Oct. 22, 2024

Alpo Dog Food Reviews

Top 5 Ingredients*
  1. Ground yellow corn

  2. Meat and bone meal

  3. Soybean meal

  4. Beef tallow preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of vitamin e)

  5. Corn gluten meal

Artificial Ingredients Yes
Contains By-products Yes
Price Range $
*Purina Alpo Prime Cuts Savory Beef Flavor was selected as the recipe for this ingredient list
What's good about this pet food
  • animal proteins
What's not so good about this pet food
  • meat by-products
  • corn
  • animal fat
  • brewers rice
  • added color

Our Analysis

Unfortunately, Alpo dog food is of such a poor quality that we felt that we could not give it any stars. Alpo is owned by Purina Pet Foods which is owned by Nestle and it is manufactured in Nestle owned U.S. facilities. The ingredients in Alpo’s canned and dry food are not fit for dog consumption. There is nothing healthy for the dogs in the food.

Most of the main ingredients in the food includes a filler such as ground corn, meat by-products (which are the most undesirable parts of the cow), chicken by-products (the most undesirable parts of the chicken), brewers rice, and the list goes on and on. There is not anything good to say about this food. Purina should really be ashamed of themselves that they sell this when they have to know that it should not be fed to dogs—nor any living being.

The Word on the Street...

Customer reviews of Alpo brand dog food are mostly negative. Many dog owners share the view that Alpo is a low-quality, inexpensive dog food formula that does not provide good nutrition for dogs. The inclusion of chemical preservatives was a factor that many dog owners found undesirable. Also, corn being the first ingredient in many Alpo formulas caused many dog owners to avoid feeding it to their dogs.

Many dogs that have been fed Alpo seem to develop gastrointestinal symptoms, dry skin, itching, low energy levels and bad breath. There are a few people who say that their dog thrives on Alpo. The consensus seems to be that the dog may be doing well, but it is not because of Alpo. The dog would probably be doing even better eating another food—actually almost any other food.

  • sky suke

    What if I recently adopted a 7 yr old Maltese and his previous owner has been feeding him this crap for 7 yrs??! T.T Now it’s hard to get him to eat other better food (Brit/Sam’s Field) I buy too. Not sure because he’s not used to it or it’s too hard for his teeth. Gosh.

    • Jenn

      Try wetting the dry food a bit.

  • scott

    I went to Giant Eagle store and they have been out of Alpo can dog food for 2 weeks
    Then looked online to see Alpo can dogfood has been pulled from the self due to ingredients from China that is poisonous. My 2 dogs eat a can a day and both have been to vet this month due to severe ithing and sour stomachs.After a $200 vet bill, I find all this out. Anyone else see Alpo can dog food pulled from self or new problems with their dogs?

    • kane51

      Yes, none on the shelves here in SW Florida, either..switching to another healthier brand.

    • cory

      Giant Eagle in my town had a sign up that said due to manufacture issues they were limited. I didnt think anyhthing of it so I bought the Alpo chop house. My dog is now itching insanely and hasnt wanted to eat her food. As well as has had bad gas and upset belly. Im so afraid. I hope nothing else happens to her. I washed her bowl out good and gave her different food.

  • katRnator

    You’re all morons, I haven’t read one review that would point to Alpo dog food as the evil culprit everyone is trying to make it out to be. Most of you do not stick to one diet but change randomly and quickly. Instead of properly transitioning your pet to a new food you throw it in their bowl and in turn cause your beloved pet’s vomiting and diarrhea. Instead of looking for a scape goat pull a Micheal Jackson and look at the man in the mirror and hold yourself accountable for your irresponsible actions.Owning a dog isn’t a privilege it’s a responsibly they depend on you to know what is best for them so get off your ass and learn some basic dog care.

    In case ‘ain’t nobody got time fo dat’
    The Essentials of Dog Care for a Healthy Pet – For Dummies

    I also find it hilarious that for such a negative review that alpo dog food coupons are being promoted for future purchases oh the irony.



  • T

    We have 5 dogs and all of them are very sick after we fed them Alpo Prime Cuts. All of them are throwing up in large amounts and won’t eat. One of them can’t even walk well actually he can hardly stand. The Alpo food company needs to stop POISONING dogs and just recall all of their food. We will never buy Alpo again. Especially if our dogs end up dying because our sickest is our best dog…. our Daschound that we have had for over 8 years.

  • A

    My dog died today after I fed him alpo… Very pissed about this

  • Sharee

    I purchased a large bag of Alpo Prime Cuts Dry food on May 20th and on May 21st I thought my little Chihuahua/Dachshund was going to die. He was vomiting like crazy and was very lethargic, his heart was racing and his eyes were glazed. Poor boy was so sick. (one feeding of Alpo) My large Lab/Retriever(120lbs) ate about half of his usual serving the first night and never touched it the next 2 nights. Not like him to turn his nose up to food. I bought a different brand and my Lab is very happy now and eating just fine. My little one is still not eating very good but is feeling more like himself. Finally! I believe that there was something wrong with this latest bag of dog food. It’s almost like it was poisoning my dogs.

    I will NEVER EVER buy ALPO again.

  • Angel

    I had a 2 year old peek-a-poo that was healthy and active until feeding him Alpo for the first time. After eating the Alpo he was vomiting and had bloody diarrhea. I took him to the Vet the next day and had test run but the Vet was puzzled. My dog had become severely ill in a day’s time and it wasn’t much more that the Vet could do.

  • Toni

    I bought a bag of Alpo Dry dog food about a week ago. One of my dogs, who is a Chihuahua mix, started with diarrhea yesterday morning that quickly turned into bloody diarrhea. The vet said it was most probably the Alpo. After subcutaneous IV fluids, medicine for diarrhea and nausea, and a $190 vet bill, she is much better today. No more Alpo for my 3 dogs!

  • pegleggreg

    I went to FDA web site and found no recall for ALPO canned. In the future please link to your references. thanks. However two weeks ago my dog was vomitting with alternating constipation and diahhrea. The vet kept him for three days. He had stopped eating by then. Then vet got him to eat after two days and put him on a probiotic. Vet was not able to identify the problem. Stools are getting back to normal. Dog is 80 lb mixed breed from the pound, about 7yr old

  • Doris

    I had purchased a huge bag of come and get it
    I usually don’t by aplo its usually kibbles and bits for my 3 Chihuahuas I am so regretting that I bought it my dogs have been disoriented passing out lethargic has runny poop my poor dogs..its scary my heart is breaking ..alpo stop killing peoples pets..

