Puddy Tat and Tigger Too
Stories, poems, photos, graphics, health tips, animal welfare and anti-cruelty pages.
Mr. Lee Cat Cam
Photographs taken by cat-carried camera, showing a record of Mr. Lee’s strolls through his neighbourhood and encounters with other cats. With technical background information on the modifications of the camera used.
Tic and Tac’s Kitty Pages
Curl up with two eight-year-old, twin tuxedo tabbies. Original artwork, poems, and stories.
Beauregard’s Tuxedo Tails
Life of a big city kitty. Stories of his household, 2 sisters, and lifestyle. See his personal art gallery of important feline artists.
The Meditative Cat
Meditation inspiration, animal welfare information and links, a cyberclub for cats, pictures of the great outdoors and lots of very photogenic felines.
Tabby Cat – SaSha Chan
Tabby information, cat breeders and fanciers, poisonous plant list, photos, graphics, links.
Pearl Recovers From Surgery
History with pictures of Pearl’s recovery from surgery to remove mammary cancer.
Lisaviolet’s Cathouse
Fun, photos, felines, postcards, a catcam, an online diary, acronyms illustrated by our furry friends, and postcards.