Dog Training Secrets

The best dog trainers in the world have secrets to their success. Although there are standard methods involved with training of all types, there are also hidden tips that many trainers prefer not to leak out. However, we conducted research and found some great information that can make dog training more effective.


This means getting the dog to obey or perform tricks quicker and with less effort. Instead of spending a lot of money to have your dog professionally trained, with this information you can get the same results by training your dog at home.


Developing a Strategy


One of the mistakes that many people make when trying to train a dog is not having a strategy. No matter the command, there needs to be a thought process that takes each step one by one to get the outcome wanted.


For instance, if you have a dog with anxiety issues, destructive behavior, aggression, or barking problems, having a plan works. While it might seem as if the dog wants to rule the roost, the truth is that most dogs are simply frustrated, bored, scared, or even angry and the action is the result.


One of the best dog training secrets for a situation such as this would be to learn ways of modifying the animal’s behavior with positive reinforcement. You would need to stay positive and show a lot of patience, as well as consistency but in the end, you will have a well-behaved dog.


For this, you need to first find out why the dog is behaving badly. Then you would need to determine the right way to treat the behavior. Another part of the strategy would be to learn to think like your dog and talk like your dog. Without doubt, among the top dog training secrets is that communication is a key dynamic to reach success.


Staying Positive


You also want to remember that when feeling frustrated or even angry while training, you must maintain composure. This means being firm and consistent but never hitting or screaming. While this might seem like something obvious, many people that train dogs, whether pet owners or professionals, will yell or pull hard on the leash during commands.


Some trainers believe this puts them in control so the dog will listen but in truth, hitting, yelling, and pulling does the very opposite. Often, dogs become fearful and some actually become aggressive so while training, only positive actions and words work.


Pace Yourself


With training you also need to slow down and pace yourself. Most people want their pets to learn quickly so commands are rushed. This actually causes anxiety and in some breeds, it can lead to lifelong anxiety disorders. Therefore, you need to choose one command and work with your dog on just that command but slowly.


Pay attention to your dog’s response and if you notice he is taking longer than most other breeds, simply realize that he learns slower or that you may need to tweak the training session.




Another mistake seen when it comes to dog training is that pet owners will start teaching commands prior to the dog being socialized. The reason socialization is so important is that it builds confidence, which makes training much easier and more enjoyable.


A great option would be to take a young puppy to a dog park where he can mingle with various breeds but also dogs with different personalities. Socialization also removes fear so when the puppy is faced with a new situation he would have the ability to pay attention rather than fall apart.


Do Not Hesitate


The last of the dog training secrets we wanted to share is to start early. Most people think it is best to wait until a dog gets out of the “puppy stage” before training starts because of the dog not being able to pay attention for any length of time.  However, the best time to begin training is when a puppy is anywhere from eight to ten weeks of age. In fact, the sooner a puppy is trained the better the results.


Rescue Dog Training

Professional Dog Training

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