  • Misty Kitchens

    I purchased a bag of dry Alpo Wednesday night and then fed it to my dogs Thursday night. When we got up Friday morning 2 of my dogs (1 dachshund and one lab/mix) were both throwing and having seizures. Both dogs were very healthy and active up until this point! We rushed them to the vet thinking it was a virus….the vet tested for everything under the moon but it all came back negative. My dachshund spent the past 4 days hooked up to IV’s and is going to make it, but the lab mix passed away last night. Something has got to be done about this company selling POISON to our dogs!!!! I called and reported it, and they offered to send me a “voucher” for another bag of Alpo….WOW!

  • Shari

    My dog has been on alpo home style and chop house for years and hasdone great on them. Now all of the sudden she has started throwing it up in massive amounts & multiple times after just one feeding. Has their been any recalls that I need to know about? I stopped letting her have it thinking that she maybe had a virus but I waited like a month and gave her another can and she did the same thing. Please let me know asap! Thank u!

  • Leta

    Previously, I’ve had 2 dogs that lived 17 & 14 years eating Alpo. My 3 big dogs just started eating Alpo a couple of months ago and it seemed ok. But this week I opened a new bag of Prime Cuts and all 3 of my dogs have been really ill. One dog vomited a lot the first night, the other two started vomiting the next day and one continued for a couple of days and didn’t eat anything for almost 3 days. It appears they are all recovering but only because I stopped the food after only 2 feedings.

    • Robert

      My dog was doing the same thing. I have been feeding him come and get it for over a year. Well he stopped eating and was vomiting. Seem to last for a couple of days. Well he ended up dying last week. He started convulsing one day last week and was dead by morning. We miss him dearly.

  • Steve

    “The consensus seems to be that the dog may be doing well, but it is not because of Alpo.”

    Yeah, don’t let anything like “dog owners who positively reviewed Alpo” get in the way of your obvious hate for this company. I am sure there are better things you can feed your dog than Alpo, but to take a shot at the end of what i assume was supposed to pass for a fair review of this product, because you couldn’t stand to have those 5 or 10 people disagree with you, is childish. grow up. stop wasting peoples time already and just change the website to petfoodjihad. have a nice day.

  • Jeffery Chavez

    I have been giving my dog Bear Pedigree Pouches for years and have not experienced any ill effects then I saw the “Alpo Chop House cooked in Savory Juices” for a buck less per box so purchased it.

    Been giving it to my Bear a 10 year old yellow lab for the last 2 weeks – 3 weeks and I notice he had unusual slow behavior and depressed looking and just 4 days ago he was unable to move and looking very weak. Never thought the food could have done that to him.

    Took him to the Vet hospital for 2 full days with overnight stays. Turns out the vet said his blood work came back with a serious infection with fever running at 104 degrees but could find where it was coming from. All she said it was pretty obvious from the WBC count and fever. That incident almost killed my dog not to mention the $1200 bill I got for everything to treat him. This really pisses me off that they could be selling food products for our pets that could end their lives not to mention the suffering.

    Maybe something is wrong with that food they are selling?

    I have been continuing his antibiotics and pain medicine in pill form at home. His fever has gone down and is resting at home. He doesn’t have the same zip as he used to before he started eating the Alpo Chop House food but that could be in part of the meds he needs to finish.

    What a nightmare. I’ve since went back to the Pedigree pouches. Like I said it is very coincidental so I have decided to take the left over cans to get them tested for any dangerous bacteria or toxins.

    I want to know just what is in that can food.
    And if they are any agents or components of that food that can cause harm they need to take responsibility for it. I just don’t have $1200 to plunk down for emergency care when it could be someone else’s negligence.

    and the story continues.

  • EdB

    My Shetland Sheepdog is 10 and a half. She is my second Sheltie. My first one lived to be almost 13, before we had to put her to sleep. BOTH dogs would not eat any dry dog food except Come And Get It. Back in 1990, I didn’t know everything I have learned over the past two days. Well, my dog got sick this past week. I bought a new bag and started it on Friday. She went to the vet today and we found out she has an infection. It is not a urinary infection, and the vet doesn’t know what kind of infection it is. It showed up in the blood work, not in her urine. Thankfully, what made me realize something was wrong was that she totally quit eating her Come And Get It on Saturday. Simply refused to touch it. She drinks almost non-stop and has to pee all the time. She has oral antibiotics now that we will start tomorrow. She got a shot of antibiotics today after the blood and urine work was done. I hope I discovered my mistake soon enough. She is anemic. Her white blood cells are high. I hope the antibiotics work and that we’ve caught it on time. I will never touch another Alpo / Purina food again, much less give it to my dog. The research I’ve done online these past two evenings is appalling. I now realize I was slowly but surely killing my first Sheltie; I hope I haven’t done it to my second.

  • Tony martin

    I purchased 1 bag of come and get it a 14 pound bag, and the problem was the dog food was in small broken pieces, this is the first time I had this problem,because I buy this dog food all the time!

  • regina WROBLESKI

    My dog eats the alpo can wet food fleit mingon select brand she has had bloody diarrhea all over the place and is very sick contacted alpo and got no information or help just that they said its not there food makeing her sick …alpo does not stand behind there brand and should be taken off store shelves I have seen nothing positive about alpo in my online searchs

  • David

    I bought a bag of Alpo Prime Cuts Savory Beef for our 8 year old mixed breed dog Abbie yesterday morning. I fed her a bowl of it before I left for work. She was perfectly healthy when I left, but when I got home she had passed on for currently unknown reasons. I had only been gone for six hours, and there wasn’t any odd behavior on the surveillance system I have set up. The only thing that could have killed her was the dog food. I have already made a report with the FDA, in hopes that other dogs do not share the same fate.

    • cm

      the same exact thing happened to my german shepeard..he was fine, then ate the alpo savory beef started acting disoriented throwing up and passed away …he was fine, just had a vet visit less then a month ago…

      • Dj

        Ive been feeding my dog lily ( a 5 months golden retriever) alpo puppy for months now and I didn’t know anything about dog foods, i just thought it was a good choice cause its kind of expensive here in the Philippines but since i read the comments here about the effects it came to me, my dog was pooping a very vile smelling poop and watery kind and soft, then she keeps on eating but its kind of weird cause she’s still under weight then the other day i saw her vomiting and i got worried. I’m going to stop feeding her that ALPO DRY PUPPY food thing. I just hope its not too late. Can any one here suggest any QUALITY dog food that I can replace ALPO i dont wanna buy another brand and turn out to be the same or God forbids even worst. I love my dog, she was my dream dog when i was growing up, i only got her because i had a job and i can finally have one, and now I’m worried to lose her. can anyone help me find the best food for her. thank you so much. God bless! I hope the people responsible creating this kind of Dog food would open there eyes and stop already, and may God have mercy on their souls.

