/Chicken she was hospitalized & is in our vet’s ICU with IV’s. She tested positive for pancreatitis. We definitely had the gas symptoms & eating grass. Then, the vomiting started. She refused to eat. We’re hoping she’ll be well enough to be home for Christmas. We don’t know if switching to that food could have so quickly caused this..

    • melissa

      stop the dog food it is making pets sick I lost my shih Tzu and anther is barly making it

    • jen

      I’m wondering the same thing about the cat food as I’ve just dropped 600$ at the vet because of my seriously ill cat that I currently have to hand feed wet food from the vet. All of the lab work has come back fine. He has no ‘illness’ to speak of, so I can only guess that it is the food. Started off with wicked diarrhea, then fatigue and severe vomiting. My other 3 cats are barely eating the kibble and are usually quite voracious with their appetites. I’m very worried and hope my cat recovers. I’ll be switching the food over today as soon as I can. I hope everyone else critters recover

    • Pat

      My dogs have bladder stones and urinary tract infections. The one with bladder stones almost died. No more Blue Buffalo for them. My vet says that, she can’t prove it, but she sees more dogs with gastrointestinal problems and urinary tract problems that are on Blue than any other food.

    • bobbie

      We bought a new bag of Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice and started our 3 Shetland Sheepdogs on it the last week in July. Within 3 days all three had diarrhea and the youngest and middle aged one(2 year old and 8 year old) were throwing up.
      Took all three to the vet. Started them on the special diet, chicken, rice and cottage cheese plus ‘Flagyl’ medication. They did not get better.
      Took them back and ran blood work on the 2 and 8 year old and took a fresh poop – diarrhea sample in from the old guy – he is almost 12.
      Now they are on the same bland diet, plus Famiditine tablets twice a day and Tylan powder 1/4 teaspoon twice a day.
      As far as the Blue Buffalo food, never going to use it again. I have been using it for 9 months, but no more. There seems to be some improvement in the 2 and 8 year old. But, our old boy isn’t getting better.

    • Kathy

      Yes, my male dog has been experiencing very loose stools and diarrhea ever since I switched to Blue Chicken and rice. My female dog seems ok but not the male. I keep wondering if I should switch back to Royal Canin. Has yours improved or did you switch their dog food?

  • Jane

    Our Lab had ear infections and skin issues and switched to the fish and sweet potatoes and this cleared up immediately. We previously had him on wellness. Our sisters schnauzer was having vomiting issues on wellness and now is on Blue and no problems. We like to mix the duck wet and dry and people comment on how beautiful our dogs coats are. The dry food had a big variety for even the pickiest dogs, like ours.

  • Linda – Coppell TX

    Today 6-28-2013 Blue Buffalo Freedom Grain Free Chicken Recipe Killed my 14 yr old Min Pin. Sharp Bone fragments in the dog food.


    • melissa

      did u call blue buffalo 3 days ago my shih Tzu died and my other shih Tzu right now is very sick throwing up .

  • John

    I purchased the puppy formula and my dog could not tolerate it. After two weeks her stools were getting worse. I stopped feeding her blue buffalo and her stools went back to normal. I guess I will keep her on science diet. Too bad was really hoping this could be the food for her.

    • agent 13

      give a big build up in the TV ads, put a fancy label on it and triple what it should cost and then wait for the suckers who think they’re giving their pets something good for their money — they do the same thing with eggs by paying some lacky minimum wage to stamp EB on them — some day the people in this country may start to get smart and stop falling for the countless swindles on TV and computers

  • kim

    Do NOT by blue for your.cat. my cat has been having loose stools for over a week now and is not going in her litter box .after.all these reviews on the internet it seems to me blue needs to recall the bbq’d chicken for cats. I paid 33 dollars for this and thought I was doing my cat a favor by helping her with a healthy product. Have to take her to the vet soon. I am hoping there is no issue. Will update

    • Chloe

      Blue doesn’t sell a BBQ chicken.

  • Anthony

    im very happy with blue my dogs coat is in perfect sow look when compared to the food i was feeding him before which was eagle ,he is a 110 pd miami blue pitbull and extremely playfull ever since ive switched his food to blue ,no stomach gurguling sounds and stool just perfect i love it and i can tell my dog rocco does too.the chicken ,lamb and duck recipies i will stick too for my best freind.thanks blue!

  • Linda

    I had been feeding Blue Life Protection Formula
    Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe for Senior Dogs to my just turned 14 yo yellow lab for about a year. For about 8 months she has had episodes of panting/pacing with much stomach upset. She was also diagnosed with Canine Dysfunction Syndrome last fall. I thought the panting and pacing was primarily related to that.

    I just opened a new bag of Blue last week. The panting and pacing and obvious stomach pain (audible gurgling) has been awful. She absolutely will not touch the Blue. However, I can get her to eat lamb and rice without problem and I’m transitioning her to another brand’s salmon and rice food. She seems to like that. Now that I’ve read what I have about Blue, I wish I had taken her off this ages ago.

  • Paul

    I have two beagle puppies and have been feeding them blue buffalo since they were 2 months old. They are very active dogs, with beautiful healthy coats. The vets have told me that my dogs are very healthy & to continue feeding them blue buffalo. Once in a while I mix their dry food with blue buffalo wet food as a treat. I give my dogs carrots & apples as treats. Blue buffalo ingredients are top notch. If your dog has digestive problems try giving them a slice of apple every day. It will help with digestive system. I love blue buffalo products, like human beings dogs also need organic & holistic products. I’m staying true to Blue!

  • Randy

    Have been feeding my two labs Blue Buffalo Healthy Weight for over a year. Recently we noticed that the appearance of the kibble had changed and there wasn’t as many of the “life bits” as before. The food also has a lot of dust like crumbs that take up a quarter of the bag. This food is different depending on where we purchased it. Tractor Supply seems to have the original style and Petco has the stuff that we have problems with. Both dogs had the worse diaherea that I have ever saw. I used to praise this food but something changed and we are switching to 4health. This food has a 4 star rating and is much more reasonably priced and the dogs love it! Sorry Blue but I will NEVER buy your brand again

    • Jay

      TSC 4Health is made by Diamond. We too used to buy BB until recent problems.

      TSC is the only store around..We switched to Wellness.

      Diamond seems to have recalls every other month…

      • Bully lover

        Dallas—I’ve been on blue buffalo for over 3 years and my dogs love it. That is until this new bag CHICKEN AND RICE FORMULA that they have been having issues for the last 72 hours. (Two 85lb bullies). Their symptoms are exactly as described by others: loose stools, “shine” to feces, mucous, blood tainted (fresh) but also apparent due to black stools. I’m F’n livid my boys are my kids ( we have fertility issues) and the last thing I want is poor health. This many complaints in less than 6 weeks deserves a recall. I found website to FDA/dog food I will post in a moment. To others I wish your pets well being.. Blue your on my $#€t list…literally !

  • mary salisbury md

    I am not happy about blue Buffalo food…. At this point my two pups have water stools… I hav switch over from another food and they have been on blue only for about a week. These pups are German Shepherds…Blue you will not take my pups from me. I bought you food because you have NO FILERS or Bi-Products but YOU NEED TO FIX this problems with your food. I have read 3 days of NEGATIVE Results with your food

  • Darlene

    Blue Buffalo Wilderness has made my four dogs extremely ill. I am so distressed, my four dogs have been eating Blue Buffalo for almost a year. Recently, they have all started showing distressing symptoms… they have become lethargic, eating grass and vomiting daily, diarrhea, and EXCESSIVE thirst. I can’t keep their water bowls full, their drinking of water has doubled in the past month. I connected it to their food (the only thing they all had in common) and stopped immediately, returning all bags and cans of Blue Buffalo back to the store. I started them on cooked rice and chicken (made by me in my own kitchen) and after only two days, they are already doing better. No one has vomited since they stopped eating the Blue Buffalo.
    They are all seeing the vet tomorrow for bloodwork as this excessive thirst could a kidney issue. They have even lost weight while eating this toxic food.
    I cannot believe the company has not pulled this food off the shelves. Go to consumer reviews, there are over 248 complaints about the same symptoms dogs are having and some have already died. I contacted the company, with no response. I will switch my dogs to Merrick or Fromm, both seem to be made by the original family company. Blue Buffalo was sold recently and obviously may be getting their products from China… just my guess. Never again will I touch a Blue Buffalo product and am hoping my dogs have not been permanently damaged. I feel so guilty that I fed them this toxic food.

    • melissa

      please report to fda blue killed my shih Tzu and made the other very sick

  • Sue

    Not happy with Blue Buffalo. Almost lost my 1 1/2 yr. old lab. She was eating fish and sweet potato for about 1 yr.. The last bag she was eating smelled extremely fishy. She got so sick I didn’t know if she would live. Had abdominal surgery to see if the Vet could find something that didn’t show up on the x-rays or blood work (which had liver values of 845, but 150 is normal). Her intestins were 2-3 size normal. After surgery changed to a perscription diet and she ate for the first time in over a week, switched to another pet food and no problem since (I still have to have blood work rechecked)
    So if you pet won’t eat this food SWITCH! they may know something you don’t

  • Dolce’s “mom

    20 April 2013 at 12:02 am
    I rescued a 4 yr old dachshund from the local pound and she was sick with bordetella and under-weight. After visiting my vet, and getting treatment for her illness,I went and bought a small bag of BB chicken with those lovely life bits. Evidently, Dolce was used to a soft diet by the look of her teeth and she was initially quite resistant to the BB. However, after a few weeks of getting used to her new life, feeling better she is liking the BB so much better. Her teeth look much better, and unlike other folks that seem to complain about an excess of life bits-I have the opposite issue. My two cats have been known to sneak those tasty bits out of the dogs bowl. Luckily, the dog is quite good natured and doesnt eat the cats. Dolce is thriving on Blue Buffalo!

  • Jode

    BAD EXPERIENCE – Please do your homework and Google reviews for Blue dog food. I wish I had. Most report horrible gas, worse than anything most have ever experienced. Extreme stomach upset to dogs causing pain. Heavy, uncontrolled panting, blood in stools etc. I purchased Blue based on the commercials and rating of “meat” being the first ingredient. My Lab was so miserable I ended up taking him to the vet in the middle of the night after approximately 4 hours of non stop heavy panting and putrid smelling gas. He was having issues for approximately 2 weeks with gas and a couple small heavy panting for no apparent reason during cold weather. I thought he was having or going to have a heart attack. The vet couldn’t find anything wrong. In addition, I also purchased dog anti-acids, which helped a little, however the problem continued for a few more days. I then did the research on Blue and found this was very common. I took him off of Blue about a week ago and he is fine. He was on the Blue Wilderness – High Protein-Grain-Free Duck Recipe. (He has had duck dog food and real duck jerky in the past so Duck would not have caused any issues)

    • Diane

      I have two beagles…both were adopted. My oldest girl, Daisy, had trouble with gas. It was so bad that we had to leave the room. I decided to change her food. Right now I can’t even remember what food she was on when she had all of the gas. Anywho…I decided to get the Blue Buffalo Basic. She loves the food and no more gas. I know she is feeling better.
      Part of her problem was that she has a sensitive stomach. It took me awhile to figure that out.

      My other beagle, Louise, gets infections and crystals. She was on the special food for a year which I hated feeding that food to her. My vet said that I could try the Wellness Super 5 Mix Healthy Weight because of the protein amount. So Louise is on the Wellness with the Herbsmith Bladder Care powder. Guess what? No more infections and crystals!! I really would like to put her on the Blue Buffalo but I don’t want to mess up her system and have her get the crystals again.

      It really depends on the dog’s system which food works the best. Both brands are expensive but I pretty much break even with the Wellness with the bladder care cranberry supplement and that special food for Louise. Louise is just getting a better dog food…no corn. Yes..I do feel that Blue Buffalo is a better food than Wellness but I do what I think is best for my girls. If you never had a dog with infections and crystals, you wouldn’t understand. My goal is to never let Louise get stones which is an expensive surgery.

  • Dunner

    I see many, many 5 star ratings and most canines probably do great on Blue Buffalo foods- BUT as a few people have related their horror stories and high vet bills when their dog became very ill. I too had the same disaster and BB almost killed my rescued 3 yr old Irish Setter. I spent over $2k at the vet and emergency animal hospital- tests, bloodwork, several meds yet still the vets couldn’t find anything definitive even though he was vomiting red, having bloody diarrhea, and losing serious weight- getting anemic.
    While discussing his plight with a buddy he casually suggested feeding him normal, cheap dog food. I figured we had nothing to lose by trying. Surprise, Surprise he is on a cheaper commercial dry food now and finally regaining his health and putting some weight back on.
    Bottom line: unless you start your dog on BB from young pup stage this scenario may happen to you. I think sometimes we go overboard on some rich yuppy trend.Feed em something average middle of the road!

  • Heather Lamb

    We have just spent $1500 at the vet on our little Pomeranian. We have been feeding BB for 3 years and never had a problem. After opening a new bag of chicken/rice formula last week, Bella got severely ill and would not stop vomiting. After 4 xrays, ultrasound, bloods, urine and an overnight hospital visit we were out $1500 and told they think it was her food. They put her on Hills ID and she did fine. They said to slowly incorporate her BB dry back into her diet and when we did that she got severely sick again! Our vet said that recently they have seen issues with dogs who are fed BB and to bring it back to the store. We will never buy this food again!

  • Emmanuel

    Why won’t blue compare other food brands that are close to blue? I only notice the brands that only make blue look good. I feed my dogs diamond dog food and they love it. There coats are shiny and they look good. I get a 40lbs bag for $30!! I would like to compare other good brands. Come on blue if your food is that amazing then why don’t compare more brands!

  • Sheen

    My cats have ate BB for a year now. The last few weeks, my cats are constantly getting sick, begging for food when the bowl is still full, and have not seemed to feel good. My coworker’s cat has the same issues and she also feeds BB. Anyone else?

  • Stacey

    About 3/4 of the way through our first bag of Blue Buffalo basic Lamb and Brown Rice, our German Shepard started to drink and urinate more frequently, and 10 days later there were blood droplets when she urinated and she was vomiting up foam. I took a urine sample to the vet and the results came back that there was no bacteria in the urine. We researched Blue Buffalo and found pages and pages of people who’d experienced the same issues with their dogs on the food. We took her off BB immediately, and saw an improvement within 24 hours. It’s been a week, and I’m happy to report that she is healthy again and back to her old self.

    • Wanda

      What did you go to instead.What are you using now?

    • jennifer

      what are you feeding now?

    • gretchen ziegler

      I’ve been feeding BB Wilderness chicken to my dogs that range in age from 20 months to 12 years and have had an excellent experience with it. My dogs coat went from dull to shiny. Perhaps your dog had a reaction to an ingredient and needed a limited ingredient dog food.

  • Donna W.

    I have three goldens that have been on blue buffalo for many months. The two older ones are on Wilderness senior and have lost weight and look great and they love this food. The younger one is on Basics and loves it also. Recently we have had two bad episodes of gastrointestinal issues. The first time with just the younger one. She was vomiting, had diarrhea, refused to eat, got lethargic, and had blood and mucus in her stools. She was xrayed and had inflamed intestines and stomach. She was put on meds and special food and got better. Two weeks later we are going through the same thing again. Her pancreatic enzymes were elevated after the first sickness and are higher this time. The other two are now experiencing those same symptoms. Now that I am reading all these complaints about BB food, I wonder if this is the problem. Right now they are all on Hill ID food because of being sick and I am afraid to put them back on BB. I have incurred almost $1000 in vet bills the last month. Up until a month ago they were fine with BB. I am researching other foods to switch them over to after the ID is gone and their symptoms are improved.

    • Amanda

      We have a shih tzu/bichon mix who has been on BB with the exception of one bag of food since we got her about 16 months ago. She always did really well on the Life Protection formula, but recently I’ve been trying Wilderness. It seemed ok for the first month or so, aside from her significant reduction in pooping. As soon as we started her on a second bag, she started eating less, picked out all the life source bits, and got noticeably constipated. Last weekend we woke up to her spitting up bile. happened twice in the same day. She refused to eat her kibble for two whole days (on day one I made her an egg at night after she hadn’t eaten all day and she ate it, and on day two I gave her a small serving of a Fromm’s kibble sample I had, which she also ate most of)…While I can’t be certain that the BB caused her problem, I’m not taking chances and I’m certainly not waiting for her kidneys to fail before switching her. Many, many, many people I know have switched to Fromm’s and swear by it. One woman contacted the company on behalf of the rest of us and asked them specifically about their inclusion of ANY Chinese-origin ingredients. They assured her that EVERY last ingredient from ANY supplier is guaranteed to have NO affiliation with China. Our dog is still on her bland diet, but we’re switching her to Fromm’s Four Star next. I know it’s supposed to be fantastic for my breed, so maybe look into it for your Goldens!? :)

    • Holly

      Donna, our Golden (8 yrs old) was on Natural Balance Limited Ingredients for about two years, but the vet insisted we switch to Science Diet DD. He has been on the Hill’s DD for about 3 weeks (the first two weeks mixed with his old food and this week just straight up Hill’s DD). This whole week he has been lethargic and has inflamed ears. I’m switching him back to the Natural Balance. I hope you’ve had luck finding something for your dogs. I was researching Blue to see if it might be better, when I came upon this web site. Very insightful. Think I will stick to Natural Balance.

  • Joey G

    Had purchased Blue for years recently bone fragments started appearing in Blue food, I contacted their Customer Service 4 times, they were rude, didn’t care, so I switched food to Merrick, wow a change, my dogs are doing fantastic and Merrick people even sent me a little note saying ‘thank you’ for choosing us. Please do your homework before purchasing any Blue product.

  • Riley

    Caroline, where did you find the information about Blue being sold to a company that manufactures in China? I’ve looked all over and could not find a single reference to it. Can you post a link to where you found this information? Thanks.

    • Cate

      Blue Buffalo is made & sourced in the USA. Blue is building a new manufacturing plant in Joplin, MO. They broke ground last Oct.

  • Caroline

    I’ve been using chicken blue buffalo since I got my dog two years ago. It brought her back to health and really turned her around.HOWEVER a few weeks ago my dog began to be very very sick. She had been throwing up and having runny, yellow, mucus-y stool. I took her to the vet, and they put her on a special food and she was better within a day. My other dog (who eats the same food) began having the same symptoms. I switched her food and she recovered.
    I did a little research and found Blue sold to a company who manufactures and gets their meat ingredients from China. My favorite part of Blue was that they were manufacturing in the US so I knew the ingredients were quality and good for my animal. Now I’m stuck with a $60 bag of dog food that is basically poison. WILL NEVER BUY BLUE AGAIN! It’s disappointing that a good company is taking profit over the good of their customers! Be careful! Read the bag! Look for Made in the USA!

    • Kris

      Caroline, I have been having the exact same problem. My cavapoo has been on Blue since we got him a year ago. We started him on a new bag of food 2 weeks ago and now for the last week he has been throwing up and diarhhia. We took him to the vet and they put him on the Hills ID diet. So far it is day 2 and he seems okay, if we have no further problems them I am going to assume the food bad was bad and I will never buy Blue again!

    • Cate

      Blue has not been sold nor do they buy products from China. The meat is American except for the lamb which comes from New Zealand when the American lamb isn’t available.
      My dogs have been on Blue a few years & it has been wonderful. All their illness and allergies disappeared after being on Blue a couple of months.
      My one dog had diarrhea 3 or 4 yrs ago & I rushed her to the vet. The vet checked everything & found nothing. I asked what could have happened & the vet said she could have eaten a bug in the yard. I was given some doggie tums & by the time for her second dose it was cleared up.
      I would not change food for my dogs any more than I would throw out or change the way my family eats if someone got a stomach bug.

  • Monica

    Is there ANY Blue Buffalo Dog foods without the lifesource bits? I have 3 small Chihuahua’s and ALL f them leave the life bits all over the floor (I see this is a common practice in other dogs from reading the reviews!)…I have tried to put them back in the dish, but they still weed them out. I EVEN tried putting them in my cats bowl just to see if someone would eat them, and the cats left them in the bottom of the bowl. I was thining of switching thier food due to the mess, but in reading other dog food reviews (most not good), I think I will stick with this brand..just wishing/wondering if they may any without the bits?!

    • John

      use earthborn holistic, those life source bits have all the vitamins and minerals blue buffalo advertises. Earthborn has them spread throughout their regular kibble to ensure your dog gets proper nutrition

  • Elizabeth

    I have a six year year shih-tzu that has been on Blue Buffalo for six months,when we first started the food she had horrible runs for days and kept me up for several nights pooping every other hour. I though it was just a side effect of a food change, which went away. So when I got a new puppy I decided to put her on it also. I happened to mention this to my Vet. he told me I should go look at reviews. He recently treated two dogs that had been on Blue since they where puppies and they both had kidney issues and died. He said there was an unusual amount of calcium in there blood test and oxilate crystals in there urine.
    Needless to say my dog had recently had three seizures so I decided to go and get blood work done. This was at our new Vets office today. My baby has high levels of calcium and oxalite crystals in her urine and is being treated for and acute bladder infection.
    Nobody seems to want to answer peoples concerns about where some of the different ingredients are being purchased. I heard nothing but good things about blue, but have come to discover they recently where bought out by a different corporation that will not respond to these concerns.
    Buyer beware, if you care about your best friend. I would advise against this product and tell people not to buy it ever!

  • J Pinkney

    We got a 5 year old Chihuaua / min pin / doxy mix from the rescue shelter, at first he would not eat. (I think in the hoarding situation he was in before, he was fed table scraps. He was sluggish, ornery, and overweight.) We gave him Wellness Diet because that’s what they’d been giving him at the shelter. He didn’t like it, wouldn’t eat it till he was very hungry and realized that’s all he would get, and it gave him horrible gas! Also it made him constipated. Then we switched to Blue and his health and weight improved, and he started acting like a much younger dog, lively and happy. Now that the weather is colder he’s not getting as much exercise so his weight is picking up a bit again, so we reduced his portions till spring.

    Some people have bad experience with this brand, others have bad experience with other brands. Every dog is different. Find the brand that’s best for your dog, and stick with it. He’s worth it!

  • Susan

    I discovered Blue about 4 years ago. My then 13 year old Westie was getting over pancreatitis and would not eat much of anything. Long story short, he loved the Chicken and Brown Rice Senior. He just passed away 2 weeks ago. I know in my heart I would not have had him this long had I not put him on this food. We rescue and foster other small dogs and I always feed Blue… even those dogs that just arrive without knowing what they had eaten previously. Other than a soft stool for a couple of days, they do wonderfully. We took in several adult dogs from a puppy mill last November. All were sick and underweight. Now they look and act like different dogs… in a good way. Love Blue and always recommend it.

    • Cate

      I am so sorry for your loss.
      My Shih Tzu had Pancreatitis when she was 12. I investigated nutrition and chose Blue for their quality ingredients. Blue cured the pancreatitis and she is still full of herself and will be 16 in July.

  • Rachael

    Last year, my fiance and I got two puppies, and we had them on Pedigree for 4 months. As they grew, their coats were dull, their build was a bit on the chubby side (beyond puppy-chubby), they would have hiccups after they ate, and their poop was always a vibrant, runny orange. It was at the four-month point we hired a K-9 military dog trainer for a dog-training consult, and told us to switch to Blue Buffalo and mix their food with warm water (like oatmeal).

    We made the switch and saw changes within a week: their coats were shiny, their bodies slimmed down to a fit shape, they quit getting hiccups, and their doo-doo became the natural-looking firm brown (and no longer stinky, I may add).

    I’m not a fan of the price, but for sure the Blue Buffalo switch was the best thing I could have done for my dogs!

  • Nancy

    I have a 5 year old female bernese mountain dog fed blue dry lamb and canned formulas since she was 4 months old . She was gassy when I first fed her blue but tha stopped after about 4 weeks she has been gas free ever since no problems . Recently got maltese puppy anf feed him blue lamb and oatmeal dry puppy and some. Canned puppy mixed in he has always done well on the blue food no gas no issues

  • Beth

    I keep Scottish Deerhounds (a giant breed that normally doesn’t live much past ten years). We fed Nutro until the 2007 issues with tainted food (what a nightmare!), when we switched to Blue Buffalo. What a difference!! Better coat, better weight, better digestion. I feed less of it than the Nutro, so the price ended up about equal. Have a pair of 13-year old healthy dogs now and I wouldn’t switch for the world. I feed the Basics, as my dogs get “hot spots” easily. Looking at the comments, not everybody has had as positive an experience, but I totally love this food.

  • AmyK

    Just switched my 8 month old standard poodle to BB puppy from Nutro Ultra, because of easier availability. On the Nutro Ultra he had firm stools and was well house trained. As soon as we switched 100% to BB (after slow introduction/mixing with old food), his stools became soft, frequent, and he started pooping in the house. I’m switching back to Nutro Ultra Puppy!

  • Lauren

    Blue buffalo is horrible! Made me dog sick, dehydrated, lethargic and uncontrollable stools & urination. He also had blood in his stools. I read about 170 of the same complaint on consumer affairs, beware of this food!

    • kim

      My dogs are doing great on BB and they love it.

    • Tee

      Bought blue wilderness red meat and would not recommend it to anyone or any dog if it were the last thing on earth!!

      Bloody stools, vommiting, and distressed dog is something I would not want anyone to ever experience in their companion, not to mention the costly curious vet visits!

      Their food has a really strong foul smell and that is exactly what you will get out of your pup.
      Pure obvious toxic to give to your pet!!

      Can’t make any accusations as to whether the company is fraudulent BUT I can say that the after effect of it is very questionable!!!

      Biggest and only regret I have ever had/made!

      I feel much more safe on the home cooked meal side.

      EFFF blue brand, (and possibly all processed dog foods) SERIOUSLY!!!

  • Jody z

    My 4 1/2 yearold Lab/Chow mix had horrible skin allergies thefirst 2 years I had him, then I switched to Blue Buffalo large breed fish oatmeal dry food and he has not hada problem since. We tried 3 different high end food for him before we bought Blue. Each one of them, he would not eat at all, even after 10 days, hewould not touch them. With Blue, hecant get get enough andhis coat is just gorgous.

    So, when I got my grat Dane mix, I started him on the Lamb for large breed puppies and he loves it! I get so many people who tell me how gorgous and healthy how healthy they looks all the time!

  • Terrence Graham

    I have been using blue buffalo basics turkey formula for a few weeks and my dog yesterday 1/25/2013 tested for high levels of calcium. I found some of these reviews to also show dogs testing high in calcium and drinking/urinating excessively. I will be taking my dog off of BB immediately and contacting their corporate office. The only way we can stop this poison from being produced is contacting them with our concerns. If anyone else’s pet is also currently testing high or having symptoms other than allergies or you have lost your pet while using BB please email me terrencelgraham( at )gmail.com so we can put a stop to this. In your email include your name, the formula you used and the symptoms your pet is showing.

    Terrence Graham

    • Debbie

      I have a 12 yr old poodle and noticed when I started him on the senior BB he is urinating more I just took him for a urine test and blood test to see if he has kidney problems, but everything seems ok. I just don’t want to lose hime to this food I need to switch to soemthing else and dont know what I have been giving him EVO for a few yrs and he has been fine.

  • Chuck

    Blue buffalo is overpriced not a lot of meat. This PETA lady told me to feed them blue buffalo (3 dogs) blue buffalo they constantly had the runs my vet said the food is harsh on their stomachs I switched to evo and all is well.

    • Cate

      LOL…PETA does not believe any animals should be owned.

  • BobK

    We have been feeding our 1-year old terrier mix the Blue Buffalo Chicken & Rice Small Breed food since the summer. Seems like great food but one odd thing….one dog constantly pulls out the LifeSource Bits and leaves them al over the floor. She eats everything else. Has anyone else found this selective behavior??

    • MichelleW

      Yes, my dog pulled out the life source bits at first too, beagle, she ate everything else. We scooped them off the floor and put back in her dish and in a month she was eating everything. I like the dog food – I crock pot chicken wings and livers and add a tablespoon or so over her dry food at mealtime. She loves it.

      • nancy

        is blue buffalo freedom dry puppy food good for my min pin

    • Ashley

      Ha! We have “life source bits” all over the kitchen floor :) He love the food but hates those things!

      • Debbie

        my toy poodle who is 12 yrs old is doing the same thing.

        • sally

          , my yorkie has to go outside so many times since I put him on this food. Off of it rigjt away.
          He has never had this problem, please be aware before u change to this food

    • marilyn logiudice

      I have a 3-4mon old baby boxer on blue.Occasionally he will puke his entire meal.I’ve pg attn to it but blamed it on his activity of running through house to tired himself out b4 he falls asleep.Urine fine.Stools go in fases.Some hard,some loose.Biting at butt,tai, and hardly any tail there-its been cut.He does leave those little pieces out of his food by knocking them out of his food bowl.Am worried cause of comments.People spking of high content of calcium in urine, plus seizues.Just went thru that with a beloved dog I had to put dwn.don’t want nothing to happen to Buddy.Seems like no food out there is good unless you make it yourself, and then how much is enough and is he getting the right amt of nutrition? So confused.Am getting off him off blue today and bringing back to store for refund.I may go back to Eucanuba which I never had trouble with regardless of it not being all natural and having by products in it.Gonna look up now what they say about.Keep in touch if you like. My name is Marilyn.

  • Shirley Morton

    I liked the ingredients of this product however my 75 lb standard poodle did not like t he blueberries, he spit them out where he is fed (in a bathroom)) It was annoying to step on these little hard chuncks in the middle of the night barefooted, not to mention the carpet. I tried to find a BB product then did not include the dreaded blueberries, I did not. I have since returned to Science Diet that is kinder to my feet.

  • E.B.

    I am surprised by all the negative comments about Blue. I guess each breed is different… I guess I am fortunate that my 2 pugs – both 7 have had no health problems from Blue. After the 2007 health scare I started making my own food on a daily basis, I continued for about 2 years. Due to my schedule I had little time to prepare the food so I switch to blue and since then have only fed them Blue dry and wet. I feed them Blue Buffalo Longevity Adult Dogs and the varity of canned. The only product they bulk at is the fish and sweet potato.

    • joy

      I have fed my aussie mix dogs longevity for the past 9 yrs and they seem to do well. Most of these complaints are about the other varieties of blue, but makes me wonder.

  • LB Flores

    Started feeding my 4 month old gsd BB large breed puppy and soon after he started having explosive diarrhea, panting constantly and agitated all the time. He then broke out in a rash and started losing his hair and scratching all the time. Took him off the BB and immediately noticed a mark improvement, the rash is gone, his poop is getting back to normal and his a healthy happy puppy again. I don’t recommend this food to anyone.

  • Cindy

    Why does everyone think if their pet becomes sick it’s because of the food they are eating? Even if they have been eating the same food for a long period of time?
    Sometimes when I’m sick…..I don’t eat, I have diarrhea, throw up bile, I’m inactive and sleep a lot. I may change my diet, temporarily but I always go back to my same diet when I’m feel better.

  • Phil

    There is nothing written on the cans to say refrigerate after opening, only if you go to the company website does it tell you this. We used canned Wilderness for a topper to the kibble for our Vizsla and even after a gradual switchover, developed really bad gas and loose stools.

    • Jody

      So you really didn’t know you should refrigerate canned food? Don’t forget to breath…

  • Donna D

    I was sucked in by all the ads about Blue Buffalo dog food being primarily beef and slowly started blending Blue dry food with my dogs old food. She is a 12lb Havanese. I noticed immediately the gurgling stomach and horrible gas she was releasing. Within a week she was throwing up blood and had liquid stools. It was horrible. I took her to the vet who narrowed it down to the food change. I put her back on her old food “Purina One” and the change back to her old self was almost immediate. I did some research (Google: my dog got sick on Blue dog food) and found out that there have been so many compaints about Blue Buffalo dog food that the company has pulled some of the brands. How do they get away with selling dog food that is hurting our pets??

    • Jane

      Try googling “my dog got sick on purina”

    • Carol

      I have a miniature Schnauzer with a very sensitive digestive tract. I switched her to Blue Basics and all the diarrhea stopped. I have had only good luck with Blue. The canned food seems to bother her a little so I feed mostly dry. So far so good.

    • Regina

      I don’t know where DonnaD is getting her information. BlueBuffalo does not have a lot of Beef in their food, no beef kibble, only some cans. And I don’t know what products she claims they have pulled, but I work in a pet store and I have not seen any BlueBuffalo products pulled from the shelves.

    • Cate

      Blue Buffalo has no other “brands”.

  • Jules

    I have fed my German Shepherd and Beagle BB Wilderness Duck Recipe for a year and in September 2012 tried BB Life Protection Large Breed Chicken and Brown Rice recipe. I noticed a decline in their digestive health over the summer & into the fall of last year. My Beagle was getting very sick in December and before we realized the food could be the problem, he passed away unexpectedly. He was 5 years old & our vet said he was very healthy. The digestive problems are attributed to the food and we are upset to think that the high quality food we were feeding him could have been the culprit. My German Shepherd is going to start a new food today. I will never buy BB again after doing some research. I wish we would have thought about the food being the problem. We thought we were doing a great thing by giving them “high quality” dog food. Horrible.

    • marilyn logiudice

      What next? Won’t give purina, nutro,..I have a almost 4 mon boxer pup.Heard bb was grt so I swithed him to it.Eating the one with chichen in it. He’s thrown up a few times and I thought it was just frm his over activity.Yesterday, he puked twice, big x! His stools are hard some days and soft others.People at dog store say its the best but findinga sre saying dogs have trouble with too much calcium in urine, etc. and death.I just put my other dog down.Can’t go through this again with the bills, contsant vet visits,seizures,lost of own life which my dog was more important. I am broke now.Really broke where I am on social programs.Buddy is an ESA dog. Ukaneba may have by products but had my doby on yrs ago with no problem.Time changes and so does products.Will look up and go back to if no recalls.If I have another dead dog,they can take me with him.Can’t handle.Love my animals more than people.Any suggestions? plse write back.my name is Marilyn

  • Melanie

    I tried feeding my dog blue and will not make that mistake again. My poor dogs stomach was so upset that she didn’t get comfortable for 3 weeks. I even switched properly–very slowly. It didn’t matter the fat content was just too high.

  • Lisa

    I have a one year old German shepherd and he is coming off pedigree puppy food. What would be a good blue brand? No fish please.

  • Renate

    I have two dogs,a large mix 13 and a shepherd between 8 and 10 years old. They have been eating Nutro for the last 6 years.
    About three months ago my shepherd developed digestive problems and six weeks later the other dog got the same problems. Many visits to the vet later I decided to switch dog food. I switched to blue basic, senior,sensitive stomach. Since then they have both been pooping huge amounts, up to 4 times a day. That was about 6 weeks ago. My concern is that the food is moving thru too quickly and is not absorbed in the dog’s system.
    Switching to blue was a waste of time, it made the company richer and I scoop up 75% of it and put it in the trash!
    Also I was taken aback when I saw that the bag at 51.99 was only 24 pounds.
    Morale of the story: Pick another dog food isle to shop in!

    • H Smith

      A possible reason that your dogs had some difficulty transitioning to Blue is that you might have been feeding too much. Of the first four ingredients in Nutro, three of them are rice, a carbohydrate. The first two ingredients in the Blue Basics is meat protein. Because there’s more real meat, and less fillers in Blue, you actually need to feed less of the Blue then you did of the Nutro. The feeding guidelines on the bag are just that, guidelines. You need to adjust the amount fed according to your dog’s weight, metabolism and activity.
      And always transition from one food to another over the course of a week to ten days.

    • Shari M.

      wow, where did you find the 24 lb bag for $51.99.
      Anyway, I guess all dogs are different and I hope you find a food your dog is ok on :)

    • Holly Jones

      My 11 year old fog is having the same problem i just dont know what to switch him back to?

  • Dana

    Why is there a warning on blue buffalo bites to not give to a dog under 5lbs? My dog is 3lbs, will the treats harm her?

  • Naomi Roy

    I was thinking about switching my dogs over to Blue grain free but some of these responces make my feel like I’m keeping to 4health.

  • jACK (Toronto)

    My dog is 8 yrs. old jack russell/chichua mix. I started giving BB in Oct. 2012. He had no problem exceot his high liver enzyme. I noticed that he is starting to drink a lots of water, his weak and now start loosing his vision. I am very upset after reading comments regarding issues that my dog had have now. I will be visitng my vet on Monday to have him a blood works and find out what else could be the problem in regards to feeding my dog with BB.

    It is only a month since I give him BB trusting their advertisement that they care for our furkid. I am hoping that after the test it will not be the ingridients like Vitamin D etc. should not be found.

    For now I am praying that there is a solution or cure for whatever findings my vet found to my dog.

  • jon mullins

    Which blue buffalo would be best for a one year old lab with food allergies ?

  • Mel

    I like Blue Buffalo more now that they have their Freedom line (of grain free food). My dog didn’t care too much for the food, but she ate it anyway. The ingredients are great, but as always this is only half of the story. No kibble compares to cooking your own meal for your pet, so you can’t expect perfection from these companies.

    This food is very expensive and it would be worth choosing a different food from online shopping, such as Acana. What I don’t like about Blue is that the kibble is very tiny. Although this should be great for people who own dogs of different sizes, I personally don’t like it because I tend to feed my dog with treat dispensers. This kibble falls out too easily so she doesn’t have to work for her breakfast.

    Anyway, as far as the ingredients are concerned I would give Blu 5/5.

    As always, be cautious with any brand of kibble. Wash your hands after handing, and be mindful of recalls. It can happen to any of the big brands because multiple people and companies are often involved in the processing and handling of the food.


