A great way to save on pet food is to purchase your pet food in bulk. Like with most transactions, purchasing pet food in large quantities may allow you to spend less money. However, there are a few precautions you should use when purchasing your pet food in bulk. Here’s a quick guide to buying in bulk, including where you should look for bulk pet food.
Wholesale Purchasing
If you plan on purchasing a large quantity of bulk pet food on a regular basis, you may be able to apply for a wholesale account with a pet food company. However, this may mean that you have to have a registered business that will be re-selling the pet food formulas. Since the terms of a wholesale account may vary, it pays to do a bit of research. In some cases, you may be able to buy bulk pet food through the wholesale account of an existing business.
Manufacturer’s Website
In some cases, you may be able to buy food in bulk directly from the manufacturer’s website for a specific pet food formula. Though some companies will require you to be approved for a wholesale account, others may simply offer deep discounts on large quantities of their pet food. For companies, offering their food in bulk helps them to save on shipping costs, as well as the cost of manufacturing the packaging.
Big-Box Stores
Some “big box” stores (such as Sam’s Club and BJ’s) may offer bulk pet food for a substantial discount. This may be a bulk quantity of small packages of pet food, or extremely large packages of certain pet food formulas. While not all big box stores carry bulk pet food, it pays to shop around. If you have a membership to any of these big box stores, you can also contact customer service about possibly having bulk pet food special ordered for you to purchase.
Some stores may offer bulk discounts on certain food formulas that they’ve decided to discontinue selling at their location. However, when buying closeouts on bulk pet food, use caution! Always make sure that the food isn’t close to its expiration date, and that the quality of the packaging hasn’t been compromised. It’s also best to make sure that the pet food you’re purchasing hasn’t been involved in any recent pet food recalls.
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