  • Alicia

    Just heard about all this talk about the Alpo Food, Our English mastiff passed away a year ago. She was 6 years old and for 5 years ate Alpo dry prime cuts and Alpo Prime slices beef/gravy and chicken/gravy. Now looking back and reading comments I think the food may have caused her death a long slow death. We took her every year for a check and what shots needed when, she was healthy by looking at her but always under weight. We figured well she does run a lot. In 2012 she became more and more lazy and eating less and less. Nasty runny poop. and her breath for years was the nasty smelling thing ever, extremely dry skin and itched all the time, we did everything we could think of to help her. the last week of August 2012 she became really bad not getting up, and just wasn’t her self. September 16th 2012 we had to take Tikka to the vet they did blood work, she couldn’t barely walk. Her blood count was not good. So she was sent to Ithica, NY to Cornell Clinic for animals, After 4 days of care an IV, meds and 6,000 dollars later, we brought her home, there was no improvement and didn’t have a clue what was wrong, she was ill and system was slowing shutting down. She lived till October 4th 2012. We still have the bag of dog food she was eating and the 12 count of can food we had for her.

  • Cherry Vaughan

    My family is heartbroken! Our baby, Roxy, accidentally ate some Alpo canned dog food. We were visiting family and the food was put in a bowl for another pet and my Sweet Bichon Frishe ate this food and became very sluggish. I thought she just had a little tummy ache from wet canned food. We woke up to vomit and diareha on the floor and we were told that her kidney and liver were shutting down. When my vet heard it was Alpo dog food she wanted to know the lot number and information on the can. It had already gone to the trash. My Roxy had only been exposed to this food and now she is dead and we are so heartbroken. Please never buy this food!! I asked the vet was this something that had been ongoing and she said, NO. It happened very rapidly. I am devasted because she was with me at all times and in one minute she ate Alpo dog food. We have lost a member of our family and our lives have changed because a lousy can of Alpo dog food. I have read other people ‘s reviews and I am not the only ONE. Same exact thing happened to their pet. in mourning for my little Roxy.

  • Jessica

    My 6 month old puppy died yesterday from this. My other puppy refused to eat it thank god. My 2 year old child got into it and was in the hospital all night with e coli poisoning. This is from the dry dog food. Worst dog food ever. If you want you family to live don’t buy this. My baby girl suffered for 3 days before she died.Alpo needs to take responsibity for their actions. People should get together and file a class action lawsuit.

  • Kim Goree

    I have been feeding my 2 1/2 year old pup Alpo canned food for over a year, last night I gave him a can of the Chopped house and later that night he was extremely ill projectile vomiting. He then ended up throwing up again at 4:30 a.m. and then again at 7:30 a.m. that was all stomach acid. Not realizing it was the food, I have a 10 week old pup who is on antibotics and my other pup had left a small amount of wet food in his bowl, I do not feed the pup wet food but grabbed a chunk from the other pups bowl and put the pill in it, sure enough she was throwing up within the hour. Thank goodness I did not feed her a can of that stuff or she might not have made it. Sorry folks you get one chance and you make my dogs sick, i can no longer support your product. I just hope tonight they are both o.k.

  • Jason Couch

    IT KILLED MY DOG!!! ALPO CANNED FOOD KILLED MY DOG!!! What am i supposed to do, is there a dog autopsey or something, puking and diareara for 3 days, after 1 can. The exp date says it expires in 2015 sometime. What do i do now?

  • Jennifer Sultana

    My Italian Greyhound is suffering from kidney failure and might pass away tonight. My other Italian Greyhound was following the same line of symptoms but now that I changed the dog food his symptoms are reversing, it will take time but his energy is coming back. ALPO is to blame. I just wish I’d known sooner because tonight might be the last night with my dog. I just hope the other doesn’t die from a broken heart since they’ve been together since he was a puppy. This dog food is a disgrace.

  • Diane

    I tried alpo prime cuts because I was on a tight budget and my puppy had a diarhea and vomitted for two days. This food should not be sold anywhere! I wont buy alpo products ever again!

    • Daniel

      I bought Alpo Prime Cuts on the way home from work on June 8, 2013 and on June 17th had to put my 12 year old shep/lab to sleep. She was in perfect health and woke up to go to work and she was panting and couldn’t walk.
      I thought she just had a heart attack, but now believe it was Alpo Prime Cuts that killed her. I’ve been reading online and other pet owners dogs had these same symptoms. All either died or had to be put to sleep.

  • Michelle

    I usually feed my Jack Russell Dry food, but recently ran out and decide to try wet food again abd picked up Alpo Prime Cuts. She has had dirreaha for the last few days, and had several accidents in the house which she usually never does. I have found many complaints and worried about her health. NEVER again will I buy Alpo anything!!!

  • Kelly

    I switched our dogs to Alpo Prime Cuts about 3 days ago because it was on sale and we are on a tight budget….shame on me. For the past 3 days, they have been vomiting and having diarrhea. I can’t believe I even bought this garbage. I feel so bad. We had them on the Rachel Ray’s food as well as the Walgreen’s NICE! brand and they seemed to be fine. Both dogs are mid to large size. Any suggestions on what to do? I gave them boiled chicken and rice last night, but still this morning, vomiting and diarrhea.

  • Janice

    We have been feeding Alpo Dry Prime cuts Beef Flavor for months to our two dogs. Took notice our 1 dog had stopped eating and becoming lethargic and the other vomiting and not herself. Hadn’t heard of any recalls, and this is what pisses me off! there is one, and no one has the balls to step forward on TV etc and warn pet owners!!!
    They better pray there are NO deaths or long term effects from feeding this contaminated food, because I’m sure they will be looking at lawsuits, and I will be right there in line!
    I guess the all mighty dollar is more important than the lives of our companions who count on us to give them the right feed.

  • Kayla Youngs

    I have a 6 year old Yorkie who has never had any digestive issues I recently gave him Alpo Come and Get it Cook out Classics which is a dry dog food and noticed that he was eating more than usual and started to get diarrhea and after a few days was vomiting. This issue has been going on for a week after I put him back on Pedigree I gave him white rice to see if that would help get his digestive issues back on track with no success. I now have to contact my vet since now he has blood in his stool. After reading some review I would advise everyone to stay away from this dog food.