    I have fed Blue Buffalo wet and dry foods exclusively to my 1 1/2 year old Maine Coon cat and the 15 year old ‘tuxedo’ cat for over a year and have watched them decline in health for the last two months. Both cats seem to have diarrhea nearly every day. I took the older cat to the vet since he was drinking water excessively and is loosing weight…I suspected Diabetes, but blood work was okay. They are both house cats and are never exposed to other cats.
    Our 8 month old Labradoodle was slowly switched (over 2 week period) and has the same Diarrhea, odorous issues. He also eats canned and dry Blue Buffalo exclusively. He is an indoor doggie also and only goes out on a leash.
    Definitely something is different about the Blue Buffalo foods in the last two months; nothing else in their everyday habits has changed. I decided to search the internet for ‘Blue Buffalo problems” and found that the petfood review sites are loaded with the animal owners with the same issues as my pets. I’m immediately switching foods as many reviews stated the problems created by these foods set the animal up for various cancers. Pet Smart or Petco will fully refund the original price of any unused portions of the foods they carry (I have about $150 worth on-hand….last 2 weeks). I will post on the Blue Buffalo site, but expect nothing. They are a huge corporation and Blue Buffalo is only a division. My animals depend on me for their best welfare….not some greedy corporation that posts high earnings on Wall Street.

  • Froid

    I’ve been feeding my 2 dogs Blue Buffalo Wilderness for 3 years and thought it was a Godsend. In the last month, my 15 year old Beagle started vomiting bile. She ate less and less and finally refused to eat. Soon after, my 9 year old Golden Retriever refused to eat and started vomiting bile also. I’m feeding them grass fed beef burger with rice and which both ate readily and hungrily and both have stopped vomiting. I’m done with this brand.


      i just started my 2 chihuahua’s on the Grain-Free BLUE Freedom chicken. Since starting it 3 weeks ago their stool is half brown/half cement color, they shed so much more. I had been feeding them Nature’s Recipe Grain-Free with no issues. But I decided to switch bassed upon recommendations. The dogs are different ages, different eating habits, physical features but they both are having issues.

      • edie

        After doing much research, I transitioned my 1 year old to BB Rice/Chicken for small dogs. She has not had a normal bowel movement since then. At first I thought it was because we moved and that might have been hard on her. Now, I’m not so sure after reading these posts. Her poop is more like rabbit poop. And there is hardly anything to speak of. She had normal stools up until this new food.
        Will take her to the Vet to make sure she’s okay otherwise.

  • teresa

    my puppy thew up from this dogfood a few times…does it expand into real food when digested? Cause I saw pieces of chicken..

    • Robin

      We have been feeding BB for 3 weeks to our Shih Tzu puppy. She LOVES it. She will take her kibble to her bed and lay down and guard it, like shes afraid someone will take it, or she will run out. For people who are switching foods… You can’t just switch foods. You have to do a blend for a week or more. We do 2 weeks when we switch. Start off with mostly old food, and teency amount of new, and SLOWLY change the mixture until you are mostly new food, and very little old food. Eventually becoming only the new food. Sudden switching can cause loose stools, vomiting, lethargic tendencies. A slow switch is the answer. And, it’s ok for them to drink water. Our dogs go through it like crazy, always have. No matter what we feed. Summers hit 115 + here, winters are mild, and they drink a LOT. Don’t just yank your dogs off one food and switch to another. It’s hard on the system.

  • Kristin

    I have a german shepherd and switched her to Blue after she developed allergies. The Blue Basics (Salmon) is amazing. She loves it. She has NEVER had any adverse reaction to it.
    I also usually mix 1/3 of the Blue canned products to add some variety & all that. Let me tell you – The stews, chicken pot pie flavors – look like food that you yourself would eat for dinner… They also have the canned “mush” as I call it which my dog also likes. One of my neighbors became ill, and her dog ironically got tired of their dog food and wouldn’t eat. I offered to help by way of giving her some Blue to try. After trying Blue for two feedings – She called me & was like “That stuff is AMAZING” – she went out and bought it and also has nothing but great things to say. You will see a GREAT difference in your dog’s coat, and energy level.
    I’m not please about the “largest” bag going from 32lbs to 24lbs but what can you do?? This food is worth every penny I spend on it. I tell people I spend about $52 a bag, and then $2.67 a can. and they’re like “Ouch” (These are the people feeding their dogs the worst rated foods mind you- cheap cheap cheap)… My response is always “Mc D’s is cheap but would you feed it to your family everyday to save $ ? No, because it’s not healthy right? My dog is part of our family, and I want her to be fed the right foods even if it costs a lil more out of my pocket.

  • Lymari wells

    I am a groomer and vet tech. Over the last few weeks I have has 5 clients’ dogs get sick. All same symptoms. Young, and otherwise healthy dogs. Vomiting, drooling, diarreah, sometimes with blood in it, elevated liver enzymes, bloating….. ALL ARE FEEDING BLUE BUFFALO!! Coincidence? I don’t think so. Researching, there had been a recall last year or the year before for vitamin d3 toxity from too high amounts of vitamin d added to the blue buffalo dog food. All these are symptoms of vit d3 toxicity. No telling how many others have been sick and even died from this. Why? Because no one would suspect a top brand of dog food that you pay an arm and a leg for, would be bad for your pet. Blue buffalo has gotten TONS of complaints, and they either low it off or refuse to return calls.

    • Kelly

      I have a 5 1/2 month old greyhound lab mix. She has been on blue large breed puppy since the middle of august when we brought her home from the shelter. I wanted to give her the best food because i read that by products in foods can cause all sorts of nasty stuff. Her stools have been pretty good with the exception of a couple soft stools here and there. Well with that said, this last bag i purchased i noticed her stools becoming very soft and now runny. She gets up twice a night to go out and has not done that for a long time. I feel terrible for her so i started to research how to correct it. Now i am angry because the more i search the more i find that Lola is not the only dog this is happening to! I feel betrayed by blue for not looking into this. I have read about customers contacting them and not hearing back from blue. Now i am switching to a new food that isnt going to make her sick. So do i just give her the new food or mix old and new to transition. Either way she is going to get diarrhea! I chose blue because they seemed to be a company that cared about dogs and made food that i felt good about feeding to my dog. Not cool blue, not cool!

    • Kathy Countiss

      I had a problem with the Salmon dry dog food from Blue Buffalo. My dogs were drinking water by the tons and it stopped the day I quit feeding it.

    • mi mi

      my puppy got very sick on blue dog food thevet told me that she had other dogs with the same thing mydog had and it was blue as sone as i took him off it he got better

  • Skeet

    After having my 2 older small dogs on Science Diet Oral Care for several years I heard that Blue
    Buffalo was the best way to go. I gradually changed them over to that and it wan’t long before they had intestinal problems which the Vet diagnosed as colitis .My oldest one endeded with pancreatitis.( sp.?)
    After much medicine and treatments I got them back on the Oral care.At first they were satisfied for awhile but now my 15 yr old, who has always eaten well, refuses it, even when ground in a processer, used dry, softened with a little soup or any thing to get her to eat it. Nothing works as she just licks up the little dab of soup , or whatever,and leaves the rest.
    Another Vet told me ,at one time, that he fed Pedigree at the hosp and to his home pets. I got a bag and have been giving small pieces mixed with the Oral care. She eats the Pedigree and leaves the Oral Care. The 9 yr old still eats the Oral Care, if softened, after finding that there is nothing else except a little piece of Pedigree as a treat once in a while.
    At almost 87 yrs, my self ,I’m at my wits end trying to find a food that will be good for them and that they will like so I can gradually try them on it.
    I Don’t like what I’ve been reading about Science Diet and other well known brands, so don’t know what to do. I have had dogs all of my life and plain old Purina Dog Chow kept my dogs going for long times. What to do ????????

  • Donna

    Have a tiny little yorkie, just a lil over 3lbs , and as all little dog owners have experienced, quite finnecky. She LOVES the duck flavored Blue, and the nuggets are small enough for her to enjoy comfortably!

    • Susan

      I have had my Chocolate Lab on Blue Buffalo Wilderness Salmon Dry Food for over 3 years now. She is currently 5 years old. She has allergy issues, and is on weekly allergy shots, but her coat is shiny and healthy and glossy, and she remains at a perfect weight. Her allergies are environmental allergies which have nothing to do with her food. She is full of energy and has had no gastrointestinal issues whatsover. I highly recommend the food!

      • Bernice

        I also have a Chocloate lab and we first tried Koby on the Wilderness brand but the protein was absolutely too much to bare. It was going in one end and coming out the other end bad gas of gas.. So we switch to Healthy weight but we are having a hardtime seeing him lose weight. We do not give him treats, we feed him 2cups a day 1 in am and 1 in pm. The only treats he gets are green beans by the way he loves. Please share any information you have, his coat is shiny, we just need him to lose some weight. He weighs in at 86pds. Vet said he needs to be at least 75 – 80 max prefer he weighs in at 77 or 78 pds is good.

  • Charlene

    We lost our sheltie about a month ago due to lung cancer. He was only 7 years old. I am hearing about more and more dogs getting cancer and I wonder if it is due to the food they eat. We still have a daushund and I am thinking of changing his food. B&B is on my list of foods to try. Does B&B have snacks too?

    • Angelicshelties

      Blue buffalo has a very nice selection of goodies! Go to there website. http://bluebuffalo.com/ and look under the product guide. They also have a couple of different grain free foods Wilderness and Freedom that you might be interested in trying.

  • Becky

    I have a 1 year old lab and a newly adopted 3 year old beagle. Both happen to have a grain allergy so I feed the BB basic salmon and potato. My lab was losing his hair until we realized his allergy issue. Once we put him on the right food, his hair came back beautifully. When we brought the beagle home and started her on BB same as the lab her stool actually firmed up. I’m looking forward to her getting healthy. For those of you who are feeding your dogs the high protein wilderness, I would ask you this, are they extremely active dogs? That is what that formula is made for. Read your labels and find what is best for your dog. As another lady posted, some foods cause detoxification. I know I may have to go through this with my beagle. Be patient and understand that all that switching could be causing as much distress.

  • Donna

    I have been using BB for about 3 months now. My Willow looks beautiful. I mean her coat, we get so many compliments on her fur.

    I have had no issues, and she always gobbles up her food. Just because it works great for my dog, Willow is a Gsd, does not mean it is for all dogs.

    The ingredients are high quality, if people are having issues with sensitive tummies, switch to the basic formula.

  • Denise

    I have been giving my 11 pound shih-poo whose 7yrs the BB flavor Turkey and Potatoe for “Sensitive Stomachs”. She has been on it for about a year. No problems. I also at times mix the wet BB food, Beef stew or the Salmon with her kibble. She tolerates it very well. However, I started to switch her treats to BB. I bought the Health snacks. Pumpkin/Cinnamon and Banana/Yogurt. I started with the pumpkin. On day 4 and 5 she started vomiting and severe diarrhea. Thankfully she is drinking water but not excessively. I came home both days to droppings on my floor and she hasn’t had an accident in the house for over 5 yrs. the droppings were hard but the minute I took her outside she couldn’t stop and it was liquid. Today she started the vomiting and it spewed out of her mouth. I saw the pieces of the dried pumpkin that is in the treat and put two and two together. I have made a complaint to
    BB and will find my receipt and take both bags back. I am gonna keep her on the kibble but wait an see. Sorry for the TMI but I wanted to share my exerience.

    • Paige

      Perhaps this could mean that your dog might be allergic to one or more of the ingredients in the treat rather than there being something wrong with the treats themselves. Have you ever given your dog pumpkin or cinnamon before? Dogs can be allergic to all sorts of things, just like humans.

  • Christina

    Some of these comments are just plain silly and it is evident many of you dont know how feeding kibble works. For those of you that complained your dogs were ORIGINALLY on Iams, Pro Plan, Science Diet etc and then you swtiched to Blue Buffalo and your dogs were sick..Ummm that would be like humans living off of garbage food like hamburgers and fries for months and years and then eating healthy. YOUR BODY IS DE TOXING!! That is an indication your dogs arent used to premium kibble.

    I have 3 Rottweilers and all 3 have always ( from 8 weeks old) been fed Blue Buffalo. They are all simply gorgeous!! Strangers ask me what I give them to make their fur so shiny and keep them so lean. They have beautiful white teeth, hard stools, and are full of energy. They do have gas from time to time but that is because they love the food so much they scarf it down.

    I suggest you look at the ingrediants in BB compared to the other brands….I think it is quite obvious BB is one of the best premium brands on the market.

    Oh, for those who claim to have dogs with kidney issues, protein levels dont cause kidney failure….getting a poorly bred pure breed ( especially small breeds) is a HUGE contributor to kidney problems…your dogs dont get kidney failure from eating BB for a few weeks!!!!! Thats just ridiculous!!

    • Katy

      Christina,This question of concern is for you.
      I’ve been doing the research now for three days on another brand of dog food. Nutro changed their packaging and have not made it easy at all to find the brand I had been giving my senior rescues. I don’t like how small the bites are now etc…they use to label senior glucosamine etc…now I’m on the fourth bag of food and they only seem to like one ,and it’s Authority (pet smart brand! I have narrowed my search down to three dog foods. Blue buffalo, Innova ( which isn’t getting good reviews I guess they were bought out by P & G ) so that’s a deterrent . My question is this. I have a lab,greyhound pit mix 8yrs and an Akit,Lab, Boxer mix 7 yrs. The Akita mix I have always kidded and called him my blond as he was so clumsy as a puppy and is now paying the price with his bones,the other dog is too with hip problems.My blond (my Boy) was tested and diagnosed with cushings desease, after another vet looked at the same blood work he said it “seemed” like it with the HIGH LEVELS of proteins in his urine! We have always watched him,do blood work every six mos as he has thyroid issues as well! I have my other boy tested as well,once a year blood work is done and this time the vet is concerned,he said the proteins levels that always concerned him with my blond are almost double in my pit greyhound mix. I have been told by three top notch vets now,that the high proteins levels have nothing to do with the food they eat,he said these high levels (600) could be from pain !? They both get Novx twice a day and one gets a thyroid twice a day. You had mentioned kidney failure and this protine problem being from poorly overbred dogs etc…could you please give me and opinion on what brand of Ble you might go with if you were in my shoes? Thank you so much.

  • Shawn

    My pomapoo does great on salmon wilderness. Her coat is beautiful & she has lots of energy. Her stool doesn’t smell & it’s not messy at all. The duck or chicken formulas are not for her. Clearly it depends on the dog but BB Salmon Wilderness is the only dog food for my dog. She loves it.

  • Rob

    We started our beagle at 8 1/2 weeks on Blue puppy food – mainly the dry with a spoonful of Blue puppy canned mixed in with it. She is now one year old and is the absolute picture of health. Perfect weight, beautiful coat, and full of energy. We recently moved her from puppy to regular and she loves it. I did notice that the lamb formula makes her a bit gassey! Don’t overfeed as is usually the case for weight gain. It takes less Blue food than regular dog food. Our vet is very pleased with the results so far, said she looks great.

  • Kim

    A girl I know told be how great Blue Buffalo is, so I started feeding my dachshund Blue Buffalo Grilled Turkey and Chicken about one month ago and am going to stop immediately. She can’t get enough water and she has been bloated and uncomfortable. I tried feeding my cats the indoor cat formula and they wouldn’t touch it. I will not recommend Blue Buffalo to anybody.

  • Ruth

    I just started researching online why my dog is drinking so much water a 6 month old puppy if this was unusual. Then checked out the brand which I have bought being organic the Blue Buffalo. I am quite concerned after reading these comments and will be taking my puppy off this food tomorrow and onto something else. She drinks excessively, and is lethargic.

  • Sharon

    I have had my dog on Blue now for about 8 months and she has not had any problems at all with it. We started her out by mixing it with her other food, and gradually worked up to all Blue…no problems.

  • William

    Very scary started my 9 year old Shih Tzu on BB today. Will return the rest of the cans tomorrow and return to the prior food

  • Claudia

    Both my 7 year old Airedale Meyna and 8 year old lab mix Ellie have been on Blue Buffalo since the big recall. I believe approx. 6 years. Their coats are beautiful, teeth and overall health are good. Many of my friends changed to Blue around the same time. I have had no issues with my pups since the change. Both dogs are very active and again have no health issues. Snacks include veggies and marrow bones. I wouldn’t change brands and really believe in this product. If your dog is gaining weight, check with your vet. I feed 1 1/4 C twice daily to my dale and 1C twice daily to my Ellie-no weight issues. Sad to read negative reviews on this product. I also want to add that I have spoken with the company and really had wonderful results from them. I love my pups and I wouldn’t change a thing. I believe in Blue Buffalo!

  • sandy perritt

    just because the blue buffolos headquarters are in the usa and manufactured here doesn’t mean the food is made here. china could be where it is first made and sent here.

    • Kip

      They make the food in the US, don’t be ridiculous!! This starts stupid false rumors.

      • judy ghorbanzadeh

        Kip, I think what she was trying to say is that not all the ingredients may not be from here. I read an article about dog food in the U.S.A. & it had a breakdown of where minerals/vitamins/foods used in dog food here are actually from and it was pretty stressfull reading. A large amount of minerals specifically, must be sourced from other countries (mostly Asia). The problem is their quality control. (especially China)The article gave examples of contaminated maaterials that had been caught & it was horrifying. There was alot of bribery going on in these countries for inspectors to look the other way. I wish I could remember where I read this article but it was a real eye opener.

  • Brenda

    My dogs were not able to switch even slowley to Blue Buffalo. Vomiting and diarrea. Or Call of the Wild. It was an awful experience. I went back to my Iams. I have raised 3 Pekignese on Iams. I still have one and he is 18 and still doing well. alittle artritis and takes a thyroid pill once a day. I ask and my vet sd Iams is fine. Been around a long time. I have Winston 18 and Antjuan 3. Antjuan has a sensitive tummy. I changed to the sensitive tummy no corn wheat or soy Iams, hes doing great. Still has allergies but due to pollen etc.

    • lea

      I’m sorry to intrude on your comment,but If I were u I would seriously consitter takeing your dog off Iams dog food.I have had a 3 yr.old schnowzer to be diagnosed with kiddney failer.Died a slow painful death and Vet told me iams was to blaim.There is a specific ingrediant in it that slowy eats away at the liver cells.It was awful,she sufferd for weeks before she died.Only because the vet thought we could save her but she was too far gone.I would rather see some one give there dog food from the dollar store than that trash.It’s dangerouse and it is all at the expense of our beloved animal’s. Please consitter a switch!

      • lgreene

        My little Yorkie died from kidney failure too and blame it on Iams…that was right around the recall too…

      • Stacy

        We switched our dog from Kirkland Salmon to Blue Buffalo Basics Turkey. The hot spots went away but he didn’t like it. So bought Blue Buffalo Basics Salmon and he is drinking like crazy. I am very worried. So what next? No more Blue Buffalo.

  • wanda

    I am so very confused now. Your review says good to great on it’s review of BB…. BUT every comment tells of horrow stories when this product is feed to theor pets. Think I’ll check out something else.

    • Kip

      That’s because people are ignorant and make stupid comments that mean nothing. Blue is a great product.

  • annie

    my dog is doing good after i switched it to blue buffalo turkey and potato formula this March. However, she starts to gain weight over the past few months. which affects her legs badly. We tried to put her on other food, her weight is similar but doesn’t looked bloat. however, she is very sensitive, so we experience a bad time during switch food. now we switch back to bb diet formula, however she is not doing good on this one. i don’t know why, when i tried to put her on bb turkey and potato diet formula, her nose instantneously changes color, as i was gradully changing her food, i put like 5 g diet food with 25 g orignial bb turkey and potato, in case she eats too fast, i gave her the first 5 g first, several day i see the change in color on the nose when i put her on the new formula.i took her to the vets, vets doesn’t seemed to believe it is caused by the food change. but now, i see a lot complaint about this food here, since she needs to loss weight, but the healthy weight formula doesn’t suit her, the small bite makes her not eating enough but becoming fat. i think there is time to make a switch, though we thought bb is best for her. maybe i was wrong.

  • annie

    we love it. but it makes my dog gains a lot weight.

  • Raena

    I have been feeding Blue Buffalo to my two year old Pit Bull since I adopted her. I started her on the puppy Lamb and Oatmeal formula and kept her on it as directed by my vet until she was about a year old. I changed her to the adult Lamb and Oatmeal formula after that. Turns out my little one had a very sensitive stomach and the adult formula was a little much for her. She only had runny stools but otherwise completely fine, no changes in appetite or water consumption, no lack of energy, no bloody stools or vomiting, etc. However, as a precaution, I changed her to the Chicken and Brown Rice formula and she has been scarfing that down ever since. No adverse side effects. Just a happy, energetic, adorable dog. I will never feed her anything else. She loves all of their treats too.

  • Heather

    I have been feeding my dogs (1 female Bullmastiff and the other male Lab) The Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice. My bullmastiff has extremely bad gas. Has anyone else experienced this with their dogs and if so what have you done to correct it?

    • nick

      I have had boxers for years with gas
      now I feed them a little regular yogurt (plain full fat to no fat)
      with every feeding and no more gas
      from any of them

    • Serrina

      Mastiff’s have gas.
      My Mastiff actually had the least gas on the cheapest most horrible food – go figure and he lived until he was almost 11.
      My Poodle on the other hand had diarrhea with this product but it resolved after 1 month and he’s fine and get’s a total of 1 1/4 c/day. He does have weird pee though – seems oily when he’s had “accidents” on the cement.

  • Amanda

    We’ve been feeding the Wilderness variety to all three of our dogs for a couple months now. All three have had loose stools since the switch. We tried cutting back the amount of food, switching and then cutting the wet food out completely…and now one of them has explosive diarrhea, so we’ll be seeing the vet to make sure the food is really the issue. I was pretty sure it was, and am even more sure after reading all the comments here.

    I’m sad it’s so hard on their digestive systems, because other than that, it’s been great. They’ve all lost the weight they needed to; their coats are better and softer, and they’ve been a lot more alert and active…but this poop situation is no good.

  • Suzanne

    Have a call into vet…..have had all theses problems with BB! Thirsty and diarrhea. Stopped food a week a ago per vet (tested stools no parasites) and switched to rice and chicken diet only. Now back to BB and he is back to diarrhea. Very worried after reading all these post. Waiting for vet to call back!

  • Jazzinwine

    This stuff is awful at least for my dog. I tried the Blue Wilderness Small Breed Chicken and then I tried the Small Breed Lamb & Brown Rice. My dog is a Yorkie-Chon, 6 lbs. and not a picky eater. She didn’t like the food to begin with so I tried adding water to get the aromas going. I weened her off of her regular food by mixing the new with the old. That was for 14 days. She started eating it exclusively. By day 3 she was panting, did not want to play and could not get enough water. I assumed it was because it had too much protein at 36 grams. So I went to exchange it for the Small Breed Lamb & Brown Rice. Same thing, only this time she didn’t want me to pet her near her kidneys. Her stool is very soft and I’m not waiting for it to turn into diarrhea. Today is Monday and I took that back too. It appears it doesn’t matter how much protein is in the dog food. The issue is the food is not agreeing with my dog and after reading all of the horrible things it’s done to dogs, she is no longer on it. She will be going to the Vet tomorrow. Holistic or not, this stuff is crap and it appears to be hurting our very much loved pets. Bill Bishop needs to figure out what the issue is and STAT! Act like you care about our pets and find out what the issue is.

  • George

    Switched to Blue Buffalo and both my dog and I are very pleased! No issues at all and my dog is perfectly healthy.

  • GARLIC!!!!!

    Their food contains GARLIC!!!!!!!! I will never feed to my dog again, if you ask any vet they’ll tell you the worst things you can feed your dog are: onions, grapes/rasins, GARLIC, almonds, chocolate (DARK in particular), AVOCADOS (Avoderm), Alcohol :( (my dog tries to sneak beer all the time), caffeine (like they need it!), milk (if they are lactose intolerant), macadamia nuts, candy/gum, fat trimmings/bone, persimmons, peaches, plums, raw eggs/meat/fish (can contain unhealthy levels of bacteria), salt, sugar, yeast, and prescription medicine.
    Many of their foods contain GARLIC, and SALT. Plus they had a recall because of unhealthy levels of vitamins in their food. Seriousluy if you love your pets stay away. There are plenty of good brands out there that do no include ingredients the ASPCA has determined to be hazardous. Why choose a brand that disregards the preeminent pet health organization’s suggestions/warnings?!?!?!?!? This goes for AVODERM as well, seriously your main marketing ingredient is toxic to dogs!!!!!!!!!!! My dog loved Wellness, and Orijen. I prefer Wellness Core (not Ocean) because of the price tag. I am not an aristocrat, but I care for my puppy’s health just as much as mine! I encourage you to research this yourself. These are irresponsible companies! Do yourself a favor.

    • Jazzinwine

      Thank you so much for sharing this! Your post is the reason I took serious notice of what it was doing to my little Lexie and she will NEVER eat that mess again.

  • LMH87

    I’ve read conflicting reports about the effects of garlic on a dog’s health, however, the ASPCA maintains that garlic is dangerous for dogs. Every product of Blue Buffalo dog food has garlic in it. I called the company to question why and they maintained that garlic was essential to a dog’s good health, and that if I did not want to give my dog garlic they were not the company for me. I can respect that, but I think they may want to take their customers’ concerns seriously and look into it. Dismissing their customers who have legitimate concerns about their product makes the company seem like they don’t take responsibility or these questions seriously. I know I am not the only person with this concern. I wouldn’t trust my dogs health to a company like this.

  • Angry

    Switched dog to Blue Buffalo Co. Life Protection Formula (fish & brown rice) and she is very sick. She has lot a lot of weight and won’t eat anymore. She lays around all day (when she used to have lots of energy). I am convinced this stuff is poison also!! I was so excited to swtich her to a holistic/healthy dogfood – this is just the opposite!!

  • Sheila

    I started my Husky on Blue Buffalo after the previous dog food I was using was recalled and when he was about 2 years old. I tried several flavors of Blue Buffalo, but with all of them he would have diarrhea off and on. He hated the life bits-he’d spit them out and my old dog would eat them. About 6 months ago I started him on Kirkland’s (Costco’s brand made by Diamond)super premium Chicken, Rice , and Vegetable flavor. Since then he has had no diarrhea-not even loose stools. He seems to like it much better. The cost is also quite a bit less. I found out that last month this dog food was recalled, but not in the state in which I live.

  • Karen

    DO NOT FEED your pet any product from this company,
    they sell under many brand names. Chicken Soup for the Soul, Wilderness…….
    My Lab started with tremors and then excessive scratching and thirst. As I continued to feed him this poison, his condition grew rapidly worse. He started loosing chunks of his beautiful normally glowing hair. I took him off 5 days ago, and he is getting better, more energy, less scratching, still loosing patches of hair though.

    • Cathy

      Sorry Karen, you are wrong. Blue is a privately owned company that only makes Blue Buffalo. Blue Buffalo Wilderness is just a special high protein formula.

    • Cathy

      Karen, you are confusing Blue Buffalo with Diamond Dog Food. Some people call Diamond (Blue Diamond) Yes, Diamond makes Chicken Soup For The Soul & had made a very small batch for the Wellness company along with other dog food brands but not Blue Buffalo. Diamond had the recall that affected several companies.
      Wilderness is made by Blue Buffalo & is a high protein food for very active dogs ie: hunting, K9, agility etc.
      Please do your due diligence before you bash anything especially pet food as most of us would step in front of a vehicle to save our pets.

  • jim

    Just left my vets office after getting my GSD puppy her shot. The first thing the vet asked was “you’re not feeding blue to her are you?”. I said no, why? She then went on to tell me she has 5 dogs right now with severe (critical) liver/kidney issues related to their food. She said she called Blue multiple times and got no response to the issues which isn’t surprising since the recall from Diamond only happened because a HUMAN got sick.

    Any idea how wide-spread this is? We are in Arizona.
    Man, running out of food options with all these recalls,poisonings etc.

  • P Solby

    I usually don’t do this much reasearch on dog food. However, I recently switched my 4 year old Cockapoo to Blue and she seemed to be excessively thirsty. She typically eats a combination of Castor & Pollux Ultramix dry and some type of canned wet food. She is usually not that picky on the wet food and she has no issues switching as long as it is one of the main proteins chix, lamb or fish. I could not find anything about the sodium content of this food as it is not on the can or on line. heading back to return the remaining cans and go back to the Castor & Pollux organic wet food. Why are all of our dogs excessively thirsty?

  • Confused

    I have been feeding my cat the basic blue buffalo turkey and potato flavor all year. He has been really sick since I opened this new bag two days ago. He is very thirsty and can’t stay out of the litter pan. The food is tearing him up all the sudden! I have a strange suspicion something is wrong with this food considering there is a recall on MANY pet foods right now. I don’t care what the disclaimer on the web site says, in my opinion something isn’t right with this Blue Buffalo food this go around. It’s a gut feeling. I’m switching foods, as I’m very concerned and just don’t trust.

  • Michael

    We have been giving our 5 month old puppy BB since we got her. She was doing great on it with the 1st bag. But when he got the 2nd bag, she starting have very watery BW’s, was lathargic, and seemed to drink a lot of water. I have been digging online, looking at many webpages. All the reviews are the same. There have been tons of receint problems with this food, and BB has not done a thing about it. We have switched her over to wellness, and hope we have switched her over in time. The food is a little more money, but we can not put a price on her health, unlike BB who finds it’s cheeper to put our pets at risk then recall there product.

  • Not Happy

    As a pet owner I was not happy with Blue Buffalo dog food.
    I started me dog on this brand at about 8weeks old,I thought the transition from mothers milk to food was the problem when me dog started to have diarrhea and vomiting. After I took him to the vet and was told to put him on a bland diet,things improved,long story short at five months of age my dog was 20 lbs under wights. With the long recovery he is now healthy but still has the problem of keeping on wight,due to the damage done to his digestive system.

    Very unhappy American Bulldog owner

  • Nathan

    I am so angry to read this. We have been back and forth to the vet with digestive issues, now I believe this is the culprit. I have a two year old toy poodle and he has developed intolerance to this food. We were using the small bread and puppy formulas. He will be fine and eating, then the next day his stomach is gurgling and he is throwing up mucus and wont eat. After trying several variations of the Blue Brand I am sooo glad we didn’t follow the pet stores advice and switch him to the high protein brand. It is time to go to another brand and hopefully my puppy will be able to be normal again. I will definitely give an update after the switch. What really angers me is how much I trusted this brand after reading how it is the best. I actually suggested it to other people for their dogs. I am listening to my dogs stomach gurgle from across the room right now. That doesn’t sit well with me, neither does the hundreds of dollars I have spent in vet bills only to find it is this stuff. I will update in a month after we find something else.

    • Confused

      nathan, what are you switching too? thanks.

    • elany

      I’m a ferm believer that the oldest,simplest foods are the best.I have had a 3 yr.old schnowzer die of excessive kiddy failer caused by Iams dog food,againe “the best right”.On the other hand I’v had not one but 3 dog’s live to be 18 yr,21 yr,16 yr, on OL’ ROY.Sounds crazy I know but ask your self how long ol’roy has been around compaired to other brands and farther more how many recalls have u heard about the ol’roy and the less expensive brand’s. NOT MANY!

  • Karen Steinrock

    My 6-year-old Newfoundland was diagnosed with diabetes as well as heart issues AFTER I switched him to Blue Buffalo back in February. Increased thirst, urination, high sugar and now weakness in back legs. Diabetes is almost unheard of in this breed and I can’t help but think the diet change contributed. He was perfectly healthy before this.
    We are switching back to his original diet.

  • Karen

    We have a minpin that has been getting sicker and sicker since he started this food. Buying something different today!

  • Angela

    We started our 5 year old bassett hound beagle cross on BB Wilderness chicken formula 2 months ago. For the past two weeks she had been quite lethargic and within the past week she began drinking an excess amount of water and as such losing control of her bladder and peeing frequently in the house-very out of character for her. We took her to out vet yesterday and they ran bloodwork and urine analysis revealing sky high calcium levels and vitamin D levels-causing the excess thirst. If left untreated can lead to death in dogs. We stopped her immediately of BB and within a day and a half she is nearly back to her old self. We are going back for follow up blood work in 3 weeks and hopefully fingers crossed her levels will be back to normal. Very very scary we thought we were providing a high quality food for our dog who is like our child only to find out we were nearly poisoning her:(

    • Karen Steinrock

      Everything I’ve read here coincides with the symptoms my 6-year-old Newfoundland has suffered since switching to BB. Ten days ago he was diagnosed with diabetes which is unheard of in this breed. A month after being on BB he developed heart issues just out of the “blue”. He’s been so sick, lethargic, and now very weak in the rear which can be the kiss of death for a Newfoundland. His blood sugar skyrocketed in less than two weeks and is on insulin now, which almost killed him last week. I truly believe it’s the diet. No more BB here and I hope he makes it.

  • Suzanne

    My 4 legged child (100 lbs) had always been on Iams. Always felt it was superior. Began to read about another scare of the China melamine possibility. Reading about even the possibility petrified me. Again, our 4 legged children were being put in harms way. Then, because he is getting older and I have put him on condroflex2 the last few years to help his hips/joints I did extensive research into holistic dog/people food. – He has been on it for about 5 months. I did an immediate switch over – he experienced bowel adjustment for about 3 days – nothing dramatic – and has even lost a couple of pounds. He never misses a meal or snack. Yes, it is more expensive than the run of the mill. However, it is worth every single dollar – it is all about how you view your love and care for you pet family. My only wish could be that you could print a blue buffalo coupon online rather than mailorder. The $5.00 coupon is greatly appreciated.

  • Brenda

    I tried Blue Buffalo I have 2 Pekignese They both had diarea and vomiting Thae thwe Petland Manaser suggested Taste of the Wild They were sick again and gas with both kinds Vet told me some of the higher quality foods are too high in protein and dogs w sensitive stomachs cant ttolerate them plus they cause pancreitis and or Kidney problems or failure Too many recalls and problems with this new stuff I ve raise 3 Pekignese on Iams and no problems My last of the 3 is here he is 18yrs old artirits some takes meds does ok thyroid alittle high takes meds still plays my new peke is 3 and Winston the 18yr old one pickks up the toys that Antjuan get out and puts them in the toy box some days he ha alittle trouble walking but usually ok I buy a supplement at the pet store that is the chroni and G and put it on their food Im scared of all the recalls and sick dogs Im reading abt some have died Today Im trying Science Diet Adult small Bites They have been around along time with no recalls if this doesnt work its Iams It has worked well enough to keep all my dogs to live healthy till 16 to 18yrs old and maybe longer since Winston is still kicken

  • Billie Lowry

    We have two Jack Russell Terriers and started them on blue a few months ago. While their coats are beautiful, they are constantly abnormally thirsty and having to urinate. I too noticed one of them trying to eat feces. I feel confident their unusual thirst is linked to Blue as that is when it started.

  • Lisa

    I have two boxers, one I had since 8 weeks old the other I adopted at 10 months old – I have always had boxers and they are known to have gas and allergy issues with certain foods. I purchase Costco chicken and rice and Buffalo Blue and do a 75% Costco and 25% dry Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice mix. Both of my boxers have no gas or allergy issues and solid healthy stool. This is also a good way to feed your dogs healthy when you are on a budget. I also recommend feeding two times per day with a 30 minute quiet time after feeding to help with digestion. Dogs are the BEST!

  • Mike M

    In the information that you have above you mention,
    Who Makes Blue Buffalo?
    The company who makes Blue Buffalo dog food is called The Blue Buffalo Company. Blue Buffalo is currently headquartered in Wilton, Connecticut.

    Blue Buffalo does not make their products in their own facilities, they are outsourced to different companies.

    Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, Dumas, AR
    ANI/Vita-Line Products, Hazle Township, PA
    CJ Foods, Bern, KS
    ProPet, St. Mary’s, OH
    Triple T Foods, Frontenac, KS
    Tuffy’s Pet Foods, Perham, MN

    Some Pet food companies who do make their own products in their own facilities are:
    Breeder’s Choice
    Champion’s Petfoods
    Diamond Pet Products
    Fromm Family Foods
    Hi-Tek Rations
    Horizon Pet Nutrition
    By Nature
    Merrick Pet Foods
    Natura Pet Products (Evo, Innova, CA Natural)
    Nutro Ultra, NC and Max Pet Food Products
    Precise Pet Products
    Tuffy’s Pet Foods

  • Tanya Phalen

    I have an 11 week old lab and 10 week old boxer. I gradually switched them to BB large breed puppy food. They love food, but they both get very wet stool and some times diarrhea. The boxer scratches now and the labs coat looks dry and her skin is flaky. Neither one of them had these problems until they got on BB. They ate both going back to vet for check up. I lost my 12 year old boxer last year, I can not deal with more heart ache. These are my babies and I want them to be healthy. What food do I go to?

    • tate

      I had been feeding my schnauzer fromm dog food. this bag I got she is not eating. So i went and got a bag of bb lamb and rice. To me it make her drink more. Anyone else have that problem with BB??

      • Mallory

        I am having the same problem with my two dogs, i thought this was supposed to be the best dog food ever?! They are soo gassy and my one dog has the worst dhiaria i have switched their food numerous times and this has never happened to them I don’t know what to do and the food was 50 bucks not worth it at all!

        • Tammy

          I am glad to know I am not the only one experiencing problems with this food. Our poor dog has so much gas, I can’t stand it! He seems to drink way too much, too. I’ll be looking for something else. I don’t think this food is that healthy for him.

