Pet Haven Blog – One worth a visit!

Here at PetFoodTalk, we know a lot about pets – both from our own research, and the experiences that we’ve had with our furry, scaly and aquatic companions. Something as simple as finding the right type of pet food can be quite challenging, especially when dealing with the amount of information online! We hope to soon be creating a community reviews site, where regular consumers will have a chance to share their input, reviews and experiences with different pet products.

And now, for our pet blogger of the week!

Our favorite pet blogger this week is Matt over at The Pet Haven. Matt’s blog contains a huge amount of well-researched articles, which are about everything from pet health problems to the best place to find pet clothes!


One of our favorite articles was about “poop pick-up services” for pets – something we didn’t even know existed! Apparently there’s a squad of experts that you can hire that will come to your house, clean up your pet’s “mess”, disinfect the area and take the offending material with them when they leave. Great find, Matt!

Matt also writes reviews for different types of pet products, ranging from “Doggie Sushi” to social network sites designed just for pets. One of the great things about The Pet Haven is that the information is honest and straightforward, even in the pet product reviews.
Another great feature of The Pet Haven is that many of the articles offer well-researched tips on how to deal with some common pet health issues. For example, did you know that Macadamia nuts can be toxic to dogs? Did you know that if you’re stressed, you can be causing your cat to be stressed out as well? Were you aware that certain types of dog foods can actually cause cancer?
Overall, The Pet Haven is a great resource with articles on a wide variety of pet-related topics. We enjoy reading what Matt has to say each time he posts, and hope that he continues to update The Pet Haven with new information.
Congratulations to The Pet Haven, for being our favorite pet blog of the week!

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