  • larry wise

    i am proud owner of 7 wonderful dogs three chihuahuas 3 bulldogs and a bassethound.i purchased a bag of alpo prime cuts dry food.and all are sick and vomit after eating it and and few would not eat after a few days of this.so instead of calling vet i bought a differnt brand ol roy complete nutrition and so far they are holding it down and eating but still not their selfs.i reported this to purina and only hope they do the right thing and remove it or whatever it takes to prevent this from happeing to other owners and if they are no better i will ask vet for advice on it but so far lots more bad comments than good and if i must legal action will be took on this company so all comments would be appreciated and we could work together in this matter

  • Rena LeBlanc

    I looked up reviews if Alpo because both of my dogs have been having problems after eating Alpo canned food. One dog threw up the last two days. The other dog is acting sick and wouldn’t even eat the food today. I’m switching to another brand.

    Thank goodness for reviews on the internet.

    • Pat Fields

      I have fed my 12 year old dog Alpo canned dog food most of her life. Last weekend she started throwing up and got very weak. I took her to the vet and when he ran bloodwork he said it was all messed up. He gave her a shot and wanted me to leave her for an IV. I took her home instead and started to feed her whole milk once she quit throwing up. She returned to herself just this past weekend. I have changed dog food and she is back to eating again, running around and acting like herself again. I think it was the dog food. I won’t by Alpo again.

  • Asha

    My dog has been eating Alpo for months (she is only a puppy)… We don’t agree that Alpo is not a worst food because we never go to vet because of the food, but my other dog died because of Pedigree… And when my puppy starts eating Alpo, she became healthy… I don’t know why Alpo has many negative reviews/ complaints about their food…

  • Tina

    I been feeding this to my dogs and they have the worst breath ever, it has been terrible, my male dog has became over weight and both dogs breath smells awful, I went to a friends house and noticed his dogs breath smelled terrible too and then I spotted the same brand of dog food “Alpo Prime cuts dog food”, I came to this web page to see if anyone has used this and had the same bad effects with their dogs, we will be switching dog foods today.

  • Jane

    We bought one bag of Alpo Prime Cuts. At first our dog ate it, but when he urinated on the lawn it was extremely concentrated and had an odd color. Within two days, the dog refused to eat any at all and would only eat his treat dog biscuits. After changing back to his regular dry food he has almost regained the 7 pounds he lost and begun to act like himself.

    We were never able to find anything wrong with the food, but in our searching we came across a url that lists the latest pet food recalls. I thought I’d share it for those who want to check on this


  • matty

    Bought a bag of alpo at Walmart and when I opened it, it was full of tiny red ants. Will never buy again.

  • yukko

    NEVER give this to your dog! Feeding my 5-month old english bulldog with Chop House Beef Tenderloin Flavor in Gourmet Gravy has been my worst mistake ever! my dog threw up the whole day and is constantly itching! Alpo should be banned!

  • Lisa McLane

    Today I opened a can of Alpo to mix with dry food for my 7 year old Border collie and my new German Shepher puppy. Thank God I checked it out first. The expiration date was Dec 2012 but the food was black and moldy and smelled terrible.

    Sometimes I give them a snack when I get up at 4:30am to go to work. Maybe I wouldn’t notice it that early but at 5pm I sure did notice it.

    Alpo will never be given to my dogs or cat ever again. They like Iams so I will continue to feed them that food.

    Most people feel deeply for their pets. Shame on Alpo.

    How did they stay in business so long?

  • Jacob Cuellar

    My dog is a 5 year old rotweiler and got extremely sick after eating alpo dog food and he is so sick it’s not funny!! If I could I would take Robert F. Hunsicker out for harming so many dogs.

  • carol Durley

    There is a lot of negitive feed back about alpo I just wanted to say my dog is now 16years old and has only ever had alpo dry dog food and has never had to go to a vet so id say it’s not that bad he seem very satisfied with it.

  • vicki

    Gave my pug a quarter of the can. he threw up. that was three days ago. he is constantly itching –it is painful to see. even the benadryl isn’t working. to the vet tomorrow. appears that canned alpo is absolute crap for the dog.

    • Serena

      I agree that this is the worst food. I am a new dog owner, and so I just chose a food for my pooch by brand recognition, and that choice was Alpo. What a mistake. My dog did not do well on this food at all, and I thought that he was sick. My vet suggested that I switch foods, so I went to Costco and picked up Kirkland. His health improved immensely. I will always do research first, I will never just go by the brand that I have heard of again. Lesson learned.

  • sdkjfhiuse

    i heared that dogs are used in this product like dogs that have beeen euthenized are use in alpo kibbles ? is it true ? that’s like cannibalism for dogs !

    • Scott Hawkins

      I can’t believe what just happened. I opened a can of alpo to mix with my dogs dry food as I looked in his bowl there was a straight razor blade that came out of the can. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I’m very shocked and can only wonder has this happen to anyone else?

      • Rita Smith

        I was having trouble with a finicky eater last week, so I opened a can of alpo to get him to eat. This was Tuesday. He ate a can of cuts and gravy and 3 hours later threw up the whole thing. I called vet on Wednesday, she ran blood test – came back with Kidney failure and died on Sunday. May never know for sue what caused it, but right now I am very suspicious. If you ask me, I will never buy alpo again.

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More Information

Who Makes Alpo?

The company who makes Alpo dog food is currently owned by the Nestle Purina Petcare Company. The actual Alpo brand of dog food was first developed in Allentown, PA in 1936 by a man named Robert F. Hunsicker.

Alpo Dog Food Recall

As of right now, Alpo dog food has been involved in several pet food recalls. Several of Alpo’s dog food formulas are currently listed on the FDA’s pet food recall list, mostly consisting of their “Prime Cuts” canned dog food. Since the recall only affects certain batches of canned food with specific expiration dates, you can find more detailed information on the FDA’s pet food recall website.

Alpo Recipes

Alpo Dry Recipes:

  • Alpo Prime cuts Savory Beef Flavor
  • Alpo Come N’ Get It Cookout Classics

Alpo Canned Recipes:

  • Homestyle Prime Cuts With Beef in Gravy
  • Homestyle Prime Cuts With Lamb and Rice in Gravy
  • Homestyle Prime Cuts With Turkey & Bacon in Gravy
  • Homestyle Prime Cuts With Beef, Bacon & Cheese in Gravy
  • Homestyle Prime Cuts With London Grill & Wholesome Veggie Accents in Gravy
  • Homestyle Prime Cuts With Chicken & Wholesome Veggie Accents
  • Homestyle Prime Slices with Roast Beef Flavor in Gravy
  • Homestyle Prime Slices with Beef in Gravy
  • Homestyle Prime Slices with Chicken in Gravy
  • Homestyle Prime Slices with Lamb in Gravy
  • Homestyle Hidden Goodness with Beef and a Touch of Tender Veggies
  • Homestyle Hidden Goodness with Chicken and a Touch of Tender Veggies
  • Homestyle Hidden Goodness with Lamb and a Touch of Tender Veggies
  • Chop House Filet Mignon Flavor Cooked in Savory Juices
  • Chop House Top Sirloin Flavor Cooked in Savory Juices
  • Chop House Rib Eye Flavor Cooked in Savory Juices
  • Chop House Roasted Chicken Flavor Cooked in Savory Juices
  • Chop House T-bone Steak Flavor in Gourmet Gravy
  • Chop House Beef Tenderloin Flavor in Gourmet Gravy
  • Chop House Rotisserie Chicken Flavor in Gourmet Gravy

Alpo Consumer Info

Where can I buy Alpo?