        • jo

          We have a 5 year old boxer and the gas smell is so bad we have to leave the room. We thought it was normal digestion problems from something else she was eating. However, I fed the same food to a neighbors dog and today, that dog had the same smelling gas (one no one had smelled previously)
          What did you end up changing to if I might ask, I love the natural ingredients & everything about this food, but the gas has to stop…wet stools are another problem

      • Lorraine

        I have been feeding my two dogs Blue Buffalo Basics Turkey & Potato Recipe and they have both developed bloody loose stools and excessive thirst. The vet has put them on Metronidazole and I am having blood work done on both of them. I have called the Blue Buffalo company regarding this problem and they do not return my calls. They are very unresponsive which means they do not have our pets’ best interest at heart, no matter how much they spend on advertising trying to make us believe they do. Not a good company and I will no longer purchase any of their products. Once again, we think we are doing the best for our pets by paying a high price for what we think is a superior product, but Blue Buffalo dog food has made my dogs very sick. They were fine before I switched to this food.

  • rachel

    dangerously too high in protein, my dog was diagnose with kidney failure after being on the wilderness Blue food. Now has to be on a low protein diet for the rest of his life :(

    • Elaine

      I agree.

      Update to my posts in January: We submitted a claim to BB for reibursement of vet bills of $241.00. They sent us a check. They did not assume responsibility but rather sent the check as an act of “good will”. It was very nice of them but I’m thinking they must have received other complaints.

    • graff

      omg really so i dont think i should get any for my 2 year old dog and isnt it really pricey???

    • Jane

      Unfortunately you’ve been misled. All the clinical data indicates that high protein does NOT cause renal failure, quite the opposite. Recommend you find a vet who actually does proper research.

  • Daphne

    My three small dogs switched from Iams (small breed) to Blue (small breed) and they’ve been doing great. Their gots shiny and they love the taste. It’s worth the money to me! I also give my dogs Blue jerky treats, which they also love.

  • htanner

    Fed BB to our dogs for the past few years. A few months ago we saw alarming symptoms… after a traumatic fight with colitis, we found that the cause was the food (turns out a while back BB changed their ingredients). several vet bills later, we are doing fine on other (ANY other) food (we now feed TOTW). and as trial has proven, switching back to blue will once again produce frequent bloody stool as soon as the blue is graduated to 100%.

    • rachel

      caution blue way too high in protein…my dog is a 4 year old lab diagnose with kidney failiure after being on blue wilderness food. He has to be on a low protein diet for the rest of his life :(

    • Mary

      I found your post very interesting. Have fed my dog bb for two years now, but started having issues with colitis in October. She has always had some issues with anxiety and stomach upset, but we have been unable to put an end to the bloody diarrhea except for a short time while she was on prednisone. She was put on Science Diet id during this time as well. She is scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow due to changes noted in her colon. Would like a little more info regarding when the change in ingredients took place if you know.

  • sheltervt

    Blue Buffalo is simply the best food and best company I have encountered in a 13 year nutrition specialty. It’s the brand I recommend to the vast majority of my clients, and it has worked wonders for my own pets. I discovered this brand several years ago, and even compared to a field of other super premium foods, Blue stands out above the rest.

  • Pammy

    Wow, this is really scary. My dog is doing OK on this food, but maybe I should switch. I am hearing so many weird things.

    • Steve

      Blue Buffalo has perhaps the finest quality assurance program in the industry. There is absolutely no evidence that any of the few negative experiences posted here is the fault of the food.

      • McFeely

        I’ve got a 75 lb Catahoula (who also happens to be a picky eater) and a 20 lb Manchester Terrier mix. I tried a number of lower quality foods that the big dog would refuse to eat after a couple weeks – purinaone, iams, eukanuba – not to mention the aforementioned foods would give him terrible gas! Anyway, switched to Blue life protection adult food about a year ago and both dogs love it. I’ve even switched between the three flavors depending on sales and neither of the dogs have any digestion issues. In fact the big dog’s gas issues are essentially gone.

        That being said, my dog recently tore the pad on his front paw after pkaying outside all day and I’m almost certain it’s the food’s fault!!! I better switch to (insert whatever food you happen to be pushing here) before it happens again!

        Just trying to stick up for Blue. Seems like there are a lot of unfounded comments on here trying to link unrelated health issues to the dog food. They’re dogs, and they get into much worse things than Blue Buffalo when running around outside or rooting through the house when you’re out of the room.

    • Kip

      Don’t believe most of this BS, these people know nothing about pet nutrition and their dogs are probably sick from something that has nothing to do with Blue.

  • Elaine P.

    Beth, I’m pretty certain it was the BB that made my dog so sick. Since we stopped the food and started him on the medications he is gaining his health back each day. I’m currently doing research to find a reliable, grain free food for him as soon as he is finished with his prescription food.

    As for eating poop, I had a dachshund several years ago that did that. I think I remember the vet telling me that she was missing some nutrients. You might want to mention it to your vet or do some online research.

    • Elaine

      Wellness Core is the best grain-free.

  • Beth Shervais

    I’ve been feeding my four month old dachshund BB small breed puppy for two weeks now and after a slight adjustment problem she is doing good and loves it. However there are two issues, perhaps not even related to BB. First she is getting very itchy, has clean vet check, no problems. Second she has started trying to eat her poop, she quickly turns around and attempts to eat it before I can say leave it! would like to know your thoughts on these two things. Any suggestions on stopping this behavior would certainly be appreciated.

    • Jeannette

      Hi Beth,

      It’s definitely the dog food. Feeding your dog Blue is like feeding your dog poison. If you read other reviews you will see the consistencies with feeding it to your dogs and health problems that develop afterwards. Things such as pancreitis to complete liver failure. I fed it to my dogs (2 beagles) and they began eating their own feces, throwing up and had an increase in thirst. This dog food was recalled in 2010 but people are still noticing the issues feeding it to their dogs now. I have read that when tested at their vet, dogs have had high increases in calcium as well. Please stop feeding this poison to your pets. Good luck.

      • Beth

        Jeanette, I have transitioned over to Orijen and Bella is much improved, likes it better too. Thanks for the info.

  • Elaine P

    I have been feeding my 9 yr old dachshund Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula for Healthy Weight for almost 4 years and never had a problem. I had immense trust in this company but that is no longer the case. We recently purchased a new bag right after Christmas and about a week later my dog started having diarreah and trouble moving his bowels. It was obvious that going to the bathroom was a very uncomfortable thing for him. Then this past Saturday he woke up lethargic and unable to move. He walked slowly as if in pain. I took him to the vet yesterday and they ran blood tests. Turns out his liver enzymes are very high. The vet said that there was another dog in earler that day with the same exact symptoms and also had been fed Blue Buffalo. Coincidence? I don’t think so. So my pet is now on 3 different medications to try and repair the damage done to his liver.

    We have contacted PetSmart and they have agreed to refund the full price of the food, even without the bag or receipt. We are working to contact the company to let them know that there is definitely something wrong with this food. I will never trust their product again.

    • Beth Shervais

      I am anxious to hear the outcome of this. Was it definitely caused by BB? I have a 4 mo. old dachshund on BB now and she is doing great, so far, but your story scares me.

  • cj_lpski

    Two days ago, Christmas Eve we had to euthanize our beloved 6 year-old German shepherd due to lethal levels of vitamin D in Blue Buffalo’s Chicken/brown rice large breed dog food. About four weeks ago he abruptly stopped eating and started drinking large amounts of water and producing large amounts of dilute urine. His apatite would improve then disappear eventually he refused to eat. Our vet had little answers and eventually ran blood work finding he was in the initial stages of renal failure. They also found elevated blood calcium and urine analysis found calcium phosphate crystals. X-rays could not find any bladder or kidney stones. Out of desperation he was eventually hospitalized, IV fluids were forced in an attempt to clear his kidneys however after 24 hours (Christmas Eve) we had to have our beloved dog euthanized.
    Our dog was an indoor dog never wondered outside our fenced yard was walked regularly on the leash and was always in close contact with us and could not have ingested a poison or toxin. Our second dog a 16 year-old Malamute was not fed a Blue Buffalo product and did not suffer any of these symptoms. I have little doubt that the Blue Buffalo product contained lethal levels of vitamin D producing hypercalcemia and eventually inducing renal failure killing our dog.
    We trusted our wonderful dog with this expensive premium dog food. My wife and I are trying to move ahead after this difficult loss while having to deal with the frustration and disgust for this companies lack of responsibility. We urge any dog owner to avoid all Blue Buffalo products and strongly recommend monitoring all FDA recalls had we done this I’m convinced our dog would be with us today.

    • Anonymouser

      There is absolutely no proof of that. This is an absolute guess.

    • Steve

      People connecting dog ailments with excess vitamin D in Blue Buffalo dog food fail to realize that vitamin D toxicity causes no lasting harm unless symptoms are ignored for weeks, and that Blue Buffalo invested millions into production and quality assurance after their vitamin D problem more than two years ago, and it is now literally impossible for excess D to be mixed into the food.

  • Leslie

    When I adopted my dog, the shelter was feeding him Science Diet. I immediately switched Bailey from this food over to Blue Buffalo. I am embarrased to say that we did not do it gradually, but I guess that we are lucky because we did not have any problems at all. I guess that’s why this dog can eat dead animals that other dogs have ignored because they are so old. He just has a stomach made of lead.

    So I guess I am not a good person to judge, but I just wanted to say that my dog is doing good on it.

    • duane

      Never count yourself as a bad person. Cheap dog foods are sprayed with flavor, and thats why dogs love them. It is perfectly acceptable to make an immediate switch from bad food. You would not let a friend smoke crack until they run out then quit, no you would want them to quit immediately. Also, you would not feed your children McDonalds everyday, becuase its not healthy. Our little guy loves his blue. He has breed specific skin issues and I want to look into a mix to work for him.

      • http://dogfoodreviews jayme

        my dog has been suffering from the worst case of skin issues I have ever come across. I thought i was feeding her the best foods for her skin issues and no vet ever questioned what i was feeding her, in fact they complimented me. Well after allergy shots, lots of vet bills,etc. I brought her to a holistic vet and she reccommended Keen, the honest kitchen. Her hair is growing back in just a week. it is unbelievable! She is still itchy(not as bad), but looks so much better. Her ears look great. Food is everything! I also stopped washing her with shampoo, I only use a oatmeal and aloe soapless dog wash(shampoo can cause problems also).I hope this helps other people whom pets have skin issues. Also, she was able to swich immediately with no problems. She loves the food. Just wish it came in a product that could be left down in case of problems in making her food. Wish I had brought her to the holistic vet sooner.

        • Paul

          jayme, what breed of dog do you have? We have a Shiht-tzu with a very bad skin condition and are at wits end.

  • Adam

    I tried this food for both of my dogs (GSD and pooble), both of them liked the food but had a bad case of farting and stomache issues… i went to three VETs and all of them said that they have several cases like my experience with BB.. i got my dogs off of it and back to my old food.

    this is just my two cents.

  • Wilma

    PRO PLAN??? One of the LOWEST foods on the market? WOW. BUYER BEWARE

  • Bob

    Do you work for Purina?

  • amie

    I breed Akitas. I had my babies on Pro Plan to start then I got a wild hair and decided to feed Blue Buffalo. Where should I begin. I properly mixed in until they were switched then they had loose stool and vomiting. They were lethargic and they have always been perfectly healthy. Well I immediatley switched back to Pro Plan and the problems went away within one day. I will never switch my babies food again.

  • Amber H.

    My dogs had mild seasonal allergies and are starting to age (beagle/pitt mix 13 years and border terrier mix 7 years). My vet suggested that maybe I switch to holistic food. I thought that it would be good since it’s just healthier for them all around. So several months later I started reading up on the brands I had heard before (Blue, Natura, Eagle Pack, etc.). Most of my searching was on sites like about.com, at that time I didn’t know that most websites are biased and enhance certain brands! After a couple days of reading and seeing commercials and receiving a $5 off coupon I decided on Blue Buffalo. Well I gradually and slowly switched as directed mixing the new food with their reg. food (Iams ProActive, which I have never had problems with). First I noticed their stool became softer, I didn’t do anything because I thought that might be normal due to the change in food. Then they started having terrible smelling gas. Then the loose stool turned into diarrhea, and finally when I had completely switched my dogs started throwing up in the mornings. After this they started displaying a disinterest in the food and didn’t want to eat it. First the vomit was just yellowish mucus and then they were throwing up the food and some blood! I became concerned, took my dogs to the vet and immediately went online to see if others were having problems too. I just typed in “my dogs are throwing up after eating Blue Buffalo”, and to my surprise there were tons of blogs and reviews saying the same thing and much worse. I went to the Consumer Reports site and felt sick after reading the reviews on Blue Buffalo. It is NOT what I thought it was and there is a lot of false advertisement on this big brand. There are ingredients in this food that are inferior and extremely high levels of certain vitamins can become toxic at those levels for your pet. They also use other very bad hidden ingredients to preserve that even big shelf brands aren’t allowed to use. I just wanted to warn anyone thinking of using this terrible brand, it might be okay for some dogs but it is deadly and costly after going to the vet for others. I did more research with un-biased non advertising sites and switched cold turkey (which I hated to do but there was no other option) to Acana. I found absolutely nothing negative about Champion brands Acana and Orijen. My dogs immediately became more interested in their food and all bad symptoms stopped after the new food was processed. Their stool is hard and smaller with this food. I don’t know which holistic food you will decide to choose for your loved one, but be wary of Blue Buffalo. They have had several recalls as well.

    • Kyle

      Amber, my dog has these same exact symptoms. It’s hard to say what to do. The vet says he probaly has valley fever, were waiting for the blood test. I might try mixing another food half/half. Every consumer report I look up on dogfood seems to be corrupt. Did you decide what else to use yet?
      I’m getting over my ignorance and really trying to take care of my beloved Boxer more in depth.

  • Marcie Conant

    As a pet parent I believe that a reputable company should be willing and able to answer my specific inquiries. I contacted Blue Buffalo with a number of questions. They responded quickly with a “copy and paste’ of their usual sales “schtick”. I could have gotten that online. They seemed too eager to give me the brush off. While quality matters so does how I am treated as a consumer.

  • Janet

    I was feeding my cat the Blue Buffalo flaked chicken, turkey, and salmon canned foods. Recently, when I purchased some cans in February and they were almost all water. This is supposed to be a flaked food with a little liquid in the can. I mean there were 4 or 5 pieces of food floating in a liquid. This happened 3 times.

    When I called Blue they told me they were made at different locations. I never heard anything more from them. I don’t want coupons for more crappy food, but a nice letter and some sort of assurance they were working on the problem would be nice.

    I don’t think they are working on the problem. I just bought some of the flaked salmon (June 2011) and it’s all liquid. I’m not even going to bother calling them. I understand things can go wrong but as a Company I have no faith in them. As soon as I can find a better flaked or cubed food that my 10-year old can likes and can digest, I’m switching. They don’t seem to care about quality. It’s a shame because I think they have a good product.

  • Nick

    ELC, every dog is different so it is quite possible your dog’s did not need the high amount of protein that is in BB. However, like most natural dog foods on this site, you can not just blame a dog food for what happened when you obviously did not do your research on the food and did not talk to your vet before switching. So, if you have 100% proof that your dog’s died because of BB and NOT because your dog’s could not handle the high protein diet (in which case any high protein dog food would have killed your dog’s you just happened to be using BB) then I am sure we would all love to read into it so we can make a better decision on which dog food to use.

  • Paul

    Having large dogs, I appreciate Blue Buffalo’s large breed formula, which includes glucosomine and chondroytin among the ingredients. I also appreciate that natural ingredients are used, it is relatively high in protein, does not use corn or fillers and is resonably priced compared to its competition. Oh, did I mention that my dogs love it?

  • Lindsay

    Very good food and very small stools when fed to your dog. They have VERY strict quality control and the recall in 2010 was over something very tiny that wouldn’t hurt your dog if it continued to eat the food. I admire the company for being so particular.

    No by-products, no corn, little grain if any at all, and many formulas.

    • Anon

      I guess you havent read the bag where is says “wholesome whole grains”? While they do make grain-free varieties they are not all grain-free

  • Dee Kala

    Blue Buffalo also had a recall in December of 2010. Though it was labeled “voluntary” it still matters when you can’t get the calcium ratio right. Had Michigan States’ VTH not found there mistake in a research study, one wonders how long it would have taken Blue Buffalo to realize they had a problem that made many dogs sick nationwide. I don’t have to worry because I feed my dogs a diet that I make from the same quality ingredients that I eat. It amazes me that publications like The Whole Dog Journal gives them a high rating especially since their recall in 2007.

    • ELC

      within 10 days blue buffalo wilderness chicken and their health bars
      killed 2 of my 3 dogs…the 3rd was in emergency care f or a couple of days…one was so bad it bled internally and between the vomit and diareha with blood was a mess…he was 6 years old..the other my eldest was 10..i had NO idea BB had any recalls etc until the vet told me..
      my advice is to stay away and also do your homework BEFORE you feed your babies..

    • murphy

      Blue didn’t have a voluntary recall because of too much calcium, it was because of a suspected excess of vitamin D and was not life threatening.
      My old dog, who was dying of cancer ate only the Blue health bars for the last two weeks of his life. I seriously doubt your dogs dyed from having eaten the treats. If they had, it would have been a nationwide problem, not just n your home.

    • Michael

      We have been feeding our 5 month old puppy blue buffalo since we got her. She was doing great on the 1st bag we got her. But with the second bad, she started to have bad diarrhea, was lathorgic, and was drinking a lot of watter. I went online to several sights, and all the reviews are the same and a lot of dogs are having the same issue. Something has recently changed with there formula, but there are no recalls being issued. We are switching fer over to Wellness. It’s a little more muney, but we can not but a price on her health. What is apparently what BB is doing by not recalling there food and fixing this.

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More Information

Who Makes Blue Buffalo?

The company who makes Blue Buffalo dog food is called The Blue Buffalo Company. Blue Buffalo is currently headquartered in Wilton, Connecticut. The present CEO of Blue Buffalo is Bill Bishop.

Blue Buffalo Dog Food Recall

Blue Buffalo dog food was involved in the 2007 pet food recalls, due to rice protein that was contaminated with melamine. Blue Buffalo claimed that American Nutrition had included the contaminated rice protein without their knowledge, and promptly removed all American Nutrition products from their formulas. The formulas involved included several canned formulas, as well as some treat formulas. Be sure to check the FDA’s pet food recall website for the most current information.

On May 6th, 2014, Purina Pet Foods filed a lawsuit stating that Blue Buffalo Pet Foods is not being truthful about the ingredients used in its food. Read about the details on our blog.

Blue Buffalo Recipes

Blue Buffalo Dry Recipes:

  • Blue Buffalo Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe
  • Blue Buffalo Lamb & Oatmeal Recipe
  • Blue Buffalo Large Breed Formula
  • Blue Buffalo Small Breed Chicken & Oatmeal
  • Blue Buffalo Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Lamb & Brown Rice Recipe Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Fish & Sweet Potato Recipe Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Large Breed Chicken & Brown Rice Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Large Breed Fish & Oatmeal Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Large Breed Healthy Weight Formula Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Healthy Weight Formula Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Small Breed Chicken & Brown Rice Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Small Breed Fish & Brown Rice Adult
  • Blue Buffalo Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Senior
  • Blue Buffalo Large Breed Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Senior
  • Blue Buffalo Small Breed Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Senior
  • Blue Buffalo Longevity Puppies
  • Blue Buffalo Longevity Adult Dogs
  • Blue Buffalo Longevity Mature Dogs
  • Blue Buffalo Wilderness Duck Recipe
  • Blue Buffalo Wilderness Chicken Recipe
  • Blue Buffalo Wilderness Salmon Recipe
  • Blue Buffalo Basics Turkey and Potato Recipe
  • Blue Buffalo Basics Salmon and Potato Recipe

Blue Buffalo Canned Recipes:

  • Blue Buffalo Large Breed Chicken Dinner with Garden Vegetables & Brown Rice Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Fish & Sweet Potato Dinner with Garden Vegetables Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Small Breed Chicken Dinner with Garden Vegetables & Brown Rice Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Chicken Dinner With Garden Vegetables & Brown Rice Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Lamb Dinner With Garden Vegetables & Brown Rice Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Beef Dinner With Garden Vegetables & Sweet Potatoes Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Turkey Meatloaf Dinner With Carrots & Sweet Potatoes Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Longevity Puppies Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Longevity Adult Dogs Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Longevity Adult Dogs Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Wilderness Turkey & Chicken Grill Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Wilderness Duck & Chicken Grill Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Wilderness Salmon & Chicken Grill Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Country Chicken Stew Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Hearty Beef Stew Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Tasty Turkey Stew Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Irish Lamb Stew Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Chicken Pot Pie Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Backyard BBQ Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Thanksgiving Feast Canned
  • Blue Buffalo Turducken Canned

Blue Buffalo Consumer Info

Where can I buy Blue Buffalo?

You may be wondering, “Where can I buy Blue Buffalo Dog Food?”. To assist you, we have included links on the specific Blue Buffalo formula pages to purchase Blue Buffalo dog food.

How much Blue Buffalo should I feed my dog?

A common question that many pet owners have, is “How much Blue Buffalo dog food should I feed my dog?”. Since the answer is dependent on several factors (such as your dog’s age, weight, activity level, etc) always follow the specific instructions on your formula’s packaging.

Have you fed your dog any of the Blue Buffalo dog food dry or canned formulas? Do you have feedback that could help other pet owners? Please share your review of Blue Buffalo dog food!

Older Comments

Jul 22
Valid point, Maggie. I will do some research. Thanks.
Paul Warren Says
Jul 20
Paul, you should switch off of Science Diet. Would you feed your kids McDonalds every day because they werent getting sick right away? Of course you wouldnt. You should think of your dog in the same way. Think of the dogs long term health. Try a different high quality brand. If you need some names you can look at the reviews on this site, or ask people here.
Maggie Says
Jul 18
Paul -- you need to do what works. If that food works for you dont sweat it.
Philip Says
Jul 14
I switch to Science Diet. I know that it is not as good, but it is what I have always fed my dogs in the past without any problems. I just wanted to stick with something that has worked for me before. I feel like I should switch to something more nutritious, but I am kind of hesitant.
Paul Warren Says
Jul 12
What food did you switch to?
Bellah Says
Jul 10
Has anyone had this happen before? I have been feeding my dog Blue Buffalo adult chicken and rice to my poodle for about 3 months without any problems. Then she started itching all of the time. I was not sure what was happening so I called the vet and the vet told me to switch the food. I did and the itching stopped. Not sure whether that was a coincidence or not.
Paul Warren Says
Jul 08
I switched to Orijen from Blue Buffalo. My dogs did have a lot of gas so I thought that I would give it a try to switch. The gas seems to go away with Orijen, so I do not know what to make of that, I will just keep the dogs on that food.
Oliver Says
Jul 08
Oliver, you just have to do what works for you and your dogs. It sounds like you found a solution.
Tim Barco Says
Jul 05
So true, Chris.
Tim Barco Says
Jul 03
The thing is that if you go online you can find the good and bad about any food. Blue Buffalo has worked well for my dogs, but I understand that it may not for all others. Jeez, you can even find people online saying that Beneful is a fantastic food. All I am saying is that you have to take it all with wide open eyes.
Chris Berg Says
Jun 30
Nothing like spending 50 bucks on a bag of food and then having your dog get sick. I feel like a complete sucker.
Paul Says
Jun 28
Yeah, I would not worry about the recall at all. Lynn is correct.
ParkerVB Says
Jun 28
Pamela:This product recall was over a year ago, and from what I understand it was just because some of the food contained to much Vitamin D. BB initiated the recall themselves. I do not think that any dogs were found to get ill because of the added vitamin D. If nothing else, you have to hand it to them. They decided to be safe before profits, and they recalled all of that food. Anyway, none of it has been on the shelf in a long time, so I dont think that it has anything to do with the dogs that are becoming ill now.
Jun 27
Hi Gary,We actually switched to Authority. Good food and friendly on the wallet.Sam
Samuel Fix Says
Jun 25
I just heard the Blue Buffalo has had a product recall in the past. Is this true? Is this why all of the dogs are getting sick?
Pamela Says
Jun 25
Hey Samuel,Just out of curiosity, what food did you switch to?
GaryS Says
Jun 22
I really appreciate all of the conversation that is happening here. It is just great to be able to read about other peoples experiences with different brand of dog foods before buying it. The food is so expensive, so it is good to know that if I decide to buy Blue Buffalo there may be some problems ahead. I am still going to give it a try I think, but at least now I am forwarned and prepared. It is great to enter a new experience without blinders on. I know what I am getting into.
Alice Says
Jun 22
Well, Alice, I guess being prepared is good buy why would you try a food where so many people are saying that their dogs have diarrhea. Why not avoid this problem at all costs? Man, if I had known what I know now, I never would have tried this food. Besides it being awful for making the dog feel awful, that is some gross stuff to clean up all the time. Dogs and diarrhea is not a good combination. Think about that.
STU Says
Jun 20
Hi Max,We are in the same situation as you. My wife and I really wanted to home cook all of our dogs (Betsy is her name) meals, but we just found that it was taking up to much time in our already tight schedule. We both work and we have 5 kids, so we had a hard time keeping up. We feel guilt-free when we feed Betsy Wilderness. We want Betsy to eat just as well as the rest of us. We would not feel like good people is we gave our dog the short shrift.She deserves to be just as healthy as her human family -- so we try to give that to her.Thanks for listening.Stan
StanLevy Says
Jun 14
We love the Wilderness food as well. I tried to cook all of my dogs food from scratch before, but I just did not have the time. When I see this food, I just went out and bought hoping that it would take away my guilt for not cooking my dogs food. And it worked. It is a wonderful food, my dog is healthy and happy. Thank you Blue Buffalo.
Max Meral Says
Jun 12
Mark, my dog has been eating the Wilderness food for about 2 years and loves it. He did not have any issues before switching, but my wife and I just believe that we should be as natural and wholesome as possible, so we wanted Wally to eat the food that he was meant to it. Well, he seems to have even been healthier after switching to wilderness. It could be our imagination, but his coat seems to be healthier and he seems to have more energy. He is just doing fantastic.
Alex Says
Jun 12
Does anyone have any experience the Wilderness line? I am thinking about switch my pooch to this from the regular line of food. Thanks.Alex
markj Says
Jun 10
This food is the worst. my dogs were sick right away on it. stay away from this food.
Mary Magden Says
Jun 07
Billy, I agree with you. My dog was having skin problems so I switched to Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice and the problems cleared up right away. For us, Blue Buffalo has been an incredible food. It made my dogs allergies disappear.
Tim Barco Says
Jun 03
I have not had any problems with Blue Buffalo. I think that it is an excellent food. I am sorry to hear that others are having issues. Good luck.
Billy89 Says
May 23
My dog started to get gassy when eating Blue Buffalo, so I first tried to contact customer service. I had a very hard time getting in touch with them, so I just gave up.I switched my dog to Canidea and she is now doing great.
Robert Says
May 22
I am just going to make this post to warn other dog owners about what happened to our dog on Blue Buffalo. I am not saying that it is a bad food, but it did not agree with our basset hound at all. When we started feeding Herb BB, he was doing fine. Then about 3 months after the initial feeding he started getting itchy and scabby. We tried switching the food and the problems went away. All I can do is give you my and my dogs experience.
Samuel Fix Says
May 20
Well, I can say that I switched over slowly when switching my 2 dogs to Blue Buffalo and both of them got very sick. It was awful. Diarrhea and gas was disgusting. I dont agree with William. There is something very wrong with this food and it is my duty as a dog parent to warn others about this.
Bethany Says
May 20
To add on to the comment above by William, please everyone remember that you need to switch the dogs over slowly to BB. If you switch them completely in one feeding, you are going to have dogs with very upset tummies. Do no blame the food for that.
Zack Says
May 19
Hi there everyone,Blue Buffalo seems to be quite a heated topic with two sides that feel passionately about their position. I think that what we can take from this is that just like no two people are the same, no two dogs are the same. Our dogs will react differently to different foods, just like people will react differently to different foods. We all just have to figure out what is best for our individual dogs.For instance, I have 5 dogs (!), one beagle, one golden retriever, 2 mutts (no idea what breed they are), and one golden doodle. The beagle and the mutts love Blue Buffalo and have no reactions whatsoever to it. The golden retriever loves the food but sometimes she has a lot of gas. The golden doodle gets diarrhea when he eats Blue Buffalo. I dont know why this happens, but I dont feed her this food and she does fine. It is an easy solution.Basically, I think that Blue Buffalo is a fantastic food, but for two of my dogs it is not. That does not make BB any less fantastic, it just means that my dogs can not tolerate the food. The easiest thing for me to do is to switch them to a different food. That is what I have done.I guess what I am trying to say, is that we should try to keep the bashing to a minimum. What is wonderful is that we have a wide selection of dog food manufacturers to choose from, so you just need to find the food that is right for your dog. They are many different foods, because there are many different dogs. Thank goodness we are just limited to one.Anyway, those are my thoughts. Sorry about the length.William
William Hurd Says
May 18
I dont know what it is about this food. I mean, it seems like it should be good. I have 2 labs and this food did not agree with them. Terrible gas and loose stools. Buy why? Like the person above says, the ingredients are good. Why does this not happen on other foods?I can not afford to keep them them this food -- both because of health reasons and price. If they were doing great on it, I would not care about the price. But this is ridiculous.I got a coupon for Merrick dog food. I think that I may try this. Has anyone tried this yet? Any other suggestions?Thanks.
Cindy S. Says
May 16
I dont know. I have such a hard time with all of the complaining about Blue Buffalo. What would be giving the dogs such bad bowel movements? There is only good ingredients in this food. The first ingredients are only excellent meat proteins and good carbos. Is everyone saying that our dogs can not handle quality ingredients. That we should be feeding them crappy food instead. I just dont get it.
May 12
In response to Sandys question. We switched to EVO, which seems to work well for our dogs. We want to feed them the best food that is out there. Our original thought was to home cook all of the dogs meals, but then we realized that was not realistic with our schedule, so we researched the dog foods to see what to feed them. Right now EVO seems to be working well for the two of them.
Gregory Says
May 12
I never paid a lot of attention to what I was feeding my dog -- just so long as she was healthy I did not care what the food was. Then about 6 months ago she started itching like crazy. We took her to the vet and the vet thought that she may be allergic to some food, possibly wheat or corn. The vet recommended Blue Buffalo. We tried it, and she has been doing fantastically. All of her allergies seem to have disappeared. She has never had any of the problems that other people mention on this site. She feels fantastic. It is a pricey food but well worth it (for us!).
Sugar Says
May 09
Sandy:Great question. We feed our dogs California Natural and they are doing great on it.Tim
Tim Barco Says
May 07
For all of you that have had problems with Blue Buffalo food, what food are you feeding your dogs now? Just curious. My dog eats Blue Buffalo and it agrees with him except for the smelly farts. I would be happy to try another food that is of the same high quality as BB, but may not give him farts.Thanks in advance.
Sandy Says
May 03
I really hate that people who have not had a bad experience on BB, think that the rest of us who have are just crazy. I am not a person who overreacts, but I know that my dogs got sick on this food. Thats right. DogS plural. Both of them. Loose bowels and horrible gas. The minute I took them off of the food it stopped. BOTH OF THEM. That is to much of a coincidence for me. So remember, just because you have not had the same experience as other people, it does not mean that everyone else is crazy. Have a good day.
Walter Evans Says
Apr 26
We have been feeding our 3 rescue mutts (Lucy, Ricky, and Ethel) Wilderness formula for the past 2 years. I do not have enough good things to say about this food. I love the idea that it copies what they would eat in the wild, and they just love it. I can practically feel the good health emanating from them after they eat this food. Kind of like what I feel like when I eat a fantastic salad.Just to let you know that I love these dogs more than anything, and I would not put anything in their systems that I had any doubts about. Maybe some of these dogs just need time to get back to food that is really what they are supposed to be eating -- not the crap that the big corporations put out.
Laura Says
Apr 16
Bill, just because your small sampling of dogs have not had any problems with Blue Buffalo, does not mean that one does not exist. I have heard far to many stories to think that this is all just imagination. My thinking is: if your dog gets diarreah on a certain food, and he does not have diarreah on other foods, then get off of the food that causes the problem. Why try to figure it out? There is no shortage of foods out there, so just switch.Just my 2 cents.
Apr 13
I agree with the doggie day care person above. I do not understand what all of the negativity is about with BB. It is a fantastic food in my experience and my friends experience. Both of my dogs have been eating it for years without any problems. I have never met anyone who has had any problems. What is going on here?
Zachary Says
Apr 10
I work in a pet day care center, and even though we do not feed Blue Buffalo to our guests, I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone who asks my opinion about food. I feed it to my 3 dogs, and they have never had any problems. Many people have fed their dogs BB based on my recommendation, and none of them had any problems. A couple of people did not introduce the food to their dog slowly, so the dogs did get an upset stomach in the circumstance. Once they took the dogs off of the food and introduced it slowly, their dogs also did well on BB.I recommend Blue Buffalo. It is an excellent food!!!
Bill Myers Says
Apr 08
I have 2 chihuahuas and I have been feeding them Blue Buffalo without any problems at all. I was feeding them the small breed chicken and rice. No problems. Then I got a third chihuahua (2 yo) and so I gave him the same food. Man, did he have stomach problems something awful. It was gross. So I switched him over to Kirkland that my neighbor had. That seemed to agree with him more. I kept him just on that for about a month and then I started to slowly move him to BB. I did not want to feed different foods to different dogs forever. To confusing for me lol. It did not help. He got the stomach problems again. Now they all just eat kirkland. The 3 dogs seems happy, and it is easier and it is cheaper for me. I do not know if BB was really the problem, but I just needed to figure out something that works quick. So dogs are happy and Im happy and saving a few bucks to.
anniecoop Says
Apr 06
I love this food. I have a poodle who I love. I would not give my kids cheap bad food, so I will not give my Lulu poodle cheap bad food. She just is so healthy and she loves the taste. She licks the bowl clean after every meal. Her favorite is the fish and sweet potatoe food. It does not sound that good to me, but it works for her. I recommend this food highly.
LeslieNN Says
Mar 29
Glad it all turned out well. Good luck with the puppy.
Dave Wolf Says
Mar 25
Thanks for all of the responses. We realized that we were feeding her the adult food (the same as the other dogs) and now we switched her to Puppy Chicken and Rice. She is doing much better. I feel pretty silly for not feeding her the puppy food from the beginning. I guess that I was just not thinking. Ha ha! Not the first time that happened.Thanks again. I guess that I am still a big believer in BB.
Sam W Says
Mar 22
To Sam:Oh my goodness. Rumors, rumors, rumors. Do not listen the the person who says that they have heard nightmare stories. What about your other 3 dogs who are doing well? Obviously the food in not making your dogs sick. What line of food are you feeding her? She may need to switch the line of food if a specific ingredient is not agreeing with her.But first go to the vet. It may not have anything to do with the food at all.
Beth Smiley Says
Mar 16
I think that it is the food, Sam. This food makes dogs sick. I have heard to many nightmare stories about dogs getting very sick from Blue Buffalo. I would not feed this food to may dog in a million years. Especially if your dog is getting sick, take her off of the food!!!!!!!! That is the only smart thing to do. Something isnt agreeing with her and the first guess is the food.
Ann86 Says
Mar 05
Sam, I would definitely take the puppy to the vet. I bet that it is not the food. But if it is the food, there might be something that you can do so that you do not have to feed different foods to different dogs. Good luck.
Dave Wolf Says
Feb 20
I have 3 dogs and I just adopted a hound puppy. I have always fed all of my dogs Blue Buffalo without any problems at all. Now my new puppy is eating it and has terrible gas and loose bowels. I did introduce the food slowly so that is not the problem. I am not sure what to do. I am thinking that I should take her to the vet.I am really hoping that it is not the BB food. I have been extremely happy with the way my dogs respond to the food. I am not sure what I will do if one of the dogs cant eat since it is going to be very difficult to feed one dog a different food. I may have to put her into a separate room to eat so that the other 3 dogs do not wonder and want what the puppy is eating.Has anyone had this before? Any ideas of what to do? Other than the gas and loose bowels, she is happy and healthy. Maybe it is just adjustment time. Thanks for your thoughts. Oh, and I have had the puppy 3 months.
Sam W. Says
Feb 16
I feel like I am constantly looking for the perfect food. I like BB since all 3 of my dogs like it and they are all doing well. The only problem is price. I do not know if I can keep on feeding all of them this food every day. I try to justify it by saying that I am saving on vets bills since they are eating a healthy food that is keeping them healthy. It is just a lot to bite off though. I wish that I could find a food that is as good as Blue Buffalo but does not cost as much. But then I know that this is good for them. It is such a conflict. What do all of you do about price? Have you found cheap places to buy it? I am so torn.
Pia Says
Feb 15
Have you tried to go back to the Science Diet and then slowly replace it with BB, Susan? If you switched it completely right away, that could be the problem. She might have to adjust to the new better food slowly. My dogs have always eaten this food (since they were puppies), and have never had any problems. I would really give it another shot before giving up on it altogether.
Lester Chan Says
Feb 12
We adopted our 1 ? yo dog about 2 months ago, and she was being fed Science Diet in the shelter. I think that she was there for 2-3 weeks. Anyway, we brought her home and she seemed to be doing fine on it, but we were not very happy with the ingredient list. Our local pet store recommended Blue Buffalo, so we started giving that to her. It made her have diarrhea something awful. We are not sure what to do. Should we give her more time to see if she adjusts?
susan Says

Ingredient List*

Blue Buffalo Dog Food Ingredient List

*for Blue Buffalo Canned Beef Dinner with Garden Vegetables & Sweet Potatoes

Blue Buffalo Coupons

Blue Buffalo Coupons

More Blue Buffalo Coupons…

387 Responses to Blue Buffalo Dog Food

  1. Rick July 13, 2015 at 9:04 am #

    For 2 years I fed my dog BB Life Protection chicken and rice. No problem. Since April 2015 my dog has been in a vicious cycle of lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sleeping, eating grass (new occurrence) and expensive visits to a vet. All x-rays and lab work all normal. My dog would eat 1 day and be sick for 2. He now will sniff the BB and walk away and not eat. At times he would reluctantly eat if I fed him by hand. The company clearly has changed the product. Just switched him to Merrick and he is a happy boy.

