Author Archive | Adam Davies

Raw Food Lifestyle

Many people today realize that the food they eat has a great impact on their health and well being, and yet they do not seem to apply the same logic to their beloved four-legged companions. It is easy to forget that what dogs eat impacts their health and it is our job as responsible caretakers […]

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High Protein Dog Food

Protein is a necessary part of a dog’s diet. Canines are classified as omnivores, which means they need both animal and plant matter for survival and good health. However, there are many websites and other sources of information that state high protein dog food causes kidney and liver disease in canines. This information, although highly […]

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Dog Food Analysis: Fiber, Vitamins and Minerals

Fiber Moderate amounts of fiber in a dog’s diet can help to promote healthy digestion. Unlike other nutrients, fiber passes through the stomach and small intestine without being digested. While passing through the dog’s digestive system, fiber helps to move food, aids in keeping bowel movements regular and prevents constipation. Very high fiber diets, however, […]

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Dog Food Analysis: Fat and Carbohydrates

Fat Unlike humans, dogs do not commonly develop heart disease or other vascular diseases from excess fat intake. Fat tastes great to dogs and helps to make meals feel more satisfying.  However the importance of fat goes beyond its palatability.  Fat is an essential nutrient in dog diets.  Dogs need fat for coat health, brain […]

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Dog Food Analysis: Introduction

It is no coincidence that well-fed dogs are usually the happiest and healthiest of canines.   Just like people, dogs need to eat a properly balanced diet in order to maintain good health and lead long, active lives.  Dog nutrition is very similar to human nutrition, but it is important to remember that dogs are not […]

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Dogs: The Accidental Omnivore

Choosing a dog food is difficult, because there are so many options available.  Pet stores teem with commercial dog diets, each claiming to be “the best dog food.”  If that is not enough, the internet and bookstores are full of information on various home prepared diets, each of which also claims to be “the best.”  […]

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Dog Food Ratings: The “Ideal” Dog Food

To choose the best food for their dogs, owners need to understand the difference between high quality and low quality dog foods.  It is true that any commercial food labeled “complete and balanced” will meet a dog’s basic nutritional needs.  After all, dogs evolved to be survivors.  They can live on on any balanced commercial […]

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