You may be wondering, “Where can I buy Alpo Dog Food?”. To assist you, we have included links on the specific Alpo formula pages to purchase Alpo dog food.

How much Alpo should I feed my dog?

A common question that many pet owners have, is “How much Alpo dog food should I feed my dog?”. Since the answer is dependent on several factors (such as your dog’s age, weight, activity level, etc) always follow the specific instructions on your formula’s packaging.

Have you fed your dog any of the Alpo dog food dry or canned formulas? Do you have feedback that could help other pet owners? Please share your review of Alpo dog food!

Ingredient List*

Alpo Dog Food Ingredient List

*for Purina Alpo Prime Cuts Savory Beef Flavor

Alpo Coupons

Alpo Coupons

More Alpo Coupons…

57 Responses to Alpo

  1. sky suke January 25, 2015 at 10:08 am #

    What if I recently adopted a 7 yr old Maltese and his previous owner has been feeding him this crap for 7 yrs??! T.T Now it’s hard to get him to eat other better food (Brit/Sam’s Field) I buy too. Not sure because he’s not used to it or it’s too hard for his teeth. Gosh.

    • Jenn February 26, 2015 at 1:17 am #

      Try wetting the dry food a bit.

  2. scott December 4, 2014 at 2:39 pm #

    I went to Giant Eagle store and they have been out of Alpo can dog food for 2 weeks
    Then looked online to see Alpo can dogfood has been pulled from the self due to ingredients from China that is poisonous. My 2 dogs eat a can a day and both have been to vet this month due to severe ithing and sour stomachs.After a $200 vet bill, I find all this out. Anyone else see Alpo can dog food pulled from self or new problems with their dogs?

    • kane51 December 6, 2014 at 7:20 pm #

      Yes, none on the shelves here in SW Florida, either..switching to another healthier brand.

    • cory December 20, 2014 at 12:44 am #

      Giant Eagle in my town had a sign up that said due to manufacture issues they were limited. I didnt think anyhthing of it so I bought the Alpo chop house. My dog is now itching insanely and hasnt wanted to eat her food. As well as has had bad gas and upset belly. Im so afraid. I hope nothing else happens to her. I washed her bowl out good and gave her different food.

  3. katRnator October 17, 2014 at 11:00 pm #

    You’re all morons, I haven’t read one review that would point to Alpo dog food as the evil culprit everyone is trying to make it out to be. Most of you do not stick to one diet but change randomly and quickly. Instead of properly transitioning your pet to a new food you throw it in their bowl and in turn cause your beloved pet’s vomiting and diarrhea. Instead of looking for a scape goat pull a Micheal Jackson and look at the man in the mirror and hold yourself accountable for your irresponsible actions.Owning a dog isn’t a privilege it’s a responsibly they depend on you to know what is best for them so get off your ass and learn some basic dog care.

    In case ‘ain’t nobody got time fo dat’
    The Essentials of Dog Care for a Healthy Pet – For Dummies

    I also find it hilarious that for such a negative review that alpo dog food coupons are being promoted for future purchases oh the irony.

  4. JASON August 13, 2014 at 4:55 am #


  5. T July 19, 2014 at 1:27 pm #

    We have 5 dogs and all of them are very sick after we fed them Alpo Prime Cuts. All of them are throwing up in large amounts and won’t eat. One of them can’t even walk well actually he can hardly stand. The Alpo food company needs to stop POISONING dogs and just recall all of their food. We will never buy Alpo again. Especially if our dogs end up dying because our sickest is our best dog…. our Daschound that we have had for over 8 years.

  6. A July 13, 2014 at 11:28 pm #

    My dog died today after I fed him alpo… Very pissed about this

  7. Sharee May 29, 2014 at 11:32 pm #

    I purchased a large bag of Alpo Prime Cuts Dry food on May 20th and on May 21st I thought my little Chihuahua/Dachshund was going to die. He was vomiting like crazy and was very lethargic, his heart was racing and his eyes were glazed. Poor boy was so sick. (one feeding of Alpo) My large Lab/Retriever(120lbs) ate about half of his usual serving the first night and never touched it the next 2 nights. Not like him to turn his nose up to food. I bought a different brand and my Lab is very happy now and eating just fine. My little one is still not eating very good but is feeling more like himself. Finally! I believe that there was something wrong with this latest bag of dog food. It’s almost like it was poisoning my dogs.

    I will NEVER EVER buy ALPO again.

  8. Angel May 9, 2014 at 11:32 pm #

    I had a 2 year old peek-a-poo that was healthy and active until feeding him Alpo for the first time. After eating the Alpo he was vomiting and had bloody diarrhea. I took him to the Vet the next day and had test run but the Vet was puzzled. My dog had become severely ill in a day’s time and it wasn’t much more that the Vet could do.

  9. Toni March 27, 2014 at 4:45 pm #

    I bought a bag of Alpo Dry dog food about a week ago. One of my dogs, who is a Chihuahua mix, started with diarrhea yesterday morning that quickly turned into bloody diarrhea. The vet said it was most probably the Alpo. After subcutaneous IV fluids, medicine for diarrhea and nausea, and a $190 vet bill, she is much better today. No more Alpo for my 3 dogs!

  10. pegleggreg March 26, 2014 at 9:57 pm #

    I went to FDA web site and found no recall for ALPO canned. In the future please link to your references. thanks. However two weeks ago my dog was vomitting with alternating constipation and diahhrea. The vet kept him for three days. He had stopped eating by then. Then vet got him to eat after two days and put him on a probiotic. Vet was not able to identify the problem. Stools are getting back to normal. Dog is 80 lb mixed breed from the pound, about 7yr old

  11. Doris March 22, 2014 at 9:07 pm #

    I had purchased a huge bag of come and get it
    I usually don’t by aplo its usually kibbles and bits for my 3 Chihuahuas I am so regretting that I bought it my dogs have been disoriented passing out lethargic has runny poop my poor dogs..its scary my heart is breaking ..alpo stop killing peoples pets..