  2. amie July 4, 2015 at 8:08 am #

    Blue Buffalo killed my dog yesterday morning. Bought a bag of food on Sunday, fed it to both of my dogs Sunday night. Both dogs became very sick, vomiting everything up. My GSD recovered but my Chihuahua died 5 days later! Happy healthy 3 year old boy, no food allergies, never any issues with anything and this food killed him! Be prepared because I am coming after your company!!

    Blue Buffalo was exposed for lying to its customers about what they put into their food! They are garbage and use by-product just like all the other low grade commercial foods out there. DO NOT FEED YOUR PET BLUE!

  3. James McGrew June 25, 2015 at 4:52 pm #

    I feed my Irish Wolfhound BB and have for the last 4 years. This month I bought my regular 24 pound bag of the Wilderness High Protein-Grain Free Chicken. Iwe had this very strong odor in our home. At first we thought an animal may have been in the eve and died because the smell was just awful. I add warm water to our dog’s food but this time she would wIt almost a hold dY before eating it. We discovered that it was the dog food that was smelling like a dead animal or feces. I through the pal of dog food in the garbage and notice that the flies were swarming on it like as if it was rotten flesh. My dog did not appear to be sick. I returned the remainder of the product to Petsmart and was given a new bag. They said it may have been a bad batch. I will be calling BB.

  4. Amber Reinholz June 20, 2015 at 8:40 am #

    I switched my two cats to Blue a year ago and within months my one cat went into kidney failure and three months after that has had two UTI’s. I have since gone back to my old food. Don’t waste your money!

  5. Will May 9, 2015 at 2:54 pm #

    I’ve been mixing Blue Buffalo wilderness with a couple different brands (Wellness-Avoderm) for over 6 years..never a problem and was happy enough to highly recommend Blue Buffalo to anyone with a dog. Boy do I feel stupid now. I picked up a bag of Blue Buffalo Freedom and mixed a little in with what was in his air tight food storage container and after one serving he got what appeared to be small boils down his back.I thought maybe he got into something running around outside. I ended up filling his food storage container with what was left of his older food mix and everything was fine till I got to the bottom of his container with the small mixture of Blue Buffalo Freedom ..shortly after eating that his face,muzzle,and eyes started swelling to the point where he could barely see. When I touched his lips or face which felt like an over inflated basketball he whined in pain. I was over 1000mi from home and ended calling a veterinarian at 3am to administrator emergency treatment. After steroid and cortizone shots the swelling slowly started to go down. Bottom line Blue Buffalo dog food could easily killed my dog.It’s absolute garbage and I’ll never buy or recommend it again…don’t take my word for it. Do an internet search about the poisonings,deaths and class action lawsuits. I really wish I had.

  6. Brooken10 April 18, 2015 at 7:09 pm #

    About a year ago my I started feeding my dog Blue Buffalo dog food due to its supposedly being the best out there. Nearly four months ago my dog started gaining weight and became very sluggish, I switched him to the weight watcher version. Over the last four months he went from 70 pounds to 94 pounds, drinking EXCESSIVE amounts of water and panting VERY heavily. About a month ago his right side of his body went paralyzed, he can’t blink his eye, his entire face is limp, and he stumbles on his right side when walking. I brought him to the vet, he recommended I IMMEDIATLEY switch his diet to ANY other dog food then blue, and informed me his kidneys were shutting down. It’s been about 3 weeks since he switched his food, he has lost weight, stopped drinking so much water, stopped panting, and MOST importantly we found out his kidneys are doing much better today after extensive and expensive testing. His face remains paralyzed, I have to put eye drops in daily, but at least he is no longer being poisoned by this terrible misrepresentation of dog food. Do your self a favor, money, and your dogs life and never feed this garbage to your loved pet!

    • Melissa April 20, 2015 at 11:33 am #

      Why would keep your dog on the same food if they went from 70 to 94 pounds? duh!

    • Felix Giordano May 8, 2015 at 9:57 pm #

      It might not have been the food. It sounds more like the canine version of Bell’s Palsy which can be triggered by Lyme Disease. For what it’s worth I feed my dogs Wellness.

  7. dawn goll April 7, 2015 at 11:16 pm #

    Blue Buffalo killed 2 of my dogs. The truth is they import meat bi products from China. Do not buy into the marketing and commercials that promote this dog food as healthy.

    • Risa B April 8, 2015 at 12:15 pm #

      I have been using BB for almost 7 years with the same dog and she’s never had issues. My vet, whom I trust explicitly, recommends BB over Science Diet (aka Sudden Death), IAMS, and Purina.

    • amie July 4, 2015 at 8:12 am #

      Please email me with all your findings. Blue Buffalo just killed my 3 year old Chihuahua. My family is devastated. amie.lynn.sershen@gmail.com

  8. Jhough March 23, 2015 at 3:30 pm #

    My Labradoodle is just over four years old and had been eating BB Life Protection (blue bag) since he was four months old. At 80 lb. but not overweight, I switched him to the large breed formula. He has always loved his food and ate it very quickly. The first bag of BBLB was fine however when I started a new bag a few weeks ago, he smelled it then looked at me then sniffed again and ate it but very slowly, not finishing it. That meal was at 6:00pm and in the middle of the night I heard retching and he vomited up the undigested food. I thought perhaps, that it was just that bag so I threw it out and fed him boiled beef and rice for a few days and he was fine. I opened another bag an got the same sniffing reaction. He ate it and within 15 min. was vomiting. He is back on a rice diet and I am going to start him on Verus. And…I’m out $100.00 for two 30 lb. bags of BB. And, not happy!! After reading all the stories on line, I believe a recall and some explanation from BB would be in order.

  9. Dave March 5, 2015 at 11:18 am #

    I have been using BB grain free for some time now. As with any opinion on dog food there are those that blame the food for everything. Use your head and watch your pet and you will find the right food for them. BB is by far a great food especially in the Grain Free line. The ingredients speak for them self. It is great for sensitive dogs with skin or digestive problems and gives their coat an nice shine and feel. Quality at its best.

  10. Audrey W March 1, 2015 at 10:14 pm #

    Let me just start off by saying, I work at a pet store, so I deal with a lot of dog food. I also love to spend my free time researching food brands, and food quality. Being that I work at a pet store, I hear a lot of peoples opinions and experiences with different foods as well that help weigh in on my own personal opinions. I’m not claiming to be more knowledgeable then anyone with access to Google, but from reading the reviews on all of the brands suggested on this site and many others, I’ve come to decide that there is no PERFECT food. (Dried pet food in general is actually still pretty new, it came about after world war II.) I think that these sites can be helpful, but harmful too. It’s like going on web MD when you have a cold, everything is going to tell you, you have cancer. I think that if you chose to feed a dried food made from a company, and not from your kitchen, then all you can do, is do your research into the company, into peoples experiences, and take everything with a grain of salt. Don’t put so much blind faith into brands, instead know your pet, if you see signs of sickness, know what to do. It’s that simple, because as far as I can tell, every brand has problems, and at some point they may effect you. All that you can do is be a good pet parent and know the signs of when your loved ones are sick. Pay close attention! I like to give my dog a look over every day for signs of illness. (It really isn’t very time consuming once you get the hang of it, and I even look at it as a great way to bond with your dog/cat.) Another thing you can do, if you’re like me and started biting your nails after reading all of the bad things that can happen to you lovelies, is get pet insurance, its not expensive, and can be well worth it if you run into any problems. You will also be more likely to take your pet to the vet at the first signs of sickness instead of waiting and wondering if it’ll get better and finding out its too late. (I did this. I am guilty. I didn’t want to spend a bunch of money at the vet if it was just a fluke or going to pass, so I waited, and it cost me my beloved cats life. So I’m not judging, I’m simply pointing out that we should learn from our experiences and educate our selves so things like that never happen again.) All of that being said, I CAN NOT BELIEVE how some people are reacting to peoples positive comments about food, or even the negative comments at that! This is a place for people to share experiences so that others can learn from them, good or bad! Not to be judged for them or Screamed at because they don’t match your views. It’s true that there will always be more bad reviews on these sites then good, simply because most people don’t do reviews unless they’re emotional about the product, which means more often or not, you aren’t going to post unless you ABSOLUTELY love it, or hate it. You won’t ever read an amazon review ,”I dunno, it worked.” It’s ether “I’m so happy this worked!” or “DON’T buy! didn’t work!” So to all of you people out there just trying to research into food like I am, and are finding every food to be a dead end, just remember to take everything with a grain of salt. Yes, some peoples pets got sick, not everyone’s, SOME, other wise there would legally have to be a recall. And if there is a recall, that’s not the end of the world ether! Like I said, factory made dog food is still fairly new, mistakes will be made, accidents will happen, but in the end you take that risk by buying any product you didn’t make your self, for that matter GROW your self! So if you’re a blind faith kind of person, or you find you just can’t stand these big food companies, then just make your own food, talk to your vet about nutrition, educate your self, it is in all honesty the very best thing you can do for your pet.

    FYI: I rotate food, I buy all grain free and try to stick with fish, but I rotate brands as there is no perfect brand in my opinion.



    Comments made about the other brands on this site having same/like reviews is my speculation of said reviews, if you want to see, go look, make up your own opinions, this is, in the end, simply just all my opinion after all.

  11. Sophie and Scout's mom February 22, 2015 at 12:57 pm #

    I started my two golden retriever pups on BB when I got them before Christmas. One of my girls immediately had to go potty as soon as she ate it, the other- not so much, but both had very loose stools. I thought it was just normal for a puppy since there’s not much room in their stomach for food to stick around and be digested properly. At 14 weeks it was still going on so at their recent check up, my vet recommended Science Diet, Eukanuba or Iams. They gave me samples of Science Diet puppy formula (dry) and the diarrhea immediately stopped (mixed half BB with half Science Diet). Today I ran out of the SD sample and fed them straight BB and for the first time in a week, one of the pups immediately had diarrhea again. I know there’s a lot of negative comments about Science Diet on these pages, but I’m going to try it for a month on its own and see if it makes a difference in their urgency and stool consistency.

    • Kristy February 22, 2015 at 9:42 pm #

      It’s a better food and you don’t need to feed them as much. Try cutting back on the amount. You should always gradually switch food over 2 weeks also

  12. Teri Brackett February 17, 2015 at 2:43 pm #

    My dog got sick on Blue Buffalo Basic two weeks ago. She spent a week at the vets recovering…it wasn’t until she got home and I was getting her re-used to her food that she started to vomit again..that was when I did my research and found all these other people’s dogs with the same symptoms. Something bad has changed with the Blue Buffalo recently. Ruby has been eating this since we got her as a puppy. I switched to Orijen Dog Food, and she has improved almost overnight.

    • kim wilson March 6, 2015 at 2:27 pm #

      It’s something about when they changed the packaging. Salmonella was what I saw most people say their dog for sick from. I wanted to try this food on my dog but after reading about all these dogs that got sick and some died, I stuck with Call of the Wild. It’s scary to not know which food is safe.

  13. linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 3:40 pm #

    One word POISON. Your animal WILL get sick sooner or later.

  14. MamaD January 16, 2015 at 9:41 pm #

    I have fed my dog Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice for several years now with no problems. She has food allergies, and this is one food I have found that doesn’t cause severe itching and red skin. We have not had issues with diarrhea or vomiting. I think much like with humans, some dogs probably have sensitivities and reactions, or allergies, to things in foods.

  15. kmd January 1, 2015 at 6:43 pm #

    It is made in Akron Michigan and they put paper in their dog food, I had someone tell me they don’t mind that there is paper in it???? I grew up in Akron and live 20 miles from there now.

  16. DivaTCU December 13, 2014 at 3:43 pm #

    I never had any problems with BB. My baby boy loved it. We tried all the varieties of the grain free. He stopped eating it because he is a picky eater and he is super spoiled. We switched to Castor and Pollux. He loves this too! He’s been eating C&P for about two months and we’ve had no problems! We will likely switch back to BB next fall

  17. BlueButterfly December 3, 2014 at 12:01 am #

    By the way, on Consumer Reports you will find Purina having problems also. You might want to check for any other brands. Canidae? is one of them. We are going to make our own. You can find books on making your making own dog food on Amazon (read the reviews). The Dog Whisperer 2nd Edition by Paul Owens with Norma Eckroate has some diets in it. Baking for Your Dog has great treats. Find a very good pet food store, NOT a box store but a place where someone knows dog nutrition and supplements. Even the Hills Vet Food does not live up to standards.
    One needs to read the labels and sometimes that just doesn’t matter

  18. BlueButterfly December 2, 2014 at 11:35 pm #

    Don’t return the food! Keep it! My dog became sick Nov. 3 and I didn’t know why. Did all sorts of tests. Followed up with rick & hamburger. She got better. Put her back on BB Life Formula. Again she became sick. Worse than the first time. Thanksgiving day was spent in the ER vet. After seeing ours. Then to another for an ultrasound. Back again
    the next two days for emergency visits. Bloody vomit, lethargy, we thought she was going to die. $2332.00 in vet bills. After the first time being sick I called BB and asked about their food and they reassured me there was nothing wrong with the food and it was healthy to eat. After the ER visit and throwing up blood I came home and got on the computer and that is when I found out all the dirt that was going on. No warnings, no recalls, the distributors knew, just none of us buyers did. So when you took the food up to the counter to pay for it, the person checking you out more than likely knew what was going on but was not going to tell you. And if they didn’t, the owner, manager of the store DID! Unforgivable in my opinion. Personally I think everyone should have their food tested for what caused all the bleeding. AND THE DEATHS. As the cover ups were
    stacking up, so were the dead dogs and puppies, cats and kittens,
    and lies. BUT THE MONEY KEPT COMING IN………………..
    Think about it, one of the doctors told me I couldn’t possibly know it
    was the food that did it, “you don’t know that”. “You don’t know that”.
    Well finally I figured out he was liking all those sick dogs. Healthy dogs don’t bring money in! Same thing with the food distributors. I had one guy who owned the store where I bought it tell me “you can’t believe everything you read on the internet”. Stupid is as stupid does…………..There is a place is a place for these kind of people. I hope they go there soon.

    • amie July 4, 2015 at 8:18 am #

      I saved some of the food that just killed my dog. I am trying to find a way to have it tested to find out what was in it. Dogs were fine on BB for about a year and a half and suddenly they both became very sick and one of them died not even 24 hours ago. This company is trash!

  19. veggienut November 30, 2014 at 8:25 pm #

    Does anyone use the Sensitive Formula~? Anyone having issues with their dog eating grass frequently after they eat their meal~?

    • Lisa Stokely March 4, 2015 at 2:56 pm #

      Eating grass means they want to throw up the food they just ate! Stop feeding your dog that food!

    • Eliza April 7, 2015 at 4:00 pm #

      I feed my puppy Wellness Core. There hasn’t been any negativity on the food, and he has been doing really well on it.

  20. subby November 28, 2014 at 9:49 am #

    Can someone please share what dog food you switched to from blue?

    • kim wilson March 6, 2015 at 7:34 pm #

      I feed my dog Call of the Wild (Bison) and he does great. Kinda expensive but better than spending thousands at the vet.

    • Lisa April 7, 2015 at 4:02 pm #

      I feed my puppy Wellness Core. I was going to do Blue Buffalo but after all the complaints I’ve read I changed my mind. He’s done really well on the food, and gobbles his food down quickly. Another good brand is Taste of the Wild.

    • jeannie700 April 20, 2015 at 9:01 am #

      We have moved away from Blue and are using Merrick – immediate improvement in the dog.

    • amie July 4, 2015 at 8:19 am #

      We just switched to Wellness. So far so good. Only one dog gets to benefit from it though because the other one died from BB.

  21. Debby November 19, 2014 at 4:21 pm #

    I agree. Every dog food review column has the same complaints–diarrhea, vomiting, itching, huge vet bills. EVERY brand. Impossible.

    • Jenn February 7, 2015 at 3:55 pm #

      Keep in mind, people are more likely to post problems they have than when everything goes well. You are right that every brand has complaints on it, but that is why sites like this are helpful. The reviewers that work for the site try to be objective. I find reading those reviews are the most helpful. What you see with individuals reviews are trends.. i.e. I have posted several places on this review page how BB does best with athletic dogs with plenty of access to water. Of course, many people think of their dogs as athletic so defining that isn’t always easy. But every brand will have trends in the reviews. hth

  22. Ashley D. November 18, 2014 at 12:33 pm #

    We fed our small yorkie poos bb small breed in the pink bag for over a year and they did fine. I bought a bag of food on halloween night and my dogs became very very sick we racked up vet bills quickly. They stopped eating and drinking and were throwing up constantly and had loose stools. I contacted blue and they said they had changed formula and the lady just advised me to return the food but I honestly would have probably lost my babies if i had took them to the vet and was persistant like i am. Like someone else said the vet thought it was something toxic but they hadn’t gotten into anything and are constantly watched lol theres no doubt this food is what did it. Im in the same boat for people that are looking for something to switch to our vet did recommend something but i refuse to say bc I’m not sure I’m gonna trust any dog food not made by me. I did however ask about homemade dog food (chicken,rice,ground egg shells, boiled eggs and carrots peas etc.) The vet didn’t seem to mind the idea but requested i give them a multi vitamin with it.

  23. Risa B November 11, 2014 at 3:20 pm #

    I’ve been feeding my Rottweiler Blue Buffalo since she was about 8 months old. She’s 6 1/2 now and healthy, healthy, healthy according to our vet (aside from the love handles that we’re working on!). Because of the love handles, we switched formulas about a month ago and couldn’t be happier – she’s lost weight and she’s still healthy. Just thought I’d add a positive review here in light of all the complaints.

  24. chris riley November 3, 2014 at 1:42 pm #

    I feed my dogs BB, but I am just wondering which food everyone is changing their dogs to? Everyone on this thread is saying they stopped feeding their dogs BB because of issues their dogs have with the food, but nobody ever says to what food they’ve changed their dogs to. How do you do the research and decide? More importantly, almost every reviewed dog food on this site has a thread very similar to this one complaining about horrible reactions their dogs are having to those other foods. It seems like it happens with every food, so how do you decide and what have people changed to?

    • Cameron November 3, 2014 at 8:41 pm #

      I am in the same boat. I have been reading all of these bad reviews on a brand which I thought was “high quality” What the hell is everyone moving over to instead?

    • Joe December 3, 2014 at 8:04 pm #

      I’m switching to Wellness, on my vet’s advice

    • Jenn February 7, 2015 at 3:51 pm #

      There are three dogfood brands I recommend. Blue Buffalo, Taste of the Wild (both best rated on here) and also Wild Callings. For my dogs I use BB for puppy food and Wild Callings for adult dog food. Both have a very high calories per cup ratio but my dogs are very active. For dogs not as active, I recommend Taste of the Wild. Still excellent quality, but less active dogs seems to take to it a little better. hth

    • vanessa April 7, 2015 at 4:03 pm #

      Wellness Core is really good.

  25. Angela Prince November 3, 2014 at 2:26 am #

    My dog loves her BB and has never had any problems. I know it’s more common for people to write the bad instead of going out of there way to write something good. But after reading all these negative comments I thought I’d share. My dog doesn’t breath when she is eating. I have never had bloody stools. I have never had any problems with the brand. It’s got a lot of great ingredients. It was a couple unnecessary ingredients but I have learned that it is impossible to find dog food without. The top 20 ingredients are full and pure. Plus there is no corn. Winner in my pup for almost a year

  26. Gina November 1, 2014 at 11:23 am #

    I have Great Danes(3) & German Shepherd(2.5), and new 4 month Great Dane. The older dogs have been on Blue Buffalo since they were pups and did not have a problem. We got the pup at 8 weeks old and have been back and forth to the vet with all 3 of them having diarrhea and mild vomiting. First I thought the pup was getting into something in our yard but I watch her like a hawk. Then when the other 2 starting getting it, something didn’t seem right. We put them on a chicken and rice diet and some antibiotics from vet and goes back to normal. All test have been checked out no parasites so I think it may be the food. It has been going on about 1.5 to 2 months and I am reading these other posts and it seems to all have happened the same time. I use the large breed adult chicken and Brown Rice. I did not put it together until now I thought they were passing some virus back and forth to each other. Never thought it could be. I always thought I was paying more for this food to take be pups. Very Disappointed!

    • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 1:45 pm #

      My GSD puppy was on BB & Drinking so much water & would have accidents also loose/stools/diarrhea, Same results as many I read about. She is on rachel ray (diarrhea, excess drinking water stopped) until I can find something to replace bb with, I hate having to upset her stomach changing food again, so looking for suggestions on what to feed her w/no grains & reasonable On a fixed income. Thanks.

  27. Diane October 29, 2014 at 1:21 am #

    I recently switched my dogs to Blue Wilderness Small Breed Healthy Holistic, the pink bag, with a mix of Freedom wet dog food in different flavors. The switch was from Ceasars and Pedigree wet food with a dry mix. Both dogs loved the food but had looser stools so I thought I should spend more and get them a better brand.
    Both dogs(mini Aussie and Sheltie) snubbed the Blue and just picked at it with the Sheltie refusing to eat. They were both only picking at the food for a couple of days, then the Aussie adjusted but my Sheltie stopped eating for a few days.
    Well I thought when he gets hungry he will eat and this will be far better for him then the cheaper brands I was buying in the past. He would eat a few days then strike again which was unusual for this dog, he would pretty much eat anything.
    This went on for about 2 weeks and I finally said fine you can have your old dog food but he would not eat this either and had lost some weight so I took him to the vet.
    I was shocked to find out that he was in acute renal failure and had to be admitted for treatment. He was there 2 days and passed away.
    The vet’s first thought was it was something he got that was toxic, I explained I changed dog food but the other dog was fine. She did not think it was the Blue Wilderness cause she did not see any recalls.
    I had an autopsy done and they tested for lyme disease and leptospirosis which both came back negative and only could tell me it was acute kidney failure that could be caused by something infectious or he got into something toxic. It is very distressing not knowing the cause of his death but I did not even consider the dog food since my other dog never got sick and his blood test all came back normal.
    I have since gotten a new puppy who was on Nutrisource and did a search for comparisons with the Blue Wilderness when I saw numerous sites saying how people lost their dogs due to illness after feeding Blue.
    The only thing that I changed was the dog food and this is when the problems started. I waited to long to take my dog to the vet thinking he was just being finicky. I can’t say the Blue Wilderness caused his death, but would just like to warn others about my experience.
    If you try changing to Blue and your dog stops eating, starts vomiting and losing weight, take them to the vet right away and stop feeding Blue.
    I am so worried now after reading these post about my Aussie since I have been feeding Blue up till today. I think I will try the Nutrisource since the puppy seems to be doing well on that brand.
    Hope no one else has to go through this with their dogs.
    North Dakota

    • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 1:49 pm #

      Thanks for sharing & possibly saving lives! So sorry for your loss wish was a way to sue these people just so they will change.

  28. Paul October 22, 2014 at 4:55 pm #

    My 10 year old King Charles mix refused to eat the food until she was too hungry. Half a bag later she is puking up blood and has been to the vet twice. We narrowed down the cause of the internal bleeding to the food by reintroducing it after two weeks of home cooked chicken and rice, immediately after eating the food she’s back to puking blood. This company needs to be shut down.

  29. Katie O'Brian Robles October 17, 2014 at 3:11 pm #

    Strike three and we’re out.
    Having a small rescued pup and a special needs 9 y/o. Doberman w.DCM I wanted them to be fed the best we could manage. We live in Mexico. The closest pet food store is many many miles and hours away, We tried the Blue Buffalo Wildness Salmon first..Both my girls got sick from it.Off to the vets..a day of fasting and five days of medication. Thought there was a chance it got
    too warm on the way home., so dumped it all.. went back to the States for more. A week later same thing . Horrid diarrhea ,this time worse.. Back to the vet..
    more meds.. and blood work.. blood work came back fine. Okay let’s try this one more time. maybe it;’s the omega 3 and 6.. talked to an ‘expert’ at the pet food store he said: “yep with the chicken and rice you’ve been adding.. they’re getting too much protein.. go for the Blue Basic.” So that’s what we did..
    Rinse and repeat.. more meds. more running them out the door 4 and 5 times a night. We’re not even going to talk about the dehydration and worry it caused.. Our vet diagnosed colitis caused by the kibble..There wouldn’t that have been easier to say in the first place.. Bye Bye Blue!!

  30. nicole October 13, 2014 at 5:29 pm #

    I bought a bag of Blue dog food. My dog wouldn’t touch it and I had to throw it out. I was a little upset because it was not cheap, but since then I found out that Blue uses ingredients from China.so needless to say I was relieved that he didn’t eat it.

    • veggienut November 30, 2014 at 8:24 pm #

      How do you know the ingredients come from China~?

  31. k October 5, 2014 at 1:52 pm #

    Blue Buffalo is shit dont put your dog on it if you do be aware of everything that goes on with your dog diarrhea real bad gas extremely bad hair loss extremely bad will never do blue Blue Buffalo again my dogs were on it for over 3 months and we will never ever go back to Blue Buffalo ever

    • veggienut November 30, 2014 at 8:28 pm #

      My dog doesn’t have any hair loss from this nor does he have gas, as you mentioned.

  32. Candy4958 September 7, 2014 at 6:26 pm #

    I was told by my vet to stay away from blue as she has had numerous dog in that were on this food and they had bloody diarrhea, and were very ill, She tried to call blue to find out what was in their product and no one return her calls or her letters, Just shows me the company really don’t care about the animals only the money they make.

  33. Pam C August 9, 2014 at 1:52 am #

    I too had just opened a new bag of Blue puppy food and am dealing with diarrhea. I’m taking it back to Petsmart tomorrow and buying another brand. The expiration date is also 2015. I noticed a few pieces were a lighter color but didn’t become alarmed because it is supposed to be such superior quality dog food. I do NOT want to spend another day shampooing carpets so will probably be up all night. I am major league pissed. Blue Buffalo food causing diarrhea in dogs and cats is all over the internet with postings in the last few weeks.

  34. Kate August 8, 2014 at 12:49 pm #

    My pups started out eating Blue’s Chicken and Rice formula. I had previously tried different dog foods and found they did better on Blue. My pups had food sensitivities and skin allergies. After much research I switched them to Blue Freedom Grain Free. My pups loved the food. Within a week, normal stool and allergies became manageable. In the past few months Blue Freedom Grain Free went on sale at Pet Supplies Plus, PetsMart, and Petco. Since this food is very expensive I purchased several bags. Two weeks ago I opened one of the recently purchased bags, thought the kibble looked somewhat different, but thought nothing more of it. In the course of 2 weeks my dogs gradually began scratching more, biting their toes, having bad gas, and looser stools. At the same time a few of my friends, whom I had convinced to switch to Blue, contacted me and reported similar problems, especially the bad gas and loose stool. I did some investigating. I have one bag I purchased a few months ago with an expiration date Dec 2014. The bags I just purchased expire in 2015. I had been feeding my dogs from one of the bags that I had just purchased, that expire in 2015. I opened the Dec 2014 bag, it looked normal, like I remember, kibble was flat, very dark life source bits, not greasy, and no strong smell. The recently purchased bags looked like Blue’s Chicken and Rice formula, it was greasy in my hand, not flat, life source bits are light brown, and it smells like grease. I am returning all of this food. Unless this can be addressed to my satisfaction I am switching to another brand. I have been a Blue Buffalo fan for many years and convinced most of my friends to switch to this brand. I am now telling them to look elsewhere. I am keeping these samples and have asked for them to be analyzed. I am very disappointed in Blue. I do not like Purina. My experience is real. As an aside, I ran across this article. On March 12, 2014 Reuters posted, “Blue Buffalo, the premium pet food company, has hired banks for an initial public offering that could come later this year.” Hmmm…. I will be posting this experience elsewhere because people need to know. And in all fairness I will be contacting Blue.

  35. kate August 7, 2014 at 1:31 pm #

    My pups started out eating Blue’s Chicken and Rice formula. I
    had previously tried different dog foods and found they did better on Blue. My
    pups had food sensitivities and skin allergies. After much research I switched
    them to Blue Freedom Grain Free. My pups loved the food. Within a week, normal
    stool and allergies became manageable. In
    the past few months Blue Freedom Grain Free went on sale at Pet Supplies Plus, PetsMart,
    and Petco. Since this food is very expensive I purchased several bags. Two
    weeks ago I opened one of the recently purchased bags, thought the kibble
    looked somewhat different, but thought nothing more of it. In the course of 2
    weeks my dogs gradually began scratching more, biting their toes, having bad
    gas, and looser stools. At the same time a few of my friends, whom I had
    convinced to switch to Blue, contacted me and reported similar problems,
    especially the bad gas and loose stool. I did some investigating. I have one bag I purchased a few months ago
    with an expiration date Dec 2014. The bags I just purchased expire in 2015. I
    had been feeding my dogs from one of the bags that I had just purchased, that
    expire in 2015. I opened the Dec 2014
    bag, it looked normal, like I remember, kibble was flat, very dark life source
    bits, not greasy, and no strong smell. The recently purchased bags looked like
    Blue’s Chicken and Rice formula, it was greasy in my hand, not flat, life
    source bits are light brown, and it smells like grease. I am returning all of this food. Unless this
    can be addressed to my satisfaction I am switching to another brand. I have been a Blue Buffalo fan for many years
    and convinced most of my friends to switch to this brand. I am now telling them
    to look elsewhere. I am keeping these samples and have asked for them to be
    analyzed. I am very disappointed in Blue. I do not like Purina. My experience
    is real. As an aside, I ran across this article. On March 12, 2014 Reuters
    posted, “Blue Buffalo, the premium pet food company, has hired banks for
    an initial public offering that could come later this year.” Hmmm…. I will be posting this experience elsewhere because people need to know. And in all fairness I will be contacting Blue.

  36. Chelsea July 30, 2014 at 2:23 pm #

    I know this is for dog food post but, Blue Horizon cat food caused diarrhea to my Sphynx :( its been going on in the past weeks, I talked to one of the breeders and she said there has been a lot of complaints about diarrhea and death!!!

  37. Jenn July 21, 2014 at 10:45 am #

    Just got a new puppy and so I got more BB again. This food is great, especially for athletic dogs. It is well balanced for dense nutrition and we have always been happy with it. I have read several here complaining about kidneys or infections. Both of those indicate a poorly exercised dog eating premium food. It would be like a couch potato eating an Olympians diet. Same thing. You would need more water and more exercise because your body needs to digest lots of good nutrition. Cheetos and Mountain Dew don’t need that. But on a healthy diet, if you don’t drink more water or exercise more, your body will have to work harder to digest all those extra nutrients you are not using. But that doesn’t make the diet bad. BB is well made for healthy active dogs. hth, Jenn

    • jte July 22, 2014 at 3:58 pm #

      Do you really think all these people are lying? Do you really think anyone on here doesn’t realize your continued posting promoting a product which has cause so many problems for pet owners across America is not a clear bias due to your relationship with said company? Lol… almost as laughable as to your companies ethical procedures or LACK OF….

      • Jenn July 25, 2014 at 11:40 pm #

        I don’t work for them. But I have raised and trained dogs for more than 20 years. There are a few comments here that are good questions about how it is put together. But the complaints about thirst and kidneys are people that don’t understand dogs. Unlike you, I am trying to help. You should find something better to do than just creep others.

      • Richard August 25, 2014 at 12:26 pm #

        Let me start with saying that Purina has had several court cases with creating fake social media reviews on competitors products such as BB.

        The funny part of you people who post your stories about issues with BB is that you are constantly switching foods. Try eating nothing but fruit for the next few days and tell me how you feel. New foods take time to acclimate and need to be done gradually.

        The couch potato people who buy high exercise requirement pups and then are confused why they run into so many problems should probably re-evaluate their approach to being an owner.

        • Jenn February 7, 2015 at 3:43 pm #

          Exactly Richard. I feel bad for these people have problems with their dogs. I feel even worse for the dogs being switched over and over. A dogs digestive system is pretty consistent. There are several good brands out there. Although the Purina court case is sad for the dogs since Purina is not one of them.

      • chris riley November 3, 2014 at 2:09 pm #

        Everyone here is saying they’ve had problems with BB and they’ve switched to another dog food, but why doesn’t anyone say to which brand/food they’ve changed? every dog food reviewed on this site has a similar thread about how dogs are having horrible reactions to those foods. So I guess it just depends on the dogs. I’m sure there are people who are changing from another brand to BB and are claiming to have no problems anymore with their dogs.

      • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 2:21 pm #

        Oh I see many got on Jenn, so I can stop lol I just read her comment & was FURIOUS , but this was 7 months ago. I think she is a sociopath only ppl who don’t care!

        • Jenn February 7, 2015 at 3:41 pm #

          Get some help Linda.

      • Jenn February 7, 2015 at 3:41 pm #

        No I think they are sharing what they have observed. But that doesn’t mean that is normal or that others who have seem something different are somehow the biased ones. There is a reason BB is rated on this site and others as one of the best. When I help people with their dog I have 3 dog food recommendations and BB is one of them. I have no relationship with BB and I am sure this site doesn’t either. The two other dog foods I recommend are Taste of the Wild (also rated best on this site) and Wild Callings. Perhaps you will have better success with one of those.

    • April September 1, 2014 at 5:48 pm #

      My dogs are very well exercised and the too have been experiencing vomiting and diarrhea. It has only been in the past couple months. I have switched back and forth between a bland diet and BB only for the illness to return. After purchasing a different brand the symptoms went away. I jog 3-4 miles 5 times per week with the dogs not to mention all of the other activities they do, so I don’t think lack of exercise is the problem. I think a recall is in order! There is some bad dog food out there!!

      • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 2:18 pm #

        EXACTLY! Like we don’t exercise take care of our dogs?? smh Maybe she’s with bb or something. I feel so bad making my dog sick & those who lost their animal to this CRAP!

    • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 2:13 pm #

      Wow you seem to missing a LOT of info these people are talking about & vets reporting problems & DEATH. These dogs were HEALTHY W/ EXERCISE ETC. (same as my GSD) I trusted this food & paid extra to make my dog sick? I have been reading MANY sites on this & find same symptoms. I would never recommend anything that could harm a dog after reading so many reviews!

  38. Devin July 16, 2014 at 10:17 am #

    how professional of you to go online and slam a company over one worker who has nothing to do with production of food, maybe you are just jaded because you can’t get a job at a dog food company
    kids in junior high ignore calls when they do not wish to speak to someone maybe next time have some respect for them and yourself because your sure aren’t helping yourself with that attitude buddy

  39. jte July 9, 2014 at 2:37 pm #

    This company workers are pathetic and unprofessional, i submitted a resume for a job open in my area on a SUNDAY, that SAME day received a call (THEY SEEM PRETTY DESPERATE) a lady tells me she is sending out and email that I must respond to to confirm a phone interview the following day, and if i did not respond and confirm the email she told me i would not receive a call. When i asked her what email address it was sent to she could not even tell me. SO after seeing how they call me back within 20 minutes of submitting a resume online on a sunday and how the lady could not even inform me of what email it was sent to, I decided not to confirm the phone interview for the next day. WELL when the next day comes, sure enough i received AN UNWANTED UN-COnfirmed call which i was told i would only receive once i responded to the conformation email. SO i decided not to answer the call hoping that this would be the end of the story, WRONG, the following day, DAY 3, i received yet ANOTHER CALL although i did not confirm ANYTHING. SO i decided to PRESS THE IGNORE BUTTON on this one, LITERALLY 3 mins later i received and email from the same person claim that and i quote

    “Dear JON,
    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider you for employment. We have reviewed your background and qualifications and find that we do not have an appropriate position for you at this time. We appreciate your interest in Blue Buffalo Co. Sales & Demo and wish you success in your job search.


    The Blue Buffalo Recruiting Team”


    • john July 11, 2014 at 3:55 pm #

      I think you should of answer the phone call and told them that you weren’t interested. I think that whole situation could of been avoided.

      • jte July 22, 2014 at 3:52 pm #

        I answered the phone and the lady Told me that I would not get a call at said time UNLESS I confirmed the appointment with the REPLY of the email she had sent me, therfore clearly meaning that if I did not reply to confirm the appointment I would not receive the call. I did NOT reply for this reason in order to NOT receive it. I still received 3 calls in a 2 day period after ignore each one I received the email, I don’t know what kind of companies you people are use to working with or for but the only time I have experienced this type of desperation to give me an interview was in connection to pyramid schemes and commission sales scams. No company I would want to work for conducts themselves in this manner, what would be the next ethically questionable action this company will take is what you need to ask yourself

        • John August 5, 2014 at 1:56 pm #

          Maybe you shouldn’t submit any job applications if you don’t like being called. You are pathetic, useless and unemployed. Go cry somewhere else if you want attention. Tell us about the product or shut up.

    • Jenn July 21, 2014 at 10:30 am #

      This has nothing to do with the quality of their food…. That said, in my industry I interview at least a 100 people a year for a large company. What you describe is not desperate. It is quick and efficient. Most places let things sit for weeks. As for their response, that was professional. They could have written and told you that they see you as too much of a slacker to pursue work and therefore would not be a fit. Instead, they sent back a canned letter saying best of success. The above scenario raises my respect for them. It should yours as well. Best of success in your job search.

