Procter & Gamble is selling three of it’s pet food brands, Iams, Eukanuba and Natura, to Mars for $2.9 billion. Mars current pet food line includes Whiskas, Pedigree, and Royal Canin. Here is the press release from the P&G website.
Mars Buying P&G’s Pet Food Brands for $2.9 Billion
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Well, you can bet the quality will go down for sure.
Helen, for the past few hours I have been checking into what the petco employee told me about changing my dog food from science diet to natural balance. I already have used two bags and got a third one on the way through the mail but after reading about natural balance being bought out by Proctor and Gamble it seems like I need to spend more time than this finding another solution to feeding my pets. I have a 3 year old Beagle and a 2 yr. old Lab.
The way I see it is that I took on this responsibility and although responsibility is a new thing in my life I am sure to at least try my hardest to get this one right. We all rationalize finding reasons for not doing our best and we are often light weights when it comes to relationships but me trying this honest attempt has opened up new things for me to see. My grandmother suggested I get pets and up until a few years ago I never had pets except when I was a child. I think standing up and doing what is right involves work and it often involves losing freinds and family because I can not tell you enough about the stupid thongs I have been told about my pets by the ones who I love. It has opened an honest door in my life to which others are now judged and so far most I have seen are failing me. I even worked as a dog bather and just loved this job for the few months I was there and was fired because I enjoyed my job and was not fast enough for the business. My grandmother saw that I had love to share and felt it was a waste to not have something to share it with and I have learned the dogs have had so much more to share with me than I have gotten from people. Furthermore other people are making a living producing products while in denial so they do nott have to see the effects how their actions cancel out my own good intentions with me deciding to raise a cool little family of mix ups like me, my beagle, and my lab. I wonder what else is for sale here and I wonder when enough is enough. I believe in holding people accountable and I know it has consequences like loosing my job, having less freinds and family but what are the consequences for me being silent and ignoring what is around me. Ignoring is the root word for ignorance and I promised my new family these dogs I would pay attention and try my best with all my honesty in effort. At thanksgiving I lost my job and was homeless for about two months and my family would let me stay with them only if I got rid of my dogs, my uncle let me stay there one day and kicked me out because I smelled like dogs and it was his mother who suggested me to have dogs in the first place. I believe in Dr. Seuss books and as a kid I remember they told me I was not alone and I should stand up for myself and I should stand up for others when they stand. I am afraid of what everyone has sold out for and will we like what we get. Thank you for standing up for all of here on this forum Helen, this is no little thing you did here, you are inspiring to others to stand up too.
Mars makes Sheba cat food- it does not contain wheat, corn, soy or glutens and appears to be a good cat food. Why is it not included in your reviews?