  12. Misty Kitchens February 11, 2014 at 11:17 pm #

    I purchased a bag of dry Alpo Wednesday night and then fed it to my dogs Thursday night. When we got up Friday morning 2 of my dogs (1 dachshund and one lab/mix) were both throwing and having seizures. Both dogs were very healthy and active up until this point! We rushed them to the vet thinking it was a virus….the vet tested for everything under the moon but it all came back negative. My dachshund spent the past 4 days hooked up to IV’s and is going to make it, but the lab mix passed away last night. Something has got to be done about this company selling POISON to our dogs!!!! I called and reported it, and they offered to send me a “voucher” for another bag of Alpo….WOW!

  13. Shari February 9, 2014 at 1:04 pm #

    My dog has been on alpo home style and chop house for years and hasdone great on them. Now all of the sudden she has started throwing it up in massive amounts & multiple times after just one feeding. Has their been any recalls that I need to know about? I stopped letting her have it thinking that she maybe had a virus but I waited like a month and gave her another can and she did the same thing. Please let me know asap! Thank u!

  14. Leta January 31, 2014 at 3:22 pm #

    Previously, I’ve had 2 dogs that lived 17 & 14 years eating Alpo. My 3 big dogs just started eating Alpo a couple of months ago and it seemed ok. But this week I opened a new bag of Prime Cuts and all 3 of my dogs have been really ill. One dog vomited a lot the first night, the other two started vomiting the next day and one continued for a couple of days and didn’t eat anything for almost 3 days. It appears they are all recovering but only because I stopped the food after only 2 feedings.

    • Robert February 6, 2014 at 9:41 pm #

      My dog was doing the same thing. I have been feeding him come and get it for over a year. Well he stopped eating and was vomiting. Seem to last for a couple of days. Well he ended up dying last week. He started convulsing one day last week and was dead by morning. We miss him dearly.

  15. Steve January 16, 2014 at 8:56 am #

    “The consensus seems to be that the dog may be doing well, but it is not because of Alpo.”

    Yeah, don’t let anything like “dog owners who positively reviewed Alpo” get in the way of your obvious hate for this company. I am sure there are better things you can feed your dog than Alpo, but to take a shot at the end of what i assume was supposed to pass for a fair review of this product, because you couldn’t stand to have those 5 or 10 people disagree with you, is childish. grow up. stop wasting peoples time already and just change the website to petfoodjihad. have a nice day.

  16. Jeffery Chavez December 15, 2013 at 4:29 pm #

    I have been giving my dog Bear Pedigree Pouches for years and have not experienced any ill effects then I saw the “Alpo Chop House cooked in Savory Juices” for a buck less per box so purchased it.

    Been giving it to my Bear a 10 year old yellow lab for the last 2 weeks – 3 weeks and I notice he had unusual slow behavior and depressed looking and just 4 days ago he was unable to move and looking very weak. Never thought the food could have done that to him.

    Took him to the Vet hospital for 2 full days with overnight stays. Turns out the vet said his blood work came back with a serious infection with fever running at 104 degrees but could find where it was coming from. All she said it was pretty obvious from the WBC count and fever. That incident almost killed my dog not to mention the $1200 bill I got for everything to treat him. This really pisses me off that they could be selling food products for our pets that could end their lives not to mention the suffering.

    Maybe something is wrong with that food they are selling?

    I have been continuing his antibiotics and pain medicine in pill form at home. His fever has gone down and is resting at home. He doesn’t have the same zip as he used to before he started eating the Alpo Chop House food but that could be in part of the meds he needs to finish.

    What a nightmare. I’ve since went back to the Pedigree pouches. Like I said it is very coincidental so I have decided to take the left over cans to get them tested for any dangerous bacteria or toxins.

    I want to know just what is in that can food.
    And if they are any agents or components of that food that can cause harm they need to take responsibility for it. I just don’t have $1200 to plunk down for emergency care when it could be someone else’s negligence.

    and the story continues.

  17. EdB December 9, 2013 at 10:13 pm #

    My Shetland Sheepdog is 10 and a half. She is my second Sheltie. My first one lived to be almost 13, before we had to put her to sleep. BOTH dogs would not eat any dry dog food except Come And Get It. Back in 1990, I didn’t know everything I have learned over the past two days. Well, my dog got sick this past week. I bought a new bag and started it on Friday. She went to the vet today and we found out she has an infection. It is not a urinary infection, and the vet doesn’t know what kind of infection it is. It showed up in the blood work, not in her urine. Thankfully, what made me realize something was wrong was that she totally quit eating her Come And Get It on Saturday. Simply refused to touch it. She drinks almost non-stop and has to pee all the time. She has oral antibiotics now that we will start tomorrow. She got a shot of antibiotics today after the blood and urine work was done. I hope I discovered my mistake soon enough. She is anemic. Her white blood cells are high. I hope the antibiotics work and that we’ve caught it on time. I will never touch another Alpo / Purina food again, much less give it to my dog. The research I’ve done online these past two evenings is appalling. I now realize I was slowly but surely killing my first Sheltie; I hope I haven’t done it to my second.

  18. Tony martin December 2, 2013 at 7:12 pm #

    I purchased 1 bag of come and get it a 14 pound bag, and the problem was the dog food was in small broken pieces, this is the first time I had this problem,because I buy this dog food all the time!

  19. regina WROBLESKI November 28, 2013 at 5:29 pm #

    My dog eats the alpo can wet food fleit mingon select brand she has had bloody diarrhea all over the place and is very sick contacted alpo and got no information or help just that they said its not there food makeing her sick …alpo does not stand behind there brand and should be taken off store shelves I have seen nothing positive about alpo in my online searchs

  20. David November 17, 2013 at 8:19 am #

    I bought a bag of Alpo Prime Cuts Savory Beef for our 8 year old mixed breed dog Abbie yesterday morning. I fed her a bowl of it before I left for work. She was perfectly healthy when I left, but when I got home she had passed on for currently unknown reasons. I had only been gone for six hours, and there wasn’t any odd behavior on the surveillance system I have set up. The only thing that could have killed her was the dog food. I have already made a report with the FDA, in hopes that other dogs do not share the same fate.

    • cm November 20, 2013 at 4:02 pm #

      the same exact thing happened to my german shepeard..he was fine, then ate the alpo savory beef started acting disoriented throwing up and passed away …he was fine, just had a vet visit less then a month ago…

      • Dj March 1, 2014 at 12:36 am #

        Ive been feeding my dog lily ( a 5 months golden retriever) alpo puppy for months now and I didn’t know anything about dog foods, i just thought it was a good choice cause its kind of expensive here in the Philippines but since i read the comments here about the effects it came to me, my dog was pooping a very vile smelling poop and watery kind and soft, then she keeps on eating but its kind of weird cause she’s still under weight then the other day i saw her vomiting and i got worried. I’m going to stop feeding her that ALPO DRY PUPPY food thing. I just hope its not too late. Can any one here suggest any QUALITY dog food that I can replace ALPO i dont wanna buy another brand and turn out to be the same or God forbids even worst. I love my dog, she was my dream dog when i was growing up, i only got her because i had a job and i can finally have one, and now I’m worried to lose her. can anyone help me find the best food for her. thank you so much. God bless! I hope the people responsible creating this kind of Dog food would open there eyes and stop already, and may God have mercy on their souls.