      • jte July 22, 2014 at 3:59 pm #

        Jenn or Jenny which ever you decide to go by for this next post, please do not make assumptions based on bias reasoning due to your relationship with the above named company which is clear due to the fact you claim you know what kind of letter they sent me in response, the fact of the matter is you cannot deny that I TURNED DOWN the company offer of a over the phone interview by not RESPONDING to the email required to confirm the appointment after researching this companies history. You can things like they could have called me a slacker or whatever other ignorant statements you may feel entitled to say in defense of this PYRAMID SCHEME styled highering process. Although I refused to confirm the appointment date I still received a call, and after IGNORING the call I received another then an email… WHY would a company so desperately pressure and pursue someone who is clearly ONE not interested, and two has made clear that they want nothing to do with said compnay?? Sales sales sales is the answer, someone trying to sale me on this LOW wage overly aggressive sales position that is so clearly ridiculed ALL over the internet. It is laughable to think this behavior is professional, and I am no employees by those of the largest corporations in America, is this pathetic excuse for a corporation even publicly traded? And how is the purina lawsuit going? Is that one reason they act is this desperate nature to try to recruit more salesmen to try to up revenue as a result of multiple ongoing lawsuits? I do not know but I do know this, AT&T, GE, and other legitimate corporations do not conduct ANY part of there highering process in this manner, which bares shocking resemblances to pyramid schemes and social networking scams across america. The fact you feel the need to respond to this meaningless comment in the manner you did goes to show the desperation of said company….

        the company which now empolyess myself has been in business for over 30 years, will yours stand the test of time? Lol

        • Doug V July 25, 2014 at 11:50 pm #

          Surely your not that ignorant of how Human Resources departments work. She was saying what they sent you was a typical canned response and in a polite way… ALL decent companies do that. The fact it is foreign to you makes it easy to see why they sent it to you. But it does say they were polite to you and you should be thankful. They didn’t need to be.

      • jte July 22, 2014 at 4:01 pm #

        100 comments and 0 followers…. lmao…. no one is listening….

      • Doug V July 25, 2014 at 11:47 pm #

        Well said, Jenn. It is obvious this person doesn’t understand either a job search or dog food.

  40. Heidi July 8, 2014 at 9:43 pm #

    My dogs have been on BB for over 6 years now. I have never had any problems! I think these bad reviews are fake and put up by competitors to devalue BB. It’s pathetic what these big time companies would do to make money. Come on people. There is absolutely no scientific link to kidney stones and BB use.

    • guest 1 July 22, 2014 at 4:00 pm #

      Not at all, there are lawsuit currently awaiting litigation

    • Doug V July 25, 2014 at 11:59 pm #

      Many of the complaints are at the least people who don’t understand their dogs or nutrition. As long as I have raised animals, whether dogs, horses, or anything else, I have seen people with similar statements about animal food. It is a shame since it is the animals that suffer and it could be avoided with a little education.

      • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 2:50 pm #

        Sure it’s just us “ignorant people” who do everything RIGHT & our dog’s get sick then better with change of food. We are the ones trying to PROTECT others. Your right a SHAME SO MANY HAVE SUFFERED at the hands of this food!

    • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 2:46 pm #

      It’s so sad ppl like you say this when WE with the sick, before healthy dogs KNOW BETTER. It’s too many getting sick…PERIOD not rocket science.

  41. Debbie June 30, 2014 at 5:17 pm #

    Have been giving our Aussie shepherd blue buffalo dog food. And found out today that’s more than 90 per cent of the reason she keeps getting urinary infections and crystals. So disgusted with the $500.00 bills finally a vet told us about buffalo food, very grateful. Get off of it instantly.

    • Jenn July 21, 2014 at 10:38 am #

      If you are having those problems, it is more likely the dog is not well exercised than anything wrong with the food they eat. It potentially could also be poor water supply but dogs typically will drink terrible water before giving up on it. The infections say the dog is lacking in one or both of those things. An Aussie Shepherd needs LOTS of both. With sufficient exercise and clean water, their bodies clean themselves, regardless of diet. Remember, they are made to pursue food in the wild and that could be anything that moves.

      • jte July 22, 2014 at 3:52 pm #

        Blame owners for the negative effects this product has on the pet.. laughable but not surprising conduct of someone linked to a company this desperate to compete… you blame your consumers for offering a poor product. .. lmao that will be this companies down fall…

      • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 2:56 pm #

        You must be a SOCIOPATH dogs/cats have DIED from this & been autopsied, it’s the FOOD people! Sooner or later your animal WILL LIKELY suffer WHY RISK IT. The reports saying they like it are still puppies or been on a small time. Not worth the risk w/my dog tried it twice & my dog IS EXERCISE & TAKEN GOOD CARE OF!

        • Jenn February 7, 2015 at 4:38 pm #

          Breath Linda. Sorry to hear of your troubles. But you will notice that all brands have good and bad reviews… including BB which has a 5 star rating here as well as many great reviews. Perhaps Taste of the Wild (also a 5 star on this site) would work better for your dog. Best of success.

  42. Laura June 24, 2014 at 1:53 pm #

    My dog has excessive thirst, urination and diarrhea. I am stopping this food immediately. It occurred after giving her 24 lb. Blue Wilderness Adult Small Bite Natural Evolutionary Diet Chicken Recipe. She’s been on the dog food for about 3 to 4 weeks.

  43. nora May 9, 2014 at 8:56 am #

    want to know why moths suddenly appear in my home after i open the bag of your dog food? and it is only after i buy and open the food, little white moths, have even seen them come out of the bag.

  44. sharon focht April 30, 2014 at 3:35 pm #

    just got a whetin terrier 3 yrs old who was on a taste of the wild and no problems. they did not sell her food where i live and recommended bufflo blue grain free to be comparable. so i purchased and started mixing with the others. had no problems except excessive thirst. she was on this for 4 days and now for 2 days will not eat or drink except grass. she went from a healthy energentic dog to one that just lays around with lowd stomach gurgling noises and bloody stools. taking her to the vet today. after reading the symptoms of other pet owners that had their dog on blue buffalo, i took back to the store. when i can get her eating again, i will put her on FROMM a family owned company out of wisconsin that have never had a recall on their food.

  45. Judy April 18, 2014 at 4:12 pm #

    Beware of canned Blue Buffalo Freedom Small Breed. Large, sharp bone fragments made our dog extremely ill. If we hadn’t figured it out, he might not have survived.

    About 1 teaspoon was strained out of 1/4 can of this food. Now in the possession of our vet for analysis, as some of it clearly does not even look like bone. You can check the food by placing some in a wire mesh strainer and running hot water over it. What is left are the fragments. I have an entire case and every can I have opened has the same content.

  46. Jason April 16, 2014 at 2:17 pm #

    My senior border collie mix dog had recurring diarrhea until I switched him the Blue Buffalo Wilderness Senior blend. After I started feeding him Blue Buffalo, his diarrhea went away. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but over a year has passed without any diarrhea, so it certainly seems like switching him to BB did the trick.

    We got a new border collie puppy a few months ago and we started him on BB Wilderness Puppy blend. He seems to be doing great on it. He loves the food, has great stools, and the vet said he seems to be growing at just the right pace. So, no complaints from me.

  47. Marie April 10, 2014 at 4:35 pm #

    Overpriced!! My dogs hated it.There appetite decreased. lost weight and my german shepard had diarrhea on it. wouldnt recomend it to anyone. weaned my dogs slowly and kept them on it for 3 months because it was so highly recommended. What a joke.

  48. Sharon April 8, 2014 at 11:23 am #

    We have fed our dogs Blue Buffalo Lamb and rice, since my oldest was around 2 (he is now almost 8). Never had any problems with their food till this past weekend. My youngest pup ( puggle) got very ill with diarrhea which contained mucous and blood (not just a drop). I thought it was something she ate. That was until my 4 year old pug got ill with the same thing. A few hours later, my oldest pug got the same thing. We ended up bringing our puggle to the the vet, as she was in the worst shape. They couldn’t figure it out, that was until later, when I had all 3 dogs with the same issue. I stopped giving them the food and 3 days later they are back to normal. They are now on a boiled beef and rice diet for the next week. I am hoping to find a new food to switch them to because I don’t want to risk this again. Be careful of this company! Something is changing and it’s not for the better!

    • Paige April 14, 2014 at 11:16 am #

      Wow! I brought home a new Sheltie last week. I forgot to ask the breeder what she was feeding him( I think Instinct). I bought a small bag of Blue Buffalo and he is not that thrilled with it. Within a few days I noticed bloody mucous and diarrhea. I did not want to waste , so I mixed it with Earthborn Holistic.Now he is ALMOST back to normal. Still traces of blood. He goes to the vet. today. He is a year old , not a puppy. I should have purchased the Acana which is what I normally feed.I have 7 dogs. But this Sheltie has a cleft palate so I wanted the best for him and they sell it locally. This food is NOT the best. My other dogs were not fed this stuff.

    • Stacy May 7, 2014 at 8:32 am #

      Have you found a good food brand? we are having the same issue now and are looking for a new brand.

  49. reeb March 30, 2014 at 4:34 am #

    Wow, so many fake reviews left by trolls and competitors. Blue Buffalo is one of the best, yet there are comments talking about the most unreqlistic, horrid scenarios. If you’re going to lie at least make it believable.

    • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 3:02 pm #

      Seriously?? Are you one? Because my dog & others I know have same problems…disgusted. Sooner or later they WILL get sick. Don’t risk it dog lovers, we need some suggestions for replacements,

  50. Anne March 16, 2014 at 4:43 pm #

    I just want to make a comment about possible causes of cancer in pets. Consider the water that you feed your pets in addition to processed food sources. Our tap water has hormones and other drugs and impurities in it that cause cancer in humans as well as pets. I feed my dog natural spring water in an attempt to bypass those impurities. This may well be the cause of other ailments in your dog, so that is just something to consider for the health of your dogs and cats over and above the food.

  51. Jenny March 9, 2014 at 11:03 am #

    Blue Buffalo Wilderness puppy food should be banned. It gave my poor pup explosive diarrhea. As soon as we switched his food it cleared up in one day. That stuff is horrible!!

    • Alex Joaquin May 30, 2014 at 8:15 am #

      We adopted 7wks.old female maltese.The breeder had them on Blue buffalo Freedom.Upon doing my personal researched,I switched my maltese puppy slowly to (4-5days of transition,like 2-3 table spoon) My puppy pickup her appetite without incident of gastrointestinal problem. I highly recommend Blue buffalo Wilderness dry puppy food to anyone. In fact most of my hospital-coworker loves it & recommended it to me. 5-star!!!

      • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 3:06 pm #

        That’s sad down the road you probably feel different like me:(

  52. Lynne March 3, 2014 at 4:32 pm #

    Who Makes Blue Buffalo?

    “The company who makes Blue Buffalo dog food is called The Blue Buffalo Company. Blue Buffalo is currently headquartered in Wilton, Connecticut. The present CEO of Blue Buffalo is Bill Bishop.”

    I believe this to be a false statement. I dont know what is wrong with these dog food companies claiming they have the best natural, organic, holistic whatever the word might be and charge outrageous prices for bags of this type of food which is being manufactured at companies that many, many types of dog food from Ol Roy(Walmart) to grocery store chains brand. These companies Diamond, Tuffy etfc… continue to have recalls and its pretty deceiving when YOU lead your customers on letting them believe it is made at your facility.

  53. Debbie February 25, 2014 at 1:20 am #

    Our lab has been on BB Wilderness Salmon due to grain allergies since mid 2012. However, we routinely have to put him on prescription ID due to explosive diarrhea. He has a great coat and is otherwise healthy but last year he started peeing his bed. He is on meds for incontinence but none of his siblings have this problem. As we are slowly reintroducing BB again, we notice he is emptying the water bowl rapidly and of course really needs to pee more often too. I am thinking it’s he food…

  54. Briana February 18, 2014 at 11:33 pm #

    My 14mo old border collie/ pit bull mix has been eating BB for about a year with no issues. Recently, however, she was vomiting alarming amount of yellow bile. About 6-8 times a day!
    I gave it 3 days but ended up taking her to the vet, worrying about bloat or pancreatic issues. The vet found nothing after blood work and xrays except slightly high white blood cells and irritated intestines (Over $400 by the way, for almost no info!!!).
    Now I’ve but her on a bland diet of boiled hamburger and rice/oatmeal, sweet potato and chicken broth. Whatever combination she will eat! I just got her to eat tonight for the first time in 5 days. It’s been so stressful and heart breaking to see her like this. She hasn’t vomited in 2 days but now has pretty bad diarrhea since she stopped vomiting.
    I was trying so hard to figure out what could have caused it all! And after reading some of these other similar stories, I think my hunch is right. It must be a bad batch of the food. We had just bought a new bag the day before she started being so sick!
    I’m going to attempt to return the bag to Petco tomorrow, which I’ve read they are very good about not having issues. I’m also going to be looking into making my own dog food; I’m tired of reading about dog food recalls and dog cancer from food products. BB was good while it lasted for us, but we’ll be making a change. I never want this to happen again. My dog is so sweet and I never want to see her like this, ever.

    • Wendy March 15, 2014 at 11:08 am #

      We have been feeding our boxer Blue for a few years with no problems. Due to allergies a vet (not our regular vet) suggested we switch him to salmon and potato this was November 2013. Our 93 lb boxer is currently down to 78 lbs. Soon after the switch he started losing weight, began to have very loose stool and began to drink excessively. He also began losing patches of hair. He was getting up every night several times just to drink water and urinate. He’s been to the vet three times but they could not find anything wrong with him! Kidneys tested fine, no diabetes, no cushings disease. We were told it was probably some type of cancer and his days were numbered. It’s been over a month since he has not had the Blue food. We are cautiously optimistic at this point because he is eating a little better and not drinking as much. We can only narrow it down to the food. Please do not buy this food.

  55. kim February 15, 2014 at 9:48 am #

    I have heard that blue buffalo has propylene glycol in it. It does not have to be listed as this was added before rendering. I know of at least two german shepherds that became ill after eating this product.My vet advised againt this product also.I now feed raw diet to my bulldog and wont go back to using any kibble ever again,after losing my beloved german shepherd to cancer, which I think was caused by the kibble.(not blue buffalo)
    Who in their right mind would knowingly feed their pet antifreeze(propylene glycol).Their are excellent products out there, yes even kibble but educate your self before you unknowingly poison your pet.Check out origin acana kibble and pets4life, primal and tolden farms raw if you are not comfortable doing your own. Just remember that raw needs to also include bone for calcium.

    • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 3:17 pm #

      EXACTLY WHY RISK? The longer they are on it or bad bags who knows, but my shep got sick too & these IGNORANT PPL WHO DEFEND IT must work for them or their animal just hasn’t got sick “yet”

  56. Joan N. February 15, 2014 at 4:01 am #

    I have feed my dogs and cats Blue for many years with great results. I have also recommended Blue to all my clients. Last summer my 12-year-old Shih Tzu refused food, vomited and had horrific diarrhea for a week. The vet could find nothing wrong and he started eating after 8 days. In Dec. he stopped eating again and he wouldn’t use his rear leg. X-rays and blood work showed a slight elevation in white blood cells. Despite treatment he refused to eat for 4 weeks and his knee grew to the size of a softball we had to put him down.
    Two weeks ago my 4-year-old Boston Terrier had to have a mass removed from his gum. Biopsy showed cancer. The only treatment is to remove 1/4 of his face. We will not do that to him and we plan on enjoying him as long as we have him. On Monday I had to take one of my cats to the vet. She is being treated for crystals in her bladder. The vet asked me what I was feeding my pets. When I told him Blue his response was this “Blue is now made in China it was sold to China last year and I would not use Blue for any animal”. Blue had been on recall for having toxic levels of vitamin D. Excess D can cause mineralization I wonder now about Baileys leg and his refusal to eat and also the crystals in the cats urine.
    Years ago my dogs lived for 20 years, now all my pets die from cancer at a young age. I no longer feel I can trust the dog food industry so I now make my own dog food. After doing this for only 2 weeks I see a tremendous improvement in the appearance of my pets.

    • Dave March 9, 2014 at 1:15 am #

      Blue is made in the United States. They get their meat from United States, with exception of lamb. It is from New Zealand, which by the way have stricter standards than US. Your vet is grossly misinformed.

  57. Joan N. February 15, 2014 at 12:25 am #

    I have feed my dogs and cats Blue for many years with great results. I have also recommended Blue to all my clients. Last summer my 12-year-old Shih Tzu refused food, vomited and had horrific diarrhea for a week. The vet could find nothing wrong and he started eating after 8 days. In Dec. he stopped eating again and he wouldn’t use his rear leg. X-rays and blood work showed a slight elevation in white blood cells. Despite treatment he refused to eat for 4 weeks and his knee grew to the size of a softball we had to put him down.
    Two weeks ago my 4-year-old Boston Terrier had to have a mass removed from his gum. Biopsy showed cancer. The only treatment is to remove 1/4 of his face. We will not do that to him and we plan on enjoying him as long as we have him. On Monday I had to take one of my cats to the vet. She is being treated for crystals in her bladder. The vet asked me what I was feeding my pets. When I told him Blue his response was this “Blue is now made in China it was sold to China last year and I would not use Blue for any animal”. Blue had been on recall for having toxic levels of vitamin D. Excess D can cause mineralization I wonder now about Baileys leg and his refusal to eat and also the crystals in the cats urine.
    Years ago my dogs lived for 20 years, now all my pets die from cancer at a young age. I no longer feel I can trust the dog food industry so I now make my own dog food.

    • Mark M March 30, 2014 at 4:30 am #

      Fake review

  58. Myrna February 11, 2014 at 8:53 am #

    I have been feeding my dogs Buffalo Blue Small Breed which was purchased at Petco. They were on Purina Beyond for small breeds which they loved and when I ran out, my daughter bought the BB because a Petco Sales lady raved about it so much and was in her face until she bought it.

    My dogs got sick on it! First it was my little Yorkie and she had diahrea and was sick everywhere. Then my DaxiChihuahu got the runs, then my mini pincher got it too. I gave them some steamed rice to help stabilize them and they were okay for a little bit, so I thought it was just the sudden change in diet from Purina to BB.

    The following week it started all over again. They are all still having soft runny stools, and I’m really worried. The BB bag is all gone now (it was a small bag) and they’ve been eating it for weeks. After reading the bad reviews, I know there is something wrong with their dog food…it’s almost as if my dogs are going through some kind of food poisoning…vomiting and diahrea.

    I’m not buying BB anymore and will go back to feeding my dogs healthy fresh food and make it myself. I think BB is lying about what is in their dog food!

    • Rob Bones February 16, 2014 at 6:25 pm #

      For all dog foods, switching to the new food gradually is recommended. It appears you went 100% with the new stuff immediately, which will cause this. I’ve seen mostly good reviews, with some poor ones similar to yours. Makes it hard to decipher the ratings and find a good dog food.

  59. Valerie M February 10, 2014 at 8:25 pm #

    I am really glad I read this site! My 2 dogs both age 10, poodle and doxipoo, have been on blue buffalo homestyle recipe for 2 years without any problems. Starting in December their stools started getting less consistant. I tried just one flavor each for a week at a time and still getting worse. Finally, I took them off completely and just gave them cooked organic chicken thighs processed with the broth until they were better and went back to the dog food. Same thing happened. They were also vomiting a little, mainly in the morning. I switched to Wellness Simple Limited ingredients formulated for sensitivities and feeding the regular amount only splitting it into 3 feedings a day instead of a little in the morning and the rest at night. They are getting much better. No more mucus in the stools and no more vomiting. Something happened to the Blue Buffalo brand. They changed the recipe or added or removed something. I will not go back to any of their products, dry or canned.

    • Kate August 28, 2014 at 12:41 pm #

      My 8 month old HavaShi was doing wonderfully with BB lamb and oatmeal until about 2 weeks ago when I opened a new bag exp 12/2015. He has had looser stools, urinary frequency, and now crystals in his urine. The vet had recommended Science Diet but he had explosive diarrhea with mucous and blood. So I will probably try Wellness again. I don’t know what has happened to the BB.

  60. Lisa February 4, 2014 at 8:27 am #

    Our 4 month old shi tzu has been on blue puppy food for about a month and was doing great. Recently we started a new bag and she started having diarhea. Same food just a new bag. I didn’t think it was the dog food since she had been doing fine for a month or so. I put her on chicken and rice and she started having normal poops. Three times I’ve tried to gradually get her back on the Blue by sprinkling in a little with her chicken and rice. Every time she gets diarhea again. I think there is something wrong with the new bag of food. I will be looking for a new brand of dog food.

  61. Justmejv February 1, 2014 at 12:08 pm #

    We have been feeding our dogs BB for several months and the moment we say “Time for PAPAH” they get so excited that one of our dogs drops her favorite toy and starts waggling her tail. All the dogs get so excited {we have 4 dogs}they seem healthier and their coats look healthy as well. We are very happy with choosing this brand. I would recommend BB for sure!!!

  62. Roy Donn January 27, 2014 at 7:33 pm #

    Toy Aussie, I have been fighting loose stool, bloody stool, mucous stool for months. All I have heard is how great Blue is. Well, let me tell you, I switched to Science diet 3 days ago and her stool has gradually looked better each day, today her stool was perfect, 4 days ago it was diarrhea and blood. She used to through up frequently also. Stop selling this poison.

  63. Nancy January 27, 2014 at 12:41 pm #

    Have used Blue Buffalo for years. I am not sure if I got a bad bag, or if something has changed but the last bag made all of my dogs very ill. Not sure of the cause, I had switched them over to a bland diet. The younger 2 to recovered on their own. The older two required a trip to the vet. The younger two got put back onto their kibble and within 4 days it started again.
    Not to be too graphic, it has caused explosive diarrhea that is like water. The older ones actually started passing large amounts of blood. This initially started 5 days after starting a new bag, the second time it started 4 days after being put back on kibble.
    This was the Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice small bites in the teal bag. I am curious if anyone else has had the same issues.

    • linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 3:25 pm #

      Yep sooner or later they get sick, the ones defending this are EVIL or haven’t been on it long enough for their dog to get sick I hope they believe us the ppl! Why would we waste time on here lying we are here BECAUSE our animals GOT SICK & were looking for help & replacement foods.

  64. Eric W January 25, 2014 at 12:41 pm #

    I was feeding my 8 year old boxer Purina Beneful…she like it, but the Blue Buffalo intrigued me so I gave it a try… HOLY COW…. in her 8 years she hasn’t never gotten more excited at feeding time…she absolutely loves this stuff… her hair is also noticeably softer…. she also goes #2 about half as she used to…. so the Blue Buffalo claim about fillers is TRUE…. will never go back to any other dog food….will be switching my cat over shortly

  65. Sam January 24, 2014 at 12:03 am #

    We have 2 dogs. A yellow lab mix (2 1/2 yrs) & boxer mix (14 mths). We found out when the yellow lab was a puppy that he had a sensitive stomach so put him on BB Sensitive Stomach Turkey & Potato. Never had a problem. When we got the boxer mix put her on regular puppy food then transitioned her into the BB our lab was eating. Didn’t have ANY problems until about a month ago. We purchased a new bag of dog food & within 4 days noticed that our puppies didn’t have the same energy level as normal, were drinking lots of water, peeing often (the boxer actually peed & pooped in the house & she’s potty trained), licking their paws a lot (looked at paws & they were all cracked & dried out–never a problem before)& vomiting yellowish bile off & on. Since nothing else had changed as far as diet or environment (and trust me I racked my brain going over things!) the only conclusion I could come up with was the new bag of food so I looked on the internet & discovered that it wasn’t just us having these problems/issues. Called PetSmart (where we got the food) & they were great about taking back the unused food & exchanging it for another product. I still would like to know what happened. Did BB change their formula? Were there ingredients (or too many of them) that shouldn’t have been added? I’ve been looking on the internet but haven’t seen any info about a recall. All I can say is that I’m very upset & disappointed because I was happy giving my dogs this food, they liked it, were doing well on it and now this. Unfortunately, I have to be honest & say that I will never buy this food again since I can no longer trust the company.

    • carol March 15, 2014 at 7:28 pm #

      Hi, our boxer is now four and a half years old, has always been on BB. She has developed a bright pink splotch pattern all over her stomack and butt. this was after her whole body was covered with hives. we took her to the vet twice so far and the hives went down with the steroid shot they gave her. She is on Benedryl every six hours now untill the red dots go down. the dots are coming together into just red. I’m not sure what to do at this point but other dogs have shown some problems as well and i thought I’d bettr write about this.Something has changed about this dog food!
      We lost our former boxer to a case of mega-esophagus from another dog food and i’m really really scared about this one! How is your boxer now?

  66. MadridJB January 8, 2014 at 3:36 pm #

    I have had my minpin on BB since a puppy and not a single problem! He is now 3 years old. My new minpin puppy had flatulence when I fed her the Chicken and Oatmeal recipe so i switched her to grainfree since then and not an issue, she is now 11 months. I love BB it has been better than other brands. My dogs only get diarrreah if they get into something they shouldnt. But BB has kept them very healthy and their coats are so shiny!

  67. Jess December 22, 2013 at 7:17 pm #

    I have a two yr old German Shepard who has eaten BB his whole life. We found out he does have grain allergies. So does my 9 yr old lab. Both have been doing great of BB till our last two bags. Both have ear infections both have been itching themselves crazy ! I switched to another brand and cut out chicken. BB makes nothing without chicken or chicken by products. My dogs are getting better without Blue Buffalo! Took my cats off it too. Something not right with the dog food. I no longer will buy it or recommend it like I once did.

    • Sandra Harknet, Certified Dog Trainer January 16, 2014 at 3:23 pm #

      I am a dog trainer and have a Doggie Daycare. I am not a Blue Buffalo fan for reasons pointed out in numerous comments posted byothers, but clients still insist on buying it. Most of the dogs on it have diarrhea and other problems. A Bernese Mountain Dog puppy has constant diarrhea but they will not switch. I sell and recommend FROMM, NUTRISOURCE, Merrick and Victor. I give out samples and do have many smart customers who switched from an inferior product. Also dog food experts recommend switching the food every 2 to 3 months to prevent nutrients toxicity and imbalance. BUT take 7-10 days to make the switch. You will have a healthier dog.

  68. Robert December 22, 2013 at 10:36 am #

    First time here and thanks for having me. Purchased (dry pellets) Blue Buffalo several months ago and noticed that my Sheltie was getting sick once or twice a week in the morning then not eating till early afternoon. She’d drool first then vomit stomach fluids and sometimes the actual Blue Buffalo. This went on for months. Thought of all reasons why she was getting sick from low sugar levels to alergies. Tried feeding her treats at night to keep her belly full but that failed. The BB never crossed our minds as being the culprit because of its reputation. Just recently, my dog was getting sick every morning for a week straight…we finally took action. After feeding her the dry pellets from Blue Buffalo for months, we changed to a canned wet food. Miraculously she stopped getting sick. It has been 72 hours now. Wife googled Blue Buffalo and a whole page of articles populated about BB making dogs sick. She informed me and then I called the store that sold us this product then the BB headquarters. They did not pick up their phone in any department. The store that I spoke with claimed they knew nothing about the articles….you’d think they’d be aware because of the multiple articles posted were from last March 2013. Were they protecting BB? All I know is, if I was selling food that was potentially getting pets sick, the product would be pulled immediately and never sold again. We use a store swipe card everytime we buy product so maybe (you’d think) the seller would have looked up what we / everyone were buying and notified us about possible tainted food from BB? Waiting on BB to email us back so will check back later. Recently bought chicken and duck canned from Blue to replace the BB dry pellets and that made her sick too…but she loves the salmon and chicken. Is the duck and chicken tainted? Is there anyone out there having problems with the duck chicken canned by Blue? Love my dog and it killed me seeing her vomiting every morning. Take her to a vet you say? Who can afford a vet these days? Or am I being obtuse. Happy Holidays!

  69. Rita December 12, 2013 at 3:54 pm #

    I have a 1 year old Golden Retriever mix. I started feeding him BB because reviews were great. He started drinking huge amounts of water and having to go out to pee all the time. It was ridiculous. I had blood work and the vet said he was in early renal failure. He was put on Hills Science Diet Renal and his levels went back to normal. At the vets they say they have these complaints often. This has been a very expensive and time consuming thing for us. And my poor baby has had to suffer. So not happy with this. Do not put your dog on this.

  70. Lonnie Williams December 4, 2013 at 2:35 pm #

    How much does it cost?

  71. Jacki November 26, 2013 at 11:20 am #

    A few months ago, Joey who is now 1 ½ yrs old, had crystals in his urine. Assuming that it was because of him being a puppy, his hygiene wasn’t the best. Was put on antibiotics and Hills food for 10 days. The crystals cleared up. Then on Oct 17th of this years, he developed severe diarrhea and was vomiting. I gave him an Imodium and withheld food that night. The Next morning I fed him a small amount of food and within 15 mins. he threw that up too. We were out of town at the time, so I had to take him to a vet I knew nothing about. Luckily Brewer Vets in Springfield, IL were great. I immediately had them do an xray because this is a dog that was known to swallow rocks and it was the exact same symptoms. Xray showed he had several pockets of gas in his stomach and intestines. All his blood work and vitals were normal. The vet thought that maybe the stress from traveling caused it. Although we were only 2 ½ hrs. from home and Joey had slept the entire way there. Joey stayed at the vets for the day to make sure he did not become more dehydrated, then started him on Flygal and Hills food for 5 days. After a few days of this I put him back on BB. The diarrhea did not clear up and he was vomiting yellow phlegm in the morning about every 1 or 2 days.

    At the same time that all this started with Joey, Frankie, who is 10 yrs., started drinking water excessively and peeing a lot. Took another stool sample of Joey’s and a urine sample of Frankie’s to my vets about 4 days later. Joey’s stool sample was negative and Frankie’s urine showed a very high PH count. Joey had also started drinking large amounts of water. More lab work done on Joey and also on Frankie. Both came back normal. We thought that maybe Joey had become allergic to chicken, so I bought a bag of BB fish & potato. Another 10 day round of Flygal and Hills food for 3 or 4 days for Joey and antibiotics for Frankie. After 2 weeks, Frankie had crystals in his urine and Joey still had Diarrhea. My vet put Frankie on a different antibiotic and Hills food for 2 weeks. Frankie has always gone to the bathroom 4 to 6 times a day and at least 1 time would be a soft stool. After 2 or 3 days on the Hills food, Frankie stopped drinking as much and going to the bathroom as often, and not one was diarrhea. Kind of made the light bulb go off. Frankie’s urine sample yesterday still shows his PH is high but the crystals are gone. Started reading all the reviews about Blue Buffalo and was amazed at how many dogs had the same symptoms as Joey and Frankie. Switched all 4 of my dogs to Wellness dog food….no chicken in it either. Within 2 days Joey’s stools were almost normal again. 3 dogs I switched over cold turkey and Joey in 1 ½ days. Not 1 of them even had soft stools from switching so fast.

    Both Joey and Ranger, 1 of my other dogs kept licking and chewing their butt every time they went to the bathroom. This stopped after switching food too.

    At the time all this started, both Joey and Ranger were only getting ¾ cup of BB. In the morning they got raw chicken backs and freeze dried raw food. At night they got BB and ¾ cup freeze dried raw. I don’t even want to think what might have happened to Joey if he had eaten only BB. Frankie and Leeah were getting straight BB. Lucky for me Leeah never got sick since she is 12 yrs old and wouldn’t have bounced back as fast as Joey.

    It’s too bad that Blue Buffalo doesn’t spend some of their money on trying to figure out what’s wrong with their food instead of so much on advertising trying to convince people how good their dog food is. Even better, maybe they could pay my vet bills which, at this point, amount to hundreds of dollars. I had been using BB for almost 2 yrs. and you can bet I’ll NEVER use it again. There are several sites on the web with bad reviews for BB and I’m going to try to post this to as many as I can find.

    • Jane January 13, 2014 at 2:27 pm #

      Jackie, I am so sorry to hear about all the health problems your dogs have gone through. I am relieved for you however that they survived this horrific ordeal. I purchased BB for my two dogs recently; but after reading many negative reviews decided to feed a different food. BB is not a transparent company in my opinion. They had a recall in 2010 for a vitamin D issue that caused the death of some dogs. At present, a possible auction is in the works for potential buyers such as Colgate,Proctor & Gamble and DelMonte to name just a few. Once a small company as BB sells to a huge corporation it’s anyone’s guess at what changes in the original dog food will be. The manufacturing plant is of concern to me as this is where the contamination originates. I for one encourage you to post your comments everywhere you can; including on Facebook if you use it. This negligence in the pet food industry needs to STOP! As for me, I will be giving my beloved dogs a dog food that has not had recalls and is made by a company that uses their own plant. I know of several to choose from and I will sleep better at night too. Thanks for your honest comments re; BB .

  72. Ross November 18, 2013 at 2:20 pm #

    Been having problems with our two cats (1 1/2 year tortoise shell and a 1 year tuxedo) after 8 months of feeding blue buffalo so I started to research them online. All review sites that aren’t associated with major pet companies said the same thing that my cats are going through. Vomiting, loose stinky stools, urinating all the time, major hair loss and lethargy. All review sites associated with Petsmart, amazon, blue buffalo, etc… did nothing but praise the stuff. I decided who I thought was telling the truth and I immediately switched them back to their old food and within 2 weeks, they were back to normal. I don’t know what they put in that stuff but it’s going to end up killing pets. I’ll never use anything by that company again.

  73. Daniel November 3, 2013 at 10:57 am #

    I am starting to slowly change over my dogs food to BB. The key to switching over is to gradually change over. YOU SHOULD NEVER EVER FEED YOUR DOG NEW FOOD COLD TURKEY. So right now even though it is day 2 I have been using 80% old 20% new BB. They seem to be responding pretty well so far. I plan on doing this for a few weeks then gradually adding more of the new dog food BB. I seems like most people are just feeding their dog cold turkey which is VERY BAD for the dogs.

  74. chrystal darrow November 2, 2013 at 11:51 pm #

    2 years of Blue Buffalo Wilderness I swore by it. The 3rd year has been a nightmare,mainly because it was the last stone turned over. My dog vomiting at least once a week,started eating grass,eating her poo,nipping at hips and back BUT her constant licking her paws and I mean constant!, coupled with on again off again runny stools. Not to mention HUGE VET BILLS!! That led Vet to say,change her dog food,let’s see if it helps. Its been 5wks since beginning Orijen adult formula,normal stools,paw licking reduced 90%,back and hip biting,stopped. Her coat is going back to its full and shiney self!!! No vomiting,although I mixed organic pumpkin with new dry kibble to get her to try it. She now loves it! I live in Reno Nv and have at least 30 friends with dogs a couple with cats,10 fed BBW,9 have stopped for same reasons. All cats have been taken off BBC, way sick! The one dog has never had any health problems. We all chose differnt high end brands with great results.

  75. Ann October 30, 2013 at 12:47 pm #

    We have a 3 year old Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier and anyone who’s ever had one knows how easily they can get upset stomachs. After boarding Brendan last year(where he got sick for months afterwards from their feeding schedule)we switched to Lamb w/Brown Rice. Brendan does sooo well on it just eating 2 full cups a day,still trying to figure out how much poop he has from that small amt of food,LOL!! We think it is pricey and Blue Buffalo isn’t generous on their $$ off coupons, but it’s worth it.

  76. Grace October 23, 2013 at 3:31 pm #

    All these bad reviews seem to be fake, there’s been speculation that competitors are posting fake experiences about pets dying from blue buffalo. Check other websites of reviews, it only seems to be this website and another website,consumer reviews, that have it. Do your research before you base it off all these fake names.

  77. Candace October 21, 2013 at 8:10 pm #

    Attention Pet Parents…Please Read! I’m a pet parent to 4 dogs and 2 cats. All my pets have been on Blue Buffalo products for the past 4 years. Recently my dogs began throwing up, having loose stools, foul gas, refusing to eat their dog food at times and when they did eat I noticed they were eating grass in the yard afterwards and drinking lots of water. 1 of my dogs appeared bloated and was panting heavily, my other dog started to urinate in her doggie bed while sleeping (she’s a younger dog and had never done that before.)I went online to research if there was something going on with BB and came across so many other comments similar to mine. I’m shocked because I always thought BB was a great food! It is an expensive pet food but I wanted to give my pets the best so the cost was worth it to me to ensure their health. I immediately stopped feeding BB to all my pets once I saw the postings from others who were experiencing problems. I bought Halo for my pets and am seeing a big difference now! I’m convinced that the BB food was causing issues for my pets. I’m sharing my story in the hope that I might help someone else whose pet is experiencing issues like mine.

    • Martha N October 27, 2013 at 8:50 pm #

      My puppy has had diaharea for a week now since starting blue buffalo. Also stinky farts! i am going to try something else!! I’m glad I found this webpage! Thanks for your help!

    • Mike October 29, 2013 at 4:35 am #


      My two huskies are going through the same thing. Nausea and eating grass in the back yard to make themselves sick. The stools have been solid though.

      This has been going on since we bought a new back of BB in their blue bag. All other variables such as treats, human food, ext…have been eliminated.

      We are returning the rest of the bag tomorrow and switching brands.

    • Mike October 29, 2013 at 4:37 am #

      I forgot to mention. Our dogs have been eating BB for a few years.

    • Mindie December 2, 2013 at 10:52 pm #

      I’m so glad I read this because my 6 month old puppy is constantly having diarrhea and stinky gas. He’s been on Blue Buffalo since we got him 2 weeks ago. I thought switching his food would result in this for a couple of days but never thought it would continue 5-6 times a day. Guess this means we need to try something else. Thank you!

    • Barb February 1, 2014 at 3:37 pm #

      Which BB formula were you using?

  78. Nancy October 15, 2013 at 6:59 am #

    My 7 year old maltese eats Blue Buffalo and seems to like it, but he will not eat the bits. The nutrients are in the bits, so I am concerned he is not getting the benefit of this product. He consistently picks them out. I will say that his poop is much better on this food, so he must be digesting it better. I had him on a number of high quality foods in the past, and they either caused loose or hard stools, including Evo. Will probably try another similar kibble.

    • Nina November 5, 2013 at 6:30 pm #

      My dogs do the same thing!

  79. ranchrider October 10, 2013 at 12:24 pm #

    I have been feeding Blue Basics Turkey and Potato for the past 10 years and no problems until now. I read that Blue got bought out by another company which may be their downfall. Anyway, both of my Cocker Spaniels have digestive tract problems from this last bag. Now one of the dogs has a blood in her stool and her urine. Both dogs are throwing up like they have acid reflux. My vet said to switch so I am now on Science Diet dog food. They are not healed yet but it has only been one week. I am tired of the vet bills to get my dogs healthy again but I feel I am on the right track now.

  80. Bev Barket September 20, 2013 at 9:10 pm #

    Our 14lb Poodle/Bishon mix was eating Blue Buffalo Grain Free Dry and canned alternately with Blue Buffalo Fish Formula Dry and Canned. She received a 1/4 cup total one or the other in the a.m. and a 1/4 cup total in the p.m.

    She began to act like she was going lame and her back legs would shake. She would take a couple of steps and sit down. She wasn’t herself and we feared she was losing her ability to walk.

    I stopped Blue Buffalo dog food only two days ago and she has improved dramatically. I believe Blue Buffalo Dog Food is saturated with supplements to an excessive degree and is not suitable for small dogs.

    The dog food industry as a whole is a train wreck. I have spent hours researching dog foods and after this experience will feed her homemade Chicken and Bison and a small array of vegetables and Blueberries. I am done with commercial dog food. If I hadn’t intuitively stopped her food I don’t know how desparately this story would end.

  81. sandy September 16, 2013 at 12:06 am #

    Why doesn’t blue buffalo have the AAFCO label on their dog food. I would feel more trusting if they had that. I wrote to them asking and no return mail. I have trouble trusting a company that is not endorsed with this label. Lots of companies have this on their dog food bags.

  82. Ashley August 13, 2013 at 8:16 am #

    I had my two mini American Eskimos on the Blue duck recipe which was fine then they got picky so we tried the salmon recipe which is horrible after a week they’re both shaking, panting, diarrhea, also the worst diarrhea i have ever seen including blood! I liked the brand but I can not continue using food that is making my pets this ill.

  83. Pat August 8, 2013 at 6:47 pm #

    My Irish Setters were on Blue Buffalo. My male is in intensive care (for 3 weeks) on oxygen and IV’s for complications with bladder stones. My female has urinary tract infections quite often. My vet asked me last year not to feed Blue but I was stubborn and continued. Today for my know better than my vet ways, I will be happy if my male comes out of the hospital under $10,000. My female thank the Lord only had an infetion that could be helped with oral antibiotics.

    They will not be eating Blue Buffalo ever again.

  84. Emily August 7, 2013 at 12:10 pm #

    We have fed our 2 cockapoos Blue Buffalo from the start (one is almost 2 and the other is almost 1 year old). Both did better on this than the previous food they had been on (shiny coats, good stool). The younger one, however, had horrible gas when switching to this food initially. He still gets bad gas when he eats some different things. After doing more research on BB lately and reading about the many issues other people have had with it, it made me reevaluate. We have noticed that both of our dog’s stools have been getting softer and stronger smelling for the last few months. Also, our older dog’s coat had lost some of its softness and sheen, and she herself seemed to have less energy. She also didn’t seem very enthused about eating it anymore. All things considered, we switched to Nutrisource Adult food. Both dogs have healthy, firm stool again and little to no smell. Our older dog’s coat is soft and shiny again, and she has more energy than she has in a while. Also of note, while switching to Nutrisource, our younger dog has had absolutely no gas! He could clear the room on BB, but has had no issues with Nutrisource. We are very happy with the switch because of the positive changes in our dogs. Also, BB is very expensive (we paid $2.20/lb for BB and now pay $1.15/lb for Nutrisource). Overall, Nutrisource seems to be a much better food for our dogs.

  85. tara August 1, 2013 at 8:08 pm #

    I found sharp bone fragments in the duck/chicken dog food!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously?????

  86. Savina and Rocky July 27, 2013 at 11:43 pm #

    We ran out of Orijen 6fish dog food we have on autodelivery and needed to substitute with another quality fish kibble for our Frenchies with sensitive skin and tummies. Our local petstore did not have the Orijen brand, but had plenty other good and not so good options. We ended up with Blue Wildnerness Salmon. This was the closest to their Orijen Fish favorite. And I am happy to say there are no skin breakouts (blisters, rashes, hives) and no vomiting, loose stools or diarrhea.They also seem to like it (bowls empty). These 2 brands cost about the same and glad we now have a good substitute for bags running out or with traveling.

  87. Lola July 15, 2013 at 9:03 am #

    My 9 yr old maltese very ill diabetes. Switched to Blue Buffalo Wilderness canned..immediate improvement within 3 days.

    • Dale December 8, 2013 at 1:09 am #

      My second bag of blue dog food .The first bag everything going good .Almost done with bag two and oh my what stink comes from the back side of my dog .It is foul really foul .I will be dumping out the remainder of the food left .Thank all who have left reply’s .It has confirmed what I was thinking . Wanted to give my dog the best or what I thought was anyway . Price does not reflect the best .

    • Virginia December 27, 2013 at 1:54 am #

      I have a 9 months old Havanese puppy. Since we got her we’ve been using Wellness. We recently started using BB, gradually mixing the new puppy BB food with the other one. As we made the switch, puppy started having diarrhea – first a little, then more and more. She also drank huge amounts of water (an entire bowl in an hour, when she usually does not empty it in an entire day!) I got very worried and started suspecting it may be the food. When i checked for any recalls I see other people with dogs going through the same symptoms. I stopped BB and puppy is back to normal! Not sure what is in the food but it really made my dog sick – DO NOT BUY this food!!!

  88. Kim July 13, 2013 at 11:17 am #

    The last recent two bags of dog food that I have purchased from blue, has caused one of my dogs to get an ear infection, another one is panting and throwing up every time after being fed, and overly gassy, and even after feeding all three of my dogs each day, they each are still starving. Done with blue, going to petco today and checking out Science Diet.

    Also my 6 cats are on the blue cat food and they’ve all been throwing up from it as well.

    • Pat Kokke August 8, 2013 at 6:36 pm #

      My Irish Setter had bladder stones, the vets (regular vet, surgeon and internist) blamed it on the blue buffalo. Due to complications my dog asperated and has spent 3 weeks in intensive care. I am hoping to bring him home this weekend, he will not be eating Blue Baffalo.

  89. Tony July 9, 2013 at 8:33 pm #

    I was researching Blue Buffalo, did the pet food comparison on their web site. Funny how my pets current pet food has nothing in it, I mean all dashes at least compared to Blue. Seems to me all they did was change the order of ingredients putting meat first (protein that is). Truth is dogs are carnivores and are suppose to eat meat, they are not omnivores and do not eat any sort of vegetables. Blue Buffalo is blowing smoke telling comsumers that what dogs need. Truth is they are just trying to sell a product. Which isn’t all that great.

    • Jackie October 6, 2013 at 12:09 am #

      Tony, you are sadly misinformed that dogs are carnivores. Cats are carnivores. Dogs are omnivores like us. If you feed an all meat diet it will get too much protein and could develop kidney disease. Dogs also need nutrients in their diets provided by plants. Have you never seen a dog eat grass trying to get more plant nutrients in it’s diet? If your dog is doing well on what you are feeding it,healthy coat,normal energy, and normal stool, then you don’t need to switch.

  90. melissa cavazos July 9, 2013 at 4:47 am #

    on the first of the month I bought a bag of blue freedom from petco.since then my shih Tzu died and my other shih Tzu is very weak and is on fluids . I have had to take her 2 times to vet to have fluids put in her . I don’t have any money to do the lab tests but my dogs where fine until I got this dog food . does anyone know for sure if something is wrong with this food . I don’t have bag as I throw them away and put food in a pet container . please help you can text me any time at nine five six nine zero seven five eight two six or email me at missyjo 06 at g mail dot com

  91. KD July 1, 2013 at 2:53 pm #

    Has anyone’s dogs been getting diarrhea from Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice? Our dogs have both had it for about 3 weeks. Our vet recommended stopping the Blue and giving them the bland diet of Chicken and Rice which seemed to have stopped it but as soon as we tried to add Blue back into the Chicken and Rice they would get it again. My Male seemed to get better for a couple days but the female wasn’t getting better so we brought her to the vet and they gave her meds, she is still on the Chicken and Rice only and hasn’t had any diarrhea. Since seemed like the male was getting better we started to mix Blue into the diet and he is now having diarrhea again. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence that every time we try mixing it in with the chicken and rice they get diarrhea or if it may be something else. Please let me know if this is happening to anyone else.

    • D RAHR July 3, 2013 at 4:29 pm #

      We switched from Beneful to Blue Buffalo dry food for our dogs. Almost immediately they has intestinal issues…vomiting and lots of diarrhea. The vet said that it was too rich for them and we had to change back to Beneful and the problems stopped.

    • melissa July 9, 2013 at 4:50 am #

      my shih Tzu died went into shock and my other shih Tzu is very sick took her to the vet and the vet said that the blue dog food could be bad

      • Karen July 13, 2013 at 12:07 pm #

        My bichon frise has been on Blue for about a year without any problems. All of a sudden within the past two weeks, I bought a new bag and he has been having vomiting. I changed to the bland diet of cooked chicken and rice for four days, went back to the Blue, and it’s even worse. I believe that Blue has changed their formula and should recall. My dog is very sick right now and also these bags of food are very expensive. I am switching back to the cooked chicken and rice and changing back to Eukanuba sensitive stomach. I also called and left a message with Blue. I think they should do a recall!

      • Eileen December 22, 2013 at 2:39 pm #

        This food seemed perfect & our picky Westie loved it! After about ten days on Salmon/Chicken she was hospitalized & is in our vet’s ICU with IV’s. She tested positive for pancreatitis. We definitely had the gas symptoms & eating grass. Then, the vomiting started. She refused to eat. We’re hoping she’ll be well enough to be home for Christmas. We don’t know if switching to that food could have so quickly caused this..

    • melissa July 12, 2013 at 12:20 am #

      stop the dog food it is making pets sick I lost my shih Tzu and anther is barly making it

    • jen July 30, 2013 at 7:42 am #

      I’m wondering the same thing about the cat food as I’ve just dropped 600$ at the vet because of my seriously ill cat that I currently have to hand feed wet food from the vet. All of the lab work has come back fine. He has no ‘illness’ to speak of, so I can only guess that it is the food. Started off with wicked diarrhea, then fatigue and severe vomiting. My other 3 cats are barely eating the kibble and are usually quite voracious with their appetites. I’m very worried and hope my cat recovers. I’ll be switching the food over today as soon as I can. I hope everyone else critters recover

    • Pat August 8, 2013 at 6:41 pm #

      My dogs have bladder stones and urinary tract infections. The one with bladder stones almost died. No more Blue Buffalo for them. My vet says that, she can’t prove it, but she sees more dogs with gastrointestinal problems and urinary tract problems that are on Blue than any other food.

    • bobbie August 10, 2013 at 3:07 pm #

      We bought a new bag of Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice and started our 3 Shetland Sheepdogs on it the last week in July. Within 3 days all three had diarrhea and the youngest and middle aged one(2 year old and 8 year old) were throwing up.
      Took all three to the vet. Started them on the special diet, chicken, rice and cottage cheese plus ‘Flagyl’ medication. They did not get better.
      Took them back and ran blood work on the 2 and 8 year old and took a fresh poop – diarrhea sample in from the old guy – he is almost 12.
      Now they are on the same bland diet, plus Famiditine tablets twice a day and Tylan powder 1/4 teaspoon twice a day.
      As far as the Blue Buffalo food, never going to use it again. I have been using it for 9 months, but no more. There seems to be some improvement in the 2 and 8 year old. But, our old boy isn’t getting better.

    • Kathy September 17, 2013 at 2:50 pm #

      Yes, my male dog has been experiencing very loose stools and diarrhea ever since I switched to Blue Chicken and rice. My female dog seems ok but not the male. I keep wondering if I should switch back to Royal Canin. Has yours improved or did you switch their dog food?

  92. Jane July 1, 2013 at 10:55 am #

    Our Lab had ear infections and skin issues and switched to the fish and sweet potatoes and this cleared up immediately. We previously had him on wellness. Our sisters schnauzer was having vomiting issues on wellness and now is on Blue and no problems. We like to mix the duck wet and dry and people comment on how beautiful our dogs coats are. The dry food had a big variety for even the pickiest dogs, like ours.

  93. Linda - Coppell TX June 29, 2013 at 2:37 am #

    Today 6-28-2013 Blue Buffalo Freedom Grain Free Chicken Recipe Killed my 14 yr old Min Pin. Sharp Bone fragments in the dog food.


    • melissa July 9, 2013 at 4:52 am #

      did u call blue buffalo 3 days ago my shih Tzu died and my other shih Tzu right now is very sick throwing up .

  94. John May 29, 2013 at 8:16 pm #

    I purchased the puppy formula and my dog could not tolerate it. After two weeks her stools were getting worse. I stopped feeding her blue buffalo and her stools went back to normal. I guess I will keep her on science diet. Too bad was really hoping this could be the food for her.

    • agent 13 June 25, 2013 at 10:31 pm #

      give a big build up in the TV ads, put a fancy label on it and triple what it should cost and then wait for the suckers who think they’re giving their pets something good for their money — they do the same thing with eggs by paying some lacky minimum wage to stamp EB on them — some day the people in this country may start to get smart and stop falling for the countless swindles on TV and computers

  95. kim May 27, 2013 at 8:19 am #

    Do NOT by blue for your.cat. my cat has been having loose stools for over a week now and is not going in her litter box .after.all these reviews on the internet it seems to me blue needs to recall the bbq’d chicken for cats. I paid 33 dollars for this and thought I was doing my cat a favor by helping her with a healthy product. Have to take her to the vet soon. I am hoping there is no issue. Will update

    • Chloe July 14, 2013 at 11:39 am #

      Blue doesn’t sell a BBQ chicken.

  96. Anthony May 22, 2013 at 1:44 pm #

    im very happy with blue my dogs coat is in perfect sow look when compared to the food i was feeding him before which was eagle ,he is a 110 pd miami blue pitbull and extremely playfull ever since ive switched his food to blue ,no stomach gurguling sounds and stool just perfect i love it and i can tell my dog rocco does too.the chicken ,lamb and duck recipies i will stick too for my best freind.thanks blue!

  97. Linda May 13, 2013 at 2:08 pm #

    I had been feeding Blue Life Protection Formula
    Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe for Senior Dogs to my just turned 14 yo yellow lab for about a year. For about 8 months she has had episodes of panting/pacing with much stomach upset. She was also diagnosed with Canine Dysfunction Syndrome last fall. I thought the panting and pacing was primarily related to that.

    I just opened a new bag of Blue last week. The panting and pacing and obvious stomach pain (audible gurgling) has been awful. She absolutely will not touch the Blue. However, I can get her to eat lamb and rice without problem and I’m transitioning her to another brand’s salmon and rice food. She seems to like that. Now that I’ve read what I have about Blue, I wish I had taken her off this ages ago.

  98. Paul May 10, 2013 at 12:25 pm #

    I have two beagle puppies and have been feeding them blue buffalo since they were 2 months old. They are very active dogs, with beautiful healthy coats. The vets have told me that my dogs are very healthy & to continue feeding them blue buffalo. Once in a while I mix their dry food with blue buffalo wet food as a treat. I give my dogs carrots & apples as treats. Blue buffalo ingredients are top notch. If your dog has digestive problems try giving them a slice of apple every day. It will help with digestive system. I love blue buffalo products, like human beings dogs also need organic & holistic products. I’m staying true to Blue!

  99. Randy May 7, 2013 at 8:33 pm #

    Have been feeding my two labs Blue Buffalo Healthy Weight for over a year. Recently we noticed that the appearance of the kibble had changed and there wasn’t as many of the “life bits” as before. The food also has a lot of dust like crumbs that take up a quarter of the bag. This food is different depending on where we purchased it. Tractor Supply seems to have the original style and Petco has the stuff that we have problems with. Both dogs had the worse diaherea that I have ever saw. I used to praise this food but something changed and we are switching to 4health. This food has a 4 star rating and is much more reasonably priced and the dogs love it! Sorry Blue but I will NEVER buy your brand again

    • Jay May 26, 2013 at 11:17 pm #

      TSC 4Health is made by Diamond. We too used to buy BB until recent problems.

      TSC is the only store around..We switched to Wellness.

      Diamond seems to have recalls every other month…

      • Bully lover September 20, 2013 at 6:46 pm #

        Dallas—I’ve been on blue buffalo for over 3 years and my dogs love it. That is until this new bag CHICKEN AND RICE FORMULA that they have been having issues for the last 72 hours. (Two 85lb bullies). Their symptoms are exactly as described by others: loose stools, “shine” to feces, mucous, blood tainted (fresh) but also apparent due to black stools. I’m F’n livid my boys are my kids ( we have fertility issues) and the last thing I want is poor health. This many complaints in less than 6 weeks deserves a recall. I found website to FDA/dog food I will post in a moment. To others I wish your pets well being.. Blue your on my $#€t list…literally !

  100. mary salisbury md May 7, 2013 at 8:39 am #

    I am not happy about blue Buffalo food…. At this point my two pups have water stools… I hav switch over from another food and they have been on blue only for about a week. These pups are German Shepherds…Blue you will not take my pups from me. I bought you food because you have NO FILERS or Bi-Products but YOU NEED TO FIX this problems with your food. I have read 3 days of NEGATIVE Results with your food

  101. Darlene April 29, 2013 at 11:11 am #

    Blue Buffalo Wilderness has made my four dogs extremely ill. I am so distressed, my four dogs have been eating Blue Buffalo for almost a year. Recently, they have all started showing distressing symptoms… they have become lethargic, eating grass and vomiting daily, diarrhea, and EXCESSIVE thirst. I can’t keep their water bowls full, their drinking of water has doubled in the past month. I connected it to their food (the only thing they all had in common) and stopped immediately, returning all bags and cans of Blue Buffalo back to the store. I started them on cooked rice and chicken (made by me in my own kitchen) and after only two days, they are already doing better. No one has vomited since they stopped eating the Blue Buffalo.
    They are all seeing the vet tomorrow for bloodwork as this excessive thirst could a kidney issue. They have even lost weight while eating this toxic food.
    I cannot believe the company has not pulled this food off the shelves. Go to consumer reviews, there are over 248 complaints about the same symptoms dogs are having and some have already died. I contacted the company, with no response. I will switch my dogs to Merrick or Fromm, both seem to be made by the original family company. Blue Buffalo was sold recently and obviously may be getting their products from China… just my guess. Never again will I touch a Blue Buffalo product and am hoping my dogs have not been permanently damaged. I feel so guilty that I fed them this toxic food.

    • melissa July 12, 2013 at 12:22 am #

      please report to fda blue killed my shih Tzu and made the other very sick

  102. Sue April 20, 2013 at 10:32 am #

    Not happy with Blue Buffalo. Almost lost my 1 1/2 yr. old lab. She was eating fish and sweet potato for about 1 yr.. The last bag she was eating smelled extremely fishy. She got so sick I didn’t know if she would live. Had abdominal surgery to see if the Vet could find something that didn’t show up on the x-rays or blood work (which had liver values of 845, but 150 is normal). Her intestins were 2-3 size normal. After surgery changed to a perscription diet and she ate for the first time in over a week, switched to another pet food and no problem since (I still have to have blood work rechecked)
    So if you pet won’t eat this food SWITCH! they may know something you don’t

  103. Dolce's "mom April 20, 2013 at 12:45 am #

    20 April 2013 at 12:02 am
    I rescued a 4 yr old dachshund from the local pound and she was sick with bordetella and under-weight. After visiting my vet, and getting treatment for her illness,I went and bought a small bag of BB chicken with those lovely life bits. Evidently, Dolce was used to a soft diet by the look of her teeth and she was initially quite resistant to the BB. However, after a few weeks of getting used to her new life, feeling better she is liking the BB so much better. Her teeth look much better, and unlike other folks that seem to complain about an excess of life bits-I have the opposite issue. My two cats have been known to sneak those tasty bits out of the dogs bowl. Luckily, the dog is quite good natured and doesnt eat the cats. Dolce is thriving on Blue Buffalo!

  104. Jode April 19, 2013 at 10:07 pm #

    BAD EXPERIENCE – Please do your homework and Google reviews for Blue dog food. I wish I had. Most report horrible gas, worse than anything most have ever experienced. Extreme stomach upset to dogs causing pain. Heavy, uncontrolled panting, blood in stools etc. I purchased Blue based on the commercials and rating of “meat” being the first ingredient. My Lab was so miserable I ended up taking him to the vet in the middle of the night after approximately 4 hours of non stop heavy panting and putrid smelling gas. He was having issues for approximately 2 weeks with gas and a couple small heavy panting for no apparent reason during cold weather. I thought he was having or going to have a heart attack. The vet couldn’t find anything wrong. In addition, I also purchased dog anti-acids, which helped a little, however the problem continued for a few more days. I then did the research on Blue and found this was very common. I took him off of Blue about a week ago and he is fine. He was on the Blue Wilderness – High Protein-Grain-Free Duck Recipe. (He has had duck dog food and real duck jerky in the past so Duck would not have caused any issues)

    • Diane April 26, 2013 at 3:34 pm #

      I have two beagles…both were adopted. My oldest girl, Daisy, had trouble with gas. It was so bad that we had to leave the room. I decided to change her food. Right now I can’t even remember what food she was on when she had all of the gas. Anywho…I decided to get the Blue Buffalo Basic. She loves the food and no more gas. I know she is feeling better.
      Part of her problem was that she has a sensitive stomach. It took me awhile to figure that out.

      My other beagle, Louise, gets infections and crystals. She was on the special food for a year which I hated feeding that food to her. My vet said that I could try the Wellness Super 5 Mix Healthy Weight because of the protein amount. So Louise is on the Wellness with the Herbsmith Bladder Care powder. Guess what? No more infections and crystals!! I really would like to put her on the Blue Buffalo but I don’t want to mess up her system and have her get the crystals again.

      It really depends on the dog’s system which food works the best. Both brands are expensive but I pretty much break even with the Wellness with the bladder care cranberry supplement and that special food for Louise. Louise is just getting a better dog food…no corn. Yes..I do feel that Blue Buffalo is a better food than Wellness but I do what I think is best for my girls. If you never had a dog with infections and crystals, you wouldn’t understand. My goal is to never let Louise get stones which is an expensive surgery.

  105. Dunner April 17, 2013 at 8:02 pm #

    I see many, many 5 star ratings and most canines probably do great on Blue Buffalo foods- BUT as a few people have related their horror stories and high vet bills when their dog became very ill. I too had the same disaster and BB almost killed my rescued 3 yr old Irish Setter. I spent over $2k at the vet and emergency animal hospital- tests, bloodwork, several meds yet still the vets couldn’t find anything definitive even though he was vomiting red, having bloody diarrhea, and losing serious weight- getting anemic.
    While discussing his plight with a buddy he casually suggested feeding him normal, cheap dog food. I figured we had nothing to lose by trying. Surprise, Surprise he is on a cheaper commercial dry food now and finally regaining his health and putting some weight back on.
    Bottom line: unless you start your dog on BB from young pup stage this scenario may happen to you. I think sometimes we go overboard on some rich yuppy trend.Feed em something average middle of the road!

  106. Heather Lamb April 13, 2013 at 1:24 pm #

    We have just spent $1500 at the vet on our little Pomeranian. We have been feeding BB for 3 years and never had a problem. After opening a new bag of chicken/rice formula last week, Bella got severely ill and would not stop vomiting. After 4 xrays, ultrasound, bloods, urine and an overnight hospital visit we were out $1500 and told they think it was her food. They put her on Hills ID and she did fine. They said to slowly incorporate her BB dry back into her diet and when we did that she got severely sick again! Our vet said that recently they have seen issues with dogs who are fed BB and to bring it back to the store. We will never buy this food again!

  107. Emmanuel April 9, 2013 at 2:41 am #

    Why won’t blue compare other food brands that are close to blue? I only notice the brands that only make blue look good. I feed my dogs diamond dog food and they love it. There coats are shiny and they look good. I get a 40lbs bag for $30!! I would like to compare other good brands. Come on blue if your food is that amazing then why don’t compare more brands!

  108. Sheen April 8, 2013 at 6:26 pm #

    My cats have ate BB for a year now. The last few weeks, my cats are constantly getting sick, begging for food when the bowl is still full, and have not seemed to feel good. My coworker’s cat has the same issues and she also feeds BB. Anyone else?

  109. Stacey March 21, 2013 at 12:25 am #

    About 3/4 of the way through our first bag of Blue Buffalo basic Lamb and Brown Rice, our German Shepard started to drink and urinate more frequently, and 10 days later there were blood droplets when she urinated and she was vomiting up foam. I took a urine sample to the vet and the results came back that there was no bacteria in the urine. We researched Blue Buffalo and found pages and pages of people who’d experienced the same issues with their dogs on the food. We took her off BB immediately, and saw an improvement within 24 hours. It’s been a week, and I’m happy to report that she is healthy again and back to her old self.

    • Wanda March 31, 2013 at 1:55 pm #

      What did you go to instead.What are you using now?

    • jennifer April 5, 2013 at 3:07 pm #

      what are you feeding now?

    • gretchen ziegler April 5, 2013 at 10:00 pm #

      I’ve been feeding BB Wilderness chicken to my dogs that range in age from 20 months to 12 years and have had an excellent experience with it. My dogs coat went from dull to shiny. Perhaps your dog had a reaction to an ingredient and needed a limited ingredient dog food.

  110. Donna W. March 12, 2013 at 9:10 pm #

    I have three goldens that have been on blue buffalo for many months. The two older ones are on Wilderness senior and have lost weight and look great and they love this food. The younger one is on Basics and loves it also. Recently we have had two bad episodes of gastrointestinal issues. The first time with just the younger one. She was vomiting, had diarrhea, refused to eat, got lethargic, and had blood and mucus in her stools. She was xrayed and had inflamed intestines and stomach. She was put on meds and special food and got better. Two weeks later we are going through the same thing again. Her pancreatic enzymes were elevated after the first sickness and are higher this time. The other two are now experiencing those same symptoms. Now that I am reading all these complaints about BB food, I wonder if this is the problem. Right now they are all on Hill ID food because of being sick and I am afraid to put them back on BB. I have incurred almost $1000 in vet bills the last month. Up until a month ago they were fine with BB. I am researching other foods to switch them over to after the ID is gone and their symptoms are improved.

    • Amanda March 14, 2013 at 12:44 pm #

      We have a shih tzu/bichon mix who has been on BB with the exception of one bag of food since we got her about 16 months ago. She always did really well on the Life Protection formula, but recently I’ve been trying Wilderness. It seemed ok for the first month or so, aside from her significant reduction in pooping. As soon as we started her on a second bag, she started eating less, picked out all the life source bits, and got noticeably constipated. Last weekend we woke up to her spitting up bile. happened twice in the same day. She refused to eat her kibble for two whole days (on day one I made her an egg at night after she hadn’t eaten all day and she ate it, and on day two I gave her a small serving of a Fromm’s kibble sample I had, which she also ate most of)…While I can’t be certain that the BB caused her problem, I’m not taking chances and I’m certainly not waiting for her kidneys to fail before switching her. Many, many, many people I know have switched to Fromm’s and swear by it. One woman contacted the company on behalf of the rest of us and asked them specifically about their inclusion of ANY Chinese-origin ingredients. They assured her that EVERY last ingredient from ANY supplier is guaranteed to have NO affiliation with China. Our dog is still on her bland diet, but we’re switching her to Fromm’s Four Star next. I know it’s supposed to be fantastic for my breed, so maybe look into it for your Goldens!? :)

    • Holly July 12, 2013 at 12:48 pm #

      Donna, our Golden (8 yrs old) was on Natural Balance Limited Ingredients for about two years, but the vet insisted we switch to Science Diet DD. He has been on the Hill’s DD for about 3 weeks (the first two weeks mixed with his old food and this week just straight up Hill’s DD). This whole week he has been lethargic and has inflamed ears. I’m switching him back to the Natural Balance. I hope you’ve had luck finding something for your dogs. I was researching Blue to see if it might be better, when I came upon this web site. Very insightful. Think I will stick to Natural Balance.

  111. Joey G March 9, 2013 at 9:03 am #

    Had purchased Blue for years recently bone fragments started appearing in Blue food, I contacted their Customer Service 4 times, they were rude, didn’t care, so I switched food to Merrick, wow a change, my dogs are doing fantastic and Merrick people even sent me a little note saying ‘thank you’ for choosing us. Please do your homework before purchasing any Blue product.

  112. Riley March 9, 2013 at 12:02 am #

    Caroline, where did you find the information about Blue being sold to a company that manufactures in China? I’ve looked all over and could not find a single reference to it. Can you post a link to where you found this information? Thanks.

    • Cate March 19, 2013 at 9:47 pm #

      Blue Buffalo is made & sourced in the USA. Blue is building a new manufacturing plant in Joplin, MO. They broke ground last Oct.

  113. Caroline March 8, 2013 at 2:04 pm #

    I’ve been using chicken blue buffalo since I got my dog two years ago. It brought her back to health and really turned her around.HOWEVER a few weeks ago my dog began to be very very sick. She had been throwing up and having runny, yellow, mucus-y stool. I took her to the vet, and they put her on a special food and she was better within a day. My other dog (who eats the same food) began having the same symptoms. I switched her food and she recovered.
    I did a little research and found Blue sold to a company who manufactures and gets their meat ingredients from China. My favorite part of Blue was that they were manufacturing in the US so I knew the ingredients were quality and good for my animal. Now I’m stuck with a $60 bag of dog food that is basically poison. WILL NEVER BUY BLUE AGAIN! It’s disappointing that a good company is taking profit over the good of their customers! Be careful! Read the bag! Look for Made in the USA!

    • Kris March 25, 2013 at 2:17 pm #

      Caroline, I have been having the exact same problem. My cavapoo has been on Blue since we got him a year ago. We started him on a new bag of food 2 weeks ago and now for the last week he has been throwing up and diarhhia. We took him to the vet and they put him on the Hills ID diet. So far it is day 2 and he seems okay, if we have no further problems them I am going to assume the food bad was bad and I will never buy Blue again!

    • Cate April 4, 2013 at 1:03 am #

      Blue has not been sold nor do they buy products from China. The meat is American except for the lamb which comes from New Zealand when the American lamb isn’t available.
      My dogs have been on Blue a few years & it has been wonderful. All their illness and allergies disappeared after being on Blue a couple of months.
      My one dog had diarrhea 3 or 4 yrs ago & I rushed her to the vet. The vet checked everything & found nothing. I asked what could have happened & the vet said she could have eaten a bug in the yard. I was given some doggie tums & by the time for her second dose it was cleared up.
      I would not change food for my dogs any more than I would throw out or change the way my family eats if someone got a stomach bug.

  114. Monica March 7, 2013 at 10:13 am #

    Is there ANY Blue Buffalo Dog foods without the lifesource bits? I have 3 small Chihuahua’s and ALL f them leave the life bits all over the floor (I see this is a common practice in other dogs from reading the reviews!)…I have tried to put them back in the dish, but they still weed them out. I EVEN tried putting them in my cats bowl just to see if someone would eat them, and the cats left them in the bottom of the bowl. I was thining of switching thier food due to the mess, but in reading other dog food reviews (most not good), I think I will stick with this brand..just wishing/wondering if they may any without the bits?!

    • John March 9, 2013 at 1:09 pm #

      use earthborn holistic, those life source bits have all the vitamins and minerals blue buffalo advertises. Earthborn has them spread throughout their regular kibble to ensure your dog gets proper nutrition

  115. Elizabeth March 6, 2013 at 8:31 pm #

    I have a six year year shih-tzu that has been on Blue Buffalo for six months,when we first started the food she had horrible runs for days and kept me up for several nights pooping every other hour. I though it was just a side effect of a food change, which went away. So when I got a new puppy I decided to put her on it also. I happened to mention this to my Vet. he told me I should go look at reviews. He recently treated two dogs that had been on Blue since they where puppies and they both had kidney issues and died. He said there was an unusual amount of calcium in there blood test and oxilate crystals in there urine.
    Needless to say my dog had recently had three seizures so I decided to go and get blood work done. This was at our new Vets office today. My baby has high levels of calcium and oxalite crystals in her urine and is being treated for and acute bladder infection.
    Nobody seems to want to answer peoples concerns about where some of the different ingredients are being purchased. I heard nothing but good things about blue, but have come to discover they recently where bought out by a different corporation that will not respond to these concerns.
    Buyer beware, if you care about your best friend. I would advise against this product and tell people not to buy it ever!

  116. J Pinkney March 1, 2013 at 1:21 pm #

    We got a 5 year old Chihuaua / min pin / doxy mix from the rescue shelter, at first he would not eat. (I think in the hoarding situation he was in before, he was fed table scraps. He was sluggish, ornery, and overweight.) We gave him Wellness Diet because that’s what they’d been giving him at the shelter. He didn’t like it, wouldn’t eat it till he was very hungry and realized that’s all he would get, and it gave him horrible gas! Also it made him constipated. Then we switched to Blue and his health and weight improved, and he started acting like a much younger dog, lively and happy. Now that the weather is colder he’s not getting as much exercise so his weight is picking up a bit again, so we reduced his portions till spring.

    Some people have bad experience with this brand, others have bad experience with other brands. Every dog is different. Find the brand that’s best for your dog, and stick with it. He’s worth it!

  117. Susan February 27, 2013 at 12:12 pm #

    I discovered Blue about 4 years ago. My then 13 year old Westie was getting over pancreatitis and would not eat much of anything. Long story short, he loved the Chicken and Brown Rice Senior. He just passed away 2 weeks ago. I know in my heart I would not have had him this long had I not put him on this food. We rescue and foster other small dogs and I always feed Blue… even those dogs that just arrive without knowing what they had eaten previously. Other than a soft stool for a couple of days, they do wonderfully. We took in several adult dogs from a puppy mill last November. All were sick and underweight. Now they look and act like different dogs… in a good way. Love Blue and always recommend it.

    • Cate April 4, 2013 at 1:16 am #

      I am so sorry for your loss.
      My Shih Tzu had Pancreatitis when she was 12. I investigated nutrition and chose Blue for their quality ingredients. Blue cured the pancreatitis and she is still full of herself and will be 16 in July.

  118. Rachael February 27, 2013 at 12:06 pm #

    Last year, my fiance and I got two puppies, and we had them on Pedigree for 4 months. As they grew, their coats were dull, their build was a bit on the chubby side (beyond puppy-chubby), they would have hiccups after they ate, and their poop was always a vibrant, runny orange. It was at the four-month point we hired a K-9 military dog trainer for a dog-training consult, and told us to switch to Blue Buffalo and mix their food with warm water (like oatmeal).

    We made the switch and saw changes within a week: their coats were shiny, their bodies slimmed down to a fit shape, they quit getting hiccups, and their doo-doo became the natural-looking firm brown (and no longer stinky, I may add).

    I’m not a fan of the price, but for sure the Blue Buffalo switch was the best thing I could have done for my dogs!

  119. Nancy February 26, 2013 at 10:17 pm #

    I have a 5 year old female bernese mountain dog fed blue dry lamb and canned formulas since she was 4 months old . She was gassy when I first fed her blue but tha stopped after about 4 weeks she has been gas free ever since no problems . Recently got maltese puppy anf feed him blue lamb and oatmeal dry puppy and some. Canned puppy mixed in he has always done well on the blue food no gas no issues

  120. Beth February 1, 2013 at 5:13 pm #

    I keep Scottish Deerhounds (a giant breed that normally doesn’t live much past ten years). We fed Nutro until the 2007 issues with tainted food (what a nightmare!), when we switched to Blue Buffalo. What a difference!! Better coat, better weight, better digestion. I feed less of it than the Nutro, so the price ended up about equal. Have a pair of 13-year old healthy dogs now and I wouldn’t switch for the world. I feed the Basics, as my dogs get “hot spots” easily. Looking at the comments, not everybody has had as positive an experience, but I totally love this food.

  121. AmyK February 1, 2013 at 10:43 am #

    Just switched my 8 month old standard poodle to BB puppy from Nutro Ultra, because of easier availability. On the Nutro Ultra he had firm stools and was well house trained. As soon as we switched 100% to BB (after slow introduction/mixing with old food), his stools became soft, frequent, and he started pooping in the house. I’m switching back to Nutro Ultra Puppy!

  122. Lauren January 28, 2013 at 1:28 am #

    Blue buffalo is horrible! Made me dog sick, dehydrated, lethargic and uncontrollable stools & urination. He also had blood in his stools. I read about 170 of the same complaint on consumer affairs, beware of this food!

    • kim February 19, 2013 at 3:05 am #

      My dogs are doing great on BB and they love it.