  21. Alicia October 31, 2013 at 12:43 pm #

    Just heard about all this talk about the Alpo Food, Our English mastiff passed away a year ago. She was 6 years old and for 5 years ate Alpo dry prime cuts and Alpo Prime slices beef/gravy and chicken/gravy. Now looking back and reading comments I think the food may have caused her death a long slow death. We took her every year for a check and what shots needed when, she was healthy by looking at her but always under weight. We figured well she does run a lot. In 2012 she became more and more lazy and eating less and less. Nasty runny poop. and her breath for years was the nasty smelling thing ever, extremely dry skin and itched all the time, we did everything we could think of to help her. the last week of August 2012 she became really bad not getting up, and just wasn’t her self. September 16th 2012 we had to take Tikka to the vet they did blood work, she couldn’t barely walk. Her blood count was not good. So she was sent to Ithica, NY to Cornell Clinic for animals, After 4 days of care an IV, meds and 6,000 dollars later, we brought her home, there was no improvement and didn’t have a clue what was wrong, she was ill and system was slowing shutting down. She lived till October 4th 2012. We still have the bag of dog food she was eating and the 12 count of can food we had for her.

  22. Cherry Vaughan September 4, 2013 at 10:03 pm #

    My family is heartbroken! Our baby, Roxy, accidentally ate some Alpo canned dog food. We were visiting family and the food was put in a bowl for another pet and my Sweet Bichon Frishe ate this food and became very sluggish. I thought she just had a little tummy ache from wet canned food. We woke up to vomit and diareha on the floor and we were told that her kidney and liver were shutting down. When my vet heard it was Alpo dog food she wanted to know the lot number and information on the can. It had already gone to the trash. My Roxy had only been exposed to this food and now she is dead and we are so heartbroken. Please never buy this food!! I asked the vet was this something that had been ongoing and she said, NO. It happened very rapidly. I am devasted because she was with me at all times and in one minute she ate Alpo dog food. We have lost a member of our family and our lives have changed because a lousy can of Alpo dog food. I have read other people ‘s reviews and I am not the only ONE. Same exact thing happened to their pet. in mourning for my little Roxy.

  23. Jessica July 28, 2013 at 3:18 pm #

    My 6 month old puppy died yesterday from this. My other puppy refused to eat it thank god. My 2 year old child got into it and was in the hospital all night with e coli poisoning. This is from the dry dog food. Worst dog food ever. If you want you family to live don’t buy this. My baby girl suffered for 3 days before she died.Alpo needs to take responsibity for their actions. People should get together and file a class action lawsuit.

  24. Kim Goree May 21, 2013 at 2:28 pm #

    I have been feeding my 2 1/2 year old pup Alpo canned food for over a year, last night I gave him a can of the Chopped house and later that night he was extremely ill projectile vomiting. He then ended up throwing up again at 4:30 a.m. and then again at 7:30 a.m. that was all stomach acid. Not realizing it was the food, I have a 10 week old pup who is on antibotics and my other pup had left a small amount of wet food in his bowl, I do not feed the pup wet food but grabbed a chunk from the other pups bowl and put the pill in it, sure enough she was throwing up within the hour. Thank goodness I did not feed her a can of that stuff or she might not have made it. Sorry folks you get one chance and you make my dogs sick, i can no longer support your product. I just hope tonight they are both o.k.

  25. Jason Couch May 18, 2013 at 5:29 pm #

    IT KILLED MY DOG!!! ALPO CANNED FOOD KILLED MY DOG!!! What am i supposed to do, is there a dog autopsey or something, puking and diareara for 3 days, after 1 can. The exp date says it expires in 2015 sometime. What do i do now?

  26. Jennifer Sultana May 1, 2013 at 3:42 am #

    My Italian Greyhound is suffering from kidney failure and might pass away tonight. My other Italian Greyhound was following the same line of symptoms but now that I changed the dog food his symptoms are reversing, it will take time but his energy is coming back. ALPO is to blame. I just wish I’d known sooner because tonight might be the last night with my dog. I just hope the other doesn’t die from a broken heart since they’ve been together since he was a puppy. This dog food is a disgrace.

  27. Diane April 16, 2013 at 10:35 pm #

    I tried alpo prime cuts because I was on a tight budget and my puppy had a diarhea and vomitted for two days. This food should not be sold anywhere! I wont buy alpo products ever again!

    • Daniel June 20, 2013 at 1:20 am #

      I bought Alpo Prime Cuts on the way home from work on June 8, 2013 and on June 17th had to put my 12 year old shep/lab to sleep. She was in perfect health and woke up to go to work and she was panting and couldn’t walk.
      I thought she just had a heart attack, but now believe it was Alpo Prime Cuts that killed her. I’ve been reading online and other pet owners dogs had these same symptoms. All either died or had to be put to sleep.

  28. Michelle April 14, 2013 at 1:46 am #

    I usually feed my Jack Russell Dry food, but recently ran out and decide to try wet food again abd picked up Alpo Prime Cuts. She has had dirreaha for the last few days, and had several accidents in the house which she usually never does. I have found many complaints and worried about her health. NEVER again will I buy Alpo anything!!!

  29. Kelly April 10, 2013 at 2:49 pm #

    I switched our dogs to Alpo Prime Cuts about 3 days ago because it was on sale and we are on a tight budget….shame on me. For the past 3 days, they have been vomiting and having diarrhea. I can’t believe I even bought this garbage. I feel so bad. We had them on the Rachel Ray’s food as well as the Walgreen’s NICE! brand and they seemed to be fine. Both dogs are mid to large size. Any suggestions on what to do? I gave them boiled chicken and rice last night, but still this morning, vomiting and diarrhea.

  30. Janice April 2, 2013 at 10:13 pm #

    We have been feeding Alpo Dry Prime cuts Beef Flavor for months to our two dogs. Took notice our 1 dog had stopped eating and becoming lethargic and the other vomiting and not herself. Hadn’t heard of any recalls, and this is what pisses me off! there is one, and no one has the balls to step forward on TV etc and warn pet owners!!!
    They better pray there are NO deaths or long term effects from feeding this contaminated food, because I’m sure they will be looking at lawsuits, and I will be right there in line!
    I guess the all mighty dollar is more important than the lives of our companions who count on us to give them the right feed.