    • Tee May 30, 2014 at 1:21 am #

      Bought blue wilderness red meat and would not recommend it to anyone or any dog if it were the last thing on earth!!

      Bloody stools, vommiting, and distressed dog is something I would not want anyone to ever experience in their companion, not to mention the costly curious vet visits!

      Their food has a really strong foul smell and that is exactly what you will get out of your pup.
      Pure obvious toxic to give to your pet!!

      Can’t make any accusations as to whether the company is fraudulent BUT I can say that the after effect of it is very questionable!!!

      Biggest and only regret I have ever had/made!

      I feel much more safe on the home cooked meal side.

      EFFF blue brand, (and possibly all processed dog foods) SERIOUSLY!!!

  123. Jody z January 27, 2013 at 1:32 am #

    My 4 1/2 yearold Lab/Chow mix had horrible skin allergies thefirst 2 years I had him, then I switched to Blue Buffalo large breed fish oatmeal dry food and he has not hada problem since. We tried 3 different high end food for him before we bought Blue. Each one of them, he would not eat at all, even after 10 days, hewould not touch them. With Blue, hecant get get enough andhis coat is just gorgous.

    So, when I got my grat Dane mix, I started him on the Lamb for large breed puppies and he loves it! I get so many people who tell me how gorgous and healthy how healthy they looks all the time!

  124. Terrence Graham January 26, 2013 at 10:01 am #

    I have been using blue buffalo basics turkey formula for a few weeks and my dog yesterday 1/25/2013 tested for high levels of calcium. I found some of these reviews to also show dogs testing high in calcium and drinking/urinating excessively. I will be taking my dog off of BB immediately and contacting their corporate office. The only way we can stop this poison from being produced is contacting them with our concerns. If anyone else’s pet is also currently testing high or having symptoms other than allergies or you have lost your pet while using BB please email me terrencelgraham( at )gmail.com so we can put a stop to this. In your email include your name, the formula you used and the symptoms your pet is showing.

    Terrence Graham

    • Debbie February 17, 2013 at 5:08 pm #

      I have a 12 yr old poodle and noticed when I started him on the senior BB he is urinating more I just took him for a urine test and blood test to see if he has kidney problems, but everything seems ok. I just don’t want to lose hime to this food I need to switch to soemthing else and dont know what I have been giving him EVO for a few yrs and he has been fine.

  125. Chuck January 24, 2013 at 7:16 pm #

    Blue buffalo is overpriced not a lot of meat. This PETA lady told me to feed them blue buffalo (3 dogs) blue buffalo they constantly had the runs my vet said the food is harsh on their stomachs I switched to evo and all is well.

    • Cate April 4, 2013 at 1:20 am #

      LOL…PETA does not believe any animals should be owned.

  126. BobK January 21, 2013 at 10:25 am #

    We have been feeding our 1-year old terrier mix the Blue Buffalo Chicken & Rice Small Breed food since the summer. Seems like great food but one odd thing….one dog constantly pulls out the LifeSource Bits and leaves them al over the floor. She eats everything else. Has anyone else found this selective behavior??

    • MichelleW January 24, 2013 at 9:44 pm #

      Yes, my dog pulled out the life source bits at first too, beagle, she ate everything else. We scooped them off the floor and put back in her dish and in a month she was eating everything. I like the dog food – I crock pot chicken wings and livers and add a tablespoon or so over her dry food at mealtime. She loves it.

      • nancy January 26, 2013 at 2:55 pm #

        is blue buffalo freedom dry puppy food good for my min pin

    • Ashley January 29, 2013 at 10:20 pm #

      Ha! We have “life source bits” all over the kitchen floor :) He love the food but hates those things!

      • Debbie February 17, 2013 at 5:11 pm #

        my toy poodle who is 12 yrs old is doing the same thing.

        • sally March 6, 2013 at 5:02 pm #

          , my yorkie has to go outside so many times since I put him on this food. Off of it rigjt away.
          He has never had this problem, please be aware before u change to this food

    • marilyn logiudice March 9, 2013 at 12:58 pm #

      I have a 3-4mon old baby boxer on blue.Occasionally he will puke his entire meal.I’ve pg attn to it but blamed it on his activity of running through house to tired himself out b4 he falls asleep.Urine fine.Stools go in fases.Some hard,some loose.Biting at butt,tai, and hardly any tail there-its been cut.He does leave those little pieces out of his food by knocking them out of his food bowl.Am worried cause of comments.People spking of high content of calcium in urine, plus seizues.Just went thru that with a beloved dog I had to put dwn.don’t want nothing to happen to Buddy.Seems like no food out there is good unless you make it yourself, and then how much is enough and is he getting the right amt of nutrition? So confused.Am getting off him off blue today and bringing back to store for refund.I may go back to Eucanuba which I never had trouble with regardless of it not being all natural and having by products in it.Gonna look up now what they say about.Keep in touch if you like. My name is Marilyn.

  127. Shirley Morton January 17, 2013 at 6:46 pm #

    I liked the ingredients of this product however my 75 lb standard poodle did not like t he blueberries, he spit them out where he is fed (in a bathroom)) It was annoying to step on these little hard chuncks in the middle of the night barefooted, not to mention the carpet. I tried to find a BB product then did not include the dreaded blueberries, I did not. I have since returned to Science Diet that is kinder to my feet.

  128. E.B. January 17, 2013 at 11:04 am #

    I am surprised by all the negative comments about Blue. I guess each breed is different… I guess I am fortunate that my 2 pugs – both 7 have had no health problems from Blue. After the 2007 health scare I started making my own food on a daily basis, I continued for about 2 years. Due to my schedule I had little time to prepare the food so I switch to blue and since then have only fed them Blue dry and wet. I feed them Blue Buffalo Longevity Adult Dogs and the varity of canned. The only product they bulk at is the fish and sweet potato.

    • joy November 30, 2013 at 3:48 pm #

      I have fed my aussie mix dogs longevity for the past 9 yrs and they seem to do well. Most of these complaints are about the other varieties of blue, but makes me wonder.

  129. LB Flores January 15, 2013 at 12:33 pm #

    Started feeding my 4 month old gsd BB large breed puppy and soon after he started having explosive diarrhea, panting constantly and agitated all the time. He then broke out in a rash and started losing his hair and scratching all the time. Took him off the BB and immediately noticed a mark improvement, the rash is gone, his poop is getting back to normal and his a healthy happy puppy again. I don’t recommend this food to anyone.

  130. Cindy January 15, 2013 at 3:09 am #

    Why does everyone think if their pet becomes sick it’s because of the food they are eating? Even if they have been eating the same food for a long period of time?
    Sometimes when I’m sick…..I don’t eat, I have diarrhea, throw up bile, I’m inactive and sleep a lot. I may change my diet, temporarily but I always go back to my same diet when I’m feel better.

  131. Phil January 10, 2013 at 10:15 pm #

    There is nothing written on the cans to say refrigerate after opening, only if you go to the company website does it tell you this. We used canned Wilderness for a topper to the kibble for our Vizsla and even after a gradual switchover, developed really bad gas and loose stools.

    • Jody February 12, 2013 at 12:36 pm #

      So you really didn’t know you should refrigerate canned food? Don’t forget to breath…

  132. Donna D January 8, 2013 at 10:44 pm #

    I was sucked in by all the ads about Blue Buffalo dog food being primarily beef and slowly started blending Blue dry food with my dogs old food. She is a 12lb Havanese. I noticed immediately the gurgling stomach and horrible gas she was releasing. Within a week she was throwing up blood and had liquid stools. It was horrible. I took her to the vet who narrowed it down to the food change. I put her back on her old food “Purina One” and the change back to her old self was almost immediate. I did some research (Google: my dog got sick on Blue dog food) and found out that there have been so many compaints about Blue Buffalo dog food that the company has pulled some of the brands. How do they get away with selling dog food that is hurting our pets??

    • Jane January 9, 2013 at 4:37 pm #

      Try googling “my dog got sick on purina”

    • Carol January 10, 2013 at 3:31 pm #

      I have a miniature Schnauzer with a very sensitive digestive tract. I switched her to Blue Basics and all the diarrhea stopped. I have had only good luck with Blue. The canned food seems to bother her a little so I feed mostly dry. So far so good.

    • Regina March 6, 2013 at 4:01 am #

      I don’t know where DonnaD is getting her information. BlueBuffalo does not have a lot of Beef in their food, no beef kibble, only some cans. And I don’t know what products she claims they have pulled, but I work in a pet store and I have not seen any BlueBuffalo products pulled from the shelves.

    • Cate March 19, 2013 at 10:04 pm #

      Blue Buffalo has no other “brands”.

  133. Jules January 8, 2013 at 2:06 pm #

    I have fed my German Shepherd and Beagle BB Wilderness Duck Recipe for a year and in September 2012 tried BB Life Protection Large Breed Chicken and Brown Rice recipe. I noticed a decline in their digestive health over the summer & into the fall of last year. My Beagle was getting very sick in December and before we realized the food could be the problem, he passed away unexpectedly. He was 5 years old & our vet said he was very healthy. The digestive problems are attributed to the food and we are upset to think that the high quality food we were feeding him could have been the culprit. My German Shepherd is going to start a new food today. I will never buy BB again after doing some research. I wish we would have thought about the food being the problem. We thought we were doing a great thing by giving them “high quality” dog food. Horrible.

    • marilyn logiudice March 9, 2013 at 1:18 pm #

      What next? Won’t give purina, nutro,..I have a almost 4 mon boxer pup.Heard bb was grt so I swithed him to it.Eating the one with chichen in it. He’s thrown up a few times and I thought it was just frm his over activity.Yesterday, he puked twice, big x! His stools are hard some days and soft others.People at dog store say its the best but findinga sre saying dogs have trouble with too much calcium in urine, etc. and death.I just put my other dog down.Can’t go through this again with the bills, contsant vet visits,seizures,lost of own life which my dog was more important. I am broke now.Really broke where I am on social programs.Buddy is an ESA dog. Ukaneba may have by products but had my doby on yrs ago with no problem.Time changes and so does products.Will look up and go back to if no recalls.If I have another dead dog,they can take me with him.Can’t handle.Love my animals more than people.Any suggestions? plse write back.my name is Marilyn

  134. Melanie January 4, 2013 at 1:11 am #

    I tried feeding my dog blue and will not make that mistake again. My poor dogs stomach was so upset that she didn’t get comfortable for 3 weeks. I even switched properly–very slowly. It didn’t matter the fat content was just too high.

  135. Lisa January 2, 2013 at 11:50 am #

    I have a one year old German shepherd and he is coming off pedigree puppy food. What would be a good blue brand? No fish please.

  136. Renate December 27, 2012 at 11:19 pm #

    I have two dogs,a large mix 13 and a shepherd between 8 and 10 years old. They have been eating Nutro for the last 6 years.
    About three months ago my shepherd developed digestive problems and six weeks later the other dog got the same problems. Many visits to the vet later I decided to switch dog food. I switched to blue basic, senior,sensitive stomach. Since then they have both been pooping huge amounts, up to 4 times a day. That was about 6 weeks ago. My concern is that the food is moving thru too quickly and is not absorbed in the dog’s system.
    Switching to blue was a waste of time, it made the company richer and I scoop up 75% of it and put it in the trash!
    Also I was taken aback when I saw that the bag at 51.99 was only 24 pounds.
    Morale of the story: Pick another dog food isle to shop in!

    • H Smith January 1, 2013 at 5:52 pm #

      A possible reason that your dogs had some difficulty transitioning to Blue is that you might have been feeding too much. Of the first four ingredients in Nutro, three of them are rice, a carbohydrate. The first two ingredients in the Blue Basics is meat protein. Because there’s more real meat, and less fillers in Blue, you actually need to feed less of the Blue then you did of the Nutro. The feeding guidelines on the bag are just that, guidelines. You need to adjust the amount fed according to your dog’s weight, metabolism and activity.
      And always transition from one food to another over the course of a week to ten days.

    • Shari M. January 2, 2013 at 1:15 pm #

      wow, where did you find the 24 lb bag for $51.99.
      Anyway, I guess all dogs are different and I hope you find a food your dog is ok on :)

    • Holly Jones February 11, 2013 at 7:03 pm #

      My 11 year old fog is having the same problem i just dont know what to switch him back to?

  137. Dana December 4, 2012 at 10:44 am #

    Why is there a warning on blue buffalo bites to not give to a dog under 5lbs? My dog is 3lbs, will the treats harm her?

  138. Naomi Roy December 2, 2012 at 1:06 pm #

    I was thinking about switching my dogs over to Blue grain free but some of these responces make my feel like I’m keeping to 4health.

  139. jACK (Toronto) December 1, 2012 at 5:03 pm #

    My dog is 8 yrs. old jack russell/chichua mix. I started giving BB in Oct. 2012. He had no problem exceot his high liver enzyme. I noticed that he is starting to drink a lots of water, his weak and now start loosing his vision. I am very upset after reading comments regarding issues that my dog had have now. I will be visitng my vet on Monday to have him a blood works and find out what else could be the problem in regards to feeding my dog with BB.

    It is only a month since I give him BB trusting their advertisement that they care for our furkid. I am hoping that after the test it will not be the ingridients like Vitamin D etc. should not be found.

    For now I am praying that there is a solution or cure for whatever findings my vet found to my dog.

  140. jon mullins November 29, 2012 at 1:01 pm #

    Which blue buffalo would be best for a one year old lab with food allergies ?

  141. Mel November 28, 2012 at 9:40 pm #

    I like Blue Buffalo more now that they have their Freedom line (of grain free food). My dog didn’t care too much for the food, but she ate it anyway. The ingredients are great, but as always this is only half of the story. No kibble compares to cooking your own meal for your pet, so you can’t expect perfection from these companies.

    This food is very expensive and it would be worth choosing a different food from online shopping, such as Acana. What I don’t like about Blue is that the kibble is very tiny. Although this should be great for people who own dogs of different sizes, I personally don’t like it because I tend to feed my dog with treat dispensers. This kibble falls out too easily so she doesn’t have to work for her breakfast.

    Anyway, as far as the ingredients are concerned I would give Blu 5/5.

    As always, be cautious with any brand of kibble. Wash your hands after handing, and be mindful of recalls. It can happen to any of the big brands because multiple people and companies are often involved in the processing and handling of the food.

  142. SICK LABRADOODLE, MAINE COONE CAT AND TUXEDO CAT November 28, 2012 at 6:54 pm #

    I have fed Blue Buffalo wet and dry foods exclusively to my 1 1/2 year old Maine Coon cat and the 15 year old ‘tuxedo’ cat for over a year and have watched them decline in health for the last two months. Both cats seem to have diarrhea nearly every day. I took the older cat to the vet since he was drinking water excessively and is loosing weight…I suspected Diabetes, but blood work was okay. They are both house cats and are never exposed to other cats.
    Our 8 month old Labradoodle was slowly switched (over 2 week period) and has the same Diarrhea, odorous issues. He also eats canned and dry Blue Buffalo exclusively. He is an indoor doggie also and only goes out on a leash.
    Definitely something is different about the Blue Buffalo foods in the last two months; nothing else in their everyday habits has changed. I decided to search the internet for ‘Blue Buffalo problems” and found that the petfood review sites are loaded with the animal owners with the same issues as my pets. I’m immediately switching foods as many reviews stated the problems created by these foods set the animal up for various cancers. Pet Smart or Petco will fully refund the original price of any unused portions of the foods they carry (I have about $150 worth on-hand….last 2 weeks). I will post on the Blue Buffalo site, but expect nothing. They are a huge corporation and Blue Buffalo is only a division. My animals depend on me for their best welfare….not some greedy corporation that posts high earnings on Wall Street.

  143. Froid November 5, 2012 at 11:47 am #

    I’ve been feeding my 2 dogs Blue Buffalo Wilderness for 3 years and thought it was a Godsend. In the last month, my 15 year old Beagle started vomiting bile. She ate less and less and finally refused to eat. Soon after, my 9 year old Golden Retriever refused to eat and started vomiting bile also. I’m feeding them grass fed beef burger with rice and which both ate readily and hungrily and both have stopped vomiting. I’m done with this brand.

    • ERIN BOWLES November 12, 2012 at 11:46 pm #

      i just started my 2 chihuahua’s on the Grain-Free BLUE Freedom chicken. Since starting it 3 weeks ago their stool is half brown/half cement color, they shed so much more. I had been feeding them Nature’s Recipe Grain-Free with no issues. But I decided to switch bassed upon recommendations. The dogs are different ages, different eating habits, physical features but they both are having issues.

      • edie January 11, 2013 at 11:50 pm #

        After doing much research, I transitioned my 1 year old to BB Rice/Chicken for small dogs. She has not had a normal bowel movement since then. At first I thought it was because we moved and that might have been hard on her. Now, I’m not so sure after reading these posts. Her poop is more like rabbit poop. And there is hardly anything to speak of. She had normal stools up until this new food.
        Will take her to the Vet to make sure she’s okay otherwise.

  144. teresa November 1, 2012 at 1:46 pm #

    my puppy thew up from this dogfood a few times…does it expand into real food when digested? Cause I saw pieces of chicken..

    • Robin December 26, 2012 at 2:20 pm #

      We have been feeding BB for 3 weeks to our Shih Tzu puppy. She LOVES it. She will take her kibble to her bed and lay down and guard it, like shes afraid someone will take it, or she will run out. For people who are switching foods… You can’t just switch foods. You have to do a blend for a week or more. We do 2 weeks when we switch. Start off with mostly old food, and teency amount of new, and SLOWLY change the mixture until you are mostly new food, and very little old food. Eventually becoming only the new food. Sudden switching can cause loose stools, vomiting, lethargic tendencies. A slow switch is the answer. And, it’s ok for them to drink water. Our dogs go through it like crazy, always have. No matter what we feed. Summers hit 115 + here, winters are mild, and they drink a LOT. Don’t just yank your dogs off one food and switch to another. It’s hard on the system.

  145. Kristin October 30, 2012 at 4:26 pm #

    I have a german shepherd and switched her to Blue after she developed allergies. The Blue Basics (Salmon) is amazing. She loves it. She has NEVER had any adverse reaction to it.
    I also usually mix 1/3 of the Blue canned products to add some variety & all that. Let me tell you – The stews, chicken pot pie flavors – look like food that you yourself would eat for dinner… They also have the canned “mush” as I call it which my dog also likes. One of my neighbors became ill, and her dog ironically got tired of their dog food and wouldn’t eat. I offered to help by way of giving her some Blue to try. After trying Blue for two feedings – She called me & was like “That stuff is AMAZING” – she went out and bought it and also has nothing but great things to say. You will see a GREAT difference in your dog’s coat, and energy level.
    I’m not please about the “largest” bag going from 32lbs to 24lbs but what can you do?? This food is worth every penny I spend on it. I tell people I spend about $52 a bag, and then $2.67 a can. and they’re like “Ouch” (These are the people feeding their dogs the worst rated foods mind you- cheap cheap cheap)… My response is always “Mc D’s is cheap but would you feed it to your family everyday to save $ ? No, because it’s not healthy right? My dog is part of our family, and I want her to be fed the right foods even if it costs a lil more out of my pocket.

  146. Lymari wells October 26, 2012 at 5:41 pm #

    I am a groomer and vet tech. Over the last few weeks I have has 5 clients’ dogs get sick. All same symptoms. Young, and otherwise healthy dogs. Vomiting, drooling, diarreah, sometimes with blood in it, elevated liver enzymes, bloating….. ALL ARE FEEDING BLUE BUFFALO!! Coincidence? I don’t think so. Researching, there had been a recall last year or the year before for vitamin d3 toxity from too high amounts of vitamin d added to the blue buffalo dog food. All these are symptoms of vit d3 toxicity. No telling how many others have been sick and even died from this. Why? Because no one would suspect a top brand of dog food that you pay an arm and a leg for, would be bad for your pet. Blue buffalo has gotten TONS of complaints, and they either low it off or refuse to return calls.

    • Kelly October 27, 2012 at 9:57 am #

      I have a 5 1/2 month old greyhound lab mix. She has been on blue large breed puppy since the middle of august when we brought her home from the shelter. I wanted to give her the best food because i read that by products in foods can cause all sorts of nasty stuff. Her stools have been pretty good with the exception of a couple soft stools here and there. Well with that said, this last bag i purchased i noticed her stools becoming very soft and now runny. She gets up twice a night to go out and has not done that for a long time. I feel terrible for her so i started to research how to correct it. Now i am angry because the more i search the more i find that Lola is not the only dog this is happening to! I feel betrayed by blue for not looking into this. I have read about customers contacting them and not hearing back from blue. Now i am switching to a new food that isnt going to make her sick. So do i just give her the new food or mix old and new to transition. Either way she is going to get diarrhea! I chose blue because they seemed to be a company that cared about dogs and made food that i felt good about feeding to my dog. Not cool blue, not cool!

    • Kathy Countiss December 17, 2012 at 3:06 pm #

      I had a problem with the Salmon dry dog food from Blue Buffalo. My dogs were drinking water by the tons and it stopped the day I quit feeding it.

    • mi mi January 15, 2013 at 7:47 pm #

      my puppy got very sick on blue dog food thevet told me that she had other dogs with the same thing mydog had and it was blue as sone as i took him off it he got better

  147. Skeet October 20, 2012 at 5:18 pm #

    After having my 2 older small dogs on Science Diet Oral Care for several years I heard that Blue
    Buffalo was the best way to go. I gradually changed them over to that and it wan’t long before they had intestinal problems which the Vet diagnosed as colitis .My oldest one endeded with pancreatitis.( sp.?)
    After much medicine and treatments I got them back on the Oral care.At first they were satisfied for awhile but now my 15 yr old, who has always eaten well, refuses it, even when ground in a processer, used dry, softened with a little soup or any thing to get her to eat it. Nothing works as she just licks up the little dab of soup , or whatever,and leaves the rest.
    Another Vet told me ,at one time, that he fed Pedigree at the hosp and to his home pets. I got a bag and have been giving small pieces mixed with the Oral care. She eats the Pedigree and leaves the Oral Care. The 9 yr old still eats the Oral Care, if softened, after finding that there is nothing else except a little piece of Pedigree as a treat once in a while.
    At almost 87 yrs, my self ,I’m at my wits end trying to find a food that will be good for them and that they will like so I can gradually try them on it.
    I Don’t like what I’ve been reading about Science Diet and other well known brands, so don’t know what to do. I have had dogs all of my life and plain old Purina Dog Chow kept my dogs going for long times. What to do ????????

  148. Donna October 17, 2012 at 12:21 am #

    Have a tiny little yorkie, just a lil over 3lbs , and as all little dog owners have experienced, quite finnecky. She LOVES the duck flavored Blue, and the nuggets are small enough for her to enjoy comfortably!

    • Susan November 21, 2012 at 4:48 pm #

      I have had my Chocolate Lab on Blue Buffalo Wilderness Salmon Dry Food for over 3 years now. She is currently 5 years old. She has allergy issues, and is on weekly allergy shots, but her coat is shiny and healthy and glossy, and she remains at a perfect weight. Her allergies are environmental allergies which have nothing to do with her food. She is full of energy and has had no gastrointestinal issues whatsover. I highly recommend the food!

      • Bernice December 27, 2012 at 2:12 pm #

        I also have a Chocloate lab and we first tried Koby on the Wilderness brand but the protein was absolutely too much to bare. It was going in one end and coming out the other end bad gas of gas.. So we switch to Healthy weight but we are having a hardtime seeing him lose weight. We do not give him treats, we feed him 2cups a day 1 in am and 1 in pm. The only treats he gets are green beans by the way he loves. Please share any information you have, his coat is shiny, we just need him to lose some weight. He weighs in at 86pds. Vet said he needs to be at least 75 – 80 max prefer he weighs in at 77 or 78 pds is good.

  149. Charlene October 11, 2012 at 4:05 pm #

    We lost our sheltie about a month ago due to lung cancer. He was only 7 years old. I am hearing about more and more dogs getting cancer and I wonder if it is due to the food they eat. We still have a daushund and I am thinking of changing his food. B&B is on my list of foods to try. Does B&B have snacks too?

    • Angelicshelties October 16, 2012 at 11:26 am #

      Blue buffalo has a very nice selection of goodies! Go to there website. http://bluebuffalo.com/ and look under the product guide. They also have a couple of different grain free foods Wilderness and Freedom that you might be interested in trying.

  150. Becky September 23, 2012 at 11:03 pm #

    I have a 1 year old lab and a newly adopted 3 year old beagle. Both happen to have a grain allergy so I feed the BB basic salmon and potato. My lab was losing his hair until we realized his allergy issue. Once we put him on the right food, his hair came back beautifully. When we brought the beagle home and started her on BB same as the lab her stool actually firmed up. I’m looking forward to her getting healthy. For those of you who are feeding your dogs the high protein wilderness, I would ask you this, are they extremely active dogs? That is what that formula is made for. Read your labels and find what is best for your dog. As another lady posted, some foods cause detoxification. I know I may have to go through this with my beagle. Be patient and understand that all that switching could be causing as much distress.

  151. Donna September 21, 2012 at 3:34 pm #

    I have been using BB for about 3 months now. My Willow looks beautiful. I mean her coat, we get so many compliments on her fur.

    I have had no issues, and she always gobbles up her food. Just because it works great for my dog, Willow is a Gsd, does not mean it is for all dogs.

    The ingredients are high quality, if people are having issues with sensitive tummies, switch to the basic formula.

  152. Denise September 14, 2012 at 11:04 pm #

    I have been giving my 11 pound shih-poo whose 7yrs the BB flavor Turkey and Potatoe for “Sensitive Stomachs”. She has been on it for about a year. No problems. I also at times mix the wet BB food, Beef stew or the Salmon with her kibble. She tolerates it very well. However, I started to switch her treats to BB. I bought the Health snacks. Pumpkin/Cinnamon and Banana/Yogurt. I started with the pumpkin. On day 4 and 5 she started vomiting and severe diarrhea. Thankfully she is drinking water but not excessively. I came home both days to droppings on my floor and she hasn’t had an accident in the house for over 5 yrs. the droppings were hard but the minute I took her outside she couldn’t stop and it was liquid. Today she started the vomiting and it spewed out of her mouth. I saw the pieces of the dried pumpkin that is in the treat and put two and two together. I have made a complaint to
    BB and will find my receipt and take both bags back. I am gonna keep her on the kibble but wait an see. Sorry for the TMI but I wanted to share my exerience.

    • Paige September 18, 2012 at 8:44 pm #

      Perhaps this could mean that your dog might be allergic to one or more of the ingredients in the treat rather than there being something wrong with the treats themselves. Have you ever given your dog pumpkin or cinnamon before? Dogs can be allergic to all sorts of things, just like humans.

  153. Christina September 11, 2012 at 5:55 pm #

    Some of these comments are just plain silly and it is evident many of you dont know how feeding kibble works. For those of you that complained your dogs were ORIGINALLY on Iams, Pro Plan, Science Diet etc and then you swtiched to Blue Buffalo and your dogs were sick..Ummm that would be like humans living off of garbage food like hamburgers and fries for months and years and then eating healthy. YOUR BODY IS DE TOXING!! That is an indication your dogs arent used to premium kibble.

    I have 3 Rottweilers and all 3 have always ( from 8 weeks old) been fed Blue Buffalo. They are all simply gorgeous!! Strangers ask me what I give them to make their fur so shiny and keep them so lean. They have beautiful white teeth, hard stools, and are full of energy. They do have gas from time to time but that is because they love the food so much they scarf it down.

    I suggest you look at the ingrediants in BB compared to the other brands….I think it is quite obvious BB is one of the best premium brands on the market.

    Oh, for those who claim to have dogs with kidney issues, protein levels dont cause kidney failure….getting a poorly bred pure breed ( especially small breeds) is a HUGE contributor to kidney problems…your dogs dont get kidney failure from eating BB for a few weeks!!!!! Thats just ridiculous!!

    • Katy October 5, 2012 at 3:19 am #

      Christina,This question of concern is for you.
      I’ve been doing the research now for three days on another brand of dog food. Nutro changed their packaging and have not made it easy at all to find the brand I had been giving my senior rescues. I don’t like how small the bites are now etc…they use to label senior glucosamine etc…now I’m on the fourth bag of food and they only seem to like one ,and it’s Authority (pet smart brand! I have narrowed my search down to three dog foods. Blue buffalo, Innova ( which isn’t getting good reviews I guess they were bought out by P & G ) so that’s a deterrent . My question is this. I have a lab,greyhound pit mix 8yrs and an Akit,Lab, Boxer mix 7 yrs. The Akita mix I have always kidded and called him my blond as he was so clumsy as a puppy and is now paying the price with his bones,the other dog is too with hip problems.My blond (my Boy) was tested and diagnosed with cushings desease, after another vet looked at the same blood work he said it “seemed” like it with the HIGH LEVELS of proteins in his urine! We have always watched him,do blood work every six mos as he has thyroid issues as well! I have my other boy tested as well,once a year blood work is done and this time the vet is concerned,he said the proteins levels that always concerned him with my blond are almost double in my pit greyhound mix. I have been told by three top notch vets now,that the high proteins levels have nothing to do with the food they eat,he said these high levels (600) could be from pain !? They both get Novx twice a day and one gets a thyroid twice a day. You had mentioned kidney failure and this protine problem being from poorly overbred dogs etc…could you please give me and opinion on what brand of Ble you might go with if you were in my shoes? Thank you so much.

  154. Shawn September 8, 2012 at 1:22 am #

    My pomapoo does great on salmon wilderness. Her coat is beautiful & she has lots of energy. Her stool doesn’t smell & it’s not messy at all. The duck or chicken formulas are not for her. Clearly it depends on the dog but BB Salmon Wilderness is the only dog food for my dog. She loves it.

  155. Rob September 6, 2012 at 12:03 am #

    We started our beagle at 8 1/2 weeks on Blue puppy food – mainly the dry with a spoonful of Blue puppy canned mixed in with it. She is now one year old and is the absolute picture of health. Perfect weight, beautiful coat, and full of energy. We recently moved her from puppy to regular and she loves it. I did notice that the lamb formula makes her a bit gassey! Don’t overfeed as is usually the case for weight gain. It takes less Blue food than regular dog food. Our vet is very pleased with the results so far, said she looks great.

  156. Kim August 18, 2012 at 12:03 pm #

    A girl I know told be how great Blue Buffalo is, so I started feeding my dachshund Blue Buffalo Grilled Turkey and Chicken about one month ago and am going to stop immediately. She can’t get enough water and she has been bloated and uncomfortable. I tried feeding my cats the indoor cat formula and they wouldn’t touch it. I will not recommend Blue Buffalo to anybody.

  157. Ruth August 17, 2012 at 11:31 pm #

    I just started researching online why my dog is drinking so much water a 6 month old puppy if this was unusual. Then checked out the brand which I have bought being organic the Blue Buffalo. I am quite concerned after reading these comments and will be taking my puppy off this food tomorrow and onto something else. She drinks excessively, and is lethargic.

  158. Sharon August 17, 2012 at 5:47 pm #

    I have had my dog on Blue now for about 8 months and she has not had any problems at all with it. We started her out by mixing it with her other food, and gradually worked up to all Blue…no problems.

  159. William August 14, 2012 at 10:35 pm #

    Very scary started my 9 year old Shih Tzu on BB today. Will return the rest of the cans tomorrow and return to the prior food

  160. Claudia August 6, 2012 at 11:50 am #

    Both my 7 year old Airedale Meyna and 8 year old lab mix Ellie have been on Blue Buffalo since the big recall. I believe approx. 6 years. Their coats are beautiful, teeth and overall health are good. Many of my friends changed to Blue around the same time. I have had no issues with my pups since the change. Both dogs are very active and again have no health issues. Snacks include veggies and marrow bones. I wouldn’t change brands and really believe in this product. If your dog is gaining weight, check with your vet. I feed 1 1/4 C twice daily to my dale and 1C twice daily to my Ellie-no weight issues. Sad to read negative reviews on this product. I also want to add that I have spoken with the company and really had wonderful results from them. I love my pups and I wouldn’t change a thing. I believe in Blue Buffalo!

  161. sandy perritt July 29, 2012 at 4:06 pm #

    just because the blue buffolos headquarters are in the usa and manufactured here doesn’t mean the food is made here. china could be where it is first made and sent here.

    • Kip September 18, 2012 at 6:35 pm #

      They make the food in the US, don’t be ridiculous!! This starts stupid false rumors.

      • judy ghorbanzadeh January 12, 2013 at 3:46 pm #

        Kip, I think what she was trying to say is that not all the ingredients may not be from here. I read an article about dog food in the U.S.A. & it had a breakdown of where minerals/vitamins/foods used in dog food here are actually from and it was pretty stressfull reading. A large amount of minerals specifically, must be sourced from other countries (mostly Asia). The problem is their quality control. (especially China)The article gave examples of contaminated maaterials that had been caught & it was horrifying. There was alot of bribery going on in these countries for inspectors to look the other way. I wish I could remember where I read this article but it was a real eye opener.

  162. Brenda July 26, 2012 at 1:15 pm #

    My dogs were not able to switch even slowley to Blue Buffalo. Vomiting and diarrea. Or Call of the Wild. It was an awful experience. I went back to my Iams. I have raised 3 Pekignese on Iams. I still have one and he is 18 and still doing well. alittle artritis and takes a thyroid pill once a day. I ask and my vet sd Iams is fine. Been around a long time. I have Winston 18 and Antjuan 3. Antjuan has a sensitive tummy. I changed to the sensitive tummy no corn wheat or soy Iams, hes doing great. Still has allergies but due to pollen etc.

    • lea August 29, 2012 at 11:57 am #

      I’m sorry to intrude on your comment,but If I were u I would seriously consitter takeing your dog off Iams dog food.I have had a 3 yr.old schnowzer to be diagnosed with kiddney failer.Died a slow painful death and Vet told me iams was to blaim.There is a specific ingrediant in it that slowy eats away at the liver cells.It was awful,she sufferd for weeks before she died.Only because the vet thought we could save her but she was too far gone.I would rather see some one give there dog food from the dollar store than that trash.It’s dangerouse and it is all at the expense of our beloved animal’s. Please consitter a switch!

      • lgreene November 24, 2012 at 3:28 pm #

        My little Yorkie died from kidney failure too and blame it on Iams…that was right around the recall too…

      • Stacy January 19, 2013 at 11:24 am #

        We switched our dog from Kirkland Salmon to Blue Buffalo Basics Turkey. The hot spots went away but he didn’t like it. So bought Blue Buffalo Basics Salmon and he is drinking like crazy. I am very worried. So what next? No more Blue Buffalo.

  163. wanda July 24, 2012 at 1:07 pm #

    I am so very confused now. Your review says good to great on it’s review of BB…. BUT every comment tells of horrow stories when this product is feed to theor pets. Think I’ll check out something else.

    • Kip September 18, 2012 at 6:37 pm #

      That’s because people are ignorant and make stupid comments that mean nothing. Blue is a great product.

  164. annie June 29, 2012 at 5:31 pm #

    my dog is doing good after i switched it to blue buffalo turkey and potato formula this March. However, she starts to gain weight over the past few months. which affects her legs badly. We tried to put her on other food, her weight is similar but doesn’t looked bloat. however, she is very sensitive, so we experience a bad time during switch food. now we switch back to bb diet formula, however she is not doing good on this one. i don’t know why, when i tried to put her on bb turkey and potato diet formula, her nose instantneously changes color, as i was gradully changing her food, i put like 5 g diet food with 25 g orignial bb turkey and potato, in case she eats too fast, i gave her the first 5 g first, several day i see the change in color on the nose when i put her on the new formula.i took her to the vets, vets doesn’t seemed to believe it is caused by the food change. but now, i see a lot complaint about this food here, since she needs to loss weight, but the healthy weight formula doesn’t suit her, the small bite makes her not eating enough but becoming fat. i think there is time to make a switch, though we thought bb is best for her. maybe i was wrong.

  165. annie June 29, 2012 at 5:06 pm #

    we love it. but it makes my dog gains a lot weight.

  166. Raena June 29, 2012 at 12:21 pm #

    I have been feeding Blue Buffalo to my two year old Pit Bull since I adopted her. I started her on the puppy Lamb and Oatmeal formula and kept her on it as directed by my vet until she was about a year old. I changed her to the adult Lamb and Oatmeal formula after that. Turns out my little one had a very sensitive stomach and the adult formula was a little much for her. She only had runny stools but otherwise completely fine, no changes in appetite or water consumption, no lack of energy, no bloody stools or vomiting, etc. However, as a precaution, I changed her to the Chicken and Brown Rice formula and she has been scarfing that down ever since. No adverse side effects. Just a happy, energetic, adorable dog. I will never feed her anything else. She loves all of their treats too.

  167. Heather June 25, 2012 at 1:41 pm #

    I have been feeding my dogs (1 female Bullmastiff and the other male Lab) The Blue Buffalo Chicken and Brown Rice. My bullmastiff has extremely bad gas. Has anyone else experienced this with their dogs and if so what have you done to correct it?

    • nick June 29, 2012 at 5:13 pm #

      I have had boxers for years with gas
      now I feed them a little regular yogurt (plain full fat to no fat)
      with every feeding and no more gas
      from any of them

    • Serrina August 24, 2012 at 12:43 am #

      Mastiff’s have gas.
      My Mastiff actually had the least gas on the cheapest most horrible food – go figure and he lived until he was almost 11.
      My Poodle on the other hand had diarrhea with this product but it resolved after 1 month and he’s fine and get’s a total of 1 1/4 c/day. He does have weird pee though – seems oily when he’s had “accidents” on the cement.