  31. Kayla Youngs March 5, 2013 at 11:54 am #

    I have a 6 year old Yorkie who has never had any digestive issues I recently gave him Alpo Come and Get it Cook out Classics which is a dry dog food and noticed that he was eating more than usual and started to get diarrhea and after a few days was vomiting. This issue has been going on for a week after I put him back on Pedigree I gave him white rice to see if that would help get his digestive issues back on track with no success. I now have to contact my vet since now he has blood in his stool. After reading some review I would advise everyone to stay away from this dog food.

  32. larry wise February 13, 2013 at 3:05 am #

    i am proud owner of 7 wonderful dogs three chihuahuas 3 bulldogs and a bassethound.i purchased a bag of alpo prime cuts dry food.and all are sick and vomit after eating it and and few would not eat after a few days of this.so instead of calling vet i bought a differnt brand ol roy complete nutrition and so far they are holding it down and eating but still not their selfs.i reported this to purina and only hope they do the right thing and remove it or whatever it takes to prevent this from happeing to other owners and if they are no better i will ask vet for advice on it but so far lots more bad comments than good and if i must legal action will be took on this company so all comments would be appreciated and we could work together in this matter

  33. Rena LeBlanc January 11, 2013 at 7:58 pm #

    I looked up reviews if Alpo because both of my dogs have been having problems after eating Alpo canned food. One dog threw up the last two days. The other dog is acting sick and wouldn’t even eat the food today. I’m switching to another brand.

    Thank goodness for reviews on the internet.

    • Pat Fields February 19, 2013 at 2:59 pm #

      I have fed my 12 year old dog Alpo canned dog food most of her life. Last weekend she started throwing up and got very weak. I took her to the vet and when he ran bloodwork he said it was all messed up. He gave her a shot and wanted me to leave her for an IV. I took her home instead and started to feed her whole milk once she quit throwing up. She returned to herself just this past weekend. I have changed dog food and she is back to eating again, running around and acting like herself again. I think it was the dog food. I won’t by Alpo again.

  34. Asha November 11, 2012 at 9:08 am #

    My dog has been eating Alpo for months (she is only a puppy)… We don’t agree that Alpo is not a worst food because we never go to vet because of the food, but my other dog died because of Pedigree… And when my puppy starts eating Alpo, she became healthy… I don’t know why Alpo has many negative reviews/ complaints about their food…

  35. Tina October 26, 2012 at 8:41 am #

    I been feeding this to my dogs and they have the worst breath ever, it has been terrible, my male dog has became over weight and both dogs breath smells awful, I went to a friends house and noticed his dogs breath smelled terrible too and then I spotted the same brand of dog food “Alpo Prime cuts dog food”, I came to this web page to see if anyone has used this and had the same bad effects with their dogs, we will be switching dog foods today.

  36. Jane September 23, 2012 at 4:18 pm #

    We bought one bag of Alpo Prime Cuts. At first our dog ate it, but when he urinated on the lawn it was extremely concentrated and had an odd color. Within two days, the dog refused to eat any at all and would only eat his treat dog biscuits. After changing back to his regular dry food he has almost regained the 7 pounds he lost and begun to act like himself.

    We were never able to find anything wrong with the food, but in our searching we came across a url that lists the latest pet food recalls. I thought I’d share it for those who want to check on this


  37. matty July 14, 2012 at 10:20 pm #

    Bought a bag of alpo at Walmart and when I opened it, it was full of tiny red ants. Will never buy again.

  38. yukko June 18, 2012 at 9:34 pm #

    NEVER give this to your dog! Feeding my 5-month old english bulldog with Chop House Beef Tenderloin Flavor in Gourmet Gravy has been my worst mistake ever! my dog threw up the whole day and is constantly itching! Alpo should be banned!

  39. Lisa McLane May 30, 2012 at 6:05 pm #

    Today I opened a can of Alpo to mix with dry food for my 7 year old Border collie and my new German Shepher puppy. Thank God I checked it out first. The expiration date was Dec 2012 but the food was black and moldy and smelled terrible.

    Sometimes I give them a snack when I get up at 4:30am to go to work. Maybe I wouldn’t notice it that early but at 5pm I sure did notice it.

    Alpo will never be given to my dogs or cat ever again. They like Iams so I will continue to feed them that food.

    Most people feel deeply for their pets. Shame on Alpo.

    How did they stay in business so long?

  40. Jacob Cuellar May 12, 2012 at 2:05 am #

    My dog is a 5 year old rotweiler and got extremely sick after eating alpo dog food and he is so sick it’s not funny!! If I could I would take Robert F. Hunsicker out for harming so many dogs.

  41. carol Durley March 18, 2012 at 11:33 am #

    There is a lot of negitive feed back about alpo I just wanted to say my dog is now 16years old and has only ever had alpo dry dog food and has never had to go to a vet so id say it’s not that bad he seem very satisfied with it.

  42. vicki September 1, 2011 at 5:05 am #

    Gave my pug a quarter of the can. he threw up. that was three days ago. he is constantly itching –it is painful to see. even the benadryl isn’t working. to the vet tomorrow. appears that canned alpo is absolute crap for the dog.

    • Serena November 16, 2011 at 2:13 pm #

      I agree that this is the worst food. I am a new dog owner, and so I just chose a food for my pooch by brand recognition, and that choice was Alpo. What a mistake. My dog did not do well on this food at all, and I thought that he was sick. My vet suggested that I switch foods, so I went to Costco and picked up Kirkland. His health improved immensely. I will always do research first, I will never just go by the brand that I have heard of again. Lesson learned.

  43. sdkjfhiuse June 27, 2011 at 1:20 am #

    i heared that dogs are used in this product like dogs that have beeen euthenized are use in alpo kibbles ? is it true ? that’s like cannibalism for dogs !

    • Scott Hawkins August 2, 2013 at 7:41 am #

      I can’t believe what just happened. I opened a can of alpo to mix with my dogs dry food as I looked in his bowl there was a straight razor blade that came out of the can. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I’m very shocked and can only wonder has this happen to anyone else?

      • Rita Smith August 26, 2013 at 10:28 pm #

        I was having trouble with a finicky eater last week, so I opened a can of alpo to get him to eat. This was Tuesday. He ate a can of cuts and gravy and 3 hours later threw up the whole thing. I called vet on Wednesday, she ran blood test – came back with Kidney failure and died on Sunday. May never know for sue what caused it, but right now I am very suspicious. If you ask me, I will never buy alpo again.

  44. luke October 9, 2014 at 9:25 am #

    Sorry for your loss. This article should be your explanation. Feed your dogs a better food


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