  168. Amanda June 21, 2012 at 6:07 pm #

    We’ve been feeding the Wilderness variety to all three of our dogs for a couple months now. All three have had loose stools since the switch. We tried cutting back the amount of food, switching and then cutting the wet food out completely…and now one of them has explosive diarrhea, so we’ll be seeing the vet to make sure the food is really the issue. I was pretty sure it was, and am even more sure after reading all the comments here.

    I’m sad it’s so hard on their digestive systems, because other than that, it’s been great. They’ve all lost the weight they needed to; their coats are better and softer, and they’ve been a lot more alert and active…but this poop situation is no good.

  169. Suzanne June 21, 2012 at 3:11 pm #

    Have a call into vet…..have had all theses problems with BB! Thirsty and diarrhea. Stopped food a week a ago per vet (tested stools no parasites) and switched to rice and chicken diet only. Now back to BB and he is back to diarrhea. Very worried after reading all these post. Waiting for vet to call back!

  170. Jazzinwine June 20, 2012 at 9:56 pm #

    This stuff is awful at least for my dog. I tried the Blue Wilderness Small Breed Chicken and then I tried the Small Breed Lamb & Brown Rice. My dog is a Yorkie-Chon, 6 lbs. and not a picky eater. She didn’t like the food to begin with so I tried adding water to get the aromas going. I weened her off of her regular food by mixing the new with the old. That was for 14 days. She started eating it exclusively. By day 3 she was panting, did not want to play and could not get enough water. I assumed it was because it had too much protein at 36 grams. So I went to exchange it for the Small Breed Lamb & Brown Rice. Same thing, only this time she didn’t want me to pet her near her kidneys. Her stool is very soft and I’m not waiting for it to turn into diarrhea. Today is Monday and I took that back too. It appears it doesn’t matter how much protein is in the dog food. The issue is the food is not agreeing with my dog and after reading all of the horrible things it’s done to dogs, she is no longer on it. She will be going to the Vet tomorrow. Holistic or not, this stuff is crap and it appears to be hurting our very much loved pets. Bill Bishop needs to figure out what the issue is and STAT! Act like you care about our pets and find out what the issue is.

  171. George June 17, 2012 at 10:49 am #

    Switched to Blue Buffalo and both my dog and I are very pleased! No issues at all and my dog is perfectly healthy.

  172. GARLIC!!!!! June 15, 2012 at 4:22 am #

    Their food contains GARLIC!!!!!!!! I will never feed to my dog again, if you ask any vet they’ll tell you the worst things you can feed your dog are: onions, grapes/rasins, GARLIC, almonds, chocolate (DARK in particular), AVOCADOS (Avoderm), Alcohol :( (my dog tries to sneak beer all the time), caffeine (like they need it!), milk (if they are lactose intolerant), macadamia nuts, candy/gum, fat trimmings/bone, persimmons, peaches, plums, raw eggs/meat/fish (can contain unhealthy levels of bacteria), salt, sugar, yeast, and prescription medicine.
    Many of their foods contain GARLIC, and SALT. Plus they had a recall because of unhealthy levels of vitamins in their food. Seriousluy if you love your pets stay away. There are plenty of good brands out there that do no include ingredients the ASPCA has determined to be hazardous. Why choose a brand that disregards the preeminent pet health organization’s suggestions/warnings?!?!?!?!? This goes for AVODERM as well, seriously your main marketing ingredient is toxic to dogs!!!!!!!!!!! My dog loved Wellness, and Orijen. I prefer Wellness Core (not Ocean) because of the price tag. I am not an aristocrat, but I care for my puppy’s health just as much as mine! I encourage you to research this yourself. These are irresponsible companies! Do yourself a favor.

    • Jazzinwine June 20, 2012 at 9:58 pm #

      Thank you so much for sharing this! Your post is the reason I took serious notice of what it was doing to my little Lexie and she will NEVER eat that mess again.

  173. LMH87 June 12, 2012 at 1:06 am #

    I’ve read conflicting reports about the effects of garlic on a dog’s health, however, the ASPCA maintains that garlic is dangerous for dogs. Every product of Blue Buffalo dog food has garlic in it. I called the company to question why and they maintained that garlic was essential to a dog’s good health, and that if I did not want to give my dog garlic they were not the company for me. I can respect that, but I think they may want to take their customers’ concerns seriously and look into it. Dismissing their customers who have legitimate concerns about their product makes the company seem like they don’t take responsibility or these questions seriously. I know I am not the only person with this concern. I wouldn’t trust my dogs health to a company like this.

  174. Angry June 9, 2012 at 5:59 pm #

    Switched dog to Blue Buffalo Co. Life Protection Formula (fish & brown rice) and she is very sick. She has lot a lot of weight and won’t eat anymore. She lays around all day (when she used to have lots of energy). I am convinced this stuff is poison also!! I was so excited to swtich her to a holistic/healthy dogfood – this is just the opposite!!

  175. Sheila June 6, 2012 at 7:55 pm #

    I started my Husky on Blue Buffalo after the previous dog food I was using was recalled and when he was about 2 years old. I tried several flavors of Blue Buffalo, but with all of them he would have diarrhea off and on. He hated the life bits-he’d spit them out and my old dog would eat them. About 6 months ago I started him on Kirkland’s (Costco’s brand made by Diamond)super premium Chicken, Rice , and Vegetable flavor. Since then he has had no diarrhea-not even loose stools. He seems to like it much better. The cost is also quite a bit less. I found out that last month this dog food was recalled, but not in the state in which I live.

  176. Karen June 1, 2012 at 12:36 pm #

    DO NOT FEED your pet any product from this company,
    they sell under many brand names. Chicken Soup for the Soul, Wilderness…….
    My Lab started with tremors and then excessive scratching and thirst. As I continued to feed him this poison, his condition grew rapidly worse. He started loosing chunks of his beautiful normally glowing hair. I took him off 5 days ago, and he is getting better, more energy, less scratching, still loosing patches of hair though.

    • Cathy October 1, 2012 at 2:52 pm #

      Sorry Karen, you are wrong. Blue is a privately owned company that only makes Blue Buffalo. Blue Buffalo Wilderness is just a special high protein formula.

    • Cathy October 1, 2012 at 4:32 pm #

      Karen, you are confusing Blue Buffalo with Diamond Dog Food. Some people call Diamond (Blue Diamond) Yes, Diamond makes Chicken Soup For The Soul & had made a very small batch for the Wellness company along with other dog food brands but not Blue Buffalo. Diamond had the recall that affected several companies.
      Wilderness is made by Blue Buffalo & is a high protein food for very active dogs ie: hunting, K9, agility etc.
      Please do your due diligence before you bash anything especially pet food as most of us would step in front of a vehicle to save our pets.

  177. jim May 30, 2012 at 8:17 pm #

    Just left my vets office after getting my GSD puppy her shot. The first thing the vet asked was “you’re not feeding blue to her are you?”. I said no, why? She then went on to tell me she has 5 dogs right now with severe (critical) liver/kidney issues related to their food. She said she called Blue multiple times and got no response to the issues which isn’t surprising since the recall from Diamond only happened because a HUMAN got sick.

    Any idea how wide-spread this is? We are in Arizona.
    Man, running out of food options with all these recalls,poisonings etc.

  178. P Solby May 27, 2012 at 9:05 pm #

    I usually don’t do this much reasearch on dog food. However, I recently switched my 4 year old Cockapoo to Blue and she seemed to be excessively thirsty. She typically eats a combination of Castor & Pollux Ultramix dry and some type of canned wet food. She is usually not that picky on the wet food and she has no issues switching as long as it is one of the main proteins chix, lamb or fish. I could not find anything about the sodium content of this food as it is not on the can or on line. heading back to return the remaining cans and go back to the Castor & Pollux organic wet food. Why are all of our dogs excessively thirsty?

  179. Confused May 27, 2012 at 11:49 am #

    I have been feeding my cat the basic blue buffalo turkey and potato flavor all year. He has been really sick since I opened this new bag two days ago. He is very thirsty and can’t stay out of the litter pan. The food is tearing him up all the sudden! I have a strange suspicion something is wrong with this food considering there is a recall on MANY pet foods right now. I don’t care what the disclaimer on the web site says, in my opinion something isn’t right with this Blue Buffalo food this go around. It’s a gut feeling. I’m switching foods, as I’m very concerned and just don’t trust.

  180. Michael May 26, 2012 at 1:39 pm #

    We have been giving our 5 month old puppy BB since we got her. She was doing great on it with the 1st bag. But when he got the 2nd bag, she starting have very watery BW’s, was lathargic, and seemed to drink a lot of water. I have been digging online, looking at many webpages. All the reviews are the same. There have been tons of receint problems with this food, and BB has not done a thing about it. We have switched her over to wellness, and hope we have switched her over in time. The food is a little more money, but we can not put a price on her health, unlike BB who finds it’s cheeper to put our pets at risk then recall there product.

  181. Not Happy May 26, 2012 at 12:23 pm #

    As a pet owner I was not happy with Blue Buffalo dog food.
    I started me dog on this brand at about 8weeks old,I thought the transition from mothers milk to food was the problem when me dog started to have diarrhea and vomiting. After I took him to the vet and was told to put him on a bland diet,things improved,long story short at five months of age my dog was 20 lbs under wights. With the long recovery he is now healthy but still has the problem of keeping on wight,due to the damage done to his digestive system.

    Very unhappy American Bulldog owner

  182. Nathan May 23, 2012 at 2:24 pm #

    I am so angry to read this. We have been back and forth to the vet with digestive issues, now I believe this is the culprit. I have a two year old toy poodle and he has developed intolerance to this food. We were using the small bread and puppy formulas. He will be fine and eating, then the next day his stomach is gurgling and he is throwing up mucus and wont eat. After trying several variations of the Blue Brand I am sooo glad we didn’t follow the pet stores advice and switch him to the high protein brand. It is time to go to another brand and hopefully my puppy will be able to be normal again. I will definitely give an update after the switch. What really angers me is how much I trusted this brand after reading how it is the best. I actually suggested it to other people for their dogs. I am listening to my dogs stomach gurgle from across the room right now. That doesn’t sit well with me, neither does the hundreds of dollars I have spent in vet bills only to find it is this stuff. I will update in a month after we find something else.

    • Confused May 27, 2012 at 11:50 am #

      nathan, what are you switching too? thanks.

    • elany August 29, 2012 at 12:15 pm #

      I’m a ferm believer that the oldest,simplest foods are the best.I have had a 3 yr.old schnowzer die of excessive kiddy failer caused by Iams dog food,againe “the best right”.On the other hand I’v had not one but 3 dog’s live to be 18 yr,21 yr,16 yr, on OL’ ROY.Sounds crazy I know but ask your self how long ol’roy has been around compaired to other brands and farther more how many recalls have u heard about the ol’roy and the less expensive brand’s. NOT MANY!

  183. Karen Steinrock May 14, 2012 at 12:37 pm #

    My 6-year-old Newfoundland was diagnosed with diabetes as well as heart issues AFTER I switched him to Blue Buffalo back in February. Increased thirst, urination, high sugar and now weakness in back legs. Diabetes is almost unheard of in this breed and I can’t help but think the diet change contributed. He was perfectly healthy before this.
    We are switching back to his original diet.

  184. Karen May 14, 2012 at 9:12 am #

    We have a minpin that has been getting sicker and sicker since he started this food. Buying something different today!

  185. Angela May 11, 2012 at 9:12 pm #

    We started our 5 year old bassett hound beagle cross on BB Wilderness chicken formula 2 months ago. For the past two weeks she had been quite lethargic and within the past week she began drinking an excess amount of water and as such losing control of her bladder and peeing frequently in the house-very out of character for her. We took her to out vet yesterday and they ran bloodwork and urine analysis revealing sky high calcium levels and vitamin D levels-causing the excess thirst. If left untreated can lead to death in dogs. We stopped her immediately of BB and within a day and a half she is nearly back to her old self. We are going back for follow up blood work in 3 weeks and hopefully fingers crossed her levels will be back to normal. Very very scary we thought we were providing a high quality food for our dog who is like our child only to find out we were nearly poisoning her:(

    • Karen Steinrock May 14, 2012 at 12:46 pm #

      Everything I’ve read here coincides with the symptoms my 6-year-old Newfoundland has suffered since switching to BB. Ten days ago he was diagnosed with diabetes which is unheard of in this breed. A month after being on BB he developed heart issues just out of the “blue”. He’s been so sick, lethargic, and now very weak in the rear which can be the kiss of death for a Newfoundland. His blood sugar skyrocketed in less than two weeks and is on insulin now, which almost killed him last week. I truly believe it’s the diet. No more BB here and I hope he makes it.

  186. Suzanne May 10, 2012 at 1:56 pm #

    My 4 legged child (100 lbs) had always been on Iams. Always felt it was superior. Began to read about another scare of the China melamine possibility. Reading about even the possibility petrified me. Again, our 4 legged children were being put in harms way. Then, because he is getting older and I have put him on condroflex2 the last few years to help his hips/joints I did extensive research into holistic dog/people food. – He has been on it for about 5 months. I did an immediate switch over – he experienced bowel adjustment for about 3 days – nothing dramatic – and has even lost a couple of pounds. He never misses a meal or snack. Yes, it is more expensive than the run of the mill. However, it is worth every single dollar – it is all about how you view your love and care for you pet family. My only wish could be that you could print a blue buffalo coupon online rather than mailorder. The $5.00 coupon is greatly appreciated.

  187. Brenda May 2, 2012 at 7:17 pm #

    I tried Blue Buffalo I have 2 Pekignese They both had diarea and vomiting Thae thwe Petland Manaser suggested Taste of the Wild They were sick again and gas with both kinds Vet told me some of the higher quality foods are too high in protein and dogs w sensitive stomachs cant ttolerate them plus they cause pancreitis and or Kidney problems or failure Too many recalls and problems with this new stuff I ve raise 3 Pekignese on Iams and no problems My last of the 3 is here he is 18yrs old artirits some takes meds does ok thyroid alittle high takes meds still plays my new peke is 3 and Winston the 18yr old one pickks up the toys that Antjuan get out and puts them in the toy box some days he ha alittle trouble walking but usually ok I buy a supplement at the pet store that is the chroni and G and put it on their food Im scared of all the recalls and sick dogs Im reading abt some have died Today Im trying Science Diet Adult small Bites They have been around along time with no recalls if this doesnt work its Iams It has worked well enough to keep all my dogs to live healthy till 16 to 18yrs old and maybe longer since Winston is still kicken

  188. Billie Lowry April 25, 2012 at 6:20 pm #

    We have two Jack Russell Terriers and started them on blue a few months ago. While their coats are beautiful, they are constantly abnormally thirsty and having to urinate. I too noticed one of them trying to eat feces. I feel confident their unusual thirst is linked to Blue as that is when it started.

  189. Lisa April 3, 2012 at 10:00 am #

    I have two boxers, one I had since 8 weeks old the other I adopted at 10 months old – I have always had boxers and they are known to have gas and allergy issues with certain foods. I purchase Costco chicken and rice and Buffalo Blue and do a 75% Costco and 25% dry Blue Buffalo Chicken and Rice mix. Both of my boxers have no gas or allergy issues and solid healthy stool. This is also a good way to feed your dogs healthy when you are on a budget. I also recommend feeding two times per day with a 30 minute quiet time after feeding to help with digestion. Dogs are the BEST!

  190. Mike M March 23, 2012 at 12:36 pm #

    In the information that you have above you mention,
    Who Makes Blue Buffalo?
    The company who makes Blue Buffalo dog food is called The Blue Buffalo Company. Blue Buffalo is currently headquartered in Wilton, Connecticut.

    Blue Buffalo does not make their products in their own facilities, they are outsourced to different companies.

    Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, Dumas, AR
    ANI/Vita-Line Products, Hazle Township, PA
    CJ Foods, Bern, KS
    ProPet, St. Mary’s, OH
    Triple T Foods, Frontenac, KS
    Tuffy’s Pet Foods, Perham, MN

    Some Pet food companies who do make their own products in their own facilities are:
    Breeder’s Choice
    Champion’s Petfoods
    Diamond Pet Products
    Fromm Family Foods
    Hi-Tek Rations
    Horizon Pet Nutrition
    By Nature
    Merrick Pet Foods
    Natura Pet Products (Evo, Innova, CA Natural)
    Nutro Ultra, NC and Max Pet Food Products
    Precise Pet Products
    Tuffy’s Pet Foods

  191. Tanya Phalen March 19, 2012 at 7:59 am #

    I have an 11 week old lab and 10 week old boxer. I gradually switched them to BB large breed puppy food. They love food, but they both get very wet stool and some times diarrhea. The boxer scratches now and the labs coat looks dry and her skin is flaky. Neither one of them had these problems until they got on BB. They ate both going back to vet for check up. I lost my 12 year old boxer last year, I can not deal with more heart ache. These are my babies and I want them to be healthy. What food do I go to?

    • tate March 24, 2012 at 8:28 am #

      I had been feeding my schnauzer fromm dog food. this bag I got she is not eating. So i went and got a bag of bb lamb and rice. To me it make her drink more. Anyone else have that problem with BB??

      • Mallory April 9, 2012 at 2:07 pm #

        I am having the same problem with my two dogs, i thought this was supposed to be the best dog food ever?! They are soo gassy and my one dog has the worst dhiaria i have switched their food numerous times and this has never happened to them I don’t know what to do and the food was 50 bucks not worth it at all!

        • Tammy April 15, 2012 at 9:04 pm #

          I am glad to know I am not the only one experiencing problems with this food. Our poor dog has so much gas, I can’t stand it! He seems to drink way too much, too. I’ll be looking for something else. I don’t think this food is that healthy for him.

        • jo May 16, 2012 at 10:04 pm #

          We have a 5 year old boxer and the gas smell is so bad we have to leave the room. We thought it was normal digestion problems from something else she was eating. However, I fed the same food to a neighbors dog and today, that dog had the same smelling gas (one no one had smelled previously)
          What did you end up changing to if I might ask, I love the natural ingredients & everything about this food, but the gas has to stop…wet stools are another problem

      • Lorraine May 20, 2012 at 12:20 pm #

        I have been feeding my two dogs Blue Buffalo Basics Turkey & Potato Recipe and they have both developed bloody loose stools and excessive thirst. The vet has put them on Metronidazole and I am having blood work done on both of them. I have called the Blue Buffalo company regarding this problem and they do not return my calls. They are very unresponsive which means they do not have our pets’ best interest at heart, no matter how much they spend on advertising trying to make us believe they do. Not a good company and I will no longer purchase any of their products. Once again, we think we are doing the best for our pets by paying a high price for what we think is a superior product, but Blue Buffalo dog food has made my dogs very sick. They were fine before I switched to this food.

  192. rachel February 24, 2012 at 12:18 pm #

    dangerously too high in protein, my dog was diagnose with kidney failure after being on the wilderness Blue food. Now has to be on a low protein diet for the rest of his life :(

    • Elaine March 13, 2012 at 5:20 pm #

      I agree.

      Update to my posts in January: We submitted a claim to BB for reibursement of vet bills of $241.00. They sent us a check. They did not assume responsibility but rather sent the check as an act of “good will”. It was very nice of them but I’m thinking they must have received other complaints.

    • graff April 24, 2012 at 7:15 pm #

      omg really so i dont think i should get any for my 2 year old dog and isnt it really pricey???

    • Jane January 9, 2013 at 4:36 pm #

      Unfortunately you’ve been misled. All the clinical data indicates that high protein does NOT cause renal failure, quite the opposite. Recommend you find a vet who actually does proper research.

  193. Daphne February 16, 2012 at 1:46 pm #

    My three small dogs switched from Iams (small breed) to Blue (small breed) and they’ve been doing great. Their gots shiny and they love the taste. It’s worth the money to me! I also give my dogs Blue jerky treats, which they also love.

  194. htanner February 16, 2012 at 12:25 am #

    Fed BB to our dogs for the past few years. A few months ago we saw alarming symptoms… after a traumatic fight with colitis, we found that the cause was the food (turns out a while back BB changed their ingredients). several vet bills later, we are doing fine on other (ANY other) food (we now feed TOTW). and as trial has proven, switching back to blue will once again produce frequent bloody stool as soon as the blue is graduated to 100%.

    • rachel February 24, 2012 at 12:22 pm #

      caution blue way too high in protein…my dog is a 4 year old lab diagnose with kidney failiure after being on blue wilderness food. He has to be on a low protein diet for the rest of his life :(

    • Mary March 4, 2012 at 12:46 pm #

      I found your post very interesting. Have fed my dog bb for two years now, but started having issues with colitis in October. She has always had some issues with anxiety and stomach upset, but we have been unable to put an end to the bloody diarrhea except for a short time while she was on prednisone. She was put on Science Diet id during this time as well. She is scheduled for a colonoscopy tomorrow due to changes noted in her colon. Would like a little more info regarding when the change in ingredients took place if you know.

  195. sheltervt January 30, 2012 at 9:43 pm #

    Blue Buffalo is simply the best food and best company I have encountered in a 13 year nutrition specialty. It’s the brand I recommend to the vast majority of my clients, and it has worked wonders for my own pets. I discovered this brand several years ago, and even compared to a field of other super premium foods, Blue stands out above the rest.

  196. Pammy January 25, 2012 at 8:41 pm #

    Wow, this is really scary. My dog is doing OK on this food, but maybe I should switch. I am hearing so many weird things.

    • Steve January 30, 2012 at 9:36 pm #

      Blue Buffalo has perhaps the finest quality assurance program in the industry. There is absolutely no evidence that any of the few negative experiences posted here is the fault of the food.

      • McFeely June 28, 2012 at 8:17 am #

        I’ve got a 75 lb Catahoula (who also happens to be a picky eater) and a 20 lb Manchester Terrier mix. I tried a number of lower quality foods that the big dog would refuse to eat after a couple weeks – purinaone, iams, eukanuba – not to mention the aforementioned foods would give him terrible gas! Anyway, switched to Blue life protection adult food about a year ago and both dogs love it. I’ve even switched between the three flavors depending on sales and neither of the dogs have any digestion issues. In fact the big dog’s gas issues are essentially gone.

        That being said, my dog recently tore the pad on his front paw after pkaying outside all day and I’m almost certain it’s the food’s fault!!! I better switch to (insert whatever food you happen to be pushing here) before it happens again!

        Just trying to stick up for Blue. Seems like there are a lot of unfounded comments on here trying to link unrelated health issues to the dog food. They’re dogs, and they get into much worse things than Blue Buffalo when running around outside or rooting through the house when you’re out of the room.

    • Kip September 18, 2012 at 6:40 pm #

      Don’t believe most of this BS, these people know nothing about pet nutrition and their dogs are probably sick from something that has nothing to do with Blue.

  197. Elaine P. January 24, 2012 at 5:21 pm #

    Beth, I’m pretty certain it was the BB that made my dog so sick. Since we stopped the food and started him on the medications he is gaining his health back each day. I’m currently doing research to find a reliable, grain free food for him as soon as he is finished with his prescription food.

    As for eating poop, I had a dachshund several years ago that did that. I think I remember the vet telling me that she was missing some nutrients. You might want to mention it to your vet or do some online research.

    • Elaine May 16, 2012 at 5:15 pm #

      Wellness Core is the best grain-free.

  198. Beth Shervais January 21, 2012 at 7:16 am #

    I’ve been feeding my four month old dachshund BB small breed puppy for two weeks now and after a slight adjustment problem she is doing good and loves it. However there are two issues, perhaps not even related to BB. First she is getting very itchy, has clean vet check, no problems. Second she has started trying to eat her poop, she quickly turns around and attempts to eat it before I can say leave it! would like to know your thoughts on these two things. Any suggestions on stopping this behavior would certainly be appreciated.

    • Jeannette January 22, 2012 at 12:06 pm #

      Hi Beth,

      It’s definitely the dog food. Feeding your dog Blue is like feeding your dog poison. If you read other reviews you will see the consistencies with feeding it to your dogs and health problems that develop afterwards. Things such as pancreitis to complete liver failure. I fed it to my dogs (2 beagles) and they began eating their own feces, throwing up and had an increase in thirst. This dog food was recalled in 2010 but people are still noticing the issues feeding it to their dogs now. I have read that when tested at their vet, dogs have had high increases in calcium as well. Please stop feeding this poison to your pets. Good luck.

      • Beth January 24, 2012 at 6:19 am #

        Jeanette, I have transitioned over to Orijen and Bella is much improved, likes it better too. Thanks for the info.

  199. Elaine P January 17, 2012 at 3:30 pm #

    I have been feeding my 9 yr old dachshund Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula for Healthy Weight for almost 4 years and never had a problem. I had immense trust in this company but that is no longer the case. We recently purchased a new bag right after Christmas and about a week later my dog started having diarreah and trouble moving his bowels. It was obvious that going to the bathroom was a very uncomfortable thing for him. Then this past Saturday he woke up lethargic and unable to move. He walked slowly as if in pain. I took him to the vet yesterday and they ran blood tests. Turns out his liver enzymes are very high. The vet said that there was another dog in earler that day with the same exact symptoms and also had been fed Blue Buffalo. Coincidence? I don’t think so. So my pet is now on 3 different medications to try and repair the damage done to his liver.

    We have contacted PetSmart and they have agreed to refund the full price of the food, even without the bag or receipt. We are working to contact the company to let them know that there is definitely something wrong with this food. I will never trust their product again.

    • Beth Shervais January 21, 2012 at 7:07 am #

      I am anxious to hear the outcome of this. Was it definitely caused by BB? I have a 4 mo. old dachshund on BB now and she is doing great, so far, but your story scares me.

  200. cj_lpski December 27, 2011 at 12:24 pm #

    Two days ago, Christmas Eve we had to euthanize our beloved 6 year-old German shepherd due to lethal levels of vitamin D in Blue Buffalo’s Chicken/brown rice large breed dog food. About four weeks ago he abruptly stopped eating and started drinking large amounts of water and producing large amounts of dilute urine. His apatite would improve then disappear eventually he refused to eat. Our vet had little answers and eventually ran blood work finding he was in the initial stages of renal failure. They also found elevated blood calcium and urine analysis found calcium phosphate crystals. X-rays could not find any bladder or kidney stones. Out of desperation he was eventually hospitalized, IV fluids were forced in an attempt to clear his kidneys however after 24 hours (Christmas Eve) we had to have our beloved dog euthanized.
    Our dog was an indoor dog never wondered outside our fenced yard was walked regularly on the leash and was always in close contact with us and could not have ingested a poison or toxin. Our second dog a 16 year-old Malamute was not fed a Blue Buffalo product and did not suffer any of these symptoms. I have little doubt that the Blue Buffalo product contained lethal levels of vitamin D producing hypercalcemia and eventually inducing renal failure killing our dog.
    We trusted our wonderful dog with this expensive premium dog food. My wife and I are trying to move ahead after this difficult loss while having to deal with the frustration and disgust for this companies lack of responsibility. We urge any dog owner to avoid all Blue Buffalo products and strongly recommend monitoring all FDA recalls had we done this I’m convinced our dog would be with us today.

    • Anonymouser January 17, 2012 at 8:04 pm #

      There is absolutely no proof of that. This is an absolute guess.

    • Steve January 30, 2012 at 9:39 pm #

      People connecting dog ailments with excess vitamin D in Blue Buffalo dog food fail to realize that vitamin D toxicity causes no lasting harm unless symptoms are ignored for weeks, and that Blue Buffalo invested millions into production and quality assurance after their vitamin D problem more than two years ago, and it is now literally impossible for excess D to be mixed into the food.

  201. Leslie November 21, 2011 at 1:17 am #

    When I adopted my dog, the shelter was feeding him Science Diet. I immediately switched Bailey from this food over to Blue Buffalo. I am embarrased to say that we did not do it gradually, but I guess that we are lucky because we did not have any problems at all. I guess that’s why this dog can eat dead animals that other dogs have ignored because they are so old. He just has a stomach made of lead.

    So I guess I am not a good person to judge, but I just wanted to say that my dog is doing good on it.

    • duane November 25, 2011 at 3:29 pm #

      Never count yourself as a bad person. Cheap dog foods are sprayed with flavor, and thats why dogs love them. It is perfectly acceptable to make an immediate switch from bad food. You would not let a friend smoke crack until they run out then quit, no you would want them to quit immediately. Also, you would not feed your children McDonalds everyday, becuase its not healthy. Our little guy loves his blue. He has breed specific skin issues and I want to look into a mix to work for him.

      • jayme January 6, 2012 at 8:52 pm #

        my dog has been suffering from the worst case of skin issues I have ever come across. I thought i was feeding her the best foods for her skin issues and no vet ever questioned what i was feeding her, in fact they complimented me. Well after allergy shots, lots of vet bills,etc. I brought her to a holistic vet and she reccommended Keen, the honest kitchen. Her hair is growing back in just a week. it is unbelievable! She is still itchy(not as bad), but looks so much better. Her ears look great. Food is everything! I also stopped washing her with shampoo, I only use a oatmeal and aloe soapless dog wash(shampoo can cause problems also).I hope this helps other people whom pets have skin issues. Also, she was able to swich immediately with no problems. She loves the food. Just wish it came in a product that could be left down in case of problems in making her food. Wish I had brought her to the holistic vet sooner.

        • Paul February 16, 2012 at 11:52 pm #

          jayme, what breed of dog do you have? We have a Shiht-tzu with a very bad skin condition and are at wits end.

  202. Adam November 16, 2011 at 5:12 pm #

    I tried this food for both of my dogs (GSD and pooble), both of them liked the food but had a bad case of farting and stomache issues… i went to three VETs and all of them said that they have several cases like my experience with BB.. i got my dogs off of it and back to my old food.

    this is just my two cents.

  203. Wilma October 28, 2011 at 11:03 am #

    PRO PLAN??? One of the LOWEST foods on the market? WOW. BUYER BEWARE

  204. Bob October 6, 2011 at 11:02 pm #

    Do you work for Purina?

  205. amie October 1, 2011 at 10:24 pm #

    I breed Akitas. I had my babies on Pro Plan to start then I got a wild hair and decided to feed Blue Buffalo. Where should I begin. I properly mixed in until they were switched then they had loose stool and vomiting. They were lethargic and they have always been perfectly healthy. Well I immediatley switched back to Pro Plan and the problems went away within one day. I will never switch my babies food again.

  206. Amber H. August 30, 2011 at 3:34 pm #

    My dogs had mild seasonal allergies and are starting to age (beagle/pitt mix 13 years and border terrier mix 7 years). My vet suggested that maybe I switch to holistic food. I thought that it would be good since it’s just healthier for them all around. So several months later I started reading up on the brands I had heard before (Blue, Natura, Eagle Pack, etc.). Most of my searching was on sites like about.com, at that time I didn’t know that most websites are biased and enhance certain brands! After a couple days of reading and seeing commercials and receiving a $5 off coupon I decided on Blue Buffalo. Well I gradually and slowly switched as directed mixing the new food with their reg. food (Iams ProActive, which I have never had problems with). First I noticed their stool became softer, I didn’t do anything because I thought that might be normal due to the change in food. Then they started having terrible smelling gas. Then the loose stool turned into diarrhea, and finally when I had completely switched my dogs started throwing up in the mornings. After this they started displaying a disinterest in the food and didn’t want to eat it. First the vomit was just yellowish mucus and then they were throwing up the food and some blood! I became concerned, took my dogs to the vet and immediately went online to see if others were having problems too. I just typed in “my dogs are throwing up after eating Blue Buffalo”, and to my surprise there were tons of blogs and reviews saying the same thing and much worse. I went to the Consumer Reports site and felt sick after reading the reviews on Blue Buffalo. It is NOT what I thought it was and there is a lot of false advertisement on this big brand. There are ingredients in this food that are inferior and extremely high levels of certain vitamins can become toxic at those levels for your pet. They also use other very bad hidden ingredients to preserve that even big shelf brands aren’t allowed to use. I just wanted to warn anyone thinking of using this terrible brand, it might be okay for some dogs but it is deadly and costly after going to the vet for others. I did more research with un-biased non advertising sites and switched cold turkey (which I hated to do but there was no other option) to Acana. I found absolutely nothing negative about Champion brands Acana and Orijen. My dogs immediately became more interested in their food and all bad symptoms stopped after the new food was processed. Their stool is hard and smaller with this food. I don’t know which holistic food you will decide to choose for your loved one, but be wary of Blue Buffalo. They have had several recalls as well.

    • Kyle October 29, 2012 at 4:02 pm #

      Amber, my dog has these same exact symptoms. It’s hard to say what to do. The vet says he probaly has valley fever, were waiting for the blood test. I might try mixing another food half/half. Every consumer report I look up on dogfood seems to be corrupt. Did you decide what else to use yet?
      I’m getting over my ignorance and really trying to take care of my beloved Boxer more in depth.

  207. Marcie Conant July 30, 2011 at 4:55 am #

    As a pet parent I believe that a reputable company should be willing and able to answer my specific inquiries. I contacted Blue Buffalo with a number of questions. They responded quickly with a “copy and paste’ of their usual sales “schtick”. I could have gotten that online. They seemed too eager to give me the brush off. While quality matters so does how I am treated as a consumer.

  208. Janet July 13, 2011 at 12:20 pm #

    I was feeding my cat the Blue Buffalo flaked chicken, turkey, and salmon canned foods. Recently, when I purchased some cans in February and they were almost all water. This is supposed to be a flaked food with a little liquid in the can. I mean there were 4 or 5 pieces of food floating in a liquid. This happened 3 times.

    When I called Blue they told me they were made at different locations. I never heard anything more from them. I don’t want coupons for more crappy food, but a nice letter and some sort of assurance they were working on the problem would be nice.

    I don’t think they are working on the problem. I just bought some of the flaked salmon (June 2011) and it’s all liquid. I’m not even going to bother calling them. I understand things can go wrong but as a Company I have no faith in them. As soon as I can find a better flaked or cubed food that my 10-year old can likes and can digest, I’m switching. They don’t seem to care about quality. It’s a shame because I think they have a good product.

  209. Nick June 26, 2011 at 2:50 pm #

    ELC, every dog is different so it is quite possible your dog’s did not need the high amount of protein that is in BB. However, like most natural dog foods on this site, you can not just blame a dog food for what happened when you obviously did not do your research on the food and did not talk to your vet before switching. So, if you have 100% proof that your dog’s died because of BB and NOT because your dog’s could not handle the high protein diet (in which case any high protein dog food would have killed your dog’s you just happened to be using BB) then I am sure we would all love to read into it so we can make a better decision on which dog food to use.

  210. Paul April 15, 2011 at 2:40 am #

    Having large dogs, I appreciate Blue Buffalo’s large breed formula, which includes glucosomine and chondroytin among the ingredients. I also appreciate that natural ingredients are used, it is relatively high in protein, does not use corn or fillers and is resonably priced compared to its competition. Oh, did I mention that my dogs love it?

  211. Lindsay February 24, 2011 at 1:57 am #

    Very good food and very small stools when fed to your dog. They have VERY strict quality control and the recall in 2010 was over something very tiny that wouldn’t hurt your dog if it continued to eat the food. I admire the company for being so particular.

    No by-products, no corn, little grain if any at all, and many formulas.

    • Anon February 12, 2012 at 9:43 pm #

      I guess you havent read the bag where is says “wholesome whole grains”? While they do make grain-free varieties they are not all grain-free

  212. Dee Kala February 12, 2011 at 2:29 am #

    Blue Buffalo also had a recall in December of 2010. Though it was labeled “voluntary” it still matters when you can’t get the calcium ratio right. Had Michigan States’ VTH not found there mistake in a research study, one wonders how long it would have taken Blue Buffalo to realize they had a problem that made many dogs sick nationwide. I don’t have to worry because I feed my dogs a diet that I make from the same quality ingredients that I eat. It amazes me that publications like The Whole Dog Journal gives them a high rating especially since their recall in 2007.

    • ELC April 29, 2011 at 11:44 am #

      within 10 days blue buffalo wilderness chicken and their health bars
      killed 2 of my 3 dogs…the 3rd was in emergency care f or a couple of days…one was so bad it bled internally and between the vomit and diareha with blood was a mess…he was 6 years old..the other my eldest was 10..i had NO idea BB had any recalls etc until the vet told me..
      my advice is to stay away and also do your homework BEFORE you feed your babies..

    • murphy July 30, 2011 at 6:57 pm #

      Blue didn’t have a voluntary recall because of too much calcium, it was because of a suspected excess of vitamin D and was not life threatening.
      My old dog, who was dying of cancer ate only the Blue health bars for the last two weeks of his life. I seriously doubt your dogs dyed from having eaten the treats. If they had, it would have been a nationwide problem, not just n your home.

    • Michael May 26, 2012 at 1:29 pm #

      We have been feeding our 5 month old puppy blue buffalo since we got her. She was doing great on the 1st bag we got her. But with the second bad, she started to have bad diarrhea, was lathorgic, and was drinking a lot of watter. I went online to several sights, and all the reviews are the same and a lot of dogs are having the same issue. Something has recently changed with there formula, but there are no recalls being issued. We are switching fer over to Wellness. It’s a little more muney, but we can not but a price on her health. What is apparently what BB is doing by not recalling there food and fixing this.

  213. linda555555 February 7, 2015 at 1:53 pm #

    Can u post one u find that works for your shep I’m haveing same problem thanks.

  214. lovelabsX3 February 13, 2015 at 5:17 pm #

    Hi, Kevin – Scary but I just had the same experience with a new bag of Blue Wilderness Chicken Recipe. Our Lab would always eat it and seemed to do well on it, but this bag was a totally different story. Stomach rumbling, diarrhea, and refusing to eat the food – though he’d eat plain chicken, etc. So I’m with you. Something’s up with the ingredients or the formula